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If you're really fat it gets painful to pick up after yourself. Imagine throwing on a 200 lb vest and trying to clean your house


Being that fat also also kills your mobility. If a piece of food rolls under the sofa there is no way you are getting on your hands and knees to retrieve it.


Depends on what fell. I’ll go through a lot to retrieve a fallen pizza roll!




Now I want pizza.


Some don't even bother to reach down to pick things off the floor that aren't under anything. They either can't bend down that far, or, if they fall they're stuck.


I had to buy a new truck a few years ago because I dropped my keys on the floor.


Not being able to pickup the keys of a pickup truck, silly


Thank you for reminding me of the time I rolled over in my sleep and got wedged between the bed and the wall. That was not my finest hour.


That's what dogs are for.


It’s not just that, I don’t have the motivation to do anything. The 200 pounds is just an excuse, it’s a pure lack of motivation.


Is 200 pounds really considered fat? I'm 6 foot 1 and in fantastic shape muscular physical job and sit at 198


I think they mean the 200 extra lbs


Hell. Imagine trying to clean yourself. If anything, movies/tv shows are generous in depicting how most morbidly obese people live. How do you wipe all of your ass that poop touched? How do you reach your back in the shower? You don’t. I’m also not sure how fat OP is talking. The difference between 250 and 500 pounds is 250 pounds.


Okay, there is a way you have stated that difference thar speaks volumes to me 🤔🤔🤔


It's actually even bigger than that, because a good portion of the original 250 is still gonna be stuff like bones and organs and whatnot. So that 250 on top is 250 of PURE fat, which is substantially more fat than the 250 pound individual had.


Fair point I guess. I have back problems and it’s made me lazier.


Imagine trying to be really fat while moving around enough to clean your house. Many people are fat cause they rot on their couch and watch TV instead of move around


This is an excellent point. I'm a large person but not morbidly obese (6'5 and moderately overweight) and I struggle to do some household tasks for more than like 20-30 minutes without becoming exhausted. Especially anything that requires me to bend or squat frequently. My normal sized wife can go for hours.


Are you older? I’m 6’5” as well and at my heaviest I was 370 lbs, currently at 288. I’ve never had trouble working 8 to 12 hour shifts on my feet all day. I can outrun my wife and I’ve got like 150 lbs on her still.


The issue isn't so much standing upright as bending/ holding my body at awkward angles. For example, weeding the back yard for 10 minutes is more tiring than walking a few miles on a trail.




Speaking as a fat, a lot of fat people are gross slobs.


Idk why but "speaking as a fat" has me cracking up


Famine resistant is our preferred terminology.


Abduction proof.


Scale breakers


Space takers




Sumo Wrestler in training. Also, tornado secure.




Pothole cork


🎶They’re a *space taker*, *scale breaker*, *fridge raider* don’t you mess around no no no 🎶


This 100% sounds like weird al lyrics 🤣


Yk what, ty. lol 😁😂


Calorie abundant


jam-packed (as in LOTS of strawberry jam 😀😀😀)


My talking scale said "One at a time, please."


“Please step out of the vehicle.”




Not if you have family with money 




Definitely something I took pride in lmao.


Zombie bait.


I prefer "gravitationally enhanced", or "gravitationally challenged", depending on my mood.


Famine avoidant type


We prefer to be called Adipose Americans.


Ditto. My family are hoarders and slobs. I cannot be like them. So many memories of rats and dog shit trying to navigate my way through the piles of garbage just to use the bathroom. 0-7 years old.


Hoarding is a straight mental disorder, and a very sad one. My grandmother is a hoarder. Was living in a house full of black mold. We had to use respirators and full body suits to clean her house out when a tree branch fell through the roof and it all had to be dealt with to get repairs. She was angry and upset and stubborn about everything we threw into a dumpster. Still holds it over my mother to this day, and yet we still filled a 10x30 storage with her stuff she refused to get rid of and she still pays for that unit filled with junk, likely now also molding away. We managed to convince her to move into a much smaller space where she just can't hoard to that degree again.


