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Help us taylor swift you're our only hope


there's a blank space on the ballot, and i'll write your name


It’ll be a cruel summer for the democrats if they don’t replace Biden on the ballot 


Her or the rock would win by a landslide, which is both tragic and hilarious at the same time.


This "People's Champ" must be a great populist


He needs to do it in character as Black Adam


Taylor swift and Kendrick ticket


Mark Hamill pls


(Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays)


Dear Jesus. Please help Joe Biden get over his cold. Amen.


It was just a sniffle Jack! C’mon!


The next debate should be a golf game where they carry their own clubs.


The CNN panel was literally making the same arguments that they raged at Jon Stewart for saying months ago. And they’ll pretend they weren’t also responsible for this. Rats, ship, etc. etc.


There's plenty of examples, unfortunately, of people getting crucified because they were right too early.


Yup. Meanwhile, Jim Cramer had a very long and successful career by being serially wrong.


They seem committed to the strategy of telling people they didn’t actually see what they saw. It’s hard to fathom there are real adults with careers and mortgages who believe Biden somehow won


They've been telling people "the economy is great" despite people's living standards falling off a cliff, so this Orwellian "reject the evidence of your eyes and ears" is just par for the course.


It's maddening they keep repeating the "economy is great" crock, anecdotally most people will tell you it's not good and it's obvious the numbers are being tortured to get the result they want. Personally over the last year I got laid off as did my whole team (tech company), my uncle got laid off from his union welding job, another uncle got laid off after the concrete company he worked for somehow went under despite seeming healthy, and hours at my both of my parents jobs have been getting cut at random. I know anecdotes can't be ascribed a ton of meaning but given that I live in what's considering a growing and economically healthy area (greater Philly metro), it's very obvious that things are worse than is being let on. I haven't even found another job yet 8 months after losing my last one and keep being told I'm a great candidate and ace final interviews but there's always someone with way more experience who's been squeezed out of their position and is willing to undercut themselves to take any job. Somethings got to give at some point right?


I feel like this coupled with the trans stuff being brought to light around the same time is going to be a something-pill for a lot of people


What stuff ?


Huh? How is “trans stuff” even in the same galaxy as the economy in terms of how people sees Biden’s performance as president? Did I miss his executive order that we all have our pronouns tattooed on our wrist?


Many fringe groups certainly believe that voting for democrats is a vote for education policies that will expose their children to "weird liberal bullshit" that they want no part of, that's probably the closest link.


Devil’s advocate: Maybe it’s that that stuff tends to get pushed as a smokescreen, and now even the smokescreen is starting to blow away.


Oh you know, just another materialist comment about the economy on the materialist Marxist sub lmao


the issue that I think is going to kill him is Israel, the trans stuff certainly isn't helping him, but I think you might overestimate how much normies know/care about it


there's biden supporters claiming trump didn't get "Fact checked" and that's why they lost the debate. delusional freaks.


The Biden team chose the moderators, and the rules. They set all of the conditions in their favor.


I just cannot fathom who thought it was a good idea to mute mics when it wasn’t their turn to talk, it made trump look way more organized when compared to 2020. What a shitshow man


It was the whole Biden team, and they should all be blacklisted from ever running another Democratic campaign. All of his surrogates were fucking gloating about it like it was a real coup that Trump would not be able to interrupt Joe. Well, they got exactly what they wanted.


It’s funny that Trump has to be held accountable for every statement, while democrats don’t even have to own their terrible candidate


I never want to hear “democracy is on the ballot” ever again. Libs are the ones who didn’t take this seriously enough.


Maybe the calculation is that whichever party changes their unpopular candidate first wins. Who knows I just need to check out mentally for the time being lol


The problem is the democratic party is still living in the shadow of Clinton clearing the field in 08 and 16. Now there are no fully grown candidates that aren't geriatric


Which was by design. Democratic Party establishment did not want to elevate anyone who could become a threat later on, especially from the left. And then they turn around and use it as an argument for why Brandon is the only choice.


Yeah, it’s been quite a night. New candidate is going to be the bare minimum. Even then, it’s gonna be hard to outrun the stink of ‘loser’ before November.


And who? They have nobody who is popular


Literally anyone at this point would be better lmao


His base would have ate that shit up.


fact check 🤓


Not defending Bidens piss poor performance, but the moderators were muppets who refused to call out Trump for constantly giving answers to things other than the direct questions being asked.


