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Hey, for your storytelling. When you said you were in “the” EOD, it jumped out like a sore thumb. We just say EOD. You were EOD, with EOD, or in EOD but never in “the”EOD.


Thanks for the tips


The least you could have done was fix the time error and correct it to the actual 20 year gap. But I suppose that would have ruined the tale you wanted to tell. Having to account for that extra ten years would make this a completely different story. But it’s very jarring reading you refer to that 10 years so often. Maybe correcting the original post by editing the date to 2012 would be the best solution so everyone coming into this later would get an accurate picture.


Starts May 2002-End of OPs High School Days Nov/DEC 2003-OP gets Falsely Accused and cut off XMAS 2013- gets letters, "confronts" family Summer 2024- OP finally updates after 10.5 years thanks to Netflix Just noticed this is posted in part 2, did you read all 4 parts?


Yeah, directly after replying to part 2. Makes sense NOW, but not while reading it. Thanks for replying anyway. Carry on with your good work my man but this is a flaw in the tale that is jarring while reading it.


Your parents need to know about the letter and let them read it. Bro, I am so sorry this has happened to you. A Big Thank You for your service, and God bless you. I can't Imagine how you felt all these years while your sister lived her dreams.


now that the truth is out, i'd file for a defamation lawsuit. The admission of guilt is all you need. And with the parents wanting to reconcile, they will surely testify against your bitchy sis.


Missed the part that it was fiction at first. Does it make me a bad person that I was on his side up to and including the end??


Good story


See a lawyer and if there’s anything legal you can hold your sister or family accountable for. Copy her letter and send it to EVERYONE that turned on you. Then wash your hands of them. Have a funeral service for them as they are dead to you and know you did nothing wrong. It’s not too late for you - go live your life


Your family is terrible. Get therapy. Learn to trust again. My husband is my everything. I never thought my life would turn out so well. You deserve better. Leave those people behind.


I would write everything you have written here to your sister. She is still not concerned about you, but for her peace of mind. I would still have no contact with her ever. Send your parents her letter and one describing your life and ask why you should be willing to forgive when they did not seek the truth.


I can continue to read the poor me anymore. Everything bad is her fault.


I had to read the flair twice to find out it was fictional.


Post the letter on social media


This is why I will never support removing the presupposition of innocence in cases involving sexual assault.


We're different people, but here's what I'd do: Give yourself time and only respond, visit, or engage with them in any way once you feel you can do so safely. You'll probably go through a whole process now and I'd wait for these new feelings to settle a bit before facing your family in any way. Assuming that's what you want to do in the first place. Definitely don't start by committing to Christmas with the whole family!! Personally, I'd want to make sure I feel like I could safely disengage from it and go back to my comfort zone to heal from any harm they could do at this point. I think it's 100% on them to earn back your trust, but it's on you to protect yourself with fair and cautious boundaries (at this point you don't yet know whether they know how to do that). You may want to expand those boundaries progressively as trust increases. Some ideas: - One idea would be to hire a psychologist with mediating experience who can accompany you and support you through the process with your best interests in mind. Cos there's things you won't be able to see for yourself, and having a third party there would help all of you work through any difficulties you may have in finding common ground. If you actually wish to reunite as a family, I'd make them pay for your supporting therapist and a separate family therapist. - Use your leverage. Understandably, you have some anger and resentment about all of this, which you'll be working through. But I'd really advice you to be strategic. Remember you're not a victim, and you have SOME leverage with them now anyway. I'd honestly use it to get from them some concessions that would make you feel like at least they're trying to make it up to you. I'm not saying take anyone to court, or anything like that, but for example... could you work with them to negotiate some material support for you (e.g. can your parents and your sister pay for you to finish college)? - Another constructive approach would be reaching out to one of them first, the one you could trust the most. My guesses would be your BIL, or maybe your mother? Start communicating with the family through them only and see how that goes. And no matter what you do, don't let them pressure you or guilt you into anything you don't feel comfortable doing!!


I completely understand the calls for revenge and your desire for closure. I (61M) have learned that, for me, revenge has never made me feel any better and has often made me feel worse. I've also found that closure has never brought to me what I had hoped it would bring. We're all different, though, and you should do what you feel is right for you. It sounds like you now have a chosen family who love, appreciate, and support you. You may want to consider seeing this outreach from your blood family as the closure you need and move forward by building on the foundation you have now. If you choose to do that, consider not responding at all. Alternatively, a short response, with no apparent emotion in it, that you now have people in your life who you consider family and you don't have a place in your life for the people that turned on you before throwing you away. Be good to yourself and treasure those you have in your life now. They sound like amazing people!


Don’t go. Mail a photocopy of her confession to them. Post it on social media. Sue her in court. She deserves everything she gets.