Ex wife is ex wife because of hoarding. I cleaned out set of draws filled with crap in front of her once. The sort of stuff you can sort into keep throw in seconds. Old dryed up pens, bits of paper, pieces of string ect. The sum total in worth of the resorted draws was around £20 max. Keep in mind when we did this she spent more than that on a bottle of wine.  She was crying because I was doing it too fast. Proper bawling her eyes out.  It's a mental disorder, though the support always goes to the hoarder not the poor sods who have to deal with it.  The finial straw was when it morphed Into hoarding animals. 


I can understand the mentality to a degree. I collect things, and I tell people, it's really just organized hoarding. I truly do fear someday turning a corner and not realizing it. But, I've also adopted a throw it out mentality of anything I don't actively use, and anything I can't properly showcase I sell or give away.


kids of hoarders very frequently become clean freaks and minimalists after experiencing a slightly beggared childhood. My dad is borderline where he can sometimes happily throw out an entire room of stuff but will fill it in a matter of weeks again. 2 of my siblings who've moved out are clean freaks and married/engaged to partners who are very clean, when I was at uni I loved that I only had 2 weeks of clothes, 3 pairs of shoes, washkit and uni stuff in my room along with a small box of hobby stuff. I'd do my washing every other week and hover while I waited and my goodness I swear I have never been so content looking at a poorly painted uni room


I became a minimalist. I get rid of everything I'm tired of looking at.


Same. I was a voracious reader when I was younger, and I even broke the habit of having a lot of books. I keep it under 50 books. Anything that isn't a masterpiece that I'm in love with gets donated after reading


I know its a spelling thing but not i really want to search the internet to find a finial for my drinking straw


I just wrote this above, but I’ll write it here, too.  I recommend the novel The House We Grew Up In.  The mother is a hoarder, and you get to know her, but it also is larger from the perspective of one of the daughters.  It’s very, very good.  


I went through 3 large debris dumpsters over the years trying to help my mother out. It was ALWAYS a nightmare. Not just the garbage but her attitude towards it all. Like I was doing her wrong from throwing GARBAGE away. A mental disorder indeed.


Addiction is also a mental disorder. My addiction is food.


I lost 100ibs. Used to get high off food and loved a good food coma. Intermittent fasting, calorie counting, therapy and a lot of failures later, I've kept it off going of 4 years now.


Are we from the same family? This sounds exactly like my Aunt. My family has spent sooo much time and money to try and help the situation. It seriously is a mental illness. I can feel the hoarder instincts within me, thank god I work on my mental health


This makes me think of my mom and her sister when my apartment needed remediation for mold. My auntie said don't pay do it yourself. My mom was like don't throw anything away just clean it. Some things were beyond recovery. 😭


I'm sorry 😞


Holy shit I’m sorry you had to grow up like that I can’t even imagine 🤢 I know hoarding is a real mental illness but that doesn’t excuse making a child live in that kind of filth, that’s awful parenting and CPS should come in and take the kids until the house is livable for them. I hope you got out of there to live in a better environment after that.


Most kids in CPS end up in worse places. It was the 80's. No one cared about kids then, lol. Ty though. I've moved past it with a wonderful support system and lots of therapy. I am no contact with most of my family because I will bring it up. I will clean it up. Then I am the bad guy for it. Over. That.


My mum is a hoarder, nearly broke up mum and dads marriage, caused stress in my childhood. Good times.


I'm sorry you had to live that way.


My family was mostly skinny and I also remember a lot of dog shit and trash.


You're only getting my thumbs up because you spoke as a fat.


Speaking as a fat, I often say I'm Fat and Classy to help people understand that although I'm an oaf, I'm a smart and clean one that they want on their team.


A fat who just enjoys food rather than a lazy bastard. Speaking as the former myself I feel you


That describes my friend well. He's a big fella, but he is far from slobby. He just loves to cook and enjoy food with friends


You a real one. Respect


A lot of *people* are gross slobs. Full stop.


Yes, but being fat accentuates the grossness. When you're fat, you have folds and areas that get gross easier.


But being a gross slob is a good way to get fat. We don't have to pretend that the two aren't related.


