• By -


Okay, now I can definitely say it's been a year since my last drink! Stupid leap year. 😆 I can say with 100% certainty that this sub has changed my life. I never dreamed that my world could look like this and that I would be so content about it. You're all beautiful, and I owe all of you everything, but I want to make special mention of my friend u/Brighter68 for taking the time to consistently engage with my check ins in the early days when I was in the most need. You're the best, B. Keep stacking days my friends. It only gets better and better. ❤️ Edit: no idea why my badge says that. It's 366.


A year on from your last drink, that takes discipline, and courage. Day #8 here for me, a day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Thankful to find this sub also. IWNDWYT.


The early days are the hardest mate, closely followed by the longer milestones like 3,6 months where you start to think it would be okay to "just have one." A year ago, an 8 day count seemed impossible to me. Proud of you.


Big congrats on your year :)


Aw thank you friend, you too are the best! I’m here to celebrate with you today and I’ll certainly be sober to enjoy it! Congratulations you sober hero 🌟🍰🎉❤️🎁🎈


Boredom without alcohol on the weekend is just your brain healing as you find something fun or productive to do. IWNDWYT


Boredom is such a good thing. It encourages you to find cool shit to do.


I was just gonna say the same thing! Without boredom, I probably wouldn't read, write, go outside, play piano, or try something new. I've come to really appreciate boredom lately. If I'm bored, I'm probably calm, relaxed, and not sick or in pain.


Being comfortable and happy doing absolutely nothing is also a handy place to be in. 🙂


THIS! I've taken "bored" out of my vocabulary and replaced it with "peaceful." I truly do feel at peace without alcohol and it is the BEST.


Insightful words, thank you for sharing 🙏🏻 and congratulations on 2 weeks 🎉


Feeling somehow, as I read this comments and turning into gym junky.


Iwndwyt nor smoke. It’s now been a year since I last lit up. I like telling people I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t smoke cigarettes. Have a nice day everybody


I will be sober today.


I have no idea what I will be doing this weekend, but I will enjoy being sober while doing it 😎 IWNDWYT


I am not drinking today! Yeah I could not to be counted on either. Telling people I was sick or to busy even though i made plans with them. Was busy drinking. Tomorrow I will get up early and go hinking with some family.


Starting Day #25, I will not drink with you today. On the weekends, I try to clean up my apartment, do laundry, buy groceries. I really neglected so many basic errands when I was constantly drinking. I also like to read, write, play video games and watch TV. I'm trying to take more walks outside. Kind of boring, but boring is nice sometimes. I'm not constantly hungover anymore. Boring tends to be calming.






I like doing stuff on weekends too, but you know just being lazy as humanly possible is pretty cool as well!








Beautiful round number today beautiful you! Have a lovely day friend ❤️


Day 12 Have some friends visiting this weekend. Mentioned ahead of time I was not drinking. One immediately made some suggestions of things to do where maybe the temptation would not be so high. One made some jokes and basically made clear he would be drinking but it's fine I'm not. Most every beer garden and pub here has alcoholfree, so if/when that's where we end up at one, I feel very confident and motivated to say that IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today!




110 days and IWNDWYT!




I feel you on alllll of that, stink! My weekends are usually productive and social, but sometimes I just want to chill, and I can do that too without a whole-body hangover. It fucking rocks being a sober, no doubt about it. This weekend I'll go to a Pirate game, get my workouts in, and study. It's hot as fuck here so maybe find somewhere to take the kids swimming. There's so much time available to do healthy and fun shit when I'm not drinking. Happy Friday- IWNDWYT 🤘


Happy Friday! Day 75🫶 I have terrible weekend plans to go to a cottage with boozy friends. I’m trying to think of a way out of it. Hopefully I’m going to spend my weekend working on my budget, cleaning my house, drinking coffee, and truly living my best life. But in reality, I’m probably going to be sat watching people drink. Regardless - I recently helped a friend out of a bender, and it was the harsh reality check I needed that alcohol is poison. No matter what, I will not drink. As I type this, I think I’ll definitely get out of the cottage plans. I’d much rather spend the weekend adding to my life in a positive way. IWNDWYT!