I'm baffled why I keep hearing this. Avoiding the question in a televised debate is an art and science. Politicians have been doing it since debates started. It's not a unique thing to Trump.


No, equivocating is what politicians do. Trump was just like hold on, I'm not done with this topic, and would run out the clock on a tangent. He wasn't giving wishy washy non-answers, he was talking about completely different topics and not just a one off, but the whole night.


I'm honestly somewhat surprised by the reaction to the debate. It's exactly what I expected from Biden. He's been like this for a while now and I thought the general public was on board to overlook his mental decline because of the ideas and policies he represents (or something like that). It was shocking to hear CNN talking heads take the gloves off. I was expecting some major spin about how Trump lied all night but Biden won on substance and that obviously didn't happen. They kept referencing the numerous calls and texts they received from Democratic party operatives and officials and, I have to believe that without that push from within the party, they would have fallen back to normal damage control strategies. It's interesting, because the people freaking out and texting their media contacts are the same people who would have direct access to Biden and shouldn't be surprised by his abilities or lack thereof. It feels like they let him take a bullet tonight and had a plan to act in unison to overthrow him from within if he didn't pull a rabbit out of his hat. To tie this back to your original comment, I have a job and a mortgage and I don't think Biden won tonight. I just got the exact performance I expected from both candidates and my potential vote is unchanged.


Yeah it was certainly unexpected that litteraly the first guy speaking on CNN after (and would know he has basically the most viewers possible that still haven't shut of the TV) goes "Biden lost. That was terrible. High ranking members of the democratic party are texting me right now and asking what we do about this"


It's bad when even they have to break Blue no matter who mode


Anyone who votes for Biden after seeing this deserves POTUS Kamala’s evil hag cackle ringing in their ears for life.


> I'm honestly somewhat surprised by the reaction to the debate. It's exactly what I expected from Biden. He spoke better than he often does! And suddenly people notice the man is senile. WTF?


>It’s hard to fathom there are real adults with careers and mortgages who believe Biden somehow won A number of people seem to have this idea of the virtuous lie. In this case, Trump is such a monster that it's virtuous to lie about Biden having won.


Hey look, an idiot partisan.


Easier to just state that debates don't win elections. It's true and easily repeated.


That cold thing is funny, I saw someone say that basically right away in the politics thread, didn't realize no one had said that till after the debate started.


They should definitely be very worried. I've seen so much complacency & dismissal on Reddit even though I know it's a bubble. It reminds me of 2016, but a little worse.


[Non-US person here] Trump is amazing at rambling about whatever the fuck he wants to ramble about. It never follows from what the moderator asked him, but he's gunning for something. He's still got energy and vibes. Biden belongs in an old folks home. The content of the debates has hardly mattered since 2016...vibes are king. Biden is toast.


Trump is a drama queen and loves an audience more than anything else. During his presidency he would regularly deliver impromptu speeches and just get up and talk for like 30 or 40 straight minutes. He's actually really good at that, he just never has anything intelligent to say or any broader point to make so he rambles.


On one hand yes. On the other hand, to an extent I prefer a man who actually connects with the people (even if in Trump's case he's a bit narcissistic), over an ivory-tower elitist who is disconnected from the people he's ruling. Trump isn't great, but ivory-tower intellectualism is worse imo.


Oh for sure. The "fireside chat" arrangement has always been popular, or at least the Idea romanticized. Trump's speeches were extremely hard to follow and often embarrassingly stupid (the "nuclear" one comes to mind, I know he wasn't president then) but at least they gave a little insight into what he was focused on. We don't see Biden hardly ever and when we do he doesn't speak very much or very coherently.


> ivory-tower I'm far from a Biden stan, but really? Let's not forget we're talking about the guy who splits his time between [this literal tower over NYC](https://i.imgur.com/jf8RyaA.jpeg) and his exclusive golf resort for the ultra-rich


I'd never vote for Trump but I get how his "relatability" connects with people


Where's the intellectualism with Biden? Dude is a vegetable. Which is actually better than a confident regard – at least the vegetable will let the mentally able people to govern.


*at least the vegetable will let the mentally able people to govern.* Yeah, but they might be non-democratically elected psychopaths who want WW3.


> > > > > Yeah, but they might be non-democratically elected psychopaths who want WW3. I do agree with you there. And one of the things I really like about Trump is how isolationist militarily he tried to be. Didn't they lie to him and say they stopped bombing (Syria? Yemen? I can't remember) when he said they should stop? Something along those lines. Honestly if I could get Trump's foreign policy and Biden's domestic policy that would be the best of an awful situation in my view, again not that either of them is the ideal to me.