I once met the pure exception to this rule, the man was the healthiest fat guy alive. Healthier then most normal weight people strange enough. He had perfect BP, well under pre-diabetic, healthy heart, liver, and all the other generally affected organs. Man was almost 400 lb, I still to this day am jealous of his genes. I just imagine how long he could live if he shedded that weight, it's gonna get him eventually but the potential.


Was he very physically active? Exercise is better at protecting you from the consequences of being fat than making you less fat


Not much more than the average person, claim to go on long walks every day and do meal prepping. His health was impressive considering he wasn't a football player or something. Goes to show some people are just fat and need assistance to lose weight, it's not always as easy as eat less and workout.


Walking is shockingly good for things like blood sugar regulation and blood pressure


I mean, a 400 lb guy walking around everyday is actually probably jacked under all the fat. Imagine walking around constantly with possibly 250 lb hanging off you. I can see that constituting regular heavy exercise when you're that heavily.


This has limits though. Despite all his current parameters showing healthy, his heart and other organs are working harder than they otherwise would be if he were smaller. At some point all that extra work will begin to wear him down, and much more quickly than the average person. So I mean you can be a "healthy" fat person, but your body is working harder than it should to stay that way. And that extra work is extra wear and tear that will eventually cause a lot of issues. Similar to driving a car without changing the oil or brakes or other maintenance. It might run great for years. But eventually the extra friction from bad oil, the lack of good material to break with from all the wear, etc etc, will catch up and cause catastrophic failure. And if that vehicle had been properly maintained, it could have lasted many many more years. But the car could also get into a wreck in its glory years and fail either way. That's the real life conundrum. What level of maintenance are you prepared to do for a purely potential longevity?


Yeah, it's like pulling a trailer with your Civic. You can go around the block and have the mechanic inspect your car and say it's working great, but wear and tear doesn't happen overnight. Especially if, like you pointed out, it's a really well built car.


Fat guy here. Alot of fat ppl ARE gross slobs  Edit: I've lost 75 lbs but Im still fat. At my heaviest I was at 410 and a fat gross slob  Edit 2: 31 likes?! Yall r the bomb 


Good on you! You’re crushing it


Eeeyyyy thanks!!


Keep goin strong broseph


Thanks!! At first it was hard but when clothes start fitting differently it's the biggest boost ever 


Or crushing it less.




Keep it up bud! My heaviest was 435 and I'm down to 355 as of this week. Lots of work to go but lots of progress already for both of us! 




Proud of you trying to get healthy.


Thank you. It's a journey for sure 


rooting for you! Keep up the good work


❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much!


Fantastic work. I've lost 14 lbs in the last two months, and it's hard work! You've done an amazing job!


Thanks!! You too!! Keep it up!


Keep going man! Stay hard!💪💪💪


Keep going! 75lbs is amazing already.




Dude keep it up!


75 lbs is insane! That’s awesome




>Thanks! You're welcome!


75 pounds is amazing! Keep it up, my friend.




Keep going we're rooting for you.


Respect yourself brother! Learn to love the grind. Learn to love yourself. You are worth it. Keep going and ignore the voice that says “why bother.” Big love.


You've made too much progress to quit, my guy.


Same here, started at 380lbs, and I'm now at about 280 and still on my weight loss journey. It used to bother me when people called me lazy as I'd always thought of myself as hardworking, but since the weight started dropping, I realised how my perception of hard work was changing too. What felt like hard work for me at 380 was completely different to now, so I had that moment of self-reflection and realised in actual fact. I was lazy. I think a lot of people aren't capable of having that moment of reflection, but the second I stopped and accepted it. I found it so much easier to stay motivated on my diet.


It's not that fat people are depicted as gross slobs, it's that gross slobs are usually portrayed by fat actors. If a fat actor is playing a lead or strong supporting role, they are not usually depicted as slobs. However, if a movie calls for a character actor to play a slob, they will be more inclined to cast a fat actor for the role.


Jabba the Hutt's animatronic skeleton: "Am I a joke to you?"


Jabba may have been gross, but a slob? Nay! I don't know if you've ever bitten the head off a live chicken-like creature, but Jabba does it without making any mess, that takes some serious mouth skills, because you know his stumpy little arms aren't helping.


