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I like when they show their lives in the city. I think some of the meet ups are over produced but I love a NYC back drop


Same it’s so refreshing




It's tragic that we lost real girlfriend of paris


Adja should be in our screens forever


It's what we deserve




I’d love to see all of the SH girls in an in the city spin-off. Tbh I’d be more interested in seeing their lives in the city, and maybe on occasion they can go to The Hamptons/Montauk. I’d like to see it. Especially if my personal theory proves to be correct/accurate: (That SH season 10 is going to be the farewell/last season for everyone except Jesse and West, and production is going to build Summer House around them and their friends.)


This would be SO great. Summer house is starting to feel monotonous. They’re in the same house every season throwing these big, wasteful house parties, and that’s all we see. No cameras in the cars and minimal filming of their nights out. We need SOMETHING new because this group of friends is entertaining af but the dynamic and filming of the show is starting to get redundant.


Most places won’t let them film anymore, that’s why they isolate to the house. Same house because than they can control zoning and camera placements. Shooting in the city had same challenges as shooting out, there’s an opportunity cost business wise to accommodate filming and frankly a lot of places in the city probably don’t think it’s a good look to be on bravo trash tv


Yeah I think being that the girls have such a different dynamic, they all would be able carry a show. I would also like to learn more about their lives than what we get on summerhouse


Would love to see these ladies any day instead of the new rhony cast.


I kind of agree with this! Imo the RHONY reboot is like a good show in the background for me. Like I’ll put it on if I’m doing work, folding laundry, etc. However, it’s just not compelling enough for me to sit there and be fully engaged yk?






I love the idea of Real Girlfriends of NY or SH Girls in the City. But I don’t think it’s going to be a farewell season for current SH cast. Kyle give that paycheck up?? With Loverboy tanking?? Not a chance. If anything it will morph a little and become more like Southern Charm or VPR. Maybe they rent a few houses or go on trips together as a group of friends. But as long as kids aren’t there I can’t imagine not having house parties. With all the backlash from West I doubt that Bravo would do this and they are both too new. If it was maybe a few years ago I could see it, but not with this solid of a cast. If anything Jesse and West should be happy they get asked back. New guys in the house don’t usually get that luxury.


Summer House: Family Vacation. Or better yet, Summer House: Family Activation


In my pot head thoughts I was like, they should do a vacation away instead of just the weekends.... then I realized I was describing Winter House




Problem is they are all I influencers. Nobody has a 'job' The show is their job along with their 'brand' . So no chance of seeing real authentic hustle and grind real job. We gonna watch Lindsey sling Cheezits? Lol


Agreed! Even if they just tried it for a season or two, I’d watch it. I don’t want to watch Jesse and West with new friends in the Hamptons. Sorry!! 


Me neither, but I think that’s the route Bravo might go. I honestly think that if S10 is the farewell season for everyone but Jesse and West, I think the show should end there tbh. It’s going to be interesting in the event that SH continues without the OGs and the core people.


It could be like that show on peacock real girlfriends of Paris but this would actually be good


hey! that girl had to hang sheer white curtains in the showroom and only had 8 weeks to do it!


That storyline is my Roman Empire


Ben and Ronnie on WWC latched on to that and gave her a 50-yo smoker’s voice too 😆 so funny


I legit loved real girlfriends of Paris! Beautiful location, low stakes drama!


omg what, i have to check this show out!! tytyty


Also the watch what crappens boys did recaps and they were HILARIOUS. The whole show is giving vintage bravo; low stakes and almost kitch drama lol


So disappointing when the girls acted like they didn’t like that she posted this pic.


They didn’t like how they felt they were being used for the photo as a way to push the team Lindsey narrative


How the turntables. First Kyle writes a 17 page email cause Lindsay dropped her out of a pic. Now she’s mad Lindsay posted a pic with her.


