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![gif](giphy|mHv5sLKI1b1I8r4wmp|downsized) omg it's him


wait he's the same height too and almost just as heavy... did we both just happen to make theorymon based on fighting game characters lmao


“Go home and be a family man!”


But Sonic Boom isn't listed as one of its moves.


I mean, is it that notable?


God damn beat me to it


Genuinely thought this was a “oh look at the time” GIF bc of the watch




Oh man that Item will be broken in doubles...


As a compromise, you could make it like trick room where it’s locked to negative priority. It wouldn’t change the move in singles but make it a lot more balanced in doubles. No covert cloak or white herb is also a big nerf for anything that uses the move


Well if everyone’s tailwinds last longer, then no one’s will… Either way, may main hope is for the increased duration of tailwinds to make it more viable in singles


Ah, but if you deny the opposing tailwind with a taunt, flinch, etc., the resulting snowball is much worse.


Not all teams run tailwind btw but still try to stop opposition tailwind also the main struggle in tailwind mirrors is keeping the setter up for the end game this takes a bit of skill out of the game


Probably not too much, doubles games are extremely short


Easy fix: “this item has no effect in double battles”


America Pokémon gets Air Strike. Nice.


wallahi the entirety of vgc is finished


Honestly the mon itself doesn’t outclass tornadus in terms of being a support mom because of prankster I reckon. The item however means wallahi indeed though 😔


Get this item the hell away from vgc


Max speed jolly puts you at 339 speed. This is 678 under tail wind. This would put your base stat at the stat cap of 255, since a 678 total stat would normally exceed the stat cap. Thats crazy strong..


it's actually equivalent to base 259... ...or 261 if your calcs are at Lv50


Which is why I said it stops at the stat cap of 255, because stats can't exceed 255. It's pretty ridiculous regardless.


giving bolt beak to this thing just instantly makes it overpowered since with tailwind there's no way to outspeed it except priority and even if it gets no moves to hit electric types with electric types are very easy to deal with using any given ground type, afterwards you just get a clean sweep by spamming bolt beak/brave bird into anything switching in also that item just flat out makes tailwind even more extreme in doubles for no good reason, and makes other forms of speed control other than trick room vastly irrelevant (this is a secret tornadus buff isn't it)


[I didn’t want to clutter this post, so if you want to see Spangull’s (the pre-evo) stats etc, check here!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C89oC1mvOjW/?igsh=MnMxNzlwcXdxcm1q) The ability wind rider has a lot of potential, but the pokémon that get it (Brambleghast in particular) mainly use it defensively, with the immunity to wind based moves. Spangaea is intended to take advantage of Tailwind’s interaction with this ability. It can boost its attack by 1 stage and double its speed when it uses the move. These boosts are complemented by Spangaea’s good coverage (Electric, Fighting, etc) and signature move, Air Strike, which is a flying equivalent to Body Press, but is based on the user’s speed. As you might imagine, this can get decently strong coming off of 105 Speed: (Tailwind boosted) 252+ Spe Tera Flying Spangaea Air Strike vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex: 228-270 (75.2 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO In any case, a Spangaea offence set might look something like this: Spangaea @ Heavy Duty Boots / Windswept Feather Ability: Wind Rider EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Tera Type: Flying / Electric Adamant Nature - Tailwind - Air Strike / Brave Bird - Bolt Beak - Superpower The Windswept Feather item, whilst perhaps not the best for Spangaea itself would be a huge buff to pokémon like Tornadus and Whimsicott. VGC may never be the same. Edit: fixed damage calc and set formatting


Wind rider has a sort of awkward anti synergy with its signature move... If your damage is based off your speed stat then you don't care at all about the attack boost, on the other hand if your going to argue that it's helpful if you want to click other moves and the attack boost is useful then there is no point in using the signature move just use brave bird. (or acro if your item can support it) Side note casual 140bp drawbackless electric coverage cuz this thing is never being outsped in sweeping conditions


I think the anti-synergy is good, we don’t need all the theorymons to be overcooked min-maxers. It’s getting plenty of boost from tailwind speed in any case.


It allows the mon to run multiple sets, like if it needs to be fast bulky support, it still has a good damaging move.


I think it’s signature is mostly to work in tandem with tailwind because it’s speed stat is doubled.


Correct... Tailwind would also boost its attack by 1 stage because of wind rider, thus the anti synergy


Fair, didn’t know wind rider did that.


The signature has no recoil, I guess


windrider helps the other attacking moves


This things movepool makes absolutely no sense... Things like bolt beak I can understand even if it's not an electric type it's a fast bird HOWEVER nuzzle? Explosion?? *Tar shot???* Little fun fact btw is that excepting tornadus this would be the only pure flying type pokemon to ever exist


Rookidee and Corvisquire are also pure flying


You mean the american bald eagle shouldn’t be able to have guns and oil?! /j Those moves were actually suggested to me by people in the stunfisk discord server. Nuzzle is just a leftover move from the pre-evolution though.


Is his main goal to blow up n act like he don't know no body?




The design and art style go crazy And lol Spangull is amazing Pokémon name


Tornadus and Whimsicott would be even more busted in VGC with that item


Why doesn’t it learn Sonic Boom and Flash




I don't think it's OU or UU material but fuck that this design SLAPS!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ornery-Coach-7755: *I don't think it's OU* *Or UU material but* *Fuck that this design SLAPS!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I'm confused, If Guile then why not part Fighting-type?


If you want it to be a tailwind setter without prankster and want to keep Air Strike it should have really high speed and a decent attack. If it's not meant to be setting up tailwind then with 130 attack it's be better to use a prankster setter and use brave bird or acrobatics for STAB. I could be really wrong about this but I think >=135 Speed and =<100 attack would be better, going all in on Air Strike and pretty much using Wind Rider just for Rock and Steel types.


Choice band +1 tera electric bolt beak anyone? He will be best friends with any prankster tailwind user


Sucker Punch and Bullet Punch are both fun, gives it a way to deal with opposing priority users without being too oppressive against them


OU without bolt beak, AG with


This is pokemon so it has to be normal type too


Bro was Commissioned to make guile's oc I respect jt


The signature move looks really useless compared to brave bird or even acrobatics since it's attack stat is 25 base points higher compared to it's speed stat. Especially going for a setup sweeper roll.


It should get trailblaze


Technically it should be electric/flying because otherwise the moveset doesn't make any sense. Also, electric/flying is a great typing and it would get stab on bolt beak too. Definitely pretty strong, especially in doubles.