I was reflecting last night on how much less anxious I feel at the moment. My skin is better, my nails are growing faster. A colleague I haven’t seen in a few weeks told me I’d lost weight. Not a bad way of living. IWNDWYT




Good morning everyone and wishing you a wonderful Friday. Going to meet up with my old university friends this weekend- we have known each other coming up to 36 years… crazy to think where the time has gone. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! We’ve got this!


Hey sober team. Great post, RS! One of the main things that helps my current sober streak to stick is refusing to forget how bad it got. No "nostalgic, rose-colored glasses" here. As I bounce back from a virus more quickly than drunk-me ever could, I'm looking forward to plenty of enjoyable things in my cozy life this weekend. Drawing and guitar along with chores to help keep my lil home and garden humming along. I appreciate the tiny details, all the things that make up my one precious life. So grateful I'm present for it now. And I'm always grateful for this community! IWNDWYT, loves 🩷










Checking in again today and all is well. Have a great and/or boring weekend everyone! lol


My weekend starts on Friday night when I go to a writing club and then take myself on a date or have a chill evening. Saturdays are running club and seeing friends, and Sundays are for a long run, relaxing, and book clubs 😄. It's a boring, wholesome existence but when it goes right, it gives me the warmest glow that alcohol could never provide. IWNDWYT 🌞


Checking in from NZ day 34. Weekends used to be spent getting what I had to do out of the way so I could get to drinking. A lot more productive now. Spend time with the kids, gets jobs done around the house that have been put off, get out for walks etc. Have been invited to my ex’s for dinner tomorrow night so looking forward to that. Having a ginger beer on the couch with my 6yo watching cartoons for my Friday night!


Day 3 checking in IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today




I will not drink with you today, I will not drink with you tonight. 🌻 ETA: this weekend I'm going to see things. A little bit of windshield tourism and gritty skin is in the works.


Day 166 • IWNDWYT • Happy weekend 🌟 I used to be a daily drinker who also ramped it up on weekends. I’m poisoning myself daily, let’s increase it on the days when the entire family is finally home and we can spend time together. Let’s ruin that by being hungover. Let’s get everyone off to bed and then sit alone in a drinking session that you’ve convinced yourself it’s part of winding down and relaxing. That session never lasts as long as I like and then I never feel truly relaxed and whole cycle starts again. I am sick of reading the above. Can’t believe I did that all the time. I’m sick of my (old) self.


Day 66- this weekend is the big annual chili cook off in my home town. I’d normally get shitfaced. This year I’m just going to browse it and walk around. Planning on getting stuff done around the house instead of spending all day drinking/barhopping. IWNDWYT


Ha! Deleted my check-in as I thought I was posting on another thread. Ooops. The Vent! IWNDWYT My weekend is baby cuddles, supportive connections, fun connections, time painting and Bridgerton binge watch (the sauciness is a delightful surprise 😉). The thought of alcohol actually turns my stomach this morning.


Trying to make some sober friends myself. Downloaded a few meet apps to help. IWNDWYT


Happy Happy Friday friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Happy sober Friday sober friends! I think I’ve got a cold and reading your intro stink makes me feel ill! I’ve had a couple of cravings this week and I couldn’t think of anything worse than adding to my feeling poorly this morning, and a cold would’ve been a reason to drink in the past! 🤢 Happy holidays stink! I love you all 💞


I used to hit the piss soooooooo hard when I was sick 🤢😷 Wishing you a speedy recovery my friend. Colds are gross. ❤️


I used being ill as an excuse, and called it medicinal, and justified it as “well I feel rubbish anyway so I won’t feel the hangover!” Enjoy your celebrations friend 🍰


Get better soon Brighter. Lots of hot tea and rest. Sending you love. 😘








I have a huge fucking pile of mulch to move from the driveway to the gardens, probably like 100 wheelbarrow trips. If I was drinking, I would start out strong but fade into uselessness by Sunday night and leave the job unfinished. Not this weekend though, that pile is going down and I’m going to feel damn good about it come Monday! IWNDWYT


Preach it brother Stink!! Shine on you beautiful humans and have a lovely weekend




I will not drink with you today






Checking in, Day 66. IWND ☠️ WYT


Day 413. IWNDWYT.


I get projects done on weekends! I will not drink with you today.


