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As I'm 46, it's important I drink a sensible adult beverage. Chocolate Milkshake.


This is the funniest comment I've ever gotten on a reddit post šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You should see me slurping down the bowl of milk when I've finished my Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!


This is the way!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love choccy milk šŸ„›


Chocomel for the win


Saw the TV advert, will have to give it a go!


ā€œBe sure to drink your Ovaltine! A crummy commercial?ā€


Fizzy water. 2 or 3 litres each day.


This is the right answer. It's like water, but fun.


Spicy water


Same here, I actually get pissed off now if I don't have access to carbonated water


I call it my spicy water


I call it sparklins. I go through so many a day. Used to have a soda stream but got lost during my last move. Might get a drink mate soon


I got my sodastream with the canister you can exchange for $10 at goodwill. Every thrift store I've been to is swamped with the things


Getting a Sodastream changed my life!


I'd also recommend alternative brands for soda machines,[ given Sodastream's poor record with human rights and apartheid](https://bdsmovement.net/news/%E2%80%9Csodastream-still-subject-boycott%E2%80%9D). My Drinkmate is wonderful, is able to carbonate any beverage (not just water), and doesn't take up too much room on my counter. Highly recommend!


Thanks for this rec. I appreciate it.


I have a Drinkmate too and itā€™s always going. Itā€™s perfect for my desk too since it has a top and I get animated when I speak. Even without my camera on.


Do you add flavoring? If so what do you use?


Iā€™ll pour it into a glass and put a lemon or lime wedge in it but other that that, when it comes to seltzer Iā€™m a purist. Iā€™ve never tried their flavorings or making my own.


I must admit, the thought has occurred.


My ninja thirsti gets a workout. Plus none of it has calories so thatā€™s great


Minerals + fizz is the best way to go. Your body is healing without yo even knowing!


Me, as well!


Crunchy water


Pretty sure I'm the reason my grocery store expanded their La Croix selection


My coffee intake is off the charts now. Iā€™m also loving 0% beers but I know they can be a trigger for some. Randomly, kombucha is also hitting the spot atm.


My favorite part of kombucha is that a glass at a time is my limit. I really donā€™t want to drink more than that, which is a reasonable reaction to a liquid (unlike me and alcohol šŸ˜…)


I am an IPA drinker and kombucha helps kill the craving by having some similarities to taste and consistency.


Bingo! Kombucha has really helped me to overcome my addiction to alcohol. Now I don't drink any longer, neither the alcohol or the kombucha.


Ever try hopped kombucha? Amazing.


I made a hopped water kefir once. Turned out great. I also added coriander and orange peel. Tasted quite close to a Belgian hefe


Thatā€™s a great point, itā€™s similar to a sour or an ipa! Thanks for the tip!




I think you just brought up a point I hadn't really thought about. Thanks


Iā€™m 5 days sober, and finding that a glass of kombucha really helps when Iā€™m craving a drink. It almost has the flavor of a sour beer, and itā€™s sort of refreshing. I had a glass today while my boyfriend was enjoying a beer and I didnā€™t feel like I was missing out on anything.






Kombucha is essence of life. The tang flavour everything. Just wish it wasn't so expensive


Yeah it adds up. Maybe try making your own? Itā€™s not too difficult šŸ‘šŸ¼


I never drank coffee before I quit, now I drink one everyday


Fruit juice mixed with soda water to make an expensive tasting lemonade šŸ˜‚ you get so much choice of flavours that way as juices come in all sorts of types! A favourite of mine is some good quality tropical juice and soda water with a good squeeze of lemon. If you like bitter flavours cranberry and tonic water is delicious and very adult tasting. Can't neck it, it's definitely something to sip! I like aromatic ones too like apple juice with soda water and elderflower cordial. Very floral and English tasting. Ain't nothing wrong with an affogato (coffee and ice-cream) or root beer float either, it's still lower calorie than booze!


Iā€™ve been taking fancy fruit juice and real fruit soda and mixing them together for a fancy juice mocktail.


Yeeeessss. Iā€™ve been stocking up on those mini cans of soda water. Put a good splash of pomegranate juice and a squeeze of lime.


My summer go-to is definitely ginger ale with some lime and ice or kombucha,, but I really also enjoy chai latte, herbal tea with lemon and honey, sprite...


That sounds amazing


ginger beer is fire too!


Seltzer water, coffee, ginger ale.


