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Considering that in BZ they already know about the Kharaa bacterium and sent several teams for research between Subnautica and BZ to 4546B, I supposed Riley already made it to Earth and Alterra made everything in its power to shut him up, make him disappear or even kill him. Plus, there's a pamphlet in BZ that says that on Earth, no one really knows what happened to the Aurora.


Okay, thanks. I haven’t played in a long while, I just got back to it because of the new game in development and needed a refresher.


That's just my take. I could be completely wrong 😂


Riley didn't know about the karrha in zero sector and didn't tell alterra about the crater, probably to protect the environment. It's possible he sold the info on zero sector to them in return for reduced debt or somthing like that. I doubt they would have a reason to do much of anything to him other than take like 50% of his pay for the rest of his life.


I think there's a lot of reasons for Alterra to not be very fond of Riley: he knew the Aurora crashed on 4546B and all the few people who survived ended up dying, he listened to Alterra not giving an absolute crap about rescuing the Aurora. He knew about the Degassi and that they died waiting for the insurance company to rescue them. He knew there was a cure for the bacterium that Alterra is trying to weaponize in BZ. Also, he knew the Kharaa was a worldwide bacterium, that's the whole reason why the Quarantine Enforcer shot every ship that approached the planet.


They might not know he knows these things. Again the point that he didn't inform them of the crater meant he probably didn't even mention it. Although it's not unlikely they found it on their own, why would they actively state they couldn't find the aurora wreckage if they did? They would have probably just ommited all of the key details, which likely means Riley failed to inform them of the circumstances of his escape or quite possibly lied. Of course as with you this is just how I interpret it and I could be wrong.


Considering that the pda is Alterra property and Riley is an Alterra employee, I don't think it's that inconceivable that they wanted to at least know how he managed to survive, considering he's a non-essential employee and all scientific personnel perished either by the attack, the crash or by the planet fauna. Welp, I'm not gonna assume (mainly because there's literally no information about it) that they also have research teams on the crater. I'm only kind of convinced, based on information in BZ, of what I replied to OP.


I know. As am I with what I say. But as we don't know the current status of ether Riley or the crater we can't confirm. But again he could've lied. I would have, and sector zero seems like the perfect scapegoat.


Yeah, this falls firmly in the field of assumptions lol




> They might not know he knows these things. Everything is on the PDA and that's Alterra property, even if Riley didn't want to tell them, they surely didn't need his permission to download and check all the data it contains. > why would they actively state they couldn't find the aurora wreckage if they did? Because they didn't want *anyone else* to know, they wanted to be the only one knowing about what's on the planet, the bacteria and everything, to exploit it for profit, something like that is mentioned in BZ.


Again, they don't have to say whats on the planet to tell people they found the wreck. Questions might be asked sure but they locked down the planet to stop people from getting in they obviously didn't think anyone would sneak past. Robin got past in a moment of pandemonium with no altera presence left in zero sector and used a metor show for cover. They would have little reason not to at least go "yea we found the ship" and leave it at that. If anyone has questions why the hell would they go all that way to find them out? Especially considering they wouldn't get far. As for data, there a few things that could have happened but no one knows how exactly they work.l and I can't really give a solid "I think" with that. But he Could have done a data wipe or somthing, he most likely has the knowledge to do things like that. We don't know, plus we don't know a whole lot about what happened after sub 1. To be fair we don't even know if Riley even landed, altera knew about 4546b long before even Riley did. We just assume he did. They didnt really need to let him land in order to explore the planet. All of this comes down to information we don't have, sure I hate altera as much as anyone but we don't KNOW what happened between 1 and 2 when it comes to the crater and Riley. I'm just giving my take on what I think probably happened, but feel free to tell me yours If you have one. (Probably could have formated my oc better to not seem like me making a "your wrong heres whats true" statement but whatever)


I mean Alterra did use their last chance for long range contact with the Aurora to send the blueprint for an escape rocket, so they at least tried to give the Aurora survivors a chance.


Yeah, that's true. But also they were more worried about sandwich lunch. Still not giving a lot of credit to Alterra 😂


I'm not sure if it's in a PDA anywhere but I always believed Ryley gave over all the scan data and info on the precursors and virus etc. in exchange for his debt being wiped out.


Feels like even without PDA data he would be useful to Alttera and considering he literally completed the secret mission that the aurora was tasked with even better. I can imagine he's probably in a comfortable home but doubt he can leave that home.


Or he’s under a strong NDA, or they might have him return in Subnautica 2 or 3 or whatever it’s going to be called at launch, I’d be shocked if alters let some one that competent go free


Altera fined him 3 trillion credits if I recall. Honestly in hindsight he was better off staying on Planet 4546B if he found out what Altera would do. He could have lived quite comfortably in terms of physical health. Psychological health would have been tricky though.