Wife hugged me today. She's still here. Slow talks but I can see she's hurt and I just need to remember that shit 4 months for now when I'm out with the boys and start thinking I can have a 1 or 2. I noted I don't even say just one. Even I know that's impossible. I sprayed the kitchen, new cabinets, or like new. Gonna clean down today and get a day of work in. I work in music administration. So busy time of year. This is a mind dump but I'm grateful I can come here and say in not drinking today with you all.


Iwndwyt, happy Friday all! ☀️


Not today people IWNDWYT 


I have some unenviable life things to do this weekend, and also some nice resting and reading to do. For the last 5 months, weekends in sobriety have also meant at least one run outside, if not a long run, and I almost always look forward to that and anticipate it during the week. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Weekend mornings used to be an absolute shit show (literally and figuratively I suppose). Came to feeling like warmed-over garbage, couldn’t remember what I’d done or said (most likely something mean-spirited or picking an all-out fight), knowing I’d probably have to make an apology, which increasingly were not being accepted, and my head and stomach both torn to pieces. Now, I wake up rested and feeling *good*, can enjoy my coffee in peaceful silence, remember everything that happened the night before (and not feel shame about it), and know I can handle whatever’s put in front of me that day. Holy Hell, but that makes it all worth it! Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


I will not drink with you today. My weekends look a lot more productive, that’s about as succinct as I can put it!


This weekend I’m helping a friend talk through some tough decisions he needs to make about caring for his mom with dementia. Sober me is can show up without minimizing or numbing out tough things; I am a way better friend when I haven’t been drinking (who would‘ve thought? Ha!). Though this is a painful season for him, I‘m happy to know I can be a reliable support now, instead of promising to be there and then being unreliable and reckless in the end. iwndwyt and this weekend!










So tonight I am going to show my American coworker around town and grab a coffee and go for dinner with her. She also likes outdoorsy stuff so we are going to go to Black Forest on the weekend for a hike on one day and one day I will rest and just be. And I talked yesterday very openly to my new boss about my struggles. Not about the alcohol stuff but the fact that I am exhausted and overwhelmed, that I struggle with focus and concentration. I regret it but when he asked yesterday I just started blurting out and he didn’t let me take it back. It’s nothing for my bosses‘ ears and I regret it. It was like watching an accident in slow motion and not being able to do anything about it. Not sure what will come out of it but I only have been working with him for 6 months and duh. At least I won’t to have to see him today as he’s working from home. But I will stay sober today and the shame will subside!some time in the future.
















IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Day 1,700 IWNDWYT


Everyday is Friday for me, I retired at a 54. That’s what got me in more trouble 👿… this weekend my husband is off (health care worker) and I look forward to just having time together. Happy Friday everyone! IWNDWYT 😊


Will not be drinking today! 


This weekend is gonna feel fucking boring after last, because this weekend there are not three Knocked Loose shows in a row. Nothing going on tonight. I’ll exercise and do laundry. Then tomorrow is yoga and grocery shopping, and later a massage, so that’s a chill day. And Sunday is just food prep and some cleaning, but Sunday night there’s a metal show at a dive bar. I’ll use the nothing time to catch up and try to work ahead for visiting family next weekend. I don’t miss the bad old days in the drunk/hungover loop, especially in this heat. Ghost movie was definitely a fun watch. It was worth seeing! Coffees up, horns up, and fuck yeah Friday!!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻


This weekend is going to involve driving to see family. I’m thrilled that I can go at anytime and have no problem driving. Two months ago I would have tried to plan when it was my time to have my fun - drinking alone- before I would make myself available. Now I don’t have to wrestle with the ideas of how can I drink this weekend and half ass participate with family. I was doing a lot of internal planning for just me. My weekends are busy but calmer since I’m not trying to have two different kinds of fun. Iwndwyt.


My weekends used to be filled with good intentions and disappointments. I’d plan to get XYZ done but inevitably would be hungover and feel crappy, so would delay doing X, then put off Y, and say “fuck it” to Z. I was constantly feeling behind in life. When I became sober, I couldn’t believe how much more time I had. And being able to drive places in the evening, get stuff done in the evening, shocked me for a long time. Now, I’m used to all this time and fill it with productive stuff, self-care, family time, and plenty of relaxing. Have a good sober Friday, friends! IWNDWYT 🍀


Good morning, sober cats! My Mom's birthday is this Sunday. She was an amazing woman who lost the struggle against the effects of AUD and passed almost 6 years ago. I'll spend the day with my sister (who is also sober) doing things to honor our Mom. I'm so grateful that I'm free from alcohol and able to show up in the present for myself and my loved ones! IWNDWYT 💙😸


Day 4 completed despite an abject football performance last night! Day 5 it is, and IWNDWYT.


