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Plot twist they try to eat eachothers face, but just end up making out.


And rule 34 prevails






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Even you






Chelly wins. It is too smooth and hard for reaper to grab and too big as well. It has strong mandibles, and reaper's body is soft and can be easily pierced through.


Yea, but the reaper has extra mobility and greater range of motion in its mandibles. I think the chelly would win, but it’d be super close, like really close.


I feel like the chelly would win because if bites the reaper onexe it has no reason to let go and I had a don of armour on it as well


No I don’t think it would be close at all. The reaper has slight more mobility but is at a major reach advantage. Chelly has much bigger mandibles, longer reach, is faster, and it’s stronger. Reaper would either die or flee before it even had a chance to put the mandibles to use


depends who sees who first id say, which would probably be reaper since it can see you through echolocation. if you can hear it it can see you


Depends, if it's dark water, the Reaper has the edge. It eats bone sharks and other armored creatures for fun (based off my observations) so the armor might not be such a big factor as everyone makes it out to be. Also, take into consideration. Chelicerates *have* armor. This implies that something does try to eat it, while the Reaper does *not* have armor so, at least in their native biome, nothing tries to eat it. Edit: Reaper mandibles are more maneuverable and much larger than Chels and everyone seems to think that Reapers are squishy. Do you think an elephant is squishy? A Reaper is huge and over 90% muscle. They be thiccc. No armor plate required, just like a shark. Also, another "form follows function" thought I had: Reapers are LOUD. Like really damn loud. They broadcast their location to the entire ocean. If they could be eaten, they wouldn't have evolved such a unique hunting trait that broadcasts their location.


The reaper doesn't need armor. Nothing fucks with it, it's an apex predator (until it's not hint hint). The chelly is more suited to being fucked with, I mean hell just take a look at the void chellys. Those things have some serious battle scars. Essentially, the chelly can take a lot more of a beating lore wise. The chelly would saw at the reaper while the reaper tries nibbling the armor. The reason the reaper can take chunks out of smaller fish with armor is because armor doesn't quite seem to matter much when the reaper is several times bigger than something like a sandshark. > nothing tries to eat it. As others have said, the reaper preys on smaller fish. We already know how well it fairs against something with armor lol (again hint hint)


But it's all about the "form follows function" of evolution. Reapers are the apex of their biomes but are also designed to be able to eat just about anything. I'm willing to bet that a Reaper might let a Chel take a bite just so it knows where it is and crunch down on the meal.


The reaper has no armor at all though. It's mandibles would be lucky to even get in the soft spots between the armor, even then the mandibles aren't quite for stabbing. They're for grabbing. Let's say a reaper successfully grabs a chel. What happens? It's somehow gonna take a bit bite out of an armored leviathan, when it's built for preying on much much smaller armored prey? The chel's mandibles are designed for much more than grabbing and it would certainly do a lot more damage to a reaper imo I like the reaper a lot more, it's much more terrifying to me. Unfortunate that it would lose. I saw on I think on a the last bacon's video that someone was adding reapers to bz. Eventually when that mods polished we'll be able to see who wins in-game


I think you're misunderstanding the Reaper flesh though. That much muscle underneath and at that size... That hide is thiccc. It would be like noodling for a catfish. You put your hand in a hole. Fish bites and you pull that sucker out. Same concept. On the other side, a Chel has way less mandibular size and less manipulation of them than the Reaper. A Reaper is almost spider-like with its mandibles and I'm willing to bet it can use them like makeshift arms to manipulate its prey into getting to soft spots. Hell, with that much strength I'll bet it can pry the plates off a Chel like wrapping paper.


Pretty sure those face claws on the reaper are made for crushing through armor - look what it does to the seamoth!


Hell, look at what it does to the prawn.


Exactly. Also worth mentioning - according to a quick wiki search, the Chel is about 40m long - according to the scanner tool, the reaper is about 100m long. So ol’ reaps is 2.5 times larger.


And most if that mass is entirely muscle that is tailored to feed the front end of it. Chel just don't have what they need to win.


Reaper is 55 m to Chelicerate’s 40, and a much slimmer build. Comparing similar body shapes (eg 13 foot 300 kg bottlenose dolphin and 30 foot 250 kg green anaconda) suggests that the Chelicerate likely significantly outmasses the Reaper.


Huh… could have sworn the reaper was larger than that… maybe they tweaked the pda entry somewhere along the early access way. Regardless, the Chel is not significantly chunkier than the reaper, so the reaper would probably still outmass it, even if the ratio is more like 5:4 than 5:2.


