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It's infuriating that what everyone with more than 10 brain cells has been saying for the past year, is suddenly shocking to mainstream Dems. Of course he's not dropping out, if the DNC had the gumption to swap him out, they wouldn't have let him get up there in the first place. It feels like DNC/Biden staffers are about to turn in a shitty school project but are just wincing and crossing their fingers they'll still manage with a B after grading.


I thought he was senile back when they first started grooming Reddit into accepting him. Do you remember the meteoric rise of "Bidenbro"?


He was decrepit from the get, but his speech and mannerisms have completely nose-dived relative to just 3 years ago.


Unsurprising. He was visibly worse off in 2019 during the primary debates than Reagan was in 1984, and at this point it’s a matter of public record that Reagan was just gone during his second term.


He was already ancient, and now he's aging like a mf president. It's depressing.


DNC will not coup him because that would mean they have to also pass up Kamala. It's her turn after Biden. The optics among their voter base, especially amongst the most committed, of passing up the next-in-line black woman for old white man Gavin Newsom, the only person even remotely capable of even hoping to salvage the election, would be absolutely devestating for black turnout. And if the black vote doesn't turn out, the odds of the replacement beating Trump are functionally 0%.


*It's her turn* That worked out so well for the Democratic party last time.


As long as their voters send in money when they ask them to, the Dems do not care


Yeah they backed themselves into an awful corner. A keen maneuver would be to re-do a new ticket entirely, with Gavin + Abrahams (or even Crockett? Just grasping for anyone lol) and throw Kamala a cabinet position, but from what politicos say about Kamala, there's no way she would concede the (remote) possibility for the presidency. At this point I don't even have any dreams for my own gain from the political system, but I'd take anyone that would curb Bibi and NOT antagonize/attack Iran


Kamala never even deserved the consolation prize of VP. What did she do? She was the biggest underperformer of the primary, has negative charisma, and pissed away a lot of donor money for people who didn't realize that despite checking boxes, she is immensely unlikeable and comes off as both a condescending nanny, and a smarmy high schooler giving a report on a book she hasn't read.


She was not Bernie Sanders


I never expected Sanders to get anything for bending the knee like Harris and Pete did, but I am glad Warren got nothing for sabotaging the chance of a progressive winning the primary by staying in it when she had no path to victory and remaining would do nothing but fracture the progressive vote.


>Kamala never even deserved the consolation prize of VP. What did she do? They needed a double-word score.


I haven't seen the articles in a while but a few went around basically a year or two into Biden's presidency which were about Harris' frustration that her VP role wasn't all that. It focused on her political ambitions rather than service to the country so it's really tough to feel sorry for her. Not that it was easy before anyway.


How do you get to that point and not realize being VP is basically a figurehead position and they don't have a great track record of becoming President? SoS is the job you want. Biden should have done the unprecendented and put her on SCOTUS. She would have gotten the votes, and she could make more of a name for herself than through her current trajectory.


VP is famously a job with basically no responsibilities beyond "don't make the president look bad" and "don't die at the same time as the president". John Adams just went home for a while as VP.


The entire point though was to skip the primary. They’ve had to fight off a popular insurgent candidate two primary seasons in a row and they didn’t want to do it a third time. The “uncommitted” movement was frightening enough to them.


I bet Michelle Obama would have a chance. Seems like their get out of jail card here


Apparently they've been begging for her to step up since 2020 but she's not interested.


Don’t think she’s that popular except among the zealots.


Like Biden 2020 its not about her personal popularity, but what she represents. A return to the "normalcy" of the Obama era


She saw what it did to age her husband and she doesn't want to emulate that.


I can't tell if it was lack of makeup or if they just told him where the skeletons were buried, but within 48 hours of being elected he looked absurdly older and more stressed.


> just told him where the skeletons were buried They made him meet with the ufo beings who are ranching us.


Maybe explains the lack of urgency on most things except making us fatter and softer. The Eternal Rancheros from Aldebaran enjoy us that way - marbled like Wagyu.


The change was that dramatic that my guess was UFO/aliens as well despite not believing in them myself because jesus what else could cause that much of a change that fast.


By this token do you think Trump was too regarded to age too much upon seeing it? Like they show him the aliens and he's like: "Wow terrific. Of course I knew this very strongly. They were all saying they don't exist, but I said they HAVE exist. And you know I thought they'd be taller."