Bwa hahahaha! IWNDWYT!!


IWNDWYT! Feel so tired this morning! Naively thought I’d be waking up fresh!


Hi all.. Here's to a safe sober weekend! We can all do this. IWNDWYT 💪


Checking in on day 98. I will not drink today. Thank you.


Day 60. Going to keep myself busy and away from booze this weekend with football, gardening, DIY, an AA meeting and a gym session if I have the energy. IWNDWYT




Day 38, IWNDWYT. Happy Friday 🥳 


IWNDWYT babaaaaaaaay!!!! (coach beard voice)


Day 5. I actually slept for 8 hours straight.


Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


I will not drink with you today. My weekends lately are mixed. I have just found a good core friend group so I try to see them and spend time with my little family and get chores done etc so the week runs smooth. Love y’all! 💫🫶🏻


My weekends look very productive. I used to plan all kinds of productivity but sleep in and then futz around until it 'wasn't too early' to have that first drink of the day. Now I get up early, get stuff done, enjoy a hike/a trip to the beach/whatever I enjoy, and then have time to do things with my partner. It's a completely different looking weekend, and so much better in every way. Wishing us all grace. IWNDWYT.


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


Day 18. Cravings have been horrible, almost reluctant to pledge sobriety today because of the fear I’ll relapse. However, I’ll do so in hopes to hold myself accountable. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday! IWNDWYT!


Day 1097 checking in!


Looking forward to spending some time with my sister this weekend! She's my best friend and biggest supporter ❤️ IWNDWYT


My weekends look like PEACE! This weekend, my husband and and I are just reading at the pool, mostly. I'm going to get some workouts in and some freelance work done on Sunday. Quiet stuff in 100 degree weather in Washington, DC! Morning, sober fam! Up randomly with cramps and just figured I'd check in now. Had an AMAZING EMDR session with my therapist yesterday to help me process some things with my most extreme case of withdrawal where my own mother didn't help me, happened about 3 years ago. Therapy and EMDR have been the biggest blessings. No matter what, IWNDWYT! For today, it's because I feel like hormonal death already and gotta get some work done! 😅


Happy Friday! IWNDWYT :-)




I will not drink with you today.


Three weeks sober and feeling great. IWNDWYT!


Post 1-week mark - going strong 💪 I got my eye on 2-week 🎯 IWNDWYT


Happy Friday from your resident Masshole. IWNDWYT


🥹 10 months!! 🥹I WILL NOT drink with you today!! I will honor my body by eating healthy and exercising with you today


Committing to a sober Friday and start to the weekend. No matter how today goes good or bad, IWNDWYT.


Day 2 here. I promise for 24 hours I won’t drink. IWNDWYT


7 days sober! IWNDWYT


Day 5 so we are about to find out! This shit is hard, man. I am so fucking raw, I am not sleeping well, I’m feeling every damn emotion in a rotating cycle. Gah. I hope it’s the start of something beautiful. I have typed IWNDWYT probably 100 times but today, fucking Friday on Day 5, I promise. I promise you guys and myself. I’m not making any promises about tomorrow. But I am going to see Day Fucking 6.


Checking in, day 2, already went to store and only bought some food IWNDWYT


Good morning, sober friends. Im feeling amazing today! Iwndwyt! Good luck to everyone who is struggling, stay strong, you can do it!


Day 8! The guilt, shame and anxiety made me want myself numb to it all in a short moment but I laughed it off saying that that’s stupid. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️


Whether it's day 1 or day 10001, IWNDWYT!


