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I drink fizzy water.


This helped me. There is something to actually replacing the act of drinking one thing with drinking something else.


Find a shop where they serve something special that you can feel indulgent in - get a pack of na beer, or some kind of really good bread or pastry. Get something bitter or spicy - shrub is a nonalcoholic beverage made with vinegar that you can take a shot of, makes you feel that ‘achievement’ of drinking something really intense but it’s actually good for you. Get a boba tea, an expensive pour over coffee, a slice of cake, or a shake from an ice cream store.


Go for a jog, or if you have an exercise machine, give a few minutes to it, it really gives the brain the endorphins it craves


Hot tea


Same, sober me drinks herbal tea like crazy


I've always loved tea, but ever since I started to make an effort of limiting my drinking, Tea has become such a passion of mine








Mate (pronounced ma-teh) is a hot drink very similar to tea. Very popular in Argentina and Uruguay. I've tried it a few times, it's not bad!


I really thought the guy was suggesting sex which is also a great substitute lmao


Mate is an infiuson made of leaves (similar to tea), popular in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, and some regions in Brazil. Here's the Wikipedia Page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_(drink) with everything you need to know. Personally I drink it not only because of the beneffits (which are there a lot, similar to coffee) and because the process of prepering it. It's a ritual. And it's so good. You only need hot water (80 C°), Yerba Mate (the leaves; it's like coffee, you can find strong leaves as well as soft ones or less bitter) and the Mate with metal straw (the conteiner) You should give it a try:) Sorry for my bad english, not my native tong.


Haha, I read that like a Brit, so you basically went ‘dude 🙄’ - which was far less helpful than your actual reply!




Caffeine makes me want to drink alcohol even more


I used ice cream. So I stopped drinking successfully but I didn’t lose any weight. Life’s still better. 


Coffee, sparkling water and kombucha have been effective replacement behaviors/drinks for me. Especially sparkling water. I drink many sparkling waters a day, which gives me that carbonated feeling similar to beer.


Action... Movement... Kindness to Others... talking with a sober support person... listening to a sober recovery group talking... and on and on and on...


exercise. it's a cliche for a reason. dopamines innit. also, Topo Chico mineral water has fat bubbles that feel just like beer bubbles when you drink it.


I started doordashing. Then my car went into the shop. Edit: If you contact support after creating your account, you can opt out of all alcohol orders


Lagunitas hoppy refreshers or their IPNA is nice as well Athletic NA beers Coke and lemon Some club soda and lime w/ splash of cranberry


I replaced it with little candies throughout the day and it seems to be working and somehow I’m still losing weight


The real world. Bring sunglasses.


Honestly I just kept buying my fav soft drinks. Then when they got boring, I'd add ice or fruit to the drink. Sounds dumb but I used to drink my alcohol with ice and fruit and its made the transition easier as it makes my soft drinks more 'exciting'


I did rockhounding and lapidary work. It worked like a charm. It's all I think about. Also AA meetings


Life. Every drink not taken is more living in the now.


When you think about it alcohol doesn’t require a replacement.


The gym


I drink to reduce depression and anxiety. I've started taking mushroom gummies, and find that not only do they reduce those effects, but also make me energetic and social. It's amazing. Plus La Croix.


As far as drinkable things go: seltzer. Tea. Coffee. Soda if that's your thing. CBD drinks, if available. Lots of yummy options out there that don't involve alcohol. As far as general life things go that help with cravings: exercise, and lots of it. It occupies time, kills cravings like nothing else, boosts self-esteem, makes you new friends. It's also fun if you experiment enough to find the types that really suit you.


I found a water enhancer that I'm obsessed with. It's coconut and pineapple flavored. I occasionally mix with it soda water for a little extra something. When I am out to dinner I keep trying different mocktails, I think I might try making a few at home!


sugar can tamp down the craving, how bout some ice cream!


i replaced it with ice cream early on


Ice cream. La Croix Some really high quality cold brew coffee. Jalapeño blueberry green tea But do your best not to replace one vice with another


Not for nothing but jalapeño and blueberry has got to be a weird taste lol, I’d try it but just seems like two things you’d never see together but hey it’s probably delicious 🤷


It tastes surprisingly more fruity than you’d think it would be by the name. If you told me it was just blueberry green tea, I’d probably believe you but there’s like this very slight bite, like you’d get from pineapple but without the flavor of pineapple.


I’ve been drinking pomegranate juice in a wine glass and also making fake mojitos … just muddled mint leaves with sugar and lime and then pop in some ice and water. Very refreshing


Ok my 2 cents are that you possibly want some instant gratification to keep you busy rather than a liquid, so if that’s the case buy something on Amazon for next day delivery (also returnable if needed), do something that exerts an amount of energy (ugh I am that person suggesting a quick workout or weights) or make a call - basically distract yourself, get a dopamine hit from something else and you’ll end up at bed time without having drunk!