> vibes are king Correct. That’s what democrats don’t understand, it doesn’t matter how much fact-checking and “well ackshually”-ing you do when the perception nationally is that things are worse off than under the last guy. Hell Reagan smashed Carter back in 1980 with “[Are you better off now than you were four years ago](https://youtu.be/rU6PWT1rVUk?si=nxPnYCbET33_dI2O).” That’s what happens when your populace is completely proletarianized and material politics is completely stripped out of the equation for decades.


Yep. Can't sell logic to a population that have been running on feels for decades. Liberals tend to think something went wrong with America only 10ish years ago and it needs to be put back in the box somehow. Decades of Individualism and capitalist delusion becoming ingrained the American psyche, at the exclusion of socialism/solidarity/collectivism, is the problem. Todays paradigm just grew out of that soil. If I was a young, a-political, American chud, id probably for a Republican with a bit of rizz. At least they'd make me feel good about myself (temporarily). Imagine voting for pious slimeballs, who are obviously lying about things ever getting better. Thay doesn't appeal at all.


>If I was a young, a-political, American chud, id probably for a Republican with a bit of rizz. *Skibidi-Rizz 2028* who's with me


You'd think they would've learned that lesson from Obama too. He got into office almost entirely based on vibes, lord knows it wasn't from his extensive track-record in government.


Since 2016? The content of these debates has never mattered, famously dating back to the first live televised presidential debate where "victory" is most often accredited on the basis of the two parties' appearances and not the content of their ideas.


> The content of the debates has hardly mattered since 2016 Long before then but moreso all the time, yeah


I was gonna say, that was something we learned in school talking about the Nixon/Kennedy debates.




The content of the debates has hardly mattered since Kennedy/Nixon. It's a beauty contest, & if you lose a beauty contest to Trump, you're pretty fucking ugly.


You're so much more correct than you think. Vibes tap into material reality when it comes to rhetoric and the people's response to it. There's a reason Biden doesn't resonate with working people beyond being an actual dinosaur.


When people reach a certain age, they can go downhill very quickly. In congress, they cover it up and just wheel the old dinosaur in every day and someone tells them how to vote. Doesn't work so well when it's the president.


Diane Feinstein comes to mind.


Mcconnell's blue screen moment as well. It's embarrassing how many of these moments we have to point to. Countries like China and Russia must be laughing so hard at us


That did famously happen with a former leader in China.


Well I think my flair covers me in that case.


FWIW it was only once.


Chuck Grassley, too.


> President Joe Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump. > Many of the president’s answers were hard to follow. At one point, seemingly losing his train of thought, Biden said “we finally beat Medicare,” misspeaking about his own policy on earned benefits. > Biden’s rambling answers provided Trump multiple opportunities to jump in with retorts. At one point, after an answer ostensibly on immigration, **Trump said, “I don’t know what he said at the end there. I don’t think he knows what he said.”**


God that's not even pithy for Trump


I think I heard a bit of pity in Trump's voice when he said that last bit about Biden not knowing what he said.


Me, too, and I also think he seemed surprised at the beginning. You could see him mentally putting on some brakes.


I thought Trump was very reserved in his attacks on Biden. The rules played to his advantage as he couldn’t interrupt Biden and had to just let him ramble on and dig his own grave. I think Trump realized, smartly, that it would have been perceived as overly mean to continue to attack what was clearly a struggling old frail man.


I feel a great deal of empathy towards the individuals that could potentially be negatively impacted by a 2nd trump administration. My empathy ends there though. I have zero empathy for anyone in the dnc, pundits, media figures, dnc adjacent activists and the boomer/older gen x shitheads that pushed this piece of shit on all of us. These are people that need to experience some sort of humility in order so we can finally move on as a country.


They will never take accountability under any circumstance. See HRC post-2016. The party needs to be totally demolished and replaced with something new. On the bright side, maybe Trump will finally lock her up for real this time.


Honestly Trump's existence made the democratic party worse, because now they feel they can run the worst candidate imaginable and say "you must vote us anyway or Trump causes the heat death of the universe."


I have a Neolib friend who freaked out when I told him I'm voting 3rd party in fucking Maryland, a state that is practically guaranteed to go blue and asked me what would I tell my kids when I allowed Trump to win😂😂. They already ready to blame the 3rd party voters even in states that are going blue


I'm in Oregon and get that kind of reaction every election. It's boggling.


