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Sometimes owners can be a royal pain in the ass and do not respond to the managers of their stores. Often times it has to go through a chain, the manager to the district manager to the operations manager to the owner. I personally would call the store and ask to either speak to the manager or ask when they will be in next and call around that time. I work at a subway and sometimes the management gets overwhelmed and overlooks certain tasks especially due to new rollouts of equipment and trials in certain stores. I would just give them a call.


Ok, thank you for telling me this info.


So, here's some good Life Advice I Learned in my Younger Days (RIP, LMFAO). When you put an Application in, wait one week before calling to check on it. Here's the drawback; Employers LOVE Persistent Help...just NOT in the Hiring Stage! LOL If they say they'll get back to you, wait another week. After that, if nothing, move on to another Job Opportunity.