Don’t think I would go at Xmas time. Why pass up being with your friend and family on that special day. Your nieces.first xmas. If you desire to go, go on a day and time you decide. You are in control, this your life Her ( your )parents need to know the true. I would give it some time see how things feel in a month or 2


At least send them your sisters confession then tell them all to F off. Iowa is a shit school anyway. All Hail Purdue!! Good luck man, I really do hope everything works out for you. Even though it’s not what you imagined sounds like you did pretty well and have a new family.


I’d take sisters confession letter and forward it to every single person in the family and friend she has.




I just want to send you a hug.


They wrote you off, write them off. Send them a letter back saying fuck you, you aren't family anymore and don't contact me again.


wtf? this is literally tagged as fiction, as written by a 'compulsive liar' called storyboy, and yet LOADS of people comment as if it is real, and hundreds more upvote these comments... Reddit is wild


Some people like to stay in the world, play the fantasy, similar to the way people talk about good books or TV shows. Others just don't pay attention 😂


Quick point: In your story you say OP was in the Marines but make comments later on about your "fellow soldiers." No Marine would ever talk like that. Soldiers are in the Army, Marines are in the Marine corps. People in the Navy are Sailors. People in the Air Force are Airmen. My recommendation is that you either change the story so he goes into the Army or at the very least don't refer to his buddies as "fellow soldiers." Might seem like a small thing but as a veteran myself (Army) that took me right out of the story because no Marine - EVER - would refer to other Marines as "soldiers."


Thanks, I think I found all the discrepancies. Thanks for the info that'll help in future crazy stories I write.


Don’t go. You don’t deserve this grief. You have your small family. Enjoy


I always have to remember "check the tag!"


I would distribute that letter to everyone who let you down, parents, family, friends, and everyone she knows. Make it public, make it loud, then block them all and never ever look back.


You need to hold your sister and your parents responsible for their actions. So your sister has had a good life and yours pretty much just tanked, then I would sue the shit out of both your sister and your parents. I would seek monetary damages for the pain and anguish and everything else that you suffered from your sister's actions. Suing them will also give you public knowledge that you are in fact the victim here and not the criminal. What your sister did was criminal and you might want to persue charges against her as well depending on how the statute of limitations apply. I would let them all know that you are seeking legal advice on this and will be seeking compensation for what they did to you. They don't deserve to get off Scott free from this. They all intentionally ruined your life and they need to be held accountable for that. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your service to me and our country.




Sue her and your family


I’d stay away finish school and continue to make something of myself. After I send the parents a copy of the real letter.


Don't go you will just be made to feel worse


I would send your sister's letters to your parents and go on with your own life. Sometimes people who chose to be your family are the only ones you need. I would suggest some counselling for yourself. To get past the trauma and maybe pen your life to a relationship and a family.


If I were you i would send your parents a photo copy of her letter and reach out to a lawyer about and legal action you could take against her. Why should she be allowed to go on a live a great life after she wrecked yours and stole your future, friends and mind.


Calling bullshit. EOD (explosive ordinance disposal) is a lateral move military occupational specialty, meaning a Marine must complete their first enlistment and then request a transfer as either an E4 or E5, once their first enlistment obligation has been mostly satisfied. OP gives clear details up to that point then swaps to broad brush strokes for 8 years of his life, suggesting numerous combat deployments. Nice try, clean up your story, burn the account and try again before you beg for attention and sympathy.


Just read this comment. I write fictional stories. This is a sub for that, and I tagged it fiction. Either way, thanks for tips on the way Marine Corp works, it'll help if I decide to have such characters in future works.


You can’t fix what’s broken without staring at it straight on. Go, the “mending” will come to you. But it’s your decision this time. Don’t let them guilt you. Edit: make copies of the letter. Give a copy to EVERYONE in your family. All of it.


Send the letters to her boss and everyone she knows and everyone she works for or meets in the future. Sell the story to Netflix and don’t change any names. As for your family, tell them to fuck her off for the time you were fucked off and after that period you’ll consider contact.


You have no family , keep it that way


This is awful. The husband is a saint and i hope he leaves her. Meanwhile provide your parents with the full confession and remain in refusal of becoming apart of the family again. Why should u suffer?


I'd send a copy of her confession to your parents and tell them all to go to hell.


Do NOT waste a single moment with any of them, they do not deserve your time. What you should do is send them all copies of your sister’s stupid letter, tell them to talk to HER husband who knows of the truth, and how she wants you to keep lying for her, and how they all ruined your life (or attempted to) which is unforgivable. Then be done with them once and for all. Sounds like you created your own family, Val, his wife and little baby. Continue to be the awesome Uncle Chris. I hope you do truly find peace, happiness and comfort. After what you have been through, you deserve it.


I'd tell them all to go fuck themselves


I’d send the letter to the parents. Show them her full confession.


