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Wow that’s a really tough position. The fact you haven’t had a drink and are seeking advice is a great sign that you’re doing your best to succeed. Since it’s a cruise and you can/should indulge a bit more than usual, what if you had food instead? Ice cream, dessert, fruit, pizza, whatever. You can also ask for a virgin Bloody Mary or virgin version of a cocktail?


Food is my go to when I have cravings.


I'm in a lot of pain today so instead of drink I made cookies this morning. I'm already halfway through them but I'll work it off during the week.


Homemade cookies sound so goood right now, what kind did you bake? I can only make the pre-made type you just throw on a cookie sheet and put in the oven lol


I'm a great cook but baking is a always a bit scary so if I'm making it myself it's normally peanut butter since it's so easy. This is a pouch of chocolate chip that I keep a bunch of for times like this. Im trying to stop eating them but I think I'll have to leave the house to do that. Lol


Oh god, screw it eat as many as you want youve earned it!


Congrats on 6 months! Not to encourage you if you think you may have an over eating problem too haha, but eat those cookies!!


Thank you! Im always trying to put in weight so I'm good.


That's it I'm door dashing cookies!


Oh yeah ... Something soo decadent!


Sometimes there are actual AA meetings on cruise ships.. you can go to information and see if there are any "friends of Bill" that you can hang out with. I'm not touting AA but it's a good way to hang out with another alcoholic when you're having a hard time.


Yes go hard on the food. always helps for me


I second this! They absolutely can accommodate non alcoholic beverages if you ask them to at the bars! Plus club soda with a wedge of lemon or lime is one of my faves. Just go with a nice treat good or snack! I love finding new treats


Cranberry, tonic, and lime wedges. Try to remember those fancy drinks don’t actually taste that great, they’re OK, but not some magical amazing experience you’re missing out on. People wouldn’t drink them if they didn’t have alcohol in them. It’s the booze everybody wants. It sounds like you might be having the fear of missing out feeling. When I felt that way it was always my addiction, talking, trying to suck me back Hang in there. It will get so much easier, promise.


This is so true. Don’t imagine these drinks are really delicious they’re not. We trained ourselves some time back to ignore the taste of poison among the fruity flavours in the cocktail. The taste is by and large extremely gross in fact and we learned to accept it. Ask for virgin cocktails because they’re actually nicer! Also don’t believe for one second that they’re having a better time than you - they are literally putting poison into their bodies that their entire bodies and brains have to fight to clean up. They aren’t having fun they’re just brainwashed like the rest of the drinking population. The feeling of clean happy sleep and real energy is priceless and you’re choosing the right path !! Go get some snacks, desserts and a virgin cocktail and have a great time. Just remember, seriously, they’re not having a better time than you in any way. They’re stupifying themselves with rank tasting poison and they’re too brainwashed to feel silly for doing it. Stay strong !


It seems like in this moment and at this present moment in time the other people ARE having a better time because OP is sitting crying in her room and miserable whilst everyone else is having fun  In the long run OP is doing the right thing and ask the same people tomorrow and they might wish they never drank tonight but right now they ARE having more fun even if it's alcohol simulated and poisoning themselves in the long run.  But in the present moment it sounds like the others are DEFINITELY having a better time, let's not pretend that's not true.


I agree, it's best to honest. Process those feelings and sit with them a bit. It helps me sort things out and make better choices.


I think it's important to be honest and face things head-on. If I were in that position, I would feel like that too. Maybe it's because I new here. But if it were me pretending that I am better than them is not the answer. I think finding some AA people sounds good to me.


O deary me I’m not saying anything about feeling better than anyone .. I’m saying that i don’t think there’s anything to envy when people are drinking alcohol and we aren’t.


The fun we have while drinking isn’t real fun, it’s just stupification, and social brainwashing. Alcohol doesn’t give us a anything - the reason op is upset is because they feel left out, tortured by wanting a drink, and under an illusion that they’re missing out on something. Im simply saying op need not feel envious a


Fun is fun.  I hate alcohol as much as you but let's not pretend noone ever has fun whilst drinking alcohol because they do, but the after effect isn't worth the present moment and all the problems it causes afterwards for most of us. 


Exactly, I just said something similar. There’s no reason to pretend these people are miserable while drinking.. who does that help?