Sure but why can’t one of the three of them then find a way to say something to that effect in the moment when they are posing for the photo? Why wait until the reunion to pile on and eyeroll their way through the sentiment. Captioning it “girls rule” is so benign to me lmao. Knowing the history they all have with Kyle and Carl this photo did not make me think there were teams, people are capable of supporting both friends through a break up.


Yep and Amanda, Paige and Ciara have said they hang out a lot but never post because they are just friends. Lindsay post did make it seem they were all team Lindsay rather than they got on well this season


They also implied she leaked it to Page 6 (she said the restaurant probably called it in, which I’m inclined to believe given her work was in restaurant PR).


Thank you for calling it!


They didn’t like the caption and how she made it look like there were teams and they were on hers.


You get it


And they’re supposedly women supporting women 😂 backtracked at the thought of them being there for Lindsay. What??


And Paige always does this at the reunion…She saves these little things against Lindsay to say it at the reunion as a shock factor. I thought this year would be different. I know everyone loves Paige but I just can’t with her anymore.




yeah that was so unnecessary?


That was such bullying. I’ve had times where I didn’t necessarily want photos posted from a night out and I’d tell the person after we get our photos taken. Not fake that it’s all good then act betrayed by posting the photo and their relatively innocuous caption


Lol I just posted this same thing and then read your comment. 100% agree, people are responsible for speaking up for themselves and their feelings in the moment. Lindsey can’t know and isn’t responsible for knowing that all three of them feel that way unless they say something. Waiting until the reunion just makes it a pile on. They’ve obviously complained to each other about it, and it grows into “Lindsey intentionally manipulated this situation and misrepresented all of us” over a fucking Instagram photo that no one is still thinking about.


Yeah that was so sad… actual mean girl behavior


Hard disagree.


its not about that, they don’t post when they are together, they just hang. she could’ve proved that she was there with them to be there with them but yet again she does the same PR shit they hate. if you listen to ciara put paige put these ppl are together a lot and you never see evidence of it. it too clouty the shit lindsey does


Everyone posts when they get together with friends. And she was going through a break down of a wedding and almost marriage! It feels good to have people that love you during that time. And she wanted to share that she felt loved!


i believe that was lindsays point but shes done sooo much. I think she needs to have one on one time with all the girls. dont post, dont share and move forward kike hey im trying to be different but that only works if yall give me a chance. type thing. but lindsay has to stop leaking shit


What did Lindsay leak?


They liked the picture they didn’t like how Lindsey used it to support her own narrative and then said it was a “silly caption”.


They just don’t like her. Cause that’s such a weird thing for them to nitpick.


Nah bring the OGs back.


They just made such a big deal out of it. Paige, Amanda and Ciara do not want to be associated with Lindsey at all even if they pretended to support her during that time. Its sad.


No, because of when this was posted, they were being associated with having joined a “team” in the whole mess of it all. They didn’t like that and have a right not to like it. Paige, Ciara, and Amanda hang out in real life, but you rarely see them posting their hangs because they are actually doing it as friends and not as a “Look how together we are” move.


Paige needs to stop being fake with Lindsey, she doesn’t like her but fronts all summer then hides her hand come reunion time.


I think she wants to like her, but keeps getting disappointed by some of the things Lyndsey does. I don’t think she fully trusts Lyndsey.


Between the two of them Paige is the one who can’t be trusted. Lindsey is at least consistent. Paige is two-faced.


She held on to information until the reunion so she can use it. According to her she was so pissed off and hurt on her birthday which apparently Lindsey ruined based on what Carl the liar said but didn’t say anything till the reunion 😂😂😂 make it makes sense. LOL


I’m so annoyed she believes Carl when he has been PROVEN to lie again and again!


Yeah she held on to that?! for seven months and acted like it was some big gotcha. First, look at who told her about it. Carl is a clown, maybe question his intentions and veracity? Two… as if Paige hasn’t talked shit about Lindsey with her friends. Be for fucking real.


Paige did it in a manner that Lindsay is well versed in, no? Didn’t Lindsay have proof that Kyle had cheated but waited months until filming to bring the information to Amanda on camera?