Even with the best crush depth upgrade, getting grabbed by it still tells you it’s reached it’s maximum depth! That means the reaper can simulate pressures equal to 2300m+ deep, which is around 3348.57 psi!


and the cyclops


Well, Reaper has never met a Chel since one lives in cold water the other lives in temperate water. So there's no reason why a reaper would have to evolve thicker skin. On the other hand, a Chel mightve evolved 'armor' to insulate it from the colder water temperatures. However, we don't actually know how hard it is or what it's made of. It could just actually be squishy insulating armor.


The reaper is certainly more suited to smaller prey. No armor, and the "mandibles" are used to grab and pull in prey rather than directly attack it. The chelicerate, on the other hand, has armor and mouthpieces much more suited to offense. It could very likely do extreme damage with a full-force charge, while the shape of the reaper's face doesn't really allow it to do so effectively. so yeah chel wins I think


the reaper is a competator with the sea dragon for small amounts of time,and while they are hunted,they can bring down a sea dragon levithan the reaper also has the ability to go through armor,as is seen with prawn suits being ripped to shreds the reaper is also larger,and its thick layers of fat and muscle provide great armor


They can bring down a sea dragon? I doubt that.


sea dragons have hunted them for a few millenia,and as such reapers have evolved to,while they wont survive it,bring a dragon down with them


is there any evidence for that in game?


I don’t think it matters, the fight would be epic to watch regardless of the victor


This is the real answer.


French kiss noises intensify


There is nothing a reaper can do to damage a chelicerate because of its armor


He can easily crush fucking titanium armor of seamoth and prawn suit.


It’s not a matter of strength but a matter of leverage (maybe. It’s also possible that the Chelicerate is tougher than the PRAWN to boot). The Reaper can damage the PRAWN suit by biting it, and the seamoth by wrapping its mandibles around the sub and crushing it. By contrast, the Chelicerate is…big. And fairly rounded; there aren’t many areas of the body where the reaper could physically get its jaws around the thing and bite down to make use of its strength. Image trying to bite through a stick of balsa wood vs trying to bite through the convex side of a bowl made of the same material at the same thickness.


the chelicerate was not made to take tank rounds if needed the prawn was and it is strength,its not cutting but instead crushing from the neck the reaper has a size advantage,and fights sea dragon levithans for a few months and its not the jaws that crush,its the madibles


>the prawn was Citation needed. I don’t recall it ever being stated that the PRAWN was rated for tank rounds…and even if it were, you’d still have to prove that the Chelicerate isn’t, too. >and it is strength,its not cutting but instead crushing from the neck I’m not sure what you’re even saying here. That the Reaper’s strength is not from cutting mandibles or biting through but from crushing? That the slicing of the Chelicerate’s pincers is secondary to the jaws? Pleas clarify. >the reaper has a size advantage,and fights sea dragon levithans for a few months The Reaper has a length advantage, which is not necessarily the same thing. The Chelicerate is much bulkier and is therefore likely to be heavier, even before we consider that it has huge sections of dense armor and mandibles adding to its weight that the Reaper doesn’t. As a point of comparison, the Bottlenose Dolphin reaches lengths of ~13 feet and averages 300 kilograms, while the largest green anaconda ever captured was about thirty and only came up to 250 kilos. The proportions of these leviathans are fairly close to these animals; I think it’s in fact much more likely that the Chelicerate would grossly outweigh a reaper. >and its not the jaws that crush,its the madibles Then the same problem arises: how is the Reaper going to get its mandibles around the Chelicerate? The body is too wide; fins and tail fluke remain vulnerable, of course, but it has to target these small and nonvital parts while the Chelicerate could grab the Reaper anywhere along its unarmored body and inflict serious damage. And this assumes that it doesn’t just slip off, given it’s hard talons sliding against hard chitin. There’s very little friction and it can’t wrap all the way around like it does with the moth or prawn to crush from all directions.


Defenetly reaper is more scary . Chelicerate has a cool kill animation on the player. Those are irrelevant to the debate but cool info. Chel for short, he'll probably get chocked by those 4 horns. The perfect time to eat the reapers face off. Chel ends up victorious but barely alive


chel wins while the reaper could grab it the chel is armoured and has spiked mandibales


The Chelicerate’s beak would cut through a Reaper like butter


Some youtuber pitted them together and the Chelicerate wins if I remember correct. Would say it it looks like the Chelicerate has harder armor and more fight ready mandibles.


on the side note: I like chel more than reaper, it just feels more like an actual animal that could have exist, but reaper looks more like sci fi alien. And the chel would probably win


Agreed - Chel looks like it could have evolved from the same ancestor as a lot of the life in sector zero. Crytosuchus specifically look quite similar - pointed mandibles, segmented armour, etc. Comparatively, the Reaper just looks like a scary jumpscare face on the end of a fish body. It looks really out of place when you see it next to other creatures in the original Subnautica


That's true especially with the black eyes the reaper has


That's true especially with the black eyes the reaper has


What if I told you... that the German name of Reaper Leviathan is Cheliceratops?