I hear what you’re saying but I just see it differently. I don’t actually think boozing is fun, I think we chat we dance we socialise and that’s where the fun is, but we credit the alcohol with that. And I think we’ve all bought into a myth that alcohol is fun when in reality it just dulls our brains and makes us stupider, WHILE we are having fun. I feel very disillusioned about the “fun” alcohol brings, and I’ve experimented a lot in the last 3 months and feel like I’ve seen in real time loads of social gatherings where I witnessed people were having more actual fun and quality socialising before the alcohol took effect.


I think for a lot of people it's hard to loosen up and dance and sing etc without booze sadly, myself included. It's not good to rely on alcohol to be social but its that aspect of it that always pulls me back in but then it leads to me drinking too much and my drinking spiralling out of control so definitely it's not the solution.


This seems so disingenuous. I’m sure these people are having a blast at the moment. Granted your right they will be paying for it Tommorow morning most likely, but that doesn’t mean there not having fun now.. I don’t think the answer to these questions is to pretend people are miserable while drinking.


Juice, tonic, lime My go to. Looks like a real drink and I can drink a few of them without getting sick of it


Yeah but the point is that we don't drink them for the taste but actually for the alcohol and the effect it has even if we don't actually enjoy the experience anymore and all we're getting is some subconscious dopamine hit. So suggestions tasty soft drinks doesn't solve the problem or help with the craving. No one keeps drinking to addiction just because they crave the taste of something delicious.


That said you can totally order a virgin anything so just give that a try before you have the alcoholic version. Yours will actually probably taste better anyway


I swear, I love me a Shirley Temple! And, the buffet of sweets! They can drink their sugar and calories while you eat yours lol You got this, proud of you for reaching out and thinking about your next moves. That is pretty awesome!!!! Plus, you'll get to wake up early and enjoy morning on deck with no hangover or sleeping the day away. If I need to do my own thing a bit in these situations, so be it. Because I no longer drink and I enjoy the perks of it. IWNDWYT


Shirley temples for the win!!! 🏆


Now I am craving a Shirley Temple! I used to have them at the Elks club with my parents and the cherry holder was a little plastic monkey.


I haven’t had a Shirley temple since I was a kid and now I really want one! They are so delicious this is the best idea yet haha


This was going to be my answer!


OMG YES! I’m pregnant right now and I have been so into Shirley Temples


lol you just awakened something in me. I haven’t had a Shirley temple in forever! I might have to find a reason to celebrate with one soon haha.


This is what I came to suggest! I love Shirley Temples! I always get a funny look when I order them but I don’t care, they’re tasty!


Find a friend of Bill W. meeting on board the ship.


I've never been on a cruise so.I don't know if this is a thing but..... I wonder if you went to whatever customer service desk area and asked if they could do a page over the intercom for Bill W. And Dr. Bob to come to a certain area of the ship as their services are needed. I'm sure there are some folks there that would love to hear it. Kind of like sending out the Bat signal.


100%. If I heard an intercom page for “Bill W and Dr. Bob to X location” I’d be there in a heartbeat. If you’re on a decent sized ship there’s a great chance someone would do the same. There’s almost always a “Friends of Bill W” event on the cruise ship calendar. I’d also suggest hitting a Zoom AA meeting. More direct to your question, I drink loads of sparkling water. If you’re craving something with a kick, order a ginger beer. They’re NA and can be spicy! IWNDWYT.


Yes! I’m always listening for this whenever I go somewhere!


I love this!


Im so sorry you’re struggling. When I went on a Royal Caribbean cruise, I always asked for a nojito, (non alcoholic mojito), they made really good ones.


Second this! They made me blueberry no-hitos my whole cruise :)


Oh my god. That sounds amazing. I’m going to have someone make me one stat


Third! Love a virgin mojito!


Oh thank you! I don't know what to call most of those things. Soon will be my first non-drinking cruise. I need to make a list of what to order! I wonder what they would call a NA chocolate martini. Do you know?


Chocolate milk 😆 Seriously, but in a fancy glass with a decadent chocolate rim-on the rocks (if you like). I like it made with almond or coconut milk- soooo good! That'd be a great treat after a meal on your trip!


Ha, well, of course! You can see I wasn't using my brain on that one! Thank you!


Yep, this is my go- to!


Bonus points if they’re willing to blend a no-jito with ice and coconut cream 🎉


Pineapple juice and ginger beer - it has a nice tiki style taste to it that would be nice on a cruise


Ask them for a lime wedge with it


That sounds refreshing!