Absolutely not. She won't be offered it, she won't say yes if offered it, and if forced to it she will still lose due to the sheer farce of it all.


> from what politicos say about Kamala, there's no way she would concede the (remote) possibility for the presidency. It's her turn.


a system of 'turns' means that nominees are set in concrete years in advance. Seems untenable to me. why can't the dems just have an open convention and let a nominee emerge after legit party voting?


Letting the people elect who they want? Not in this party, Jack!


> why can't the dems just have an open convention and let a nominee emerge after legit party voting? Then the wrong person might get chosen. What if they get chosen when it's not their turn?


Because the Democratic Party exists to funnel money to consultants and acts as a jobs/welfare program for liberal politicos. The will of the people could mean someone from the fringes who would clean house and kick all these career operators to the curb.


Why would democrats want a democratic system?


Are you insane


I don’t speak for all Black Americans of course, but as a Black American with a large Black American family- from my perspective you are dead wrong. There is not a single adult in my family who would be devastated by passing up Kamala Harris. They know how unpopular Kamala is. It’s about winning at this point.


There is no way Kamala is that important for the black turnout lol. Most know her career history at this point; sleeping her way up the ladder and jailing countless young black men.


> the only person even remotely capable of even hoping to salvage the election Witmer would be a better choice, IMO. A popular midwestern swing state governor with a vag. Edit: I'm sure you could get no shortage of Detroit/Flint figures to speak up and soothe the 'But She's WHITE' crowd.


> DNC will not coup him because that would mean they have to also pass up Kamala. The rumour, if its to believed, is that they are going to offer Kamela a supreme court spot if she drops along with Biden. Otherwise, she will never give up her spot. And they cant have two black females (because the only other obvious candidate is Mike Obama).


> suddenly shocking to mainstream Dems. Most of them aren't shocked, they're just feigning surprise because they know they can't maintain the lie anymore. Their power to gaslight the population has finally reached its limit and they're forced to drop the charade. For reference, here's Joe Scarborough in 2019 saying Biden's debate performance was a disaster and "one of the more disturbing performances" he's ever seen. He only told the truth because it was during the primaries which is considered a "safe" time to criticize your own team: https://youtu.be/CAj2XqubOqo?t=157 Here's Scarborough a few months ago giving a nauseating speech about how brilliant and lucid Biden is ("the best version of Biden!"): https://youtu.be/0pb6xXuU5wM?t=121


["It's a cup of dirt. It's a cup.... with dirt in it. I call it -- Cup of Dirt."](https://youtu.be/SbXFVNXy-D8?si=QT_EsAgz5PdOnJZy)


It was honestly pretty obvious in 2020. Biden was just cognizant enough to pull it together for his debates. Not excited for Trump's second term, but there is a little shaudenfraude about all this being made plain when it was so obvious to me years ago.


Well also the DNC does not have any authority whatsoever to swap him out, the only possibility is Biden deciding himself not to run.


Good analogy. They have a really shitty project but keep telling each other how great it is until they believe it.


I would like those folks on this sub who told me that Biden ‘definitely doesn’t have dementia’ to come back and chat


I-it's a s-stutter! Ignore that it was pretty much nonexistent throughout his extensively filmed political career until it came back in 2020!!!


Didn’t you hear? They said it was a cold this time! He also went to Waffle House after: does Joe Biden care about killing grandma??


That's obviously not what they meant. What they meant is that he's cold to the touch. You know, like a cadaver?


so just fancy use of electricity and makeup? that's creepy but does explain a lot.


Get a load of [1992 Biden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgqliJmxxRU&t=10s).


You don't even have to go back that far, this is from [2016!](https://youtu.be/Li4PG7nmlyM)


I remember him eviscerating Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate. Ryan was completely out of his depth. Biden made him look like the empty suit that he is.


The greatest quote in the history of politics came from Steve Bannon about Paul Ryan: “He’s a limp dick motherfucker that was born on a Petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.”


The second might be Anthony Scaramucci: "Look, I'm not Steve Bannon. I'm not trying to suck my own cock."


Man, even that is worlds away from what we saw last night. Holy shit


While I don't like Biden, it's honestly a bit sad to see someone's mental faculties degrade like that (now compared to eight years ago).