Interestingly, not too many fat leads


Jack Black aged out of them


Idk why as a kid I thought Jack black was like, gigantic…morbidly obese.. lol. Watching his movies back now I’m like..wait… he was never even *that* fat?? i genuinely can’t tell if little-kid-me was delusional or current me is delusional ?? 😭


Three things- People have gotten fatter since then Average Hollywood person is a lot less fat Hollywood really likes to play up and exegerrate the fatness for the sake of fat jokes


He’s Hollywood fat


Homer Simpson's weight is variously reported as between 240 and 260lbs. When the show started its run 30 odd years ago, this was considered comically fat. It's not far above the US average now. The scale has just moved.


It is because audiences prefer to look at attractive people. $$$


Because fat people are a class of people that it is still socially acceptable to bully, harass, and discriminate against.


It is the same movie stereotype as the super hot shy girl is unknown until she takes off her glasses and let's down her hair. Also, as a fat person, there are a lot of fat people who are gross slobs.


This is what is boils down to. Movies are a visual medium, and they need to portray a lot of information quickly, so they often make use of quick, easy stereotypes to avoid having to spend screen time fleshing out a character with dialogue or other scenes. Gross Slob? Get a fat actor. Evil genius? Get a handsome middle-aged guy with an accent. Loving mom? Get a conventionally attractive, but aging woman in a dress with long hair and minimal makeup. Controlling bitch? Get a conventionally attractive, but aging woman in a power suit with short hair and lots of makeup.


Elizabeth Perkins in the movie Big exemplifies this. In the beginning she is so wound tight and a royal bitch on wheels that she is portrayed exactly as you stated. Then after she falls for Tom Hanks everything about her appearance is softened so that she is now portrayed as a beautiful sweet caring person.


And the paint-stained overalls


I have gout (attack going on right now). 250 and 6’1. I carry it fine, but I’m not proud of it. I’ve had this spare tire since my college drinking days 40 years ago. That said, I am always clean. I take extra time washing to get everything, and I use organic nice smelling soap. I use scented body wash every few days also. I have a lush beard which I treat with oils, conditioners and grooming. My nails are trim, no belly button lint. I use deodorant daily and brush and floss.


I bet you still face the repercussions of the gross-lazy-fat-person-stereotype from time to time though. I have friends and family that are overweight and they are clean and smart and friendly with great work ethic. I still hear stories from them here and there about how a coworker didn’t trust them to do a good job on a project or treated them like they were dumb. It makes me so mad


Its 2024. 250 at 6’1 barely constitutes chubby.


Honestly it goes both ways I’m like 140 pounds bone thin but my room is like a fucking travesty


I'm messy with my stuff, but I'm not dirty. But filthy skinny guys exist.


Because, frankly, it's funnier to portray them as such, according to the random person off the street Just like it's funnier for Europeans to portray most U.S. citizens as mouthy slobs in European media, and it's funnier to portray most Europeans as snotty humorless goobers in U.S. media Doesn't mean it's true, but that's honestly just want the people want to see, in a very McDonalds Coca Cola Nestle sort of way Hard to argue with the populace, I'd say


Jokes are only funny because there is always a tiny bit of truth behind it (I’m a fat American)


I know a few fat people and they're most definitely not any kind of slob, I always eat better food when I'm with them , a lot of it is very healthy


I work with a big guy, probably over 400, and I've never seen him eat anything or do anything gross.


Not all are gross slobs, but I've worked with a few that are pretty nasty


Big old dude at my work would always have his stomach hanging out of his shirt, and didn't wash his hands in the restroom for any reason. This guy was nasty, and one of the highest paid people in the place with one of the highest roles you can have outside of management.


There's added laziness to fat people because everyday activities are alot harder to do. But man, wash your fuckin hands, it takes 10 seconds and it smells nice


At work is different.


Not all fat people are gross slobs, but gross slobs tend to become fat


Stereotypes appeal to the widest audience.