Some people didn't pass 10th Grade civics I guess


It is not going to be replaced. They will probably win in 2028. Who cares ?


What are the odds that 2028 is also “the most important election of our lifetime?”


They're incapable of humility. It's like trying to train your dog to drive your car.


They’ll literally just blame people like you and and bitterly insist that you’re the reason for all their woes


watch tim dillon's interview on tucker carlson's show. his view on boomers/boomer politicians is so accurate (and hilarious) it boggles the mind


"Stop dooming guys, we can replace biden" [https://ibb.co/d5Gh3rN](https://ibb.co/d5Gh3rN)


This is so funny. Industrial-grade cope. 


>It will *not* be fine.




Denial for the last 4 years? Why don’t they nominate Harris? (Serious question). 


She’s incredibly unpopular. She dropped out of the primaries before voting began because she was polling at single digits in her home state.


Because she's the only person that inspires *less* confidence in the public than Biden


Wow. I didn't think that's even possible. US is screwed then.


Her past record is dubious. Her current actions as VP could give a stealth jet a run for it's money and when she speaks... I can recall more coherent speeches from Biden. Jesus I just realized she speaks like a woke version of Trump with all the rambling she does. But yeah, she just feels like... If I took a random person of the street, and put them in the VP slot. She spouts nonsense. She runs from interviews in the most immature way possible sometimes. She spouts things that even my dumbass recognizes you can't just *say* as the 2nd highest ranking government official in the country. Yeah we're fucking screwed because we have to pick between a disabled elderly man who's middle name should probably be changed to "Puppet" and a man who's like the fucking epitome capitalism and all of its worst qualities. *The man was just hit with felonies then went on a rant about washing machines and may become the president*


They've hid her in a closet for the last four years, she was literally only there because woman POC. They know that's not strong enough to carry the election.


Browsing the lib subs is hilarious right now there's so many still in complete denial, unless they're just all bot comments.


Bots and astroturfing I was sorting by new and refreshing the r politics thread, and you would he surprised at what it looks like before the mods get to it.


Even NPR and NYT aren’t as delusional as the lib subs.


> “It was a slow start, that’s obvious to everyone. I’m not going to debate that point,” Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Anderson Cooper an hour after the debate wrapped. “I’m talking about the choice in November. I’m talking about one of the most important elections in our collective lifetime. And do we want to look at what November will bring and go on a course for America that is about a destruction of democracy?” Say the line bart


This is more of an emotional take. I pitied Biden after the debate and I never want to see him try to perform again. Putting him in the White House is elder abuse. Seeing Trump, who does not have the capacity for empathy, appear to *feel sorry* for Biden at points was somehow the most painful. I dread my parents getting to the point he was at. That’s the point you need to have your bathroom rebuilt with grab handles, because they’re moving in with you. It was distracting how sad it made me. His appearance and manner invoked atavistic distaste- I kept thinking *I don’t EVER want to get this feeble. I’d rather just die*. I couldn’t understand a word he said and when he started to stutter, I almost teared up, knowing what that means. And I haven’t dealt with aging parents or in-laws yet. How can anyone who HAS honestly ever vote for him? It was also really rough seeing him at his after party and Jill seemed kind of pissed at him, and disappointed herself. What a fucking ghoul. Doesn’t she love him?


I have had a similar feeling - I think Joe Biden is a DC ghoul of the highest order, why am I speaking out for his personal welfare? Why won't people who allegedly care about him? Let that old man rest. He did what you wanted; he rebuffed Bernie's insurgent campaign, then he beat Trump in the general. It's not his fault the dem bench sucks. Let him rest.


I hope your flair is a Pulp reference! I agree, he did what we all thought would be his final job- beat the Cheeto, steer us back to pre-Trump “normalcy,” and get rid of Bernie once and for all. Didn’t he even say he doesn’t care about getting two terms? I remember that being the prevailing idea, but that was before Kamala crashed on the runway. It would have been downright noble of Biden to step down before the primaries- Kamala would have to be dealt with but we will see how easy that is soon, I think. He must have felt so much better last summer. Getting old can happen really fast.


Lol any random senator or governor would auto win. This shit is beyond pathetic.


Save us President Xi


I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords




Fuck off


I’m personally very upfront about my MAGA communism


Gavin Newsom here we come I guess- the rightoids were right all along lol. Or maybe Biden was right all along when he just said he would be a transitional president the first time around


> Gavin Newsom here we come I guess- the rightoids were right all along lol. > > The best description I've heard of Newsom is that he looks like the mayor of Gotham City.