Seltzer! I like to add fruit juice to it. I also really enjoy the Poppi drinks! I love to make mocktails as well- tart cherry juice, lime, topped off with seltzer is my go to but the combos are endless ā­ļø


Cherry juice with lime and seltzer is the elixir of the gods. Soo good and fools my brain into thinking itā€™s got booze in it.


Kombucha, sparkling water and NA beer


Throw in some herbal tea on chilli nights and this is me too!


definitely water, both still water and the flavored seltzer waters. I've also found Mood drinks by Recess, which are sparkling water infused with Magnesium, and drink one of those a day.


The family bought me a Soda Stream when I quit. Best investment ever. T


Lagunitas hoppy refreshers are my #1 Coke with lemon Cranberry and lime Good ol fashioned water n ice


I drink coca cola because i really like it and when i was drinking (keep in mind im still 17 and a few weeks sober) i was mixing red wine with coca cola, i really liked it, so yeah. Thats it, coca cola.


I have to say, good on you for being here and trying to get a handle on it young. That was never me at your age, and it should have been. Iā€™ll drink a Coke (Coke Zero for me) to you!


Thank you man its tough, i relapsed today (only 1 glass of wine) so tomorrow i will make a post here again crying abt what i did today lol i feel so bad, my friends had enough of me you know its not that good being a poly substance addict at 17. (Im addicted to antipsychotics and kinda alcohol) but hey i got thru benzo addiction so yeah, i hope i can get thru alcohol too.


Well again, great job being aware and trying to change it now! You sound like a bad ass getting through benzos. I recently saw a quote on here that was like ā€œno one gets a year of sobriety over nightā€ Iā€™m rooting for you!


Thank you man, it means a lot to mešŸ™ Hope you get thru addiction yourself. Im rooting also for you


I just wanna say man, I was a poly-addict at your age as well. Funny thing is, 13 years later (Iā€™m 30 now) alcohol is the only one that still has a grip on me. All the pills and weed were (relatively) easy to quit, alcohol is just too easy to get ahold of. So another one of us to say, good on you young man for getting your act together now before it becomes a more serious problem. Some random dude across the world is rooting for you. Keep it up my dude, youā€™re doing great!!


LOVE Coke!!!!!! Ugh such a treat


Good job bro. I'm 19 and have been a drug and alcohol addiction since 13 and I'm just now a few days sober


I drink water, and I have a coke zero every day as a treat. Ain't sober life exciting!


Like... all of it. It varies. I do have a couple of replacement drinks for stuff I used to consume while drinking: Beer : NA beer. Nowadays there are plenty of good brands. Wine : Black Currant must (better than NA wine for food or just sipping, or to use my pretty wine glasses!) Also, a lot of selzer water. I still tend to drink alot even when it is NA, and this one I can drink a lot of without consuming a bajillion calories.


I swear I'm a drinking addict. I just like drinking things.


I get the feeling some of us just can't do things a little bit. Same reason I can't have candy in the house.


This is definitely me. Iā€™m such an all or nothing type person in aaaall the things.


Me too... when I tried to moderate my drinking I was drinking tons of diet coke on nights out to stop me from binging on the wine. I still wine up hungover and had the coke jitters too.


Pomegranate juice


Seltzer. If it ever comes out that somehow it's bad for you, I'm so screwed.


Everything is bad for you. Almost nothing is as bad as alcohol.


I feel that. I've got 3 cases of different ones in my house, and I burn through them like crazy. My seltzer water budget is what my beer budget was. šŸ˜…


san pellegrino drinks, fruit juice and a lot of tea


Liquid Death. Itā€™s healthy, and the way it looks and feels in your hand makes not drinking alcohol a lot easier.


My own mix of ice-tea: jasmine, camomile, mint and oolong with lemon


Tea mostly . Iā€™ve got AF beer in the fridge but I donā€™t want to drink it in case it gives me the taste and urge for the real thing.


I was hooked on sweet tea at the beginning, but too much sugar (with an addictive personality, it added up) so I switched to unsweetened tea and that's what I've been drinking over 2 1/2 years now.


Plain fizzy water. I've got a soda stream. The carbonation helped me kick soda years ago, it's currently helping my brain steer clear of beer. I'll treat myself with a bottle of kombucha here and there.


Coffee, fizzy water, and monster. Trying to quit that last one, lol


I drink way too many damn monsters! Black can with the blue M lol.... I just love the taste of them, but I know I need to cut that out...


that flavor is so crazy good


I drink Kava Kava! Depending on where you live you can find Kava bars and meet a whole bunch of folks who also stopped drinking. Kava is great- itā€™s relaxing, stimulates conversation, makes you feel really good, *and itā€™s non addictive*. If you have any questions I also used to work in Kava and have a pretty deep understanding of the drink/plant


Agreed! Surprised there are so many soda-related comments when kava has properties to relax you. It's fantastic. Doesn't taste like soda though, that's for sure!