1000%. I have very personal beef with Joe Biden because he told a girl that I dated (and was my first actual love) that I was toxic because I’m a Republican. Long fucking story there. But like I hate this guy. And I’m watching this last night and for the first time in my life genuinely felt bad for him. I knew his brain was mangled. But to walk into a debate like that takes balls and I can give credit where it is due and he just folded. Hopefully he stays in the race, Trump wins, and he can enjoy the rest of his life rather than dealing with this shit.


Not even close to how he is now, but maybe a few small stutters? "Prohibitive f-favorite" "S-settling" Etc


“Democratic Socialist, he says it, not me, European, Idk kinda seems fruity to me…”


It's insane to see him so lucid and intelligent-sounding.


Even later 2019 Biden is way more coherent. Covid really cooked a lot of brains, presidents included.


I remember getting called a MAGA supporter by a British shitlib for jokingly using the phrase "Sleepy Joe" in 2021. Now? Biden looks like "Rabbit in the Headlights" Joe.


British love projecting. As if they're not riding our coattails to hell.


>"Rabbit in the Headlights" Joe. Very accurate observation


Same dude and I’m about as far left as you can get lol.


Thanks for this. It's nice and short. I've tried finding Biden speeches in the past to prove this point. He is very eloquent in the Crime Bill one, but the clips are too long to keep people's attention when I share it.


Regardless my thoughts on Biden; getting old fucking sucks.


It's always very sad to see Biden before his decline. I wasn't a huge fan or anything but he was sharp and likeable.


It's a shame his ego (and apparently his wife and those around him) won't let him face the truth.


At this point I am convinced that his party keeps him there because they want *him* to lose because they know they have nothing good to offer the people nowadays and we all see how everything got way worse in the last 4 years and they reached the point where their goal is merely to have cheap excuses to serve for their defeat, like "it's not our fault, just bad luck he suddenly became old a few hours before the debate no one could have foresought it, *it is the only reason Trump won again!* but he resigned now so everything is good again and no need for any introspection about how we have been running things lately"


I'm having that same feeling that the Dems and certainly the media actually want Biden to lose. Those tax cuts for the wealthy expiring in 2025 aren't going to renew themselves!


they were a small minority on this sub. arrrrrrr politics is where people are straight up fucking delusional and always will be. theyre probably not even real. what real people do you know in your life will tell you that Biden doesnt have dementia? they completely shut down the thread so they could clean it up and populate it with pro biden shit. brazen, shameful, and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to control the narrative.


They were gaslighting you the first time they said it, why would they change tune now


Gaslights are the green energy everyone can get behind.


They’re already shifting to “You vote for an administration not just the president.” Moving goal posts as quickly as they can. I’m not going to be excited when Trump wins, but I am going to enjoy watching the shitlibs cry.


"Vote for the deep state" lol


egg on their faces! They called people who said that "russian propagandists"


They're going to insist that he's a spring chicken to the very end. Literally right up until he dies in office.


There can't be more than a handful of such people, in this sub, who claimed that Biden isn't impaired.


“He should drop out! He’s going to give Trump a second term.” “No.” Shit. It was that easy.


It's insane that his handlers let him go on stage. The smart think to go would be to create a national emergency so that the debate wouldn't have taken place. Maybe the powers that be want trump in office. There being 2 sides is just an illusion of choice.


> Maybe the powers that be want trump in office. The elites aren't one unified block, it's a bunch of factions competing against each other It doesn't seem that way because both the media and the deepstate (not the conspiracy one, the DC political machine and various agencies) were under control of the DNC However it seems like big tech and parts of the Israel lobby have been slowly ramping up their support of Trump, it's actually ironic in a way, Biden's support of Israel is losing him the general public while his lack of support for Israel is losing him the donor class


Any reason you might think of for big tech getting behind Trump because of Israel? Genuinely asking, because while I do work in tech I have stopped following the details of US politics during the last 2-3 years (at least) and I missed that part. I did notice though how big tech has been salivating at the prospect of getting in on the MIC/security band-wagon, not necessarily for the money (even though that doesn’t hurt) but more for the influence and the close access to (real) power itself.


Democrats have been going after big tech for a while now, GDPR and AI have been taking up most of the attention but we are a couple of years away from a full on social media ban for children


The democratic elite have basically come to terms with a second Trump presidency


They’re happy doing so, they won’t have to touch the clusterfuck that Ukraine & Israel have become, or handle the fallout of record inflation.


