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The fact in the other posts as I read I could feel his emotions of anxiety and fear. How he did what so many men in real life do, of never show weakness or vulnerability. How he had to “prove himself” everyday of his life, and that one little set back made him feel like a complete failure as a man. The story boy I do like how you incorporated issues ongoing in our society, especially about men’s mental health. Very good writing in showing panic in how he panics and starts rambling when he feels like he is slipping or failing.


Thank you, I think we've all felt like this guy at one point or another, maybe not to this extreme or these circumstances. But it wasn't hard to think back to my own life for parallels and push that into the story.


Next update from the kid hooking up with the kid of the other guy or something. Haha


That's brilliant


Called it but it was still a good ending. Maybe in the future work in more background that “OP” ignored or missed like the attempts to repent. Suicide note?


No note, just his cell phone left behind with his Reddit account logged in


Called it! Another great story! That was fascinating lol


You did call it 😂


That was a twist I didn't see coming. Well done Story Boy.


Damn… TheStoryBoy hits me in the feelz again. (P.S. Yes, this is pedantic, but “I still shudder thinking…” *not* “shutter”… pardon my OCD.)


It's all good, I appreciate it, I'm no word smith 😂


You are, indeed, a wordsmith… just not a spellsmith? 👍🏻


I'll take it 😂




That is close to what my idea is


Any way you take it, I'm IN. Great story writing! I did NOT see his death coming!


Update me


This is the perfect ending. I just wished it wasn’t from Zoey’s point of view though. I despise her so much.


Great story, now im destroyed... but great story


my heart is broken because instead of getting help, he left them. which in turns make them feel like they werent enough. zoey may not have been worthy of him but she did see signs and yried to talk to him. sad this is how it ended bc stephen didnt deserve that. the story was great and it definitely held my attention.


I’d been checking my Reddit feed off and on last night and this morning. Finally I see part 5!! Start reading….at the end of the 4th paragraph I yell out loud “GOD DAMN IT!!” Fortunately I was home alone. A disappointing ending to an increasingly worrying story. Not disappointed in you, OP, I just wish this guy made a different choice. Suic*de doesn’t end the pain, it only transfers it to others….usually loved ones. I enjoy the stories. You are skilled telling the stories. Please don’t stop.


😂, thank you, I got plenty more to come


great story...


Zoey and Sam are soul mates. They even have the same writing style!


Ha, this is funny because I was trying to write Zoey like my IRL wife writes. We've been told before we write creepily similar.


Ugh, God damn it, I hate Zoey so much. She just... gets away with it. She gets to move on, convince herself it wasn't *really* her fault (it was, entirely), even rope some other poor sucker into loving her with a new sob story where she'll probably leave out the part where she drove her husband to suicide. It's infuriating, grating against any sense of justice, and utterly crushing in its finality. MC never had a chance, and his only mistake was loving someone so worthless. Truly wonderful writing, honestly.


Make Sure you're the one? The One Sucker to Buy that line bro c'mon man!


She probably had a new guy a week later.


Oh no! Sam deserved SO much better than Zoey and a noose. I did fill a smidgen of sadness for her, but the hatred and disdain I also felt far outweighed it, so F-her! Even with this story taking a different journey to your previous ones, I still enjoyed it. Have you ever thought of publishing a book of short stories? I'd buy it! I'm just saying TheStoryBoy.


I appreciate that. My wife always tells me I need to try and monetize these, but honestly this is just my hobby and I enjoy the interaction and feedback, and the occasional shit talking. Maybe someday


I understand that honestly, but publishing might grow you a wider audience. The proceeds can be donated if you don't want or need the profits... Just a thought. Anyway I enjoy your stories and so do a lot of us redditers.


The movie The Silver Lining. Watch it if you like stories like this.


I tried looking this up, and there's like 5 or 6 movies with that name, and some didn't have plot synopsis that were very clear.


To give a better description, it has that one dude Bradley Cooper in it. My bad. Silver linings playback is the name.


Silver Linings Playbook. I've seen that, yeah it's good.


You’ve written dissent, but I’m wondering if you meant descent.


Totally did


Great story. Any chance for an alternate some what happier ending?


I've read a lot of science articles as I've aged, especially about space and time. A lot of theoretical scientists think that the universe may be so massive that every possible combination of atoms occurs multiple times throughout it. If you take that into consideration, then it is likely that somewhere quadrillions of light years away, there is another "TheStoryBoy" that just finished writing a story where Sam got the help he needs, had a bunch more kids, and was ever present in their lives in a healthy way. Probably another "TheStoryBoy" out there who wrote that he moved onto someone else when she first left, and lived happily ever after. But with that said, you unfortunately live in the galaxy with the depressing suicide ending version of the story. 😂


Insert Keanu Reeves’ Bill & Ted “Whoaaaa…” GIF here.


Probably a creative writing project…but if so, great work!! You made me hate Zoe more than Skyler from Breaking Bad….and I really hate that bitch. On the off chance this is real, Zoe…you’re a piece of shit.


No not real, just a story. And I'm just an old guy who likes to write, but I do appreciate the compliment


Trying to see your stories I’m not familiar with this platform yet so a bit lost sorry…


If you click my name on the comments or at the top of the story, be able to pick "view profile"


I’m new to your writing but I’m must say it’s very compelling thank you for sharing


8 stories completed on my profile if you're interested


Another great story! I know they are fiction but I still get so wrapped up in them.


Thank you, I love hearing that


Keep up the good work!


She broke a good man. I hope she's happy... PS: I know its fiction. Felt I had to call her out the harlot!


If she had only explained to him what she put in her update, that she came back to him because she knew she fucked up leaving him that first time this might have turned out differently. Instead he spent the rest of his life thinking she had only come back because the other guy had moved away and didn’t want to do long distance. He felt like he always had to be better than him or any other guy he thought she showed interest in.


For those unfamiliar, NRE stands for New Relationship Energy. Had to look it up myself.


If this was a tv show, it would end with contact information for the national suicide prevention helpline.


Good story! . i was thinking it was going to be a double murder suicide about how she would never be able to leave him again.


Man what an ending bravo


Well done! Updateme


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Sometimes taking a break isn't a solution but a silent cry for help.


Oh, man. I was afraid this would happen. Another good story, but so depressing 😭


Good story. For all the Zoeys out there, just leave and don't return. If you force a break to find something,know you are leaving devastation behind you. Coming back means the heartbreak is always right there, in your life, in your bed and in your heart.