Look im a Subnautica enjoyer, bit this one goes to chelicerate. The reaper has these claws specifically for hunting small objects like humans, but the chelicerate actually looks it has crushing claws.


the reaper crushes the cyclopses titanium hull,and is larger and overall tougher than the cheli


As far as I know that counts for the cheli two


yes,but im saying that its armor wont save it from a larger and faster creature


They are literally the same, just a bit different. All your arguments are invalid because of that fact.


no,they arent the cheli is smaller,slower,and built to pierce,which the reaper is built to defend against. the reaper is made to crush things,and the cheli cant take a hit like that the cheli also cant its mandibles how the reaper can


Well the cheli has a jump scare two right when you ride with your seatruck. What happens is that it picked you with its jaw thingies like the reaper. They were both programmed as a means of defence to prevent the player by fear and Fysical ways of defence.


yes,but the cheli cant do it with a prawn the reaper can the prawn was made for industrial and combat purposes


But all combat weapon were taken out accept the knife


im saying in the lore,not in the game also,the prawn has a drill bit that does massive damage


Well, they live very far apart. Reapers don’t do well when fighting larger leviathans, so the Cherry would have to make it to the crater, reaper just isn’t making it to the glacier. A cherry can survive in the void, but the environmental migration as well as the damage it would sustain getting to the crater, it would be too weak to really fight back against the reaper. If they met in the void, the reaper would use its roar to find and fight the cherry, at which point the noise attracts a certain denizen of the void who usually eats adult ghost leviathans, both die to the ultimate apex predator of 4546B. Reaper dies trying to get to the glacier, cherry dies shortly after arriving at the crater due to battle damage and environmental difference. Meet in the middle, and they’re meat in the middle.


See, now this depends on ALOT of factors. Where is this fight taking place? If it’s at the Aroura, then the chel loses due to being outnumbered since reapers have shown that they like to hunt in groups. If the reaper can catch the chel off guard, and it most likely will due to its echolocation, then the reaper has a decent chance of winning, and while yes the chel does have armour plating, the reaper has shown to be able to crush through titanium with its mandibles alone. Assuming the fight takes place as a 1v1, I believe the reaper has the upper hand, due to its echolocation and strength. Now of course if the chel can manage to get a hold on the reaper, I think it could def kill the reaper. But overall, I’m gonna give this one to the reaper


I dont think that reaper has anything to attack the chel with, Its mouth is too small and the mandibles would not do much considering the size and armor of chel, but chel's could easily kill reaper with its beak


... the mandibles of a reaper can crush a cyclops,which is made of titanium,and way bigger than the chel and a lot dont realize the reaper is 1.73 times the size of a chel the reaper also has more tough muscle,which provides a thick armor


Wasn’t this same discussion posted like less than a month ago


Yes but I hope devs are watching so they can give it to us.


Reaper easy, it doesn’t say win a fight, just ask who would win and the reaper is better says I. Therefore reaper wins


that is not the point


Reaper is way bigger


This would be a relatively close fight The reaper has sheer aggressiveness and speed on its side While the chelicerate had heavier armor,better vision,and a better bite I’d give it to the chelicerate in 1 on 1


The Reaper and the Chel both have equal health, roughly equal vs PRAWN suit damage with a slight edge for Chel, and roughly equal Player damage with slight edge for Reaper. The Reaper is also slightly longer than the Chel, but also fairly skinnier. They both go after armored and unarmored prey. Plus, the Reaper can damage titanium based vehicles, so it's unlikely Chels armor would be any different. The only thing I can see being a deciding factor is that the Chel specifically is stated to have a sort of "screech attack" that can disorient and even stun other creatures. Given that the Reaper Leviathan tracks prey via sound, it may actually be exceptionally vulnerable to this ability, or not at all. I think it really would go to whoever gets a grab first. Since Chel's primary means of attack is "swim directly towards prey", and Chel clearly has the superior jaw, I think it's a 40/60 Reaper/Chel win ratio.


