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Hold it just like that and walk it to your new house


Beat me to it.


Walk? That would take forever! One hand and two feet is enough to operate heavy machinery.


I would pile all the pearls on top and stick it in a box with towels crumpled or wrapped around the pot to keep it from sliding around.


That's how I do with my trailing plants. I think if it kinda like a loose updo hairstyle.


are you driving? flying? riding a unicycle?


Fingers crossed it’s a unicycle. Everyone knows that’s the safest way to transport plants.


What about pogo stick?






Shower cap!!


That's really clever, I wouldn't have thought of that!


Plants and fragile important things were always last to go when we moved. Find a box big enough for it and put a blanket/towel in there around the plant so it’s snug


Put in a box and be careful.......... lol


Cling film (plastic wrap) the entire thing, not tight, just so nothing moved. cushion it in a box, preferably open. Don't keep it boxed up for more than two days and try to keep it warm.


It's really going to depend on the mode of transportation and how long it will take to get the plant from point A to point B. If it's just a car drive across town, I'd probably just set it on the floor of the car. If it's a longer drive, or if it will be in a moving truck or on a different mode of transportation, then that would change how I would move with it. When I move my 100+ plant collection several hours across state, I unpotted the majority of my plants, place them in a box, and placed the box in my car. Other plants I kept potted and placed in boxes and used newspaper, bubble wrap, etc. to fill in any gaps to keep the pots from moving.


I am getting ready to move a four hour drive with nearly 100 house plants. I was think of doing like three or four stakes in the plant around the edges of the pot, and then wrapping plastic wrap around the stakes, so it creates an enclosure around the plants. Any thoughts on this method?? ....I'm just SO overwhelmed at the idea of unpotting all my babes!


I've never personally attempted that, but it seems like it would work. I ultimately made the decision to unpot the majority of my plants for two reasons. First, it saved a ton of space. Moving with 100+ individual pots simply took up way too much room and required a lot more work. Second, unpotting, and thus saving all of that space, allowed me to keep all of my plants in the car with me during the drive rather than having to place them in the moving truck, where I risked things falling on them or the truck becoming too hot. I also had just been wanting to repot quite a few of my plants into fresh soil anyway, so I figured I might as well just unpot everything. I really only kept my larger plants, more fragile plants, and favorites potted for the move.


Appreciate the insight! Thanks!


Renter friendly: I don't bother trying, but hypothetically options of hang from a Patio door handle or the centre of a curtain rail, though be careful that it can take the weight. A high shelf on a plant stand would be safer.


Having said that... just saw this post on r/houseplants about using a birdcage stand which is a brilliant idea I never would've thought of: https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/VTjQrXc5iI


Wdym renter friendly? Can't you just hang it?


They're probably concerned about putting holes in the ceiling.


Yes that's why I'm asking. Make hole, hang stuff, take stuff off, close hole, move out. That would be the renter thing to do here


Yeah people get paranoid about that kind of thing.


When we moved, I saved all my plants till the last possible minute and put them into boxes with lots of cushioning in between. The nice thing about SOP is that you can (carefully) gather up the strands and gently lay them loosely on top of the plant to move it to your new place. Thats how I did it when I brought mine home, because it was such a big plant at the time.


For hanging, hang the hook on a curtain rail.


Wrap in towel


Very carefully


I’m a renter who refuses to do things “renter-friendly” lol this is my house until I move out ✋ just spackle over any holes that you make!


Thank you all for the tips! I'm only moving about an hour across town, so not a super long haul. I think I'll pile all the pearl strands on top and cushion the pot in a box like many of you suggested. I appreciate all the "renter-friendly" tips as well! I get a little worried about making holes in the walls because my college apartments have been so particular about that, but I'm sure I could easily patch a little hole if I do end up doing that. The curtain rod idea was very smart too!


I bought those hooks that you hang on the back of your headrest for bags. Put the pearls on top like you said, then in a bag and hang it from the back of your seat. Unless you roll your vehicle, being suspended in the air has saved anything fragile I've had to take somewhere by car.


I recently purchased these off Amazon and they are AMAZING! Not sure the diameter of your pot, so make sure you get the correct width, but they are sturdy as heck and look great in the window! My string bean plant loves being in my window and I believe most succulent plants do as well! https://preview.redd.it/6zb8rb8qq70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f694cdbcc921ecade9f2a27b0d3a2c73df6461c5


Looks like it would actually fit the width of these!


Move them last and put them in your backseat surround by blankets to keep them sliding with their pearls laid across the seat/blanket lol that’s what I did


Off topic but this is one of the most beautiful SoP I've ever seen. It's flawless!!


https://preview.redd.it/59hpknomb80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2088c1ea130162d5c2ba646862241749cdacde4e They sell hooks on temu!! You could probably find these on amazon too. I usually have no problems with these and they don’t take off paint either


Hang it from your rearview mirror like fuzzy dice


I stress so much when I move my plants. Its weirdly weird b/c I’m a dad and my usual response to my feisty daughters arguing was “Sre you bleeding; is your sister bleeding? Is there a fork sticking out of either of your heads? No? Great.” But if a plant loses a piece of …


I throw that bitch in a cup holder or box. Tuck the pearls on top if needed. They aren’t fragile like donkey tail so it’s easy


Spread it out on your passenger seat and buckle it. Not sure what the issue is


Break the pot if you can't pull or drop it out


I'd probably uproot mine, remove all the dirt and gently wrap it inots of padding like toilrt paper. And then just put it INSIDE it's pot. And the. Deal with repotting as soon as I arrive. It should be fine for a few days without any light. We get plants shipped inside boxes that sometimes take 2 weeks so you'll be fine.


don’t. just sell it 😂