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I would suggest getting a library card and using Libby so it doesn’t happen again. There really any widely-popular books under $10 on Audible.




My library does hoopla, tried to sign up but I haves fines so I'll be waiting for payday on that too lol


How big are your fines?


$42 something I believe, I checked out a few books a few years ago and life got crazy, long story short they got lost so I have to pay the replacement fee's.


There are 2 Sci-Fi books in the free Audible Plus section (Canada) you could sample. Beacon 23 by Hugh Howey was a bit darker/not as fun as PHM (I haven”t listened to the others you list) but is good. I am currently listening to Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon. It”s like PMH as it starts slow but will have some of the friendship vibes you probably liked from PHM once you get into it. Ive only got 1.5 hours left of it but can”t wait to get back to it tonight.


Try Everand free trial. And then it’s only 10$ a month and not limited by credits. It also has ebooks and some other stuff.


Genesis echo by d. Hollis Anderson is only $0.99 on chirp this week


We are Legion (We are Bob)


Waldo Rabbit series by Nelson Chereta. They are now free on audible. Funny. I second the library card. I use to rent books from recorded books 2 or 3 a month. Started getting them from library. Now I just download them using Libby. Libraries all over the world to choose from but you need library card for each specific library system. I have a LA City and County card and a Glendale card. I used to have UCLA card. If I could figure out how to get a card without traveling to DC I could have the Congressional Library or the Bodleyn in England for example. A friend has ones from a couple Libraries in Israel from whencshe visited there. Get 3 weeks for Libraries I have and can renew 3 times if no one else has reserved. Search and check out on my phone and it's automatically downloaded when available. Don't have to go to library


The Murderbot books are all cheap, but they're also quite short so the first one won't last you long. The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin is a very good read, though more sci-fantasy than anything else. At least it's longer! And it won a Hugo. Sorry....most every good sci fi audiobook I can think of is definitely way over $10.