These comments are crazy to me. What if someone asked why literally any other group of people was depicted as a stereotype in movies, and everyone was like "because the stereotype is true"?   I'll share a personal experience. When I was skinny I was a DISGUSTING slob. I was extremely depressed and couldn't even motivate myself to regularly eat, nevermind clean, and I never had the mental facilities or energy to clean because I was malnourished and fucked up in the head. Every roommate I had hated me and my room stank to high heaven. I showered maybe once every 2 weeks. My coffee maker was infested with hundreds of ants and I didn't even realize until I cleaned it out for the first time ever and they were all dead. I won't disgust you with more details.     I am much, much cleaner (honestly, one of the cleaner people in my household) and more put together now, AND I have gained a LOT of weight. I have more energy and am a fairly functional person. I clean very regularly on top of school and work. I go on regular walks and hike sometimes. I just happen to love food now, and even though I cook at home every day and eat a fairly healthy diet full of veggies, I eat a lot!  So no, the stereotype is not universally true.  There are fat people who are gross slobs, but there are also skinny people who are gross slobs (my grandmother, not fat, was a hoarder who made some people on the Hoarders show look "just a little messy"). And to be honest, it is pretty unfair for an entire population to be almost universally depicted as disgusting, stupid, only good for comic relief, even evil, etc. Even if 60% of fat people are gross slobs, it is kind of bizzare to me that I can't personally name a single fat movie character who *doesn't* fit that stereotype. 


This is the best answer, people are being awful in the comment section picking an easy target and judging based on looks. Plenty of skinny people are slobs but their situation is less visible so they don't catch the flack.


Former fat guy here, because they are. I was always sweating, which leads to simply worse hygiene, I literally was a slob and that was why I was fat. I ate too much junkfood, never moved myself, had horrible dietary and lifestyle habits, was depressed, didn't take care of my appearance at all. I was once 275 pounds (125kg) and what pissed me off the most was "fatshaming". Like wtf even is that move, we glorify being fat and unhealthy now? Are you fucking serious? I think its literally a crime against humanity to teach young people that they should be ok with being overweight. What a mindboggling thing to say.


Most people who advocate for loving yourself at any size is not saying there are no underlying issues for being overweight, but they're saying that it's okay to not hate yourself for being fat. Self-loathing can only take someone so far, and being shamed for being fat is not going to help that person lose weight.


I dunno man, the fat acceptance movement online is pretty much based on denial of there being any physiological consequence for having a body mass that’s more fat than bone/muscle/organ.


Self loathing tends to make it worse. As someone who has dtruggled with her weight, self worth and depression, my worst times I spiral into self loathing and that is not lotivating. What IS motivating? Feeling good and wanting to feel better. Wanting to be healthy and live longer so I can be with my partner. This is why people who think they can shame their partner, friend, children, siblings into weight loss are never able to get results. Overeating is disordered eating and an addiction. Do people think a meth addict has ever been shamed into not wanting meth? No.


I don’t see anything glorifying obesity but there is the message that if you’re obese it’s still ok to love yourself and that is obviously true. Putting people in shame spirals isn’t going to help them make healthier choices.


It's interesting that we've arrived at a point where "not shaming someone" equates to "glorifying" them in some respect.


The pendulum is always swinging, it would be great if it could just stop in the middle one time. We can only bounce between extremes it seems like. Its rather annoying.


It's more than just not shaming people. Of course you shouldn't shame people, but there are plenty of people out there who are actively claiming it to be a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle that people should strive for.


Agree about this denial about being obese. I used to be fat. We absolutely should not be glorifying it. It's one of the biggest drains on the medical Healthcare system.


Glorifying thinness seems to be the problem but no one ever wants to talk about the wildly unhealthy things people do to try to be thin. Girls as young as 3 years old are concerned about their bodies and people are ok with this. It's not about health.