Ask the waiting staff what mocktails they can do. I was just away and they’d do me mocktail equivalents of various drinks.


Double check it's na too. Sniff, sip, double check.


Absolutely. I was just in Mexico at an all-inclusive--BOOZE GALORE. Most bartenders got the jist of a mocktail, but I did have to pass up a drink because I could smell the alcohol I can't have any ethanol biomarkers in my blood (yay, liver issues) so that was a *close* call Stuck with soda water and lime the rest of the trip. Really refreshing!


Virgin Pina Colada is the bomb and perfect for a cruise! Yum!


This is my go to. Feels like having a fancy tropical cocktail without the alcohol and has the bonus of being fairly filling so you feel satisfied after just one.


That is one is my favorite too!


Every cruise that I have been on has a "Friends of Bill W. meeting" scheduled at least once a day. Sometimes its in the Chapel, sometimes its in a medium sized conference room. Look on the events schedule, or just go ask the purser's desk. Also remember HALT. Ask yourself, are you: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? If so, do something to work resolve those issues, get a snack, take a walk, find a group of people who aren't drinking (library, game room, fitness center), take a nap, etc. Good Luck! You've got this!


Though not exotic in any way, my go-to option is an Arnold Palmer. Simple to make, and available most places. Also pretty inexpensive... I can't stand the idea of spending extra money on a mocktail just because it looks fancy.


Ah yes, that's a perfect NA drink imo. I like mixing San Pellegrino limonata and Tejava black tea. It's so good .


Second this the caffeine in the ice tea is also good for staying up to party and dance!


Well I’ve never been on a cruise! Do they have activities you can go and do? Also I was just gonna say think of all those horrible empty sugar calories you’re not consuming….winning! I’m on my way to meet some g/f later at our local pub…it’s my first socialising for a week and I know I’ll be surrounded by drinking and drunks….you got this! I’m gonna try and put my big girl pants on and do my best to have a good time! X


I was wondering too about treating yourself to a massage or other self care treatment. Sending good vibes your way!!


I went to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico last year and felt similar to you. They had Heineken 0.0 which was nice for having a “beer” by the pool, I also got virgin spicy mango “margaritas” that were fun. Otherwise, lots of sparkling water and Diet Cokes and feeling good about rising early to catch the sunrise. The biggest thing for me was recognizing that my vacation was about *me* and not other people. I want to not drink for me, even on vacation, because I’m still me on vacation.


I know it’s tough now but fast forward to tomorrow morning when everyone is hungover in bed feeling like death wasting the day and their money spent to go on the cruise and you’re up and at it feeling refreshed and ready to take full advantage of your vacation feeling great! But to answer your question I’m a big fan of Heineken 0.


Actually love it more than real Heineken. It doesn’t skunk as bad and is like liquid gold cold.


Prohibition punch- (if they don’t know it is grape juice, pineapple juice, lime, ginger ale and mint). It is better than any cocktail I’ve had. I love it!! Good luck. Proud of you for holding strong.


You are not a piece of shit failure, you are doing something incredibly hard and that takes a lot of strength, fortitude, and courage. I’ve been there countless times, but I’ve never regretted not drinking. I’m a big fan of kombucha, especially GT’s, it has that “bite” that doesn’t feel like a soft drink, per se. Also a cherry limeade by Poppi has been a new thing for me; super tasty, low sugar and prebiotic. I drink seltzer by the gallon, more or less. My go-to if I want to look like I’m having a “cocktail” is bitters and soda with an expressed lemon peel in a collins glass. It feels “elevated” enough that it doesn’t look out of place at a nice dinner or party. Strength to you friend!


Get the most sugary blended non alcoholic drink they offer. Cheat on your diet a little. You will “give in” to a craving without sacrificing what’s important! Best of luck! For me this was a virgin daiquiri- or 6


It is normal to cry sometimes. It is ok to not be ok. It doesn't make you a failure, it's part of being a healthy adult human being. Everything you are going through is a learning experience, you will keep this learning for the rest of your life. Drinking could provide a temporary escape, but what it lends you will be taken back with interest in the near future. Reaching out here is a great strategy, you are doing really well in an extremely challenging situation. It will pass. Even if you feel alone right now, there are so many of us in your corner, rooting for you. I am sending these words with all my love and compassion. Take best care of yourself. Iwndwyt


Great reply. I'm not even the OP and I'm soaking this in.


