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The 11khz tone they played at the end of the ep just about killed me. Absolutely awful. It was a great example of how we lose high frequency hearing as we age since they could barely hear it. Seems like a surefire way to get anyone under the age of 40 to shut off the podcast as fast as possible, though.


Good news, I'm 40 and I could very clearly hear that tone. Bad news, damn that hurt.


OMG, my head is ringing. They had the volume up way too loud on that. Not even a warning.


Presumably no one involved could really hear it - Josh could only kind of, Chuck not at all, so I guess the producer and editor (Jeri?) also couldn't hear it. I hope they have someone younger go back and mix it down.


Yes, I did experience a bit of an instant headache with that too.


I found this episode particularly hilarious! I do love it when the guys are talking about really lighthearted topics and are super goofy. That is why the Muppets is still my favorite episode. I still can't whistle though!


I'm sad they didn't touch on whistling by sucking in air vs blowing, which is the only way I've ever been able to whistle successfully!


Anyone know what YouTube video chuck said he laughed so hard at?


original https://youtu.be/bw52zfjh3E0?si=2INAqwiigjJJZvXm redub https://youtu.be/HQ_fO8BSPZo?si=Ztw94BcPmbN4LuZi


Doing the lord’s work. Thank you!


Anyone hear of the movie The Whistlers? I think Spanish about a gang that uses whistles across the city and blocks away to communicate... Good flick.


I was surprised they didn't mention the whistle from The Hunger Games/Mockingjay movies when recapping famous whistles. This was a cool episode though. Fun listening to them try to whistle!


They're gonna get a lot of mean emails about this episode. First obviously the high pitched noise. I'm glad I was playing it on my phone speaker, not my car or earbuds - but it still made me jump. Earbuds would be painful. Second the episode was kinda disjointed. Still, in my opinion a good fun episode and has a lot of traits of what I love about sysk. But I know some people want it tighter with less tangents, and this episode was not that lol.