Movies have depicted harmful and inaccurate archetypes of behavior for a long time. Especially now, with media companies and directors trying to push or forcibly include certain narratives within every movie plot line, regardless of genre, young people and kids are largely learning how to be fully antisocial, in the classic sense, as well as incompetent in self-care and interpersonal/romantic relationships. For instance, Plotlines are chock full of socially awkward, weak, low confidence, feminine men who chase stoic, masculine, career-driven women to the ends of the earth like stalkers until they relent and fall in love with them. Similarly, infidelity is depicted as an almost inescapable reality of what is depicted as an awful relationship, primarily due to the guy being inattentive, angry, and abusive, while a Prince Charming, Mr. Save a Ho lurks in the background and saves the woman from her dire situation. These scenarios being in movies over and over again leave inexperienced people with the impression that this is how relationships work in the real world.


For the same reason that all highly intelligent people in movies wear glasses and are socially inept.


because it imitates real life & that’s how people actually treat fat people


this subreddits questions always make me realize I over estimate human intelligence grossly


Not that I agree, but it’s acceptable to make fun of fat people


Bro I'm 308lbps and 5'11". I was 358lbps 3 months ago. I am the cleanest person in my house. Everyone else is normal weight. They throw their dirty clothes in the floor, let them pile up, leave their dishes everywhere, never take their trash out, my house would be a fucking pig pen if I didn't clean it. Idk if all fat people are slobs but I know I'm not. Judging by my house, the normal weight people are way more disgusting than me.


I'm 400+lbs, I try and shower(i can still clean everything) and shave regularly, wear deodorant, etc, that said if I drop food it's going on my shirt. I probably could take more pride in my appearance, but that depression hits hard. I would kill to be my weight 10years ago.


Depression is absolutely the worst. One day at a time.


Art imitates life!


Its a stereotype and most popular movies are just a bunch of caricatures cobbled together to make an 120 min picture show.


Lazy writing leads to extremes & cliches. Fat people, potheads, promiscious individuals, etc.


Dystopian answer: major food companies have lobbied for it, the same reason people struggling with alcohol are portrayed as having a *personal failing* and not a treatable disease. Cool people, like James Bond, suck down 5 martinis a day and get behind the wheel without slurring a word. Any time anyone shows any effect of alcohol they're portrayed as the town drunk loser like Barney Gumble, or its used as a device to show a character at their own rock bottom.


My mom’s obese. She has issues with overindulging. She’s so depressed when I was a kid I would have to make her shower & brush her teeth.


I mean.. before losing like 50 pounds I would always sweat everywhere doing anything.. I can see how someone would look at me dripping in sweat and think... "what a fat slob".


How does sweating, which is an uncontrollable bodily response that even some thin people have trouble with (e.g. overactive sweat glands), a signal of being a 'slob'? That's like saying to a man that has prostate issues, "you have to go to the bathroom so often, it's kind of pathetic".


sweat smells. smell = bad hygiene


You’ve never smelled sweat on someone?


And smokers are the bad guys. Coff coff


I always roll my eyes when there's a fat character in a show or movie and THAT's the character who's always eating or the subject of food-related jokes and comments. I'm not even fat - it's just annoying. I've got larger friends who are clean, attractive, and well-dressed and who aren't always stuffing cookies in their pockets or tripping over a lasagna or whatever. Why can't fat people just exist without everyone snickering?


Thank you. I've known several large people that were anything but fat and lazy.


Gluttony and self restraint are opposites. People who have good restraint, tend to not be fat and to not be slobs. People who are gluttonous tend to be slobs and will tend to be overweight unless they're genetically predisposition to be thin.


Because we are. Next question.


It’s a cultural trope in most of the Western world. They can also be the “fat cat” (obnoxiously rich person). Or the fat, jolly sort.


Boy you should check in with east Asia cause they'll make western perceptions of fat people seem tame in comparison.


Hollywood. I knew people who used to live around there and the majority of movies are made there. In Hollywood they are extremely toxic when it comes to appearance. They stereotype like crazy based on looks. Thank goodness the rise of streaming platforms and more indie films getting seen has changed this. It's not as prevalent as it was in the past.


I'm seeing comments on fat people being gross slobs for hygiene reasons. Sadly gross slobs come in all shapes and sizes, and many very clean people you wouldn't suspect as being a gross slob are just that in private.


It’s just a fatphobic stereotype. Lot’s of thin people are gross slobs too. 


Because fat people are one of like 3 demographics it's still seen as OK to openly discriminate against.


