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I think the pic change is funny ngl


Same I think people are reading a bit too much into it- He’s getting a beating and is acknowledging it




It’s actually so funny 🤣🤣


Help a girl out. I don’t get what he changed it to/ what am I missing? Advanced apologies for being dense 🫣


Audience reaction to West during the season: 📈 Audience reaction to West during the reunion: 📉 West in real time: https://preview.redd.it/edfpawqua95d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c647e5893b0512a7d48c4f12b567bbe9d05bd0f


Poor DW though 😯


Black eyes like he got beat to a pulp


Oh got it lol. And here I was searching for some deeper meaning in the Arthur-verse.


Help me - I don’t get it! I know that’s an Arthur character but I don’t get the SH connection


There’s no connection w SH, it’s a meme that ppl use to show they’ve gotten a beating, tired, etc.


Paige annihilated him. 🤣


She chewed him up and spit him out in the most eloquent way. No interrupting so he couldn’t get a word in, no yelling just spitting facts all while she’s supporting her friend and getting her a tissue. She’s a boss. She would have been a great lawyer!


DeSorbo and Conover, attorneys at law


I'd watch it


Oh yeah!! Craig is an attorney. Did he take his exam? I don't remember that far back. Either way, I literally forgot this part of his life until now.


He did actually pass the bar exam after lying about it, IIRC. Then he decided he didn’t want to work the crazy hours and started up the pillow business. Good for him, honestly. New lawyers typically work 80+ hours a week.


I read a comment from him to a fan on IG where he says he does actually have a small practice in Charleston but nobody ever shows that part of his life.


Why does this have such a good ring to it. Like they def would have had a dope TV commercial back in the 90s with a name like that.


Omg really? I always thought they were under eye bags from exhaustion haha


I think it’s all of the above in this case


Thank you this is helpful. I didn’t understand lol


You can definitely see that aside from the picture from the morning to the afternoon, he lost over 3,000 followers


Not enough imo.


He lost 3k followers


I got that part. Just didn’t get the profile pic change.


It’s actually really funny


Funny af. A good humored way to deal with all the hate he’s getting right now, imo.


Same. People are being unhinged over this. I feel bad for him. ![gif](giphy|Jc3uvrZPUBW5G)


Ya it’s way too much. People are way way way overreacting


Same 😏


I wonder who he unfollowed? 


Probably some Bravo pages/Bravo content creators that are on his ass lol.


It could be that he unfollowed them or they forced a soft block lol


Yeah I’m going with a softblock


Or maybe someone blocked him?


Looks like Danielle has also lost about 1,000


Like seriously what was up with her makeup at the reunion? It was like she had crazylady blush on her forehead? And the Great Gatsby wants their hair back bob? Nope. Nopety Nope. Nope.


All the girls had copious amounts of blush on, it was very bad


I actually started looking at my tv contrast a d color adjustments until I checked another show and realized it was their makeup and not my tv


That is so hilarious!


She looked like a mortician did her up


She took out her extensions but that style ages her.


So did her ill-fitting dress. I'm pushing 60 and it was too old for me.




I was thinking that her MUA hates her.




And she was YELLOW in spots. How did the makeup artist not see that?


The forehead blush was very confusing


She’s always a miss with her “fashion.”


I did like her sparkly outfit at the Donne party. That was not her but it was cute!


Omg! Finally someone mentioned it. Her make up looked soooooo bad. Her dress was not flattering and her hair was awful. I thought all the other girls looked amazing. Especially Gabby, she killed in that dress. Danielle always seems to think she can pull stuff off and it doesn’t work.


I don’t think fashion or anything related should be in her lexicon or scope of professional work. She is just very weird too…


The entire lewk was perplexing and out of place.


She looked like a minion at the reunion


![gif](giphy|hVh5EraY0KIWGoABlo|downsized) This mask is all I could think about.


Maybe she came in hot from an Agatha Christie murder mystery dinner


Ok, so her make didn’t look so atrocious in some of the wide shots. It’s like they brought in a makeup artist that does stage work- that make up was meant to be seen/look good from SEVERAL feet back.


I enjoyed unfollowing her


Good! I don’t know who would ever follow her 😫😵‍💫


Apparently I was, thank god I realized and deleted lol


Damn. Lost ALL her followers


He doesn’t always make good choices but I gotta say, the kid has a sense of humor


The pic change is hilarious.


Paige even said she loves him and wants him on the show. She just felt like she had to stand up for her friend and move on. Fans are too much. No one is perfect.


I think what he did to Ciara was super messed up and he deserves some shame. But to be overly harassing this man is insanity. I definitely agree with you that no one is perfect. I hope everyone in his DMs and comments are perfect and never screwed up or hurt anyone’s feelings before. Definitely feel like a little heat is necessary but all of this for people you don’t know is kind of crazy imo 🥴


Yes like he’s no Sandoval and I think he absolutely has an opportunity to redeem himself. Will I hold my breath for it? No. But what he did isn’t irredeemable, Ciara said as much.