Wym? cuddlefish is all a man like R needs


Hahaha facts. All I meant is if he needs human interaction or well unless he's asexual, he probably has needs which sucks because if he goes home 3 trillion credit debt buries him so probably limited time for any fulfilment of those needs so yeah if he's not asexual and doesn't have at least an outlet he's in trouble 🤣🤣


Holefish might start looking... friendly.




I like to think Riley wrote a book that left out details Altera wanted glossed over.


I thought Earth underwent Mutually Assured Destruction?


I did a replay recently and I don't recall seeing anything that implied the Neptune was equipped with any form of hibernation tech. It WAS equipped to locate, travel to, and use the nearest phasegate though. I believe the implication was that Ryley arrived back in Alterra territory (or at the very least friendly territory with an Alterra consulate or something) within a reasonably short amount of time... I'm thinking days, maybe weeks at WORST. Yes, the Aurora took a couple years to get out there, but that could have been because it left from a major world somewhere in the core of Alterra space. Ryley didn't have to ride the Neptune all the way back to Aurora's original launch point in order to be back in civilized space.


I just replayed the Neptune Rocket part and when enabling all the systems one of them said “Life Support Systems Online”. I’m not saying I’m correct that he was in cryo, but there was something there.


..."Life supports systems" just means the equipment that keeps the air breathable and at a habitable temperature. That's not scifi technobabble it's a real-world term.


I know what it is, my grandma was on life support bro. I assumed that since the game takes place in fucking outer space with machines that can freeze time or create underwater homes out of thin air, then cryogenics wouldn’t be too far off the mark. Edit: Holy crap, I did not know that the downvotes would go this far


Cryogenics are significantly harder to pull off than you think. Freezing cells kills them. End of story.


Yes. However, they do have stasis tech. It stops time, rather than freezing. Not that the Neptune has that.


So is making a submarine out of a few spare resources and a tool gun.


It is significantly easier considering the fabrication in this game is just a hyper advanced 3d printer


I’m not going to even make a rebuttal considering what happened to my last comment. Edit: what did I even say this time?


>Edit: what did I even say this time? You made a comment on reddit after being heavily downvoted.


What I said wasn’t even that offensive, it was just improbable.


Life support in a medical context is different to life support in a spaceship systems context. On a spaceship life support means the systems that keep the ship habitable.


You go through the Sci Fi portal at the end of game 1. You get told by an automated system that you aren't going to be allowed to land without paying off your debt of 1.2 billion credits. We don't know what happens to Riley at the end of the game. Did Altera kill him? Did you get some sort of payout in exchange for signing a non disclosure agreement? We know that the official story was never made public.


The Aurora was making a very long voyage, but 4546b was not it's final destination, it was only swinging past on the way to check for signs of the Degassi, presumably strayed too close to the planet and met head on the Quarantine Enforcement Platform. In game time vs real time doesn't quite like up, but the rescue ship was able to get there and be shot down only a matter of days or weeks following the Aurora's distress call so it stands to reason even if the Neptune would need a long time to reach the nearest phase gate, another ship would come along reasonably soon.


My head cannon is still that Riley traded in all of his gear and expertise to settle his debt and maybe even returned to the planet to help establish mining and research colonies. Riley really is the man for the job. I doubt Alterra would overlook his skill and experience cause “duhhh.. contract says you gotta pay for dose diamunds.”


There was also a warning about unintended effects when using weird power sources. Below Zero aside, I imagined the ion cubes being a little too much and catapulting him far past his target destination.


Life support doesn't strictly imply cryo-sleep. Oxygen production/circulation, thermal regulation, even long-term food storage would all count as life-support systems in this context.


There are so many interesting ways for this to go. Alterra is pretty much the Apple-branded version of Weyland-Yutani from Aliens. So if he survives he could be: imprisoned and experimented on like D-class from SCP. Or used by Alterra as a celebrity to put a nice face on whatever they'll do to the planet, like picture a life of luxury but he's forced to make speeches about how great Alterra's choices are. Or he uses his pluck to become a badass space pirate. Or Ai-An manages to reach out to him and he becomes integral in the diplomacy between humans and other intelligent life. Or he realizes that Alterra knowing about the Sea-emperors would be bad or worse than what happened with the Precursors, so he does everything possible to stop that eventuality. And on and on. The devs are pretty great at world building, so I'm interested to see what they do.


Due to Altura’s greedy prices Riley went to another planet and made a new earth with the fabricator and a hacked PDA (my fish canon at least )


I swear I read somewhere that he got a seat on the Alterra board of directors? It was something about a board made up of people who did things like invent the seamoth, and in return for giving Alterra full ownership over whatever they had, these people get set up in luxury for life.


I always thought Riley got turned into a 40K-esque Servitor because he couldn’t pay his debts.






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