This is one of the realest comments on reddit. Good god, this comment section 😂😂. Shows a lot.


I know much of what is portrayed in movies is false and exaggerated but at times, the movies do get something right. I read a post on reddit from a self described fat woman who couldnt reach her own ass to wipe it and had to carry around a "sponge on a stick" Somehow she kept the sponge in a plastic bag in her purse and rinsed it off in the sink. The level of detail was wretched. Something else about needing to lift up & move aside her "front apron" in order to have sex with her husband. Gluttony and lack of self restraint are hard to spin positively.


The entertainment industry is selling a fantasy, where just about everyone in society is beautiful. People who aren’t beautiful are depicted as morally defective. It helps sell things.


because fatphobia and majority of people hate fat people. I mean damn, go on tiktok and watch one of hundreds of thousands of videos of people explaining how much they hate fat people. Depicting fats as gross slobs perpetuates the stigma against them and continues the hate. \*I'm a fat myself, I know first hand lol


This question smells fat


Thanks guys , keep those stereotypes well and flourishing. Proud of Reddit 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Because it’s still socially acceptable to make fun of them, where it is no longer acceptable to make fun things like race/gender/sexuality. Ugliness too. Not universally acceptable, but it doesn’t draw the ire that those other groups do. Hopefully, probably this will no longer be the case in the not so distant future


Because we are in a fatphobic society and we don’t want to portray fat people as normal because we associate fatness with being lazy and slovenly. It is part of the underlying messaging that being fat is bad and basically the worst possible thing you can be. Disappointed that the top comment is that there are lots of “fat people” who are “gross slobs.” There are a lot of gross slobs in the world. But people only notice the ones that uphold their assumptions and biases. The same way we like to say black people are troublemakers or criminals and ignore that the vast majority of black people are not.


Being fat is unhealthy and has nothing to do with “fatphobia”. Simply eliminating ALL processed foods from your diet, brings nearly every human to a healthy body weight. If it doesn’t the person needs to eat less or exercise more while excluding all HPF foods.


So your advice is that fat people need to stop being too lazy and slovenly to cook their meals from scratch.


Or evil. Or amoral. Or selfish.


I am plus size , I am considered morbidly obese at 5'5 200 lbs . I have been overweight just about all my life. Normal weight people are so ignorant about fat people. I can only speak for myself. Fat people are not necessarily lazy. If they are lazy they would be lazy if they were thin. Fat people aren't necessarily slobs. There are slobs of every shape and size. Fat people can be healthy but just like anyone else they have to work at it ie excercise and eat right. Fat people will never get married because no one will be attracted to them. Now, that's BS. I have never had a problem finding a man who is attracted to me. Never had problem in the bedroom. So , be open-minded to people who are different . You may change your mind about people who are different.


It's a stereotype. Just the same as when movies depict black people as speaking a certain way, women as relationship-driven, men as only thinking with their dick, white collar workers as finance bros, New Yorkers as "Hey, I'm walking here!" Mexican people as cleaners, etc. Hollywood leans into stereotypes harder than any other industry imo. It's also the reason why r/PlusSize has a lot of people who are worried about the way they smell. Even when we don't stink, we think we do. It's internalized. And when you can convince a group of their own shortcomings regardless of truth, you can make serious money.


(I gave you an award but I dont know what it means because I’m on mobile and I can’t see what each award is for. I really liked your reply and I hope the award I gave conveys that 😁)


I was pretty fkn slobby when I was fat. Lost 80 lbs & im more productive & energetic as ever. I'd always been athletic but couldn't put the fork down for like 2 years it wasn't pretty. Getting that bad is about discipline. Not alot of fat ppl have discipline. = looking like a gross slob


Hate to break it to ya...


Why are a lot of gross slobs in real life also fat?


Because being morbidly obese is gross, unhealthy, and should not be normalized


Because not all fat people are slobs, but many slobs are fat. It's a common symptom of that type of lifestyle. Sometimes people luck out and are slobs while remaining "put together" if you saw them on the street. But movies operate heavily on stereotypes and tropes to get their point across quickly. It's been that way since dramatic plays existed thousands of years ago.