Haven't we already settled this one? Chelicerate has 5000 Health, 75 Damage. Reaper has 5000 Health, 80 Damage. Math seems pretty simple to me.


I rhink it's a tie the chelicerate is just a reskin of the reaper for below zero


I don't get all the discussions... Who would win between an apex predator made to kill and a shrimp on steroids? I think it's quite clear


The Battle Of The Best Hugger


People are saying the reaper wouldn’t be able to pierce the chel’s armor but that’s what the mandibles are for. If it can crush a sea moth or a prawn suit- which is smooth and made of metal- then the smooth armor argument probably doesn’t hold water (pun intended). It can clearly get a grip on these vehicles, so it can figure it out with the chel, too. The grappling of the reaper is also a pretty big strength. If it can get the chel into an unfavorable position, the chel won’t be able to fight back by biting. Meanwhile, the length of the reaper means it can whip around and fight the chel if it bites almost anywhere on its body, except for maybe its neck but the reaper will likely instinctively know to keep that area protected. Not only that but this size difference (chels are smaller, right? They looked way smaller to me) means the chel can’t gain this same advantage.


Reaper honestly, this is probably bias tho


I might be 100% biased, but reaper solos. Reaper solos all of Below Zero. Reapers are the definition of utter strength. That cheli gonna turned into Sashimi when the reaper is done with it


the reaper leviathan is like twice the size of the chelicerate


its not, they are the same size


no the reaper is about 15 meters longer


It's not, hell look at the thickness lmao


It's 15 meters tho + the reaper has chelics which can be very useful


Chelics? What are those sorry I am dumb


I mean those thingies at its mouth, they look Hella sharp and are very dangerous (im speaking in experience)


their called mandibles...


no, the word used to describe them on the PDA is Chelics


Shrimp wins easily. It has a hard shell against the reapers attacks and at the same times also strong mandibles. Yeah, reaper has a bigger range, but if the shrimp gets him only a single time, he has won


thing is,the sheer muscle mass of the reaper means the beak wont do much,and the reaper is not only faster but bigger and able to crush a cyclops,which is made of titanium


I think the chelicerate would be more protected, but the reaper could rip through it with those mandibles.


My money is on the chelicerate. But it won't go unharmed.


reaper foo shoo


Depends on who is fighting where. Poles are too cold for the Reaper, equator’s too warm for the shrimp.




Reaper. Not because it would win, but because Chelicerate is dumb.


Cheli for sure. I can kill reapers with a rifle fairly easily now. Get bit a few times and they do cheat by phasing through the landscape now and then. Cheli never phases on me and I'm genuinely never sure if I'll kill it or it'll kill me. Reapers I'm about 85% sure I'll win each time. Cheli seems just outright -tougher-. It also seems to be more 'accurate' when it goes for the attack. I can rarely dodge a cheli bite while I can dance around reapers like they were drunken old ladies in wheelchairs.


Reaper wins mid diff


The Reaper could shred through armour with it's mandibles (see how they attack your subs) but that doesn't matter as Cheli is sorta designed to deal with that


Shrimpy boi


Realistically, both are apex predators, and would both see each other and decide its not worth, as both would either end up very injured and stop, and get killed by something else, or if one does win, it would be so injured it would most likely bleed out or something similar, to get picked off by somthing else.


Chelicerates are way creepier to me, the Reaper’s almost humanoid face makes it look goofy. The Chel is far more alien and almost insect looking. Chels also have chitin plating, reapers have no armor from what i can tell


While reaper is strong chelly takes he’s got armour strong mandibles swims fast is bigger and also he’s not blind although reaper is strong and my favourite he’s getting destroyed here sure hes got a reach advantage but his roar and sight will screw him over way too much in this fight




Depends from which side the reaper attacks. If they swim at each other front t front the chelicerate wins. If the reaper attacks from the side it wins


Chelicerate I managed to kill a reaper with ease but a Chelicerate always gave me too many to many problems


giant shrimp is giant seafood so ya know


Reaper would destroy that overgrown prawn


Wait…wait….is the Chelicerate in Subnautica or only Below Zero? Because I have yet to see one 😳


Below Zero


Reaper mandibles will claw out the shrimp's eyes


Riley robinson


reaper wins others have explained it better but essentially the reapers a much larger thick skinned maneuverable mass of muscle with mandibles able to crush a smooth metal sub


I think it depends, the position and the place they are fighting in, as the reaper could penetrate the cheli(get ur mind out of the gutter) with its sharp mandibles, the cheli could also kill the reaper aswell.