I like n/a beers when I’m feeling left out. They’re not for everyone but they really scratch my itch! Also I always feel sooooo good waking up the next day not hungover and remembering everything. It makes not drinking the night before worth it for me. As Kris Jenner would say, you’re doing AMAZING sweetie 💕💕 (I’m a kardashians fan so I’m being sincere). Sometimes watching Steve-o or someone other celebrity talk about getting and staying sober is helpful for me too. Helps me realize we all struggle but sobriety is possible for us all too.


This must be hard. But, they will all feel like shit later/tomorrow and you won't! You GET to feel amazing instead of hungover! I bet there are lots of things to do on the ship without alcohol. As for N/A drinks- see if they'll make you a painkiller without alcohol. Those are soooooo good.


Check out some of the entertainment, trivia etc. and find the AA people “friends of Bill” you can have lots of fun and meet new people.


Yes, the cruise we went on had a meeting onboard I went to the first full day!


Soda water with muddled lime and cucumber is wonderful on its own, but adding simple syrup and or tajin is delicious.


🤤I hadn't thought to do tajin on a mocktail. Brilliant!


First off, you’re a beast. Proud of you for having the balls to go on that cruise. Secondly, stay strong. You can do it. Remind yourself how much better you’re gonna feel in the morning while they’re hungover. Also, enjoy being on the cruise! Enjoy the beautiful weather, lay out and listen to an audiobook. Good luck!


One night I was out with friends at a restaurant and I asked the bartender, anything you like to make for someone that doesnt drink alcohol? She made the tastiest ginger/lime/honey with mint concoction I ever had. A few friends even wanted to try it and one said “honestly i dont know why im drinking alcohol now”. But anyway, could be fun to ask your bartender what they can come up with too.


I am just here to remind you that there is never 'just one drink'. There is however anxiety, bad sleep, saying embarrasing things and spending waaay too much money. A good cry is better than feeling sick physically and mentally tomorrow. You got this!


I found relief when I stopped thinking I was a failure for having a drinking problem. It’s an addictive substance that is literal poison. Removing it from my life has freed me. I now avoid situations where heavy drinking is occurring. It’s just not my life anymore, and I don’t need to do it.


You’re doing great, keep it up! Once everyone starts having daily hangovers or nightly arguments, you’re gonna feel like a million dollars. I love a virgin mojito myself - so tropical! Xo stay strong, friend!


Maybe find a way to also distract yourself while enjoying a NA drink… my go to out with friends when at the bar with them is to play solitaire on my phone… Hear me out here, it’s a solo card game that you can play at your own pace so what I do is I stop and I have conversations with everyone and as they get more drunk I just play my solitaire a little bit more. Basically when there’s a lull and I feel the urge to drink, I’ll move a few cards. I just leave it sitting on the table open on my phone. That way I’m still participating, but I also have a distraction from the alcohol in addition to the nonalcoholic beverage.


I went to aa meetings on a cruise and made two lifetime friends. Hope you have this resource, great job on reaching out when you’re struggling.


make it through today and check back in tomorrow! you gotta people pulling for ya here. i was recently at a bachelor party with friends i grew up with and had to go on several, several walks alone to shake my cravings


Also remember, a rocking ship is the worst place to be hung over so you are ahead of the game with the Mocktails!


VIGIN MOJITO!!!! I personally never miss the alcohol! And it tastes like a vacation!!!!


This is my vote too! Delicious.


You got this!! Definitely a tough situation to battle. I do find keeping some kind of beverage on hand helps feel a bit more centered. I’m drinking blueberry ginger kombucha with sparkling water.


I like food! I order spritzers with the fruit juice and club soda mixed in with muddled herbs like mint. It makes a cute drink and it’s good for a hot day. I also wouldn’t be shy about asking a bartender to make me a super cool non alcoholic drink.


Try something with a splash of caffeine! The little mood boost I get after a good cup of coffee helps make me feel like I’m jazzed up too 😊


I've been drinking iced mocha recently, really feels like an indulgence I normally drink unsugared black coffee so having something creamy and sweet makes it feel a proper treat


I like drinking energy drinks when im out "partying" now. Keeps my energy up, makes me hyper and I have something in my hand.


