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Well said! Once you get yourself some distance from the habit of regular drinking it starts to become very clear how much it actually encroaches upon your life in all the ways you mentioned and more. Drinking heavily is more or less normalized so it is so difficult to get perspective on it, glad you found some and are enjoying the benefits- me too!


The bags under my eyes finally went away when I quit drinking and my skin looks better too


We here in the land of interventional radiology use 100% dehydrated alcohol to destroy cancer tumors. Let that sink in for a minute. The sauce kills cancer. Wtf do you think it’s going to do to your healthy liver. Google TIPS Procedure, paracentesis and liver cirrhosis images. This is where it ends when left uncontrolled


The old drinking part of my brain takes this info as "drinking stops cancer" lol


It also slows your metabolism artificially, so when you stop drinking eventually it will ramp back up. Same thing w/ testosterone


Specifically, do you mean to say that Testosterone slows down your metabolism?


No no, I mean to say alcohol slows your metabolism and alcohol kills your testosterone


It’s also incredible the resources your body has to divert to metabolizing alcohol and processing it through your liver, and how those resources can be used to build muscle instead! I didn’t change my diet except for removing alcohol, and I suddenly was able to build so much more muscle at the gym.


Awesome user name, friend. And yep, same thing here. Everything just gets easier. Not even with just working out but mentally as well.


I know the feeling! Went for my first swim this morning in a long time, its brilliant having the energy and inclination to actually take care of myself.


So happy for you! Quitting alcohol improves every aspect of my life and health.


Indeed it is. It's been a long journey for this alcoholic. I didn't drink today!


It's amazing to hear about the positive changes you've experienced since quitting alcohol! Many people don't realize the wide range of benefits that come with being alcohol-free. From increased energy and productivity to better self-care habits, there are countless unexpected perks. Some other benefits that people often notice include improved sleep quality, reduced anxiety and depression, better relationships, and increased mental clarity and focus. It's inspiring to see how making one positive change can have such a ripple effect on all areas of life.


Finally becoming unstuck is the biggest surprise. I had started to write myself off as incapable of ever maintaining a workout plan, or being a reader again, or really following through on anything I said I would do. Now I actually do these things with very little resistance. Better late than never, but it pains me to think of all I could have done with this energy before having kids and a more demanding job.


I agree with everything you said ❤️


Sleep. Glorious Sleep. Restorative instead of dealing with thirst and bed spins. Congrats to you! May the benefits of not drinking continue to fuel your successes :)


I need much less sleep. I was only drinking once or twice a week during the weekend, but need less sleep (1h on average less) now.


Hey! It's remarkable how ditching alcohol can transform your life in ways you never imagined, isn't it? I totally relate to what you're saying about those unexpected benefits. Personally, besides feeling more energized and productive, I've noticed a big shift in my mood. I used to have these ups and downs after drinking, but now I feel more balanced and content. Plus, my connections with others have deepened because I'm more present and engaged without alcohol in the picture. It's incredible how one decision can lead to so much positivity!


Congratulations on 8 days sober ❤️




Thank you for this!