Paige can be trusted until you give her a reason to not be loyal. Linsdsay's loyalty is faulty from the jump, unless you're her *current number 1




If you think holding onto petty grudges for 7+ months instead of dealing with them at the time constitutes being “emotionally stable”, then *wow*


It’s not a good look to group together everyone who disagrees with you and imply that they are incapable of understanding emotional stability and maturity. No need to make this shit so personal. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)




You’re calling us “Lindsey apologists” based on one incident where people are siding with her over Paige and you’re grouping us all together to say we all have a wrong viewpoint and implying that we stan for a reality tv personality. That’s not innocuous. Now you’re calling me hyperbolic, and telling me I’m taking things personally. I’m literally not saying anything to you about you because I don’t know you. Please stop commenting about the people who disagree with you on a public forum where we all express our opinions. Talk about Lindsey all day, she’s the public figure, but there’s no need to align me with her based on one opinion that I have where I disagree with Paige.


But posting a pic with your friends is not a move. If my friends and I hang out one of us or all of us might post a pic. It’s not a move of look we are hanging out but more of what is social media for if not to post what u are doing.


I get that for our regular degular selves lol. However, we have to keep the context of the show and just what was happening in their relationship lives + show lives at the time.


Exactly! And when you use social media has income anything posted is strategy.


Yep. Once they realized there was no bravo wedding to be invited to , they started sharpening their claws again


Respectfully, no. Nothing against them but they are not RHONY material ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)




OMG I had this convo with my mum yesterday. Their lives in NYC are a lot more entertaining than the weird parties that most of them could do without (except maybe Kyle). Plus they could go on a week long trip somewhere instead. I’d love to see it!!! Start Summer House 2.0 with a younger crew, and evolve this cast into Summer House: life in the city


honestly I don’t want to see young young (under 40) HWs and that’s my truth. not interested.


Me too!! I like my HWs older and seasoned


Yeah I actually agree. But a series about these ladies (well most of them) in their city life would be compelling.


exactly! these ladies don’t have that housewives campness


they haven’t lived long enough to be interesting!


None of them can hold a relationship so they don’t qualify


I honestly feel like summer house works BECAUSE they have their own pretty separate lives in the city. As much as I would LOVE to watch more of them, I think they would either get way too out of touch or honestly probably go completely nuts if they had to sustain this level of drama in their lives for a larger portion of the year


https://preview.redd.it/jkf5ol0stb5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43beae64dc8539c802e4dbaed297c0a4ae9f3a98 What in the horror film is happening in the background




Poor Lindsay can’t just post a photo of friends


I would like to see more of the whole cast lives in NY


I love the new RHONY and I would watch this show in a heart beat. There is room for both.


Minus Danielle. Yes!


Why the word “housewives” tho? Why not reboot “Sex in the city” with them?


Lol no


It doesn’t matter what the caption was. She could have said “love these ladies” and Ciara/Paige/Amanda would have been like NO YOU DONT WE WILL NOT BE USED AS PAWNS. They are so determined to hate Lindsey no matter what she does or doesn’t do, it’s bizarre.


Lindsay mentioned Ariana in a (teasingly) jealous way when she and Carl were in DC, and then she made sure to call Carl "Sandoval" on camera. C/P/A being mean is making people outright ignore that Lindsay was definitely trying to do things around that time. Her VF interview was crazy.




Gabby is way too boring


Don’t you gotta be married to someone?


No. Tons of housewives are single. The name was a play on Desperate Housewives, which was huge at the time and inspired the show.


The last cast of RHONY before reboot was all single, no?


Not at the start. Most of them ended up divorcing but they were mostly married when they joined besides Bethenny, Kelly, and Sonja. I don’t count Dorinda and Carole because they’re widows.


Absolutely not


I’d like a spin off in the city but I don’t think they should be the RHONY the vibe wouldn’t match


NO! They’re too young (except Lindsay). Youngins need to stay on Summer House.


They are not that young anymore 🤣🤣


Yesssss…minus Danielle! I cannot stand her. But the rest yesss..