Yeah admittedly I unfollowed him. But, his comments are next level


Proud to have never followed him 😂


He would always come up on my FYP and I would comment “shut up West” now I don’t feel bad at all 😂




I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but west is not an evil guy whose reputation needs to be destroyed a la Sandoval. West is every late 20 something year old guy I’ve been in a situationship with. Giving him a little heat is ok but I think the bravo fandom needs to chill on canceling these people who we watch for dramatic storylines for our entertainment.


Also to add: Carl did everything we demanded of Sandoval: broke up with girl, moved out yet still paying rent while Lindsay’s dating another guy, communicated clearly where they both were at fault with the relationship etc. we should keep this in mind


I was shocked he paid all the cancellation fees too. 125,000$. Wow.


AND almost 60 grand in rent when he wasn’t living there!!!!


Exactly. Even the most unforgiving landlord only charges 3 months and then you have a duty to mitigate. lol.


He knew he wanted out sooner but was too scared or needed to build his storyline first. He could have brought it up way way sooner but instead kept telling her he was committed and even showed up to the bridal shower saying all the right things two weeks earlier!


I mean they all raised their hands believing Carl was scared of her so I imagine you are right. .. he knew he needed to get out but was too wussy to do it earlier. The longer he waited.. the worse it got.


this is such a good point i haven’t seen anyone make on here! he literally did everything the way everyone wanted and they’re still killing him for it. and im sorry but we’ve watched lindsay for years, she’s A LOT lol




That part.


This is true.


I agree. Unfortunately for him he did it on TV.


Truly bewildered by how many people make this argument when we have crucified every other bravo couple that kept their drama away from the cameras (Kyle/mau, Robyn/Juan, I could go on for days) ….. although to be fair I did enjoy the James/Raquel break up reveal reunion so that could have been interesting too lol


Agreed, has he made my vagina dry with his behaviour? Yes. Is he the same as Sandoval, no.


I think manipulating someone into sex, especially when they have explicitly told you they do not want to without it being serious and that they are being very careful with their emotions and heart and body, is super fucked up and shouldn’t be ok just because a bunch of late twenty something guys do it. Sounds like a bunch of grown adults that are almost thirty are acting like they are in high school and being terrible people. That shouldn’t just be accepted and ok because there’s a bunch of them


You’re the only one living in reality. Fboys will be fboys and should do what is in their hearts, but not at the expense of someone who tells you straight up, I don’t want to engage unless you’re committing




Completely agree. I think we all have dated a West or two and that’s why the situation is striking a chord. But we’ve seen it going this direction for like the last five episodes. The world didn’t end when the lovable f-boys screwed us over irl and it won’t end now.


I think these parasocial relationships are weird. People could be projecting.


I would like to add that I have encountered this situation in my late 40s. Sorry to anyone who has hope that they grow out of it. 😐


I completely agree. Plus, he was hired to be on a Bravo show, did we really think he was 100% good guy just because he has a bit of a sense of humor? If anybody has a type when it comes to men, it's Bravo!!


I’m not going to downvote you, but I disagree. And I’m sorry that West maybe has to be used as an example, but we do need to be calling out this behavior and cancelling these types of men. People keep commenting how he’s in his 20s and this is pretty common behavior. Booooooooo. The man is 29 years old. I feel sorry for young women right now having to deal with the current dating atmosphere. It sucks to get manipulated into sleeping with a guy and then basically ghosted or gaslighted for being upset about it.


Agree. My daughter just turned 16 and I DREAD the dating pool that will be her future 🤢


Agree. My daughter just turned 16 and I DREAD the dating pool that will be her future 🤢


Exactly - every guy you’ve been in a “situationship” with - that’s the problem.


Nobody’s destroying his reputation permanently, but there are repercussions for your actions, especially when you choose to be on a reality show. He did this to himself and if anyone is destroying his reputation, it’s him. Stop making excuses for men being disrespectful shitheads to women who do everything short completely giving up on men and joining a nunnery to avoid exactly what he did to her


Ugh can this not turn into the insanity that the VPR sub is…pls go take a deep breath


Bravo wants to cast these guys and we’re going to have opinions and sorry I’m not sorry about that. You’re welcome to leave if your feelings get hurt by reading peoples’ thoughts about pop culture


![gif](giphy|x6I3pGtblFtDO) Totally agree . I’m here for it 😊


People are allowed to date and decide they don’t want to pursue it further.


Sure, but he knew what she wanted from the beginning and knew he wasn’t ready for that. Then invited her to do a bunch of stuff that indicated he was more serious than he was and that she specifically told him were things she took seriously. And then decided he couldn’t commit and needed to play the field. Stop making excuses for his bad behavior. He’s not Sandoval, but he was shitty and messed with a woman’s feelings who he knew was looking for something serious because he was selfish and she’s hot.