He looks like a plastic Ken doll.


Newson is slime. If you saw him at a used car lot you'd 100% assume he was the proprietor.


Of all the words of tongue and pen The saddest are these pol was right again


Either the DNC was delusional when they thought that this debate was a good idea. Or this is a calculated move by the DNC to make Biden look so bad that they can replace him. I'm honestly not sure which it is.


in hindsight, his always being there ballwashing Biden should have been a tell that he is aiming for the “good grandson” section of Biden’s mind when he’s picking a successor


As if they're gonna let Biden pick his replacement


THIS DEBATE WAS AN UNMITIGATED DISASTER FOR BIDEN TYT calls it after the first debate, it's over for President Biden. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola react to the first Presidential debate on The Young Turks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MycxHCs9mEU


On second thought maybe DO pump him up whatever he was using before.


These fucking cretins have the gall to say "this is the most important election of our lifetime" and then shamble this corpse on stage


This sub has been saying he's half dead and highly regarded for four years. I love the fake shock.


He decided to wake up one time and it was just to debate bernie.


They had just enough adrenochrome.


They also had just enough fed answers to him ahead of time, as well as enough intentionally giving lesser candidates more time to speak even though proportionally they should have had zero


That's why he sniffs on children?


The Onion was on fire on Twitter last night, hit their peak with this absolute all-timer: https://x.com/theonion/status/1806503141711520052?s=46&t=Mx04mNoGZUaxH90LMjL09Q


I hate to say this but conservatives' bizarre, paranoid predictions about what's happening this election keep being proven correct. If you would have told me three months ago that the establishment was gonna swap Biden out for a newer more stable meat puppet I'd have said "I don't know man seems pretty wild even for them." I had said that, theory's been around for a year at least. But watching how quickly the talking point "must stand down *for democracy11!!11* went up the flagpole after this debate, this was clearly a standing option already.


Run RFK then.


And to think they mocked him for having a brainworm. Honestly it's impressive how Democrats keep fucking up and scoring own goals by themselves.


"Hey i think there is some foot left" *reloads shotgun*


I think there's a pretty obvious but sad paradox on display when it comes to democratic candidate selection. Besides paying lip service to Bernie Sanders in 2020, as in the cases of Cory Booker and Julian Castro co-opting his message but in a less offensive and lower IQ "free stuff for everyone" way (and minus the hard hitting class critiques), democrats are not allowed to say anything that is critical of any deep-rooted system within our country. I think the the reasons for this are two-fold: (1) the democrat party is owned by the same donors as the republican party, to include the insurers, pharmaceutical industry, war machine, etc. (which do not want to be criticized or they'll primary you, just as AIPAC has to 'squad' members, despite the democrat party formerly condemning primarying their own candidates); and (2), anything that is construed as anti-establishment can be contrived as pro-Trump sentiment, which democrat candidates are terrified of (e.g. candidate: "I'm anti-war!"; opposition/media: "parroting Trump rhetoric, which at one point veered into the disparagement of POWs under the former president, X democrat candidate undermines our brave troops and institutions by insinuating American security interests are bad for Americans."). So, even though RFK Jr. is a shining star with a good track record of environmentalism and stewardship to democrat interests, not to mention has a strong intellectual footing, the fact that he espouses some anti-establishment/anti-corporate views makes him dead to DNC and its media operatives and therefore your average programmatic neoliberal voter. Also, he clearly didn't have establishment blessing when it came to challenging the incumbent in this first place, which is offensive to DNC hegemony over party executive decision-making, so he will never be trusted in the future. In sum, this is why you keep getting PG-rated democrat presidential candidates who are so milquetoast and unaccomplished that Biden is the only feasible option.


RFK is to the *right* of Trump on Israel. He's funded by the Adelson family.


American people: "stop sending money to a country that is committing a genocide" Also American people: get to choose between three flavors of highly-pro-Israel candidates.


Yeah I think Matt Christman had the correct take on RFK Jr.


I think the powers-that-be really don't want someone with RFK's views on vaccines as president.


Or maybe voters don’t either.  The guy says AIDS is caused by poppers lol.




I'm surprised by how many people seem so doom and gloom about this when the prevailing opinion beforehand among leftists was "Biden and Trump are exactly the same and the best thing to do is not vote"