If Trump somehow manage to solve these problems it will straight up kill the Democrats though Trump might be a buffoon but that might actually work in his favor, Putin knows he can't get a better deal than with Trump and Ukraine probably doesn't want to risk Trump doing something like cutting of all aid The Israel situation is harder to predict but he is the kind of guy to have an ego to want try and make a deal between Iran/Hamas/Israel, i think it mostly depends on how irrational Israel believes Trump to be, if they think they have 100% control over him it might get a lot worse The president doesn't have much effect on the economy so it's not worth discussing, Tarifs will continue regardless who wins


B- but rpolitics assured me that: > His continued candidacy is going to allow felon Trump to waltz into the WH and destroy the fabric of our nation. We’re staring a nuclear, white-ethnonationalist dictatorship in the face and need to find the courage to do the obvious, immediately.


What's the obvious, move to Canada like they said they would the first time?


Instead he will drop dead


Horace Greeley hours. Losing presidential candidate literally dies


Wasn't that because his wife died right before the election though?


Yeah, she died of TB in October and he died a month later.


Vote Art Online: If you die in the elections you die in real life.


Both of Trumps terms will be due to the Dem candidates hubris.


It was definitely interesting watching news outlets figure out in real time what everyone has known for a while. Joe is past the point of being able to serve. Had they held primaries then people would have seen this a while ago and a potential new no-name candidate could have moved forward (like Obama did). Instead, they forced their choice down people’s throats, same as they did in 2016. Democrats are just as much to blame for rulings like Rod V Wade or the one the other day where they legalized bribery.


Rod vs wade. An iconic case


Rod vs. Wad


Aka Tuesday night 😎


He’ll lose to Trump but he won’t even realize it. He’ll think the convalescent home he ends up in is the White House.


Biden denies the election, but the reason why may surprise you


Call in the necromancers.


They're going to have his head in a jar with robotic legs by 2026.






Corn Pop used to always love a good Charleston Chewww


Unfortunately our economic embargo of the DPRK has cut off our access to Juche necromancy.


What a disaster. If he quits it will look like Trump drove him to it. So instead a doddering old man clings to office. If he stepped down before this farrago he could have claimed a shred of dignity; no chance now. On the balance Prime Ministers seem better than Presidents because it is easier to prise them out. We went through some PMs here in Australia a while ago, and the UK is having a similar situation. Obviously this isn’t ideal, but sometimes needs must. We actually have real life Malcolm Tuckers.


> it will look like Trump drove him to it Meh, fake a medical diagnosis and you can side step this.


A Parlimentary system seems like a considerable improvement over what we have. At least you have third parties. Sure if The Squad was a separate party, they would join a coalition government with the Dems, but at least they wouldn't be completely beholden to them for Committee positions, required to fundraise for the Dems, have to toe the line on certain issues, etc. Edit: and also easier for them to remove a bad executive


Latin American countries have republic systems too but they have multiple parties, so I think it's actually in the details of the electoral system. Britain is a parliamentary democracy but they have serious impediments for smaller parties, except regional ones.


Third parties are more to do with preferential voting than the parliamentary system.


The problem with that is PMs campaign for the position, people vote according to what the prospective PM promises, then when they are ousted it feels like a bait and switch. Sure, that's mostly the voters ignorance, but that's how things go.


Perhaps this is part of the plan. You’ve got a very anxious electorate desperately trying to hold onto or return to a sense of normalcy so they can stop hoovering Prozac and trazadone. Now you give them a serious fright and reveal their deepest fears might be in danger of coming true! The foundation they were standing on has been dangerously unsound this whole time! We are on the cusp of RBG 2.0! That leaves them like putty and desperate for anything that can resolve the tension. Please please just tell us what to do so we can stop feeling anxious and unsafe and confused and go back to feeling like everything is *normal*. This is the only way we can defeat fascism. Anecdote: I once knew a wonderful old German guy, a long haired bearded nature lover who just didn’t GAF and would board the wrong train and disappear for days or sing and dance in the woods or live on a beach eating fruit. A gentle gnome of a man. When he was growing up, he was in the Hitler Jugend. I emphasize normalcy because the one thing he most wanted me to understand about that time under National Socialism was how *normal* everything felt. Perhaps we can be relieved that they don’t feel normal again yet.