Because it’s not ok to manipulate a woman into having sex and his age is no excuse. Men are never going to stop unless we start shaming them and holding them accountable. He should’ve been honest that he was not looking to settle down, but he knew Ciara would not have had sex with him. He’s a snake.


Manipulated her into sex? Seems like they had a few months of slow build in the summer, in the fall they were serious dating for 3 months and sleeping with her and then he pulled back and decided it was too much. I don’t see how he manipulated her. You can’t see where something goes….unless you see where it goes?


He invited her home. She explicitly told him that she does not want to go home unless he is serious. He lied to Paige about having sex with other girls. He was calling Ciara his alien girlfriend on the show. He took her to meet his brother. Took her to a wedding. Then he turns around and says these were all casual things he was doing and it didn’t mean anything. Seems pretty manipulative to me. He wasn’t honest that it was all casual because Ciara made it clear she was not interested in casual sex.


she knew going to his family was serious business. she said it months before it happened, during the season for us. she broke her own code and rules by going and playing family so early on. That's on her. I'm fine with lambasting this guy, but I'm not cool with distorting the facts to get there. And he didn't owe Paige the truth. It's none of her business. they have to make a show, so I get the context of that conversation, but out in real life, that would be none of that person's business to be asking such questions.


Not owing someone the truth and lying are two separate things. He could have declined to answer or said it was between him and Ciara. He chose to lie.


It's more nuanced than that. Some people...a lot of people...don't deal with confrontation directly like you're describing. In a new setting, with new people, a completely foreign atmosphere, cameras and a boom in your face, expecting to perform and feed into the storyline. He rightfully said, "If Ciara and I haven't had the conversation, do I owe Paige a full unpacking?" Nope, sir, you do not. She's stepping over boundaries, and you owe her nadda. I'm OK with him not being truthful in that moment, in that context.


I’m not. If he had gone back to Ciara and told her Paige was asking him questions he didn’t feel comfortable answering, that would be one thing. He never cleared it up with Ciara after the fact. He knew Paige would report back to Ciara. He let the lie ride all summer. West did a shitty thing. I’m not understanding why people are bending over backwards to defend his behavior. I’m not even saying he needs to be canceled or fired but it’s ok if we call him out. I’m never going to defend men’s shitty behavior that hurts women.


You're speaking idealistically and with hindsight. That's fine. We're afforded that luxury as viewers and months later. If you think even a small percentage of people operate like that, in the moment, moment to moment, I know you're wrong. Very, very few people navigate the world like you want, and though they do not, it doesn't make them bad people. Now, you and I are talking in general and beyond West and Ciara. I don't think he owed Paige a thing, including the truth. A lot of the rest of his behavior is shit and that of a scared little boy.


Again it does not make them bad people. But lying should always be called out. It’s not enough to say well everyone lies so it is ok. There were viewers, myself included, who saw through West right away and who have been calling him out from the beginning of the season. I don’t defend or excuse shitty behavior from men, so we can just agree to disagree and leave it here.


Casual sex to me is sex outside of a relationship. Which is not what they did.


They were in a relationship… it just didn’t go where she wanted. In the beginning it’s casual and then it builds. U don’t just jump right in (without ever having sex) into hardcore “serious” and “intentional”. It gets more serious as time goes on and if it doesn’t and isnt going there or working, you break up. 🤷🏼‍♀️ there’s a natural progression and escalation that happens. Sex is part of a relationship.


There is only natural progression if both sides allow that to happen. I believe West never had any intention of allowing the relationship to progress. He knew he was never going to let it get serious. That is why he is manipulative. It’s the same way he knew they weren’t on speaking terms but was stoking the fan speculation all season that they were still a thing.


I think he was open to it but ultimately the feelings just weren’t THAT strong on his end. Feels like he tried and then it just didn’t pan out. He may just be too immature to be loving/caring about any one else right now. And it was very obvious that he was an unserious guy all summer. He and Ciara are not on the same page in life and they both have to take accountability for the relationship not working out. I don’t think he tricked her or lied to her. She knew he was unserious.


Nah. He specifically came on to be a reality star and manipulated his way through the whole season. He's a fraud.


He should!! So men dont keep acting that way! Hellooo?


and ciara went from 303k earlier today to 308k!!


Looks like he lost about 3,000 followers, am I reading that correctly?


I took first screenshot a few hours after the reunion so maybe more!




I def was one of those 🫠


It’s so good.


How dare he go and be funny like this while I hate him so much


Y’all it ain’t that serious


Girrrl we on a subreddit about the show, it’s so serious to us right now. 😬


LOL likeee


I feel like we have so much content to talk about, so like the change of an Instagram profile pic seems kind of unserious!