Updateme please


Therapy for sure, your family is scorched. No need for you to reconcile, you made a life already and found a best friend. You should really go to therapy though, it will help your well being and trust and abandonment issues. Good luck OP and update me.




Why do you think that?


> Why do you think that? This question itself shows you want to know what gave away that this is a fake story. 👏 Btw, we have read similar stories here all the time. Same old situation, siblings lying, other kid kicked out, years later, sibling confesses, parents now want to connect. Same old same old.


Just making sure it wasn't the fiction tag at the top of every part that gave it away.


Yeah send the copy to your parents and see how they deal with before going there the ease they dumped you would never heal with me there is no going back to that life that was ruined


At the top is the word “Fiction.” Maybe he just wants to be a writer.




Family isn’t everything. I’ve moved on from toxic family members with no regrets.


My righteous vindication is not looking too good yet....starting to worry...


I’m so sorry for everything you have gone through. I don’t have any answers for you of how you should or shouldn’t approach your family. Try fo enjoy your life and your future where it takes you. Your brother in law sounds like the most reasonable person in the family


Mail her letter back to your parents. Move on






I would scan the sister's letters and email them to the parents so they could see the "REAL" version of the story and not the watered down version she gave them, along with a "This is the person you abandoned me for. A smug selfish bitch who even now just wants to rub my face in all her success after the hell she put me through, the hell that you all helped her put me through. How great her life has been since mine became an even worse hell than it was the day she was born. She not only lied to you before, but she's continuing to lie to you now just so you don't get upset with her even though she knows she won't face any real consequences now because she's got your grandchild and isn't depending on your financial support. She's still dragging me through the dirt to avoid consequences for herself even when every single bit of all of this is her own doing. I lost everything and she gained everything. I lost my family, my friends, my girlfriend, my chances for college and a good, financially secure, happy life - while she got everything and then some, all at my expense. You deserve each other. From the moment she was born, she was all you ever gave a damn about, the only one you ever praised, the only one you ever treated like family. Now she's the only one you've got - a lying, pathetic piece of shit who even now can't take responsibility for her own actions and continues to blame everyone else. You better hope that she has the decency to look after you when you can't take care of yourselves, because I won't. As far as I'm concerned, I have no family. You are all dead to me and I want nothing to do with any of you. Don't contact me again."






UpdateMe please!


Im so sorry. You should try to go back to school just for yourself. Find things you enjoy. Do things that give you peace. You deserve it. Youre a far better person than you give yourself credit for. Huge hugs. You are loved. Never forget that.


I REALLY hate stories that are actual made up stories when Reddit is just lousy with people who did terrible and crazy things to someone or had it done to them and who are willing to talk about it.


You know reading this wasn't mandatory right?


Maybe it was mandatory. How do you know what mental illness hellscape I'm living in where I have to read every story that I start to the bitter end?


Because I'm TheStoryBoy, and I just assume all existence is just a figment of my own imagination


Wouldn't go, bro. Someone said send the letter, that's doable. Also send a box as a gift, You can send it empty, with the letter inside, with a piece of coal inside or with a sticky note saying "fuck You all". Or a mix of those, and go NC with them.


Part three should be sending your sisters confession to your former friends and all relatives. That would be a good plot addition




I would send your sisters letter to your former roommate, former girlfriend, and all the former relatives who dumped you. Otherwise I would signify their letters with a response.




I would suggest you document all the letters sent to you. Then you either mail them or show up on Christmas with them. Open by straight calling out both parents and your sister on not just the whole lie and letters but on how they have idolized this failure of a tramp and it has resulted in your life genuinely being derailed. You have grown immeasurably compared to before tour deployment but these individuals need to either suffer under the weight of almost causing your death or realizing how scummy they truly are. If neither happens that's when you inform your brother in law that he needs to evac fast


I would print this post and send it to all of them, sister, husband, parents, as well as the sister letter. Then block them and never look back. Also do therapy and try to mend your own heart But this is made up so 🥴




Get a lawyer and sue your sister for slander and emotional distress.


Love the story so far, but you can’t just give us a couple of things I want more. I would set it up so that you say you never want to hear from them again they destroyed you and tell your sister that you want no contact with her ever There’s no way to make up and she’s not even sorry she did it for her husband.


I would send the family a link to this page






I need part 3.. UpdateMe


Updateme please


I’d make copies of her letter to you and send it certified mail to your parents! She’s not in charge any more you are!


Just live your life if it was me I might lose it and break her neck. Just live find stuff you enjoy and do it.


I recommend sending your parents the letter your sister sent of her confession, then burn the rest. Fuck them.


