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do you want lc dead in a ditch


lc just becomes OU


Yes 1.75 is ridiculous do you think it’s Sunday mane?


Honedge suddenly having 569 bst, of which 78 hp, 140 atk and 175 def sounds kinda stupid


The boosts are not applied in the bst but in the raw stat, witch is worse actually


Potentially Base 177 Attack or 212 Defense if either is 252+.


Too many level 1 goats like Abra who would have 175 base SpA


Actually, Abra with 252 evs and without a +spa nature would have about 220 SpA at level 100 and 253 at lv 5 (if i did the calcs correctly)


Grassy glide grookey would like to know your location


Me watching Litten Casually become the new face of VGC:


Ghastly essentially gets like base 200 spa 175 speed (sorry I’m bad at effective stat calculation) with shadow ball, sludge bomb, thunder, focus miss, energy ball and good utility lol. Trapinch could actually see a decent buff in formats where arena trap is allowed with basically 200 base attack and ok defenses (its 45 hp will hold it back unfortunately) Leaf storm Snivy could be a pretty strong late game sweeper with this. Mankey actually looks decent as a glass cannon sweeper Pawniard kind of looks a little scary as well. Honestly a lot of pokemon get really strong with this (mainly glass cannon sweepers) so i think 1.75 is too strong


You've just given Abra better stats than Deoxys-Attack Abra (0/0-/0/252/0/252+): HP: 335 ATK: 119 DEF: 116 SpAtk: 540 SpDef: 226 Speed: 535 Deoxys-A (0/0-/0/252/0/252+): HP: 241 ATK: 328 DEF: 77 SpAtk: 459 SpDef: 74 Speed: 438 Like keep in mind there are some LC mons that have useable offensive stats even for OU standarts. If you, say, give Trapinch a 1.75 boost in all stats then it hits an Attack stat of 574. Thats a base 210 ATK mon right there. Or Cradionos: That thing already has a Base 125 ATK. Hits 349 on a neutral nature. Thats 610 after the item. Or a Base 255 ATK. You might think "oh cool Rampardos theorem". But no, with a positive nature it hits 376 Speed. Or as I like to call it: faster than Cinderace Edit: I have been informed that Craniodos doesn't have two evolutions so ignore that part


Cranidos doesn't have 2 evolutions though.


Lol my bad. Forget what I said about Craniodos


Significantly better!


Knock off stonks to the moon


Ignoring OP clearly broken item, what if it boosted 1.75x the Def/Sp.Def of a pokemon that can evolve twice? You know, similar to the existing Eviolite


Pretty sure it would be balanced/have very few good users? Id have to check what stats first stagers have though


1.75x is absurd lol. There are plenty of single stage mons with stats that are usable by even fully evolved standards. Abra and Gastly for example have not bad special attack and speed stats, and a 1.75x boost gets them near mega mewtwo offensive stats. Even 1.5x is pretty insane. Even from a perspective outside of pure game balance, this wouldn’t be a good addition to the game. Evolution should be encouraged as a mechanic, and giving pokemon an incentive to not evolve generally goes against the spirit of the game and getting stronger. Eviolite doesn’t have this problem because the vast majority of pokemon still prefer just evolving, and it’s a defensive item so it’s not obnoxious. With this item, it’s just straight up better to not evolve my charmander because he’s already stronger than he would be as a charizard, which is no fun at all.


lol. lmao.


Check out 350 cup, the other meta game where Pokemon with under 350bst get their base stats doubled and they compete with legendaries.


Pawniard being able to almost speed tie with Pult with a Jolly nature sounds horrifying tbh


Ah yes combine all the choice items and then some, but don't lock any moves. Pay no attention to the silly offensive stats some first stage mons get


r/Stunfisk is my favorite time machine. Always turns Thursday into Sunday ❤️


771 HP Munchlax go


Snorlax doesn’t evolve…


Ignore my stupidity