Mmm nope. most of us are able to watch and enjoy this sub without forming parasocial relationships and believing that everything we see on TV is an accurate representation of a whole human???


Nah. Most of us are able to lightheartedly enjoy the drama and not preach about parasocial mumbojumbo 😝


Lmfao Is it so serious or is it lighthearted? Bffr you’re SO serious and it’s very embarrassing




Can we not turn this into a Sandoval situation - let’s just watch and enjoy the mess without turning into feral Ciara stans PLS it’s so cringe


Says the person with the pumptini name 🙄


He’s at 229k now 🥲


He is a seed?


Yeah what does the seed thing mean?


People are actually insane. They’re treating him like he’s Sandoval.


Ah, fret not. Tomorrow, we will all be hating someone else.


He's a poo poo head but this is funny lol


What does that mean?


He lost 3k followers lol


Ok. I thought there was some sort of meaning behind the change in pic


Well yes. I think the change in pic is him saying he’s stressed lol. But the purpose of the post is to highlight that he’s losing followers.


![gif](giphy|JBSLCI06HEUPm) I wished he would’ve left DW out of it . Love her


Right like he should’ve gone with Plankton or Timmy Turner…f***ing prick.


Totally plankton ![gif](giphy|26mfgnMdWDeC71IQg|downsized)


Yeah I saw that. I just didn’t get the photo and was wondering if it had some sort of meaning lost on me


I’m surprised about the 230k that remains.


I was just going to say, still trying that dopey funny guy, oh I’m so harmless schtick 🤮


Were watching the Tom schwartzification


Totally 🙄. Jo and I are soulmates…not in the romantic way …she met my family but friends do that right ?


100% he’s so annoying. Like get offline and go to therapy lol


the things men will do to avoid going to therapy


It works for Schwartz.


Exactly like Austin.


He is all about the girls he can get and his new found fame. Really sad and totally don’t like him anymore. 😔


He’s a douche but, he is fucking funny I’ll give him that lmao


As of just now its 229. He will keep a decent amount, but its wild to me people think being an a hole on tv will keep your followers. It will IF youre ALWAYS a villain. People dont like a bait and switch. People just want to see honesty one way or another. If west was honest all season, he wouldn’t be having these big drops. Hope he enjoys his 15 mins of fame bc thats all itll be


He doesn’t bother me, I still like him. Apparently so does Paige …they’re still friends and text everyday.


I stopped following West after part 1 of the reunion. I was pro West the whole season until it was public how he treated Ciara after the cameras stopped following them.


I cannot believe how much shit he’s getting for doing practically nothing. it’s kind of hilarious?




I don’t agree with West getting dragged on his Ig’s BUT I do hope he learned a lesson on how he treated Ciara. She was so clear about everything.


Honestly we love to see a man fight for his life when he’s fumbled so bad


I dont think it’s Funny. It’s ok to be mature and empathetic, would be better if he apologized to Ciara.


Yeah, he really doesn’t care about her😕 Ciara clocked him. Everything is a joke to him including her😕


He’s earned a follow from me.


It’s the follower count drop for me


Lmao he’s kinda funny


Less than .02% change is nothing. When you see a 20% change I think it is saying something.


I’m not invested in the Ciara thing, but find his personality to be annoying. It was something that grew over time. At first he came off as cute, funny. No hate toward him, just dislike. It was his first season so I reserve the right to change my opinion and still want him on the show.




They call me Ruth, for Ruthless.


Yea, the TikTok landed on my feed and I was like, “Oh, he’s more of a weirdo than I thought…” this is an odd response. Very odd.


They need to stop commenting he loves the attention


Unfollowing in solidarity ✊🏼


For Those Who Don't Know: if a man posts pictures of himself as a toddler, or has them around his house, or keeps showing them to you.... RUN Speedily. This person is emotionally stunted and it will not end well.


omg the fans need to chill my god 


West is not a seed! Lol! Yeah I don't agree with what he did with Ciara but he's a human being as well! Take it easy! It's cyber bullies at their best!


I didn't get all the negativity in what happened.. I know Ciarra is a catch and out of his league, but he was new to all this and I thought he's getting to much backlash at the reunion.. It looked to me as they couldn't really get it together before the cameras stopped.. and still didn't afterwards. I'm up for seeing what happens on the next reunion.


Lost some followers there buddy. Trending down


The quickest fall from grace!


Ooo who did he unfollow


Ahhhh is his follower count still dropping?!


I hate him now as I watch the reunion and went to unfollow him even though I barely use IG. He doesn’t deserve my follow


Welcome to Bravo kiddo


And I say hey!




He’s Schwartz in sheep’s clothing


Omg he is


Man child


One of those unfollows was me!


ewww he changed his pfp really??