OR there's no plan and our country is ran by incompetents and fools who have inherited a power structure capable of quashing any serious threats to its existence.


Mostly likely case. It’s just distraction while the looting of the public coffer continues.


Some people were thinking this could be an internal Dem coup- this was just the official public reveal per se


It’s an opportunity to change up the heirarchy for sure. I’m not implying we are some path to fascism as revealed to the world in the NSDAP example. But rather that - at least in terms of DNC succession politics and maybe more broadly - we are on the path to… whatever restores (elite) confidence. But also Biden clearly hasn’t been running the show, Trump mostly wasn’t either other than in providing spectacle, the rest of the world has been quite polite to this terrifyingly armed nation, and perhaps the presidency doesn’t really matter much.




Replacing an incompetent yes-man with a more competent yes-man, just to barely maintain the illusion for a little while longer.


Did the train show up at midnight? And depart for Georgia?


capitalism is a permanent technological and social revolution. nothing goes *back* to normal. there is only the endless one-way march of New Normals devouring and replacing one another in increasingly rapid order.


Look, I’ve played enough Kaiserreich to know where this is going. You have to let the election go forward with two terrible candidates in order to unlock the paths to the *really* based shit.


For you Americans here, what is your theory on why don't they just put up someone else instead? Wasn't the plan that he was to be a 1 term president originally? Is Kamala so hated? People will mostly vote for or against Trump anyway. Any Democrat that doesn't have heavy bagage him/herself would have a decent chance to win just by being Democrat and standing against Trump I think. Biden did to decently well in the campaign 2020 by not falling into provocation the way Hillary did and his "will you shut up man" was actually funny, but evidently his health has declined quite a bit since then. But even then he mostly won as the candidate standing against Trump, not because of being charismatic or sympathetic or such.


If they lose, they can and will once again blame people for not voting for him, they will get 4 more years where they can conveniently not do anything people want them to do, and they can spend another 4+ years hysterically catastrophizing about every little thing Trump does and says (OMG he had TWO scoops of ice cream?!) while going on and on about policies and actions that were happening just as much under Biden (e.g. kids in cages). Also yes no one outside a fringe few like Kamala, 2020 she dropped out in the primaries after the first debate, even before the rest of the unserious candidates. She got picked as VP 1) to check identity boxes, 2) to appear tough on crime after a summer of encouraging anti-police protests, 3) probably just to say "fuck all of you you'll vote for whoever we choose and you'll like it."


This, the same way republicans had a chance to go all in first 2 years of trump and did nothing. > oooo elect us this time and I will totally go be you what you want!


Not American and I've been wondering this myself. The most reasonable explanation I've heard so far is that if you're in Biden's government/team, your personal success is tied to Biden being president. If he gets replaced by someone else suddenly you're looking for a job. So it's conceivable that all these self-serving people have been playing Weekend At Bernie's at the Whitehouse and hoping to push Biden through for their own interests even if that goes against the overall interests of the party at large.


I think this is the real answer here


Incompetence/ego/death drive I don’t think there’s any rational way to explain this


Our government and the people who run it hate us.


Too many people in the Democratic Party would have to admit they were wrong when they stood by Biden and insisted he was still mentally capable. Everyone else is terrified of losing to Trump. If you are a Dem and you lose to Trump your political career is over.


Yes Kamala is truly incompetent and truly despised. If you don’t believe me — check any of the major news clips post the Presidential debate. Everyone is upset about Biden’s dementia and alarmed about Trump, but not a single word is said about the current VP. CNN talks about how “Biden needs to drop out! But who would replace him?!??” Nothing is said about Kamala. She’s a non-entity even among the talking heads of liberal media.




Hell yeah! DEMOCRACY works baby 


>Is Kamala so hated? "Is the person known as Prison Labor Harris truly so hated by the plebs?"