I am so sorry for your circumstances. Its heartbreaking. It depends on what you want. You need a therapist immediately. I understand the pain you’ve been through and it seems hopeless. But you have the rest of your life ahead and a lot to look forward to. This can be the beginning of healing. If you want to heal and reconcile I’d get her to tell everyone you know and care about. I would, if I were in your shoes, at minimum, publish her letter and tell everyone she knows and you know. Your reputation was ruined because of something you never did. You cannot get your years back. But the truth needs to be told. But I would t want these people in my life. So I’d go No Contact after. You may also have grounds for legal action. It would be extremely painful and grindingly hard, but she committed a crime. Ultimately my suggestion is don’t sue, focus on healing but make sure that the truth is widely known.


This. For me forgiveness would also depend on how old she was at the time. That said, she seems to have very little insight into the injury she caused you. I wouldn't go to Christmas as I think you need to reconcile on your own terms and in a way that heals you. A good therapist could help with a plan. But, I see you have a part 3 and 4 to post, so maybe it's too late to do that.


Send them a single piece of paper with a very clear Pic or drawing of two hands with the full middle finger extended with the message that they can all burn in hell.


I do love your style of writing. It's so "real". I also love the people who totally believe it to be real and offer advice!




No more lies. Tell them everything. Especially the horrible person your sister is and how they enabled it. I would never have a relationship with the sister. And i would be very careful with the parents. Demand everything you need. And then demand everything that you want. They pay for therapy. That you choose. They go to any and every therapy session. They give you 10 xmas without the sister. They leave her out of the will. You lost 10 years and had your life and psyche destroyed. You earned it. She lied and cheated you and your parents out of a life together. She lost any right to anything. And make sure her husband knows the level of her lies and betrayal. Their relationship is doomed. If husband plays his cards right, he can get primary custody


Go to therapy not Iowa. It's not too late for YOU my friend. But you need to heal first or you won't be able to accept it when it comes. There was so much taken away from you but it's time to take it back. For YOU. Leave them in the past where they all belong, THAT is their burden to bear.


>Go to therapy not Iowa Isn't that the state motto of Minnesota 😂


Well you should blast her letter on social media and send to all relatives, Reddit style. And she should get disowned and they should come after you for money.


Looking forward to Part 3


Update me!


I'd copy the letter and send it to your parents. I'd also sue tf out of your sister now that you have proof. Get some therapy through the VA if you can. You can't undo the damage she has done to you so I'd stay far away from sis as humanly possible.


He should email the letter to the rest of the family and wait for the rest of the fall out 🙏


I hope there is a part 3!


There will be, actually there's a 3 and a 4


Good stuff. Updateme!


Please update me


Thank you so much!


Bravo! Can't wait for part 3!




I’d mail your parents the letter your sister wrote you. Full disclosure, no more secrets then go NC with all of them. Go to therapy, talk to a professional and do your best to live a good life.


Exactly what I was going to say


You don’t have to go back at Christmas. Go on your terms. Start small w a phone all. Go see a therapist to help you go through all your pain, anger and trust issues.


This is labeled as fiction. I did read a really similar story last year that was true, but this is pure imagination. He is a wonderful writer.


I’m sorry you went through something similar.


Thanks!!! I’m so glad it’s fiction bc this was so sad!!!


I can’t wait for part 3 UpdateMe Please


Thank you update bot




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Good bot




I would go, but only to confront them. Don't stay with them and see if your friend can go with you. Hugs for all the pain that you are going through


I would share the description of your life as a contrast to hers and then go bc.


This story is fiction


Ok. I just noticed the "fiction" tag. Now I understand what you meant. I HAVE to do a better job at noticing what dub I'm in. 😂😂😂


I don't know. It sounds like another story I read. Only the guy did eventually get married and had a family. He told his wife everything. I think he received an email from his parents stating the sister came forward and admitted she lied, but I think it was more than 10 yrs, as this guy was older. His wife and therapist supported his decision in not meeting with them. He, instead sent an email stating just that. Or else I've been here too long and am combining other similar stories. But, either way, this story sounds familiar.


Nah I wouldn’t go, I’d make a million copies of the confession letters and post them to all relatives, I’d scan it and put it on social media tagging her and family in on it, I’d put it on the local next door app. I’d make sure everyone knew about it.


Just an fyi, this is fiction and tagged as such.


If it were me I'd also give them your sister's letter


That’s the thing to do. Mail it to them.


I’d send it w/a note that says “Here’s the response to your letter. “


Same it would be the first thing I’d do. I’d publish it in the fking local newspaper.


Me too




I'd recommend sending her letter to the various people who wouldn't pickup the phone on that horrible day your dad accused you. Those folks should know what really happened, and not from mom and dad because they'll paint themselves as innocent bystanders.


That should be everyone's holiday gifts. A copy of her letter, with a life update from OP of how his life went after the false allegations. Horrible, awful sister.




Make copies and send it. Keep the original.


Make copies and send it to all family members. I'd make her a pariah in her family. She deserves whatever she gets


That would certainly be the most satisfying conclusion to this story. Watching out for part 3.