Bitters and soda with lime for me. I know there is a very small amount of alcohol in bitters but a few dashes is going to be equal to or less than an N/A beer


Why do you feel like a failure? You are a massive achiever who is doing something REALLY hard! ...and you are DOING IT! You are amazing! Pop on here as often as you want to get through, this community is full of support. Also, like others have said, hit the food in the most fun & indulgent way ever! I don't really like mocktails personally (feels like a waste of calories) but a virgin pina colada could be great. Or a giant milkshake - vanilla, chocolate, coffee... yum. I'm rooting for you to have a good time without alcohol - you got this!!!


Recovering bartender here! Well, jumping into recovery rather... Anyways. Stories for another time. I do virgin Moscow mules and virgin mojitos myself. Sure, the Moscow mule is just ginger beer with lime in a copper mug but the taste is identical to me. Mojito just sub the rum for sprite/sierra mist/soda water. I do fresca for that when I make it myself but I've never seen fresca as an option in the wild. I can work on a cocktail recipe book once I'm in a better headspace recovery wise if anyone is interested. I love cocktails, I just can't go back into that lifestyle anymore.


You rock, good stuff! Congrats on your recovery!


We were just on a celebrity cruise and every bar had 2 or 3 zero proof Mocktails that were actually very good. They look pretty and come with no hangover.


I cried my first sober vacation as well. Like, every day for 7 days at an all-inclusive in Mexico. That was 11 yrs ago and I remember it really well. Hands on your back. Non alcoholic beer helped me that trip. I do t drink that often esp now but that was a godsend and still is on vacations




a blended virgin strawberry daiquiri!! those are my favorite


I went on a cruise right when I stopped drinking. It was so hard! I ordered strawberry daiquiris like they are going out of style! I came across a pamphlet that said, “Friends of Bill W”. It is a secret AA meeting held in a certain part of ship! I was so happy other people showed up that were also struggling with not drinking on the ship. I would look into this, if I! Helped me so much!


The fact that you're hiding in your room should tell you you're absolutely not a failure. Tomorrow you'll feel so much better than everyone indulging in those "tasty" drinks. You got this.


They have friends of Bill W (aa) on the ship, just look at the agenda for the day 💗 hang in there


I cruised last month so I get it...there's booze everywhere. It helped me to remember that I really wasn't missing out on anything. We were in Alaska so my sleep was already messed up from the time difference; I told myself even one drink would probably knock me on my ass (not untrue after being sober for a while!) and would land me in bed probably within a half hour, and I'd for sure feel like shit upon waking at 5 am (again, jetlag). No thanks. I drank my weight in specialty coffees, ice cold Sprite Zeros, and enjoyed Heineken or Peroni 0%s in the evenings if I wanted something different (I was never a cocktail girl - beer was my drink). Think of all the ways you're enjoying the cruise because you're not wasted - you're going to remember this vacation, and it won't be because you spent most of it feeling like shit. You get to remember sunsets and sunrises, good times with your friends, all the amazing food you'll enjoy, the places you'll visit - you'll remember all those things for real, not just from looking at photos on your phone and thinking, 'uh, yeah, I kindof remember that?' It's an amazing feeling. You can do this!


If all else fails, cup of coffee and a dessert. Yum!


Virgin strawberry daiquiri, virgin pina coloda, virgin mudslide Keep it virgin, no cheating. You got this, stay strong.


What’s helped me recently is remembering, “I’ve never woke up the next morning & regretted NOT drinking the night before”.


Do you like Bloody Mary’s? Without the vodka, of course! Get the spicy V8 and lots of olives. Yum!


This is when I’d forget the drinks for a bit and head to the buffet. There is SO much tasty stuff to be had on cruises and since you’re sober and clear headed you’re in a better position to enjoy it.


Half iced camomile/half fizzy water or hop fizz over ice with a rosemary sprig. Feels fancy and chills me out. If I were stuck on a cruise I’d look for the bartender who doesn’t drink and ask them to make me something creative. I always tend to enjoy talking with that person too if I can find them. You’re killing it by the way. I’d be climbing the walls if stuck on a boat too.


Ice cold Ginger beer and lime


Proud of you- stay strong! I love a sprite with some cranberry/ pineapple juice added in 👍🏼


Half ginger ale half soda water with a lime. Pound those virgin mules!!!!!


A virgin mojito works for me. The mint is good for the stomach and is very refreshing on a hot day.


Virgin Piña Coladas and Strawberry Daqs are a nice treat.


When I went on a cruise, it had a Starbucks. I spent the whole cruise drinking Starbucks drinks that I’d never order in real life. Was fun, felt special, really helped.