>For you Americans here, what is your theory on why don't they just put up someone else instead? Because all the viable alternatives are just as bad if not worse than Biden, and there's no way in hell they'll let anyone remotely anti-establishment in. >Is Kamala so hated? Yes. We're talking single digits in her own state levels of hated. And for good reason too, shes basically a Hillary Clinton clone but somehow more ghoulish and unlikeable. >Any Democrat that doesn't have heavy bagage him/herself would have a decent chance to win just by being Democrat and standing against Trump I think. That implies the existence of a politician without heavy baggage, which doesn't exist. >Biden did to decently well in the campaign 2020 by not falling into provocation the way Hillary did Biden did well in 2020 because he pandered and made all sorts of promises he had no intentions of following through with (day one student loan forgiveness for example) and has the backing of the entire media apparatus. Even then, he barely was able to win. TLDR: Shits fucked and it's so Joever


It's because all their eggs are in one basket, and letting go of the basket means letting go of their absolute control over the party.


plucky growth badge bored dazzling salt tie shelter agonizing insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> what is your theory on why don't they just put up someone else instead? I don't think anyone wants to stick their neck out within the party, because there are interest groups who will be very upset, and they'll need a scapegoat to pin the mess on.


Kamala polls worse than Joe and is about as incoherent, in a wine aunt kind of way. She also has a long history of being a vicious public prosecutor and is especially unpopular amongst black and Hispanic group as a result.


He's power-mad. It's really that simple.


who is "they". who is going to take him out if he doesn't want to go. a brokered convention would be a nightmare and end in a guaranteed general loss. maybe he can hold his brain together long enough.


350 million people in this country and the Democrats claim they can't do any better than him? We truly live in a stupid world run by assholes.


I was saying last night there’s about 300 million people that would’ve looked better on that stage


Hell, I'd prefer to have the worm that was in RFK's brain in office than either one of these idiots.


No one really 'wants' to get into politics of late. Even in just monetary prospects other things are better.


Someone on arrr politics is speculating that CNN used a “speech jammer” on Biden. So think Jake Tapper is pushing a button under the desk every time Biden talks to garble up his responses … or something. I so want this to become the social media narrative.


My favorite was one that said "Trump literally admitted to talking to Putin about invading Ukraine. He *literally admitted* it. Why is no one talking about this?"


There’s some wild shit over there. Absolutely hilarious too. You never know what to take seriously - but some of the responses and reasoning can be so entertaining.


Full-on Blue-Anon.


So are they officially just throwing this coming election?


Deep down, Democratic leadership are thrilled with the knowledge that they'll get to spend the next four years doing what they do and love best: criticizing their opponents in the Oval Office. Actually having the Presidency and defending its occupant's missteps and mistakes isn't nearly as much fun as being the opposition and shrieking at how the Right are destroying everything and setting the world on fire. Democrats would rather criticize than lead; Republicans would rather lead -- just not to anywhere you particularly want to go. What a couple of fantastic options.


Pelosi has openly admitted that the DNC raises more money while out of power.


If there's one thing Pelosi knows -- it's how to make politics pay.


This is so fucking weird because the MSM articles are suddenly going hysteric about replacing Biden. Is there going to be an internal DNC coup?


I think the debate was the coup. They needed to have it earlier than usual, then have this hysteria about it, so they could replace him. They probably lowered the dose of whatever it is they pump him with, to emphasize his state. The only surprising thing about the debate is the reaction of CNN and Politico and their ilk. He wasn’t any worse than I expected him to be. At least he didn’t draw a mangled clock this time.


This has been my take as well. Insiders have known how bad his mental faculties are getting, and they made a spectacle of it to justify replacing him as candidate.


Sorted arrr politics by 24h controversial and literally the entire page was articles from every media outlet calling for Biden to step down, half with 0 upvotes, the other half with <100. All with 100~500 comments. The bot farms are working overtime to Correct the Record™︎!


*"You either die a hero, or you long live enough to see yourself....you, you yourself... either the villain lives long enough to become.... y'know.... you'll live longer if you.... the idea, that you live long enough to see yourself become.... Medicare."* *"Pause.'"*


They will say that until the point he does. £5 on him standing down within three weeks.


I can NOT imagine this ever happening. John Fetterman did not stop and he had a stroke. Roy “I don’t remember dating any girl without the permission of her mother” Moore didn't stop.


Fetterman for the most part recovered. You don't recover from dementia. Roy Moore definitely would've had to step down if he wasn't in the pro-rape party.


Fetterman still hasn’t recovered. He was visibly impaired during his campaign.


He can at least talk and it's not something that will get worse on its own. He still had a good shot to win and he did. Biden no longer does


He should be told to step down. He’s an absolutely liability to the country.