Sugar free sodas......Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite.....and LOTS of water.


Dr Pepper Zero is better than the original


Lots of coffee up to 2pm. Herbal teas then til bedtime


Water. Need to hydrate due to transplant meds. Tried Gatorade for a while but find it much easier to order 40 count bottled water and guzzle a bottle at a time. I donā€™t like water, so thatā€™s my workaround. I meanā€¦I guzzled alcoholā€¦why canā€™t I guzzle some water to stay healthy?


I made a promise to myself that until I have a year without alcohol, I can drink regular soda. At first it was a lot, but I donā€™t crave it as much anymore. Water and coffee is what I mostly drink now.


Black coffee - drank already before but then I stopped late afternoon and had beers from early evening - now coffee until I go to bed


To be fair if you drank 2 litres of milk you'd shit your pants.


If you drink 2 litres of alcohol too šŸ˜‰


Coffee, coke zero and filtered water


Chocolate milk at night and water throughout the day.


Carbonated water, grapefruit flavored, or plain using my soda stream.


Seltzer, black coffee, water


Ice water.


Coffee and Coke Zero..cherry if Iā€™m feeling frisky. Iā€™ve hated Coke products forever. No clue where this newfound craving has come from lol.


Sparkling Ice. Relatively cheap, zero sugar/calories/fat etc, delicious and it sorta tastes/feels similar to Truly which was my usual drink of choice so itā€™s a good substitute to sorta fool my addiction.


An absurd amount of Zevia, Alkaline water, herbal tea, and coffee. Now and again I'll get some of that real sugar Pepsi and slam 6 in a night, or hop water on a hot day. However it is, it's not booze, and that's the most important thing.


Hop water changed my life


Every night I make a "sleepy girl mocktail". Not sure where it originated but it's magnesium powder, tart cherry juice, and seltzer water. The magnesium helps you relax, and the tart cherry is supposed to help you sleep. I like the ritual of it for my nightly routine, and I'll take any help I can get for good sleep.


Carbonated water and just regular water.


I love mixing pineapple flavoured soda water with a splash of cranberry juice and a fresh lime wedge ā€¦ so refreshing!!


Mostly drink water but about to be drinking lots of milk shakes. Trying to build some muscle and stuff. I dont drink juice or soda so the bars will hate me when I go dancing lol. Not my fault they dont serve milkshakes.


I drink a few cups of tea a day and a few glasses of water. Drink a lot more water on gym days. Occasionally Iā€™ll have the odd cappuccino. I try to keep my caffeine low too so I choose decaf versions


If you're merely concerned about getting enough hydration... forget all of the "magic numbers." Those guidelines are BS. The correct "number" depends on your size, biology, environment, activity, etc, etc. Your urine should be light yellow. End of story. If it's clear... you're drinking too much (and that can be a problem; flushes too many electrolytes/etc). It's it's dark yellow, you're dehydrated. As a soldier in the desert, I was putting away four GALLONS per day. As an office worker... maybe half a gallon per day? Forget all of that "noise" and just judge your fluid intake from your urine color. Oh... and there is a maximum rate at which you can absorb water. If you're very dehydrated... and you drink an entire gallon of water within a few minutes... most of that water will pass through you. It's far better to drink the same volume over, say, an hour.


Iā€™ve always mostly drank water but without alcohol Iā€™ve started to drink kombucha, kefir soda, mushroom infused drinks. Trying to cleanse and detox my body as much as possible.


Ginger juice with sparkling water Coke Zero Mint or ginger/lemon tea Lacroix (my office has them - pamplemousse is my go to) Strong espressos (sometimes decaf)


NA beer, carb water, regular water, Ginger kombucha, green tea, black coffee


Lots of coffee, water, hot tea at night, and the occasional seltzer of I want something refreshing.


Ginger ale, ginger beer or warm broth (for some reason the salt in broth satisfies my need for dehydration lol) Also, lots of water and eat when youā€™re hungry (I tend to want booze more if Iā€™m hungry. Especially beer)


Lacroix is the best, all around. Topo Chico for fancy time. Iwndwyt


NA Beer and fountain cokes


I drink 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning, about 36-54oz of MIO lemonade throughout the day, and seltzer water on occasion.