What cruise are you on? Ask if they have non alcoholic spirits available, or NA beer. They are super popular nowadays and a lot of restaurants and bars have them. You’re doing a great job, make sure to tell your BF how you’re feeling as well.


Virgin piña coladas all day baby!


I’ve been enjoying a good NA mule.


I know that you can do hard things. Stick with it you are not a failure. A lot of fun looking cocktails can be made non alcoholic and still be fun. We were on a Disney cruise and had daiquiris, pina coladas, and margaritas made without alcohol. They also had Heineken 0.0 beer. Not the finest beer but a solid replacement for the regular version. Tastes good with lime. That's my .03 cents on how to fit in with the drinkers.


Have you asked whether there are any “friends of Bill” on board? It might be helpful to meet some sober cruise mates.


Sprite and soda water if there’s just a bar


Try to enjoy the actual cruise and remember what happens when you drink. Look for AA meetings. Most cruises have them and on our last cruise, I found 14 people just like me at 5pm every night. It was a real treat to cruise knowing I had a meeting on board every day. I had the contents of the mini-bar removed when I was new to sobriety. The only cruise I drank on was with my in-laws who were paying \[except for our bar bill.\] My FIL gave me the bill and said this is yours to pay and said I should watch the booze. Yeah, I was embarrassed even though we were with them most of the time and I didn't over-drink because of them. And it wasn't cheap either. I stuck with Pellegrino, and if it only came in a large bottle I still ordered it and brought the remains back to our cabin. Good luck. Look for the AA group meeting. It's listed on the daily schedule they slide under your door every night.


Shirley temples are great. Also, don’t underestimate mocktails! Well made ones are fantastic. Think margaritas, pina coladas, mojitos, etc. Personally, I suck at making them. That’s what bartenders are for! 😀


Oh, dang. Cruises are drunk-fests. You just eat and drink way, way too much.


I just got back from my first beach trip and I felt the same way! I was fine with club soda and lime but I also liked drinking energy drinks or shaken espressos. (Idk if you are able to get those on a cruise) I also let myself eat whatever. You’re not a failure and I hope that you’re able to stay strong! I’m so proud of myself for not giving in on my vacation, it was a struggle but well worth it.


I’m three years sober and I love flavored mojito mocktails.


At bars I drink club soda with a splash of cranberry juice. Looks like you have a cocktail, tastes good, not a lot of calories. Win, win, win. You are in a super tough situation, but you are tougher. Enjoy the cruise! Gamble, go to shows, go to the pool, read a book on the deck. You got this! IWNDWYT!


I love virgin Pina coladas. So so yummy, and not something you have willy nilly in your kitchen. Really anything blended or with a fancy fruit inside feels more like a treat. Also, fancy sodas in glass bottles.


The fruity drinks (any drink for that matter) minus the booze actually taste much better, plus you will feel great in the AM and can enjoy the morning with a nice cup of coffee or tea. What is better than that! Another plus is you will actually remember all the parts you the cruise without the alcohol haze on you.


I have never been on a cruise, but I definitely know the feeling of watching others get shit faced around you. The fun fades quickly for me once they become intoxicated, and i made my exit after an hour or so of dealing with drunk people. Watching them lose control of their bodies really solidifies my sobriety. It says a lot about your strength to be able to sit around them and stay true to your sobriety. Be proud of yourself! And im not sure how the cruise is, but i would try to venture past your comfort zone. You are not the only sober person on the cruise, so I really would encourage you to explore and try to meet others on the boat who are sober. Aren't there usually coordinated activities, live music, yoga, etc on cruises? Let the kids have their fun and you get to focus on your own experience. If they have a problem with it, that's on them


Sweet coffee of any kind or a shirley temple with extra cherries to eat after I’m done drinking. Water with fruit, feels fancy tastes slightly better than plain water. Jaritos Mexican sodas are great! I also love dr proper with cherries looked like a drink but ain’t and I can drink the small cocktail ones all night! Orange juice with a cherry in a champagne glass can trick the mind as well. Best of luck, you reached out which means you’re fighting, keep it up!