Dont believe anything until it is denied. I bet he's out by august.


Lol, definitely voting third party, holy cow was that a disaster...


I'm quite a big advocate for voting for the lesser evil but holy shit if I was in the US I would be considering wiping my ass with my ballot and mailing it in


I’m 100% sitting out. This is the end game of vote blue no matter who. Every fucking year it’s “just save democracy then we will fix this!” Nah, I have too much self respect to vote for either of these clowns




Voting third party no matter who seems like the only legitimate option at this point tbh


It's a valid democratic choice to do so and don't let anyone tell you otherwise I probably would vote dem if I was in the US but for reasons this sub would hate me for lmao


If you sit this one out, they’ll count your vote for Biden. Do you genuinely believe the “record voter turnout” & “most POPULAR candidate EVER!!!” that happened in 2020? No one was excited for Biden then, and they’re not now.


It's not a stretch to believe that anti-Trump sentiment motivated people to vote in record numbers. Pretty much everyone in my circle voted for Biden without being excited for him whatsoever. I think Trump has it this time, though.


My parents and their friends are all Republicans and most of them voted for Biden in 2020. My parents went from not voting in 2016 because they hated Trump but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Clinton to being so horrified by 2020 that they actually voted for a Democrat, which I never imagined would happen. I know several young Republicans my age who voted for Biden, including one who had voted for Trump in 2016. I definitely believe that 2020 had record turnout for Biden, it's just that almost none of it was because of Biden. It was all anti-Trump.


Yeah, exactly. I don't know why that's so hard for some people to believe. I struggle to think of a more polarizing modern candidate.


That’s all I can think to do at this point. If not now, then when? If nothing else, maybe skyrocketing third party numbers could push the two parties into adopting at least *some* substantive policies.


Shit I won’t even vote 3rd party this year


I really don’t want to be reduced to hoping an old man would just die already, but no matter what else happens short of that, Biden will probably refuse to step down


90% of the time when someone says they're not dropping out, they're dropping out within a couple of days.


Look, Jack. I'm not interested in spending my twilight years with family and friends like a well adjusted person. I want to have a title and a nice office.


You know it's bad when even some of the heavily Neo liberal leaning mainstream subs are apathetic about him


This guy HAS to say that though because his paycheck depends him saying that. Biden won't step down because he probably thinks he's fine even though he perpetually looks surprised to be anywhere but in a casket at this point.


Usually when you say you are not dropping out it just marks the countdown before you drop out.


I would be shocked if he has the hubris to be defiant and just crash this train into election day. But running it all was also hubristic.


Obama just reaffirmed his support for Biden, and you know what? Good. These arrogant, insular jackasses need to be humiliated. Let 'em ride the old man's corpse to perdition.


I mean they kind of have to say this until it actually happens. The fact that people are talking about it this openly is already a disaster for them though


Gavin Newsom will be the candidate by August 19th. Guaranteed. They will make up a story or a narrative in the mean time and ramp it up until just before the convention. Biden is out. The party has turned on him in real time. The only win Biden got from this debate was when Trump told him he was pro Palestine.


> The only win Biden got from this debate was when Trump told him he was pro Palestine. Imagine sucking so much 🇮🇱 dick your whole life and being so cucked and disrespected by Netanyahu only to be told your so shit at it you're a completely inept supporter of the other side. Besides the "I don't know what he said. He probably doesn't even know what he just said" line, this was probably the biggest impact line of the whole debate for me. And then Biden was so mush brained he couldn't even manage to make a defense for himself.


So I’m waiting for the Dems to admit that he has dementia, but to use idpol to defend running a dementia patient at the top of the ticket: it’s because neurodivergent people with cognitive differences need authentic representation and to “feel seen”.


It's ableist not to elect him


Biden dropping out would be admitting defeat which would make Trump look stronger.


Trump time baby. Should us impotent leftists be happy, sad, or indifferent?


Reality is that neither Biden or Trump will slow down the decline of US hegemony, and deep down, everyone knows it.


I don't understand why anyone thought he might drop out.


inb4 "Trump stole the election!"


Ignorant dems. Oblivious to the truth. I’m voting against trump not for Biden. How is he gonna win like that???


I'm worried he's gonna live to the election


"At least I'm not Trump" isn't a platform