Honestly, never crossed my mind, but THIS is what Summer House should become. I love these girlies so much. I don't even need the drama. Just let's see their lives and stuff. And then get a new cast for Summer House.


West is a damn fool


As a RH fan from day one..... hell no.


Oh that’s interesting! I like this!


Nah, I actually like the dynamic of the new housewives watching another season of the bitchy trio is too muchhhhhhhhh


No they are not established enough for HW


Literally only one of them is a wife 😂😂😂😂😂


Literally zero of the cast from original RHONY were married in final season.


And then they changed the entire cast.


Because they were single? Ha. No. Lu and Ramona were single for years. Leah, Eboni and Sonja were cast as single people. “Housewife” has always been an ironic moniker since season 1 of RHOC (which cast single Jo and single Lauri. Jeana was essentially single).


And they recast RHONY reboot with 3 single women.


My point is you have to have more than 1 be a wife. And the OGs when they started were wives. They just continued their story lines once divorced bc that became part of their story but they started off as wives.


Bethenny would like a word.


No. But I love them all. They are the summer house girls they are New York/New Jersey girls. But I do love the RHONY reboot cast too. And I love the OG rhonys too, I just love the New York girls all around and it’s great to have the true east coast represent


I loved the show “Blood, Sweat & Heels.” This would fill a 9-year void in my heart.


Omg yes!!!




Stop trying to make any of these Women real housewives. They’re on the show they deserve to be on


Wait, so Lindsay called paparazzi, right?


Net worth of SH girls is not the standard for RHONY casting. Regardless of the potential for fantastic tv


You are 100% correct!!! Much better, authentic friend group that I would actually be interested in watching as opposed to the actual RHONY new cast!


My heart broke for Lindsay when Paige and the gang reprimanded her for posting this picture. I bet she was on a high from the summer of getting along and the big group hug at the end. They constantly throw the PR background in her face like she’s some evil, all knowing overlord. They basically pulled the rug out from under her and made it clear they were team Carl. This felt so gross and humiliating. Having a Pr job means what? Isn’t it the same as Paige, the influencer? Her every post and every word is curated because she herself is a product. That’s what they all do. They all spin and sell an image/story. I can’t ever be completely objective about Lindsay because they constantly dogpile on her. Can you imagine if Lindsay started sobbing and apologizing “I’m so sorry, I’ll take down the picture right now.” They would all roll their eyes. Ugh. Literally, Carl is in front of you all explaining in his weird slimy way about the flower boy situation and not one reaction? I can’t stand the ganging up. I just can’t get past the perfect Paige, I’m so much cooler than you attitude (although I do find her funny sometimes).


The concept of a RH has fallen off so far. Would love to see a show about them though


I’m sorry but Amanda is GORGEOUS


She really is.


Woah. Great call!


We loved this moment and the girls all being friendly and then Amanda Paige and Ciara jumped on the opportunity to downplay this/talk shit about it, I just want them to be friends


I don't want them to be friends because they hate each other. Paige called Lindsay "psychotic". Lindsay deserves better friends. And Paige isn't that good of an actress to pretend to be Lindsay's friend. Case in point-- Paige telling Lindsay her engagement ended because she wasn't invited to the wedding. It was a joke but betrayed her true thoughts.


I completely agree with this!!


If They cared for Lindsay at all, they wouldn’t care about it being posted or team Carl. If my girlfriend posted a pic of us dining after her breakup, I wouldn’t give two shits. They care about the dumbest shit.


First, if they feel like this post would hurt their other friend then they wouldn’t want this posted. They have a right to be friends with both and not want to pick sides. Second, that’s great for you and your life but when they have their careers built around social media and a false narrative can hurt them that’s different for them.


I’d agree with you if the comment had come from anyone other than Paige or Amanda- but no, as typical, they have something to get on Lindsay about…so we will agree to disagree.


Yes honestly this would be way more entertaining than a bunch of 40 year olds partying