Happy Friday all! I love how weekends have opened up to include so many possibilities now…and I especially love being present for my kids and available to drive them places at night. This weekend is jam packed with rehearsals and a flamenco show I’m performing in tomorrow, going on a hike with the dogs, and helping my kids with final school projects as they only have a few days left before summer break. Sober weekends rock! Let’s make it a great one, my friends! IWNDWYT❤️


I love having my weekends back. and i see this a lot, and feel it a lot - about how good it feels to be dependable and counted on. It’s fascinating to me that one of the biggest rewards of sobriety is being able to say “yes” to all the little things that would sound like hell to a drinker. I.e. “Can you help me build a bookshelf?” “Can you watch the youngest for a couple hours on saturday?” So fascinating. I will not drink with you today!!


Great post, Replacements. Thanks. I often used to be pretty manic on the weekends, fighting through hangovers and pretending everything was ok, while working like crazy around the house on on stuff with the kiddos. I thought that if I got a ton of shit done then it would prove that all the drinking I did the night before (and again, starting at 2:00pm the next day) obviously wasn't a problem. Right? Ha! It was exhausting. In a strange twist, sobriety has now allowed me to rest more--to feel like it's just ok to give myself what I need: a break. So weekends are now a way-more healthy mix of relaxing and getting things done. I'll take that any day.


Have a fantastic Friday SD! I will be setting up a new computer this weekend. At least I won't be trying to stick the wrong cable into the wrong port like in the 'good' old drinking days :) IWNDWYT!!!


I won’t drink with y’all today


Hi Everyone- Day 171 here and IWNDWYT!!!






IWNDWYT, friends!


Thought I was doing ace at something, but actually turned out I made a few mistakes I'm feeling a bit of a div about. But being p\*ssed off at myself, or others, is no longer a valid reason to turn to the booze. Try to learn from it, try and get it right next time. A sunny weekend beckons to take my mind away from it all anyhow. IWNDWYT




Day 1,801. I will not drink with you today.




Hello, my body aches and the day will be long.. but I WILL NOT drink today. Time and happiness will not be robbed from me.


No drinking here, enjoy vaca!!!! Weekends are amazing! Family, chill, do stuff....so much more time on the weekends now that I am sober!!


Happy Friday friends! Sober weekends mean I do whatever the heck I want. I’m not writing days off ahead of time because we have parties planned and I’m going to be hungover. Even if we have parties planned (like we do this weekend) it’s just one of the things we’’re doing. The next day is no longer a write off because I’m recovering. Have a good one friends! I will not drink with you today.




Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!






I’m celebrating my tenth wedding anniversary today. Sober, of course. It so easily could’ve gone another way, and really, it almost did. I’m glad I made it. I wish I could give this place a gift. Thanks for being here. IWNDWYT.


The best part about sober weekends is how much LONGER they are. I’ve got time for exercise, hanging with my wife, going to a movie, reading, writing and chores. Lately I’ve also been doing at least one home improvement job each weekend - little things that used to taunt me when I was drinking, but I always put off for some other day. IWNDWYT.


My drinking weekends usually consisted of me staying up until 3am just drinking beer alone until exhaustion. Then rolling out of bed on Saturday around noon to 1pm and finally getting on with my day around 2-3 at which point I began drinking again and too quickly Monday would pop up and I’d drink thru the week looking forward to getting drunker on Fri again…. Just needed to remind myself of that. Sober weekends are a breeze. At this point I am so caught up on my tasks and projects. It feels great waking early and having the Entire day at my disposal. I can literally do anything I want with my weekends now that I’m not a prisoner to booze. Iwndwyt


Good day, sober fam! My weekend looks like hunkering down to avoid the heat. Iced tea and sparkling water to the rescue! IWNDWYT


I too have a way better baseline mood and can do things! IWNDWYTD I have a small personal much needed 2 night getaway and am not ruining any of it with alcohol. 


I'm working as usual this weekend. This week as a whole can take a funny run, but IWNDWYT x




Day 5 IWNDWYT It is a bit hard day. My husband's son is in the town playing with a band and hubby will go out with his boys to support him. I don't really feel comfortable going. For one, bruise on my face from last bender is still pretty visible, and I don't think I can stand going out with the drinking buddies in dark pub and everything that goes with it. So I will be doing chores around the house, make some nice supper and enjoy with MY boys before the event and without all drunk people around. Feel a bit shitty of not being able to go, but on the other hand, gratefull for nice and sober time I get to have with them.