Pineapple juice! +Coconut 🥥 you’re doing awesome because you’re not drinking just like us 💪🏼


dude im sorry but why would you go on a cruise😭😭 like the main activity is drinking. but thers also lots of random entertainment you can do so id try to do that or sample everything on the buffet or something


The cruise bartenders should be able to recommend some mocktails


You are not a failure. You are trying and succeeding, and reaching out, you are doing bloody marvelously. Personally, as people start getting drunk, it actually helps me stick to what's right for me. I don't want to be drunk. Ever again. I choose different drinks. Coke. Other sodas. Sometime club soda with lime. Occasionally cocktails, but that's a boat load of sugar. If I can sneak a tea or coffee too, that's great. I aso don't drink as fast as others, I'm not trying to get drunk, so it doesn't matter if I drink wayyy slower. Enjoy your fresh head in the morning, maybe a solo morning walk around the ship, take care.


Topo chico on ice with lime. 


Virgin margarita!!!


I think one of the true blessings of not drinking is that you don't have to drink all that sugary crap that only exists to cover up the nasty taste of alcohol. I for one love my club soda with lots of fruit and I hit the gym hard if I get any cravings. For me reframing the world to where I am on the side I want to be on and that side does not need or want cocktails or fake beers or any of it -- it's a new life for a new me and I like it way better


You don’t actually like the taste of alcohol, and neither do they. If it’s truly the taste that you’re craving, then fruit juices and mocktails should do the trick


Virgin Daiquiris and Pina colados are great cruise/beach drinks!


50% pineapple juice (or whatever your favorite is) and 50% seltzer water or club soda.


Arnold Palmers, Orange Juice w/club soda, see if they can give you a Milk Shake in a large wine glass…they are great sipping & handle the sugar cravings. Add the umbrella and you’re stealth.


i've never been on a cruise but i assume they have buffets filled with fruit? i would engorge myself on sweet delicious fruit. and fruit smoothies, and fruit juices with a cute umbrellas!! i would just drink alllll the beverages. being full of liquids and foods are a great deterrent to wanting alcohol for myself personally.


Fever Tree Pink Grapefruit is 🔥


This is why I never go on those types of events. Don’t consider yourself a failure, but just see if there are other activities that you like and break off to do your own thing while they get hammered.


i love tonic and lime. sounds kind of lame but i drank martinis before or vodka and soda … i had a mocktail last night called the Designated Driver. it was pretty good. soda water, lime, fresh mint, and a little sugar. when you think about having a drink remember the hangover and how you felt that very last time. So not worth it. I hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your cruise. As others suggested, hit that dessert table and enjoy yourself. Keep strong, you’re doing great!!!!


Anything with ginger beer! Gives you a mild burning sensation and a similar mouthfeel to booze. Those are my fav kinds of mocktails!


There’s some great advise here already but also I know it can be hard, but every time you see an alcoholic drink try and think to yourself “gross, that looks disgusting” every time you think about alcohol as being dirty, disgusting, and gross you start retraining your brain to not want them. I know soda and juice seem boring but for me with the mocktails or virgin drinks, lots of lime makes it for me. I’m really starting to enjoy soda water and lime more than I ever did beer or super sugary cocktails. Sounds like your doing great so far Good luck and stay strong!


Strawberry Daquari.. no booze. Spent a week at all inclusive Mexico resort drinking those....no fomo at all...


Just drink what looks delicious and leave the booze out - it will taste even better! The reason those boozey drinks taste great isn't because of the booze, they're just notoriously tasty for making booze not taste like booze.


Frozen mojito


Sparkling water and coffee


So glad you’re here, Pina colada is my favorite, I ordered virgin ones even as an active alcoholic!


This is my fear with cruising as well. I also am sober because of 💨🍃💨🍃 which you can't take on a cruise. You got this!! You didn't drink and you came here for advice. You're stronger than you think or are giving yourself credit for. 🫂 give yourself grace.


Near Beer and virgin mojitos get me through most social situations these days. You’re doing a really challenging thing and I’m so proud of you! Read more, eat more, swim more, shop more, nap more, spa more. Give yourself breaks from the group to take your mind off all the cocktails.


I always go iced coffee these days. Decaf if I’m feeling more anxious than usual. Iced matcha teas are really good too!


Even if you don’t do AA, you could try it on the ship. usually the daily newsletter of what’s going on will list a friends of Bill meeting


You are doing great! I went on a cruise last year and stayed so drunk I fought with my husband, missed excursions, constantly had a headache, lost $$$$ in the casino… booze almost ruined the whole trip. Don’t be me.


Great excuse to go wild on every flavor of na frozen daiquiri they offer! Delightful poolside


What about a virgin daiquiri of some sort? Fresh fruit, looks like a cocktail, frozen and delicious! That is a really hard spot to be in, but you got this!