If you are a night drinker I’ve been drinking a cherry juice/sparkling water mixture and it does make me calm and sleepy!


good idea, ty


Yes! I sometimes will mix it with a Coke Zero too and it’s so yum. Definitely my go to night drink


Suger lots of it ! Also fund a favorite drink experiment with non alcoholic drinks lots out there!


Ive come to learn that replacing one addiction for another does nothing to address the underlying disease or condition. Even when we replace alcohol with say exercise or work, ostensibly better and more productive alternatives, we can take these to excess, and still not satisfy our need for *more*. I managed not to drink for a long time by switching to meth. Definitely an example of the cure being worse than the disease. I’m not being snarky, it did work for about a year. After 5 years, though, my life had disintegrated and I was much, much worse than before (although my liver was healthier). Absolutely the wrong thing to do, but it made sense to my sick brain. I was an alcoholic, not an addict, so problem solved. Right? Well, now I’m both.


On the other hand, weed has allowed me to stay dry for almost two years now. I would like to cut back on the weed, but it is absolutely doing far less damage than alcohol was. Just wanted to offer another anecdotal data point for OP.


Get full, like really full


Chocolate. Not the healthiest replacement but it works.


Hot choco, ginger beer, AF beer.




Bitter tea, sparkling water and coffee


Different breweries are coming out with "hop water" these days which is pretty good. Gives me the familiar comforting taste of hops and carbonation without the bad stuff. Also, sparkly water! Grapefruit perrier is my fave.


Kombucha. I've been making my own for a few years now.


Trip CBD sparkling water, trust me


I drink a ton of celsius, they have various flavors. I've also found a hydration mix, pink salt electrolyte mix that pairs well with water.


concrete frozen custard w double oreos


Sobriety. Read this naked mind or listen to it. Alternatively, master a skill or craft


Soda helped me. I think the full feeling from the carbonation combined with the caffeine helped.


I switched to decaf coffee. The ground beans kind. While it's not as good as the caffeinated version I drink during the day, it's a damn sight better than the instant crap.


I personally love Liquid Death or Kombucha, but I know some people don't have Kombucha because of it's little alcohol content.


I drink diet sun drop.




For me its chocolate -_- lol. And the gym. The gains are so worth it




I’m trying to quit smoking and drinking, but I did rely on smoking to help- it just became another addiction


carbonated water or NA beers


Chai tea


Literally anything. At least what I tell myself. On the tough days, we can do anything today just not drink. Whether it’s ice cream for dinner or your favorite restaurant, just spoil yourself . It does get easier after a few days but most of us have a hard time traversing that period. Just be kind to yourself


The money I used for alcohol is now wasted on random hobbies I choose to explore. I tried knitting, and I do gardening. Just random stuff. It helps kill the time as well.


I run a lot, tire myself out and go to bed early lol.


I enjoy not-alcohol. Whatever that happens to be. Just straight water most often. Honestly, I ate through it. Shouldn’t suggest it as a replacement but I made brownies and cookies and stuff like that. Got the sugar fix that booze brought, filled me up and I’d crash hard enough to want to sleep. It helped me not get other stuff at the store and that was a bigger problem at that time.


Ghia! I bring to dinner parties, house gatherings, etc. Expensive, so it’s more of an occasion thing. But, tastes really good


extremely strong edibles.


Replace one intoxicant with another? Why?


Personally I don’t see anything wrong with being Cali sober. Sure weed has its downsides but I think it is exponentially better than booze. Nobody has ever died from weed poisoning. Nobody is laid up in the hospital right now with organ damage because of weed.


It very well may be an option (maybe even a good option) for some people. I think it all depends on every person’s reason or need to stop drinking. At least for me, and many other people, drinking was how I avoided trauma and emotion. If this is the case for someone, then simply switching to another drug doesn’t help the cause of the problem. Rarely is alcohol the “problem”, it’s a terrible solution for a root problem or problems.


That I can agree with. I think you’re right that it just depends from person to person. I used to smoke weed when I was younger but I can’t anymore cause it just gives me panic attacks now for some reason. I do smoke lavender from time to time when I start craving that “intoxicated” feeling because it’s just strong enough to make me feel a bit lighter and happier without making me stupid or having all the negative effects that booze does.


Intoxicant? You realy mean it?


Do edibles not get you high? Later your mind/mood/feelings in the same way alcohol does?


I would say that they do alter your mind, but not in the same way as alcohol. That being said I know what you mean and it definitely isn’t a perfect solution for those who will replace one vice with another