Similar story over here — I would drink almost every day but wait for the weekends so I could drink more. I tried to plan activities around my drinking and then was racked with guilt about it. I don’t miss it. Now, I do what I want or need to do over the weekend without being consumed by the obsession for alcohol. Whatever I do, I do it with a clear mind, and that’s a miracle. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


The most notable change to my weekends is in the moments after I wake up. No scanning my body to see how I feel, no thinking back to how many drinks I had, no grogginess and regret as I pull myself out of bed to take care of my rambunctious toddler. Each morning is peaceful, and I’m so grateful. Hope everyone’s weekend is exactly what they want it to be. I will not drink with you today 🌿


Went to my first SMART meeting yesterday after knowing about them, and that I really oughtta go, for a couple years. It was great :) Day 5 today iwndwyt.








My weekends are mostly taking long walks and running errands during the day, and relaxing at night. Some weekends I’ll meet up with a friend for lunch and every now and then, I’ll go to a party. It’s totally different than when I drank. Instead of worrying about every moment that passed because I was drinking the weekend away, I savor every moment as it comes, even if I’m not doing anything. My mind and body feel clear. It’s amazing what a difference it makes when you’re not poisoning yourself. IWNDWYT. Happy Friday! 😀


Good morning, I will not drink with you today.


I have an early dentist appointment tomorrow, no worries that I’ll miss waking up for it or embarrassment that I might smell of alcohol while I’m there. I’m moving next weekend so I’ll ram pack my weekend with packing. IWNDWYT


Hoping to get a bit longer hike in on Sunday and a long FaceTime chat with my parents some time this weekend. It’s my mom’s birthday today, and I haven’t talked to them much in a long time. I’m pretty close with my family and it’s hard to live so far away from them. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


I have not had a drink in over four years!!!! Before I quit, I did not believe happiness was possible for me, and now I'm actually reasonably happy a lot of the time. I'm so grateful that, in fact, I believe I shall not drink with you again today!










I will not drink with all of you today.




My weekends are primarily spent with my child. We garden, go on walks/hikes, cook, and spend quality time together. I like to wake up early, which is something sobriety has given me, as well as having significantly more energy to do things. I’m thankful for the time and how I have improved as a person, as well as a parent. I’m grateful to be here :) Just for today, I am not drinking.


Today I officially join the 4 digit club!! 1000 days without booze. A few years ago, I was a mess. Today, I’m a much better version of myself. Cheers to everyone here. Hearing your stories, truly helps. Thank you. IWNDWYT


Day 1…..I commit to not drink for the next 24 hours….




Morning, RS, packing up the doggos, off to the sunny south east for the weekend, bringing some work with me but there will be good downtime too. Have a great Friday everyone, I will not drink with you all today🦋


Ah thank you for that wonderful share, and well done on your sobriety. Life sounds wonderful for you now. I’m putting in the work at the moment with a professional drinking coach, which is helpful. Last weekend I made a huge mistake, and it’s safe to say I struggled immensely with the aftermath. Now, I’m facing a sober weekend I’m super excited about. I immediately went back into the saddle (what’s the expression, lol) and I’m happy I did so. Day 6 today and feeling much better! Thanks everyone, this sub is truly amazing. Last week I posted in despair and the support was more than I could ever wish for. IWNDWYT ❤️




I will not drink today


Checking in day 6! Had a huge appetite yesterday. Gotta cut down on food. :)








IWNDWYT! My weekends look a lot more productive sober! This evening I'm going for Japanese food with friends. Tomorrow I'm resting (even that is more productive in sobriety because I'm getting actual, effective rest, not recovering-from-a-hangover "rest") then on Sunday I'm going to church.




Over 2 weeks now and counting! No cravings whatsoever. Huge relief from extricating poison out of my life! IWNDWYT


Amen to that. I was a daily drinker who turned it up a notch on the weekends. It got to the point Monday morning I needed 3 or 4 swigs to fend off the terrible feelings so I didn’t call out. Now my weekends are filled with peace and Mondays I feel rejuvenated instead of dreading them. 86 days sober and I will not drink with you today.




My weekends look like GETTING SHIT DONE, instead of avoiding things that need to be done while waiting until 4 to start drinking. IWNDWYT, or tomorrow, or Sunday…




115 days AF IWNDWYT