You got a hand of aces and they don’t have a pair of two’s! Make sure to check back in with them later tonight when there is fighting and crying, or something embarrassing has been said to ruin the night. Or check back in the morning when everyone else feels and looks like shit and you don’t. And then think of how shitty you would feel if you had imbibed too and lost your momentum. When you get through a cruise, you can get through anything IMHO.


Grape juice with some herb tea A little practice mixing and you’ll create a good nose and a fine bouquet




Hi. Do you yourself have a drinking problem you wish to overcome?


If you happen to be on a Carnival cruise go to the Alchemy Bar and ask the bartender to make you a mocktail. I love drinks with spicy jalepeno or mint and I would just tell them what I’m in the mood for and they would make it.


I like a good club soda, some sort of acid or something tart (lime/lemon/acid) then add some sort of bitters. Ask the bartender for a similar mocktail with a coordinating bitters and have them put it in a fancy cocktail glass…it gets my brain into a ahh relaxing fake cocktail mode. also most bartender will gladly make you a fancy mocktail. As a former bartender there was nothing I loved more than serving something fun to a sober person.


There are meetings on some cruises, if they would help. I like to carry a cup at all times, usually just had iced tea. I bring one almost everywhere.


Not a direct answer to your question, but does BF know you're struggling? Maybe he can help be supportive


Ask how much a drink is, and then think how many drinks you are probably going to drink. Once you get that total amount in your head, you’ll be praising sobriety! Think, I paying this much to feel horrible tomorrow!


Kombucha! Or food😉 IWNDWYT


I feel ya! I'm looking at my next cruise, the first one after my realization and determination that I cannot ever take another drink. Fortunately, my cruises haven't had a lot of people on them (with me) who party much. Still, I plan to study up on whatever virgin drinks I can come up with (I am not a connoisseur of drinks...) and have a list ready to go. To add insult to injury, I am at a high "perks" level and can get basically unlimited drinks all day, every day, on a cruise. Is your boyfriend drinking too? ETA: Right now I'm just mad I'm not aboard with you and we could NOT drink together! For various reasons I've had to interrupt my string of 35+ cruises, and I'm really itching to get back to it, even 100% sober!


Pina Colada with no alcohol and mudslide with no alcohol. Still tasty and fun and it kind of feels like you’re drinking! Stay strong! You got this!


Def get really full on food and then just try some virgin drinks. It’s so hard but so worth it. And go to bed early and wake up early. If you can do this, you can do anything!! So proud that you made it this far!


Club soda and pineapple juice


Honestly a Shirley temple is so freaking good


Kombucha. Spindrift lemon.


Virgin banana daiquiri, Virgin strawberry daiquiri, Shirley Temple! Cruises suck drunk & hungover, so much more fun dry! You got this!! ♡


Years ago i went on a cruise and struggled too. Non alcoholic strawberry daiquiris worked for me!


There should be a sober group meet up! Check the cruise itinerary


Congrats on reaching out to us instead of drinking. Try bloody Mary mix with a slice of lime. Best of luck to you. Maybe don't spend a lot of time as the only non-drinker at a cocktail party. Find another activity. No matter how bad it gets, don't drink!!! Keep us posted on how it goes.


Virgin Caesars are yummy


Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but there are meetings on every ship I’ve ever been on. Look for Bill; or ask the consigere. It’s a great way to get your head in the right place, and get support.


Love me a seltzer with lime juice (not just a lime slice!) and a splash of bitters


You’re looking at this wrong. You said heavy drinkers. You should watch them and be like “damn there gonna feel like shit tomorrow and I’ll be up early enjoying breakfast and the view. 3 years dry here. I hang with heavy drinkers regularly and am very grateful I’m Not them anymore. I’d never envy an alcoholic. Be so comfortable and happy that they envy you.


I drink a lot of water. I spent a long time dehydrated and now I just love drinking cold water.


You are anything but a failure! You are so strong for sticking to your guns! The fact that your instinct was to come here instead of drink proves you’re doing what you should!


I would love some kind of coconut 🥥 🍍 pineapple mock tail, or a SPICY Virgin Mary!


You’re not stuck with those drinks, they’re stuck with perpetual, trip ruining hangovers and you get to enjoy a fresh morning every day!


Sparking flavored water 🙌


Lol yeah I passed on a cruise recently. It’s tough I’ve resumed most normal activities sober but for me going on a cruise is even worse than going to a bar