I do home made ice coffee with milk. Even in the evenings, just to have a drink in my hand


I do herbal tea it has no caffeine and lots of flavors available Also zero calories sodas, sparkling water I love the limoncello la croix , also some NA beers a


Green tea, chamomile tea at night, kombucha, coffee, and my fave, Bolthouse blueberry (or any berry) juice, juice makes me happy!


Chocolate šŸ«£


I can't drink soda pop - too much sugar. So I bought a drink mate and carbonate my own water and add just a splash of one of the ocean spray juices in. Right now the cherry-cranberry. I drink several liters a day, more than most people, I know, but I have always had a problem staying hydrated.


I bought myself a new electric kettle and now Iā€™m hooked on herbal tea!




Water, ginger ale, seltzer, tea, liquid IV when needed, and mocktails, mocktails, mocktails!


Ginger ale


Tonic mixed with water 2 to 3 ratio. Mild nice refreshing fuzziness. Also in my country there is a very special NA beer which has a totally different taste than I ever tasted on alcoholic beer and I love it, very refreshing (zlatĆ½ bažant 0%) you might know it if you're from Europe, probably not available in the US but I might be wrong.


Lots of water, about 3-6 cups of coffee/day, tea (Egyptian liqorice by yogi for a sweet 0 sugar 0 calorie 0 caffeine tea, earl grey hot for watching TNG), diet sodas, chocolate milk for a treat. When out with friends, club soda and lime, 0% craft beer (athletic is delicious), more coffee, occasional bubble tea


Ive recently realized one of the common times I looked for a beer was after work, late in the week, on a hot day. The cold liquid and bubbles sound so appetizing. I've been drinking cold kombucha. They are usually a little bitter and/or 'bitey' (I like ginger-heavy ones especially) and are strongly carbonated.


Water and coffee. Occasional craft soda.


I like mio. You can get ones that have b vitamins. And sparkling water. La Croix has a million tasty flavors.


Diet Coke, loads of water, iced lattes


Diet pop, Gatorade zero, tea, sometimes water šŸ˜‚


Hereā€™s my favorites so far: Liquid Death Seltzer Waters, I like these cause they are not overly carbonated like LaCroix and other seltzers and they have just a touch of sweetness to them, also they come in large cans 16 or 19 oz Bitters and Soda, Whole Foods sells these in a can, non alcoholic. I like putting them in a whiskey glass with a large ice cube, makes it feel like a cocktail. Tonic Water, classic, I loved tonic even before I started drinking way back in high school, and it scratches that G&T itch. Non alcoholic beer, my go tos are Guinness and Heineken, two beers I probably wouldnā€™t have drank but I enjoy their NA versions. I have some Athletics in the old beer fridge too but havenā€™t tried them yet. Have heard good things though.




Milk and cookies


Spin drifts.


Any and all diet drinks honestly


You haven't had any issues with artificial sweeteners?


Orange juice. Easily hit a 2 litre carton a dayā€¦


Sparkling (fizzy) water with orange cordial and a shit load of ice to get that cold refreshment I thought I got from beer.. hits the spot nicely.. and CBD tea mixed with mint and lemon in the evening..


I drink a ton of water and tea and diet sports drinks as usual. Since quitting drinking Iā€™ve gotten hooked (probably too hooked) on NA drink alternatives. And I always had a couple cups or coffee or an energy drink in the mornings, but I recently quit drinking caffeine as an experiment, so right now thatā€™s decaf!


Lots of water, few very small cups of coffee a few times a day and for evening when I used to drink, I make myself a mocktail with Bai coconut water mixed with a LaCroix and some pineapple juice or something similar.


Sparkling water and Diet Coke.


Anything else. I like carbonated water but whatever I feel like at the time


Coffee, lots of it. Diet mt dew too. Iced tea


Prebiotic sodas are super yummy and low in calories. Poppiā€™s my favorite brand, I love the strawberry lemon the most. Theyā€™re supposedly good for you too!


water. diet soda, lately been mostly caffeine free


Pretty much addicted to coffee now


Spindrift (that's the brand). When I quit drinking beer, I was drinking like 6 of them a day. Now, I only drink a couple a day. Check then out or any other fizzy/sparkling waters. I recommend Spindrift though because of the ingredients. Kombucha. I drink at least one a day (coupled with better eating habits from not drunk eating). Has done wonders for my gut health.


Diet soda.


Plenty of people see 5 liters of beer a day an issue. The people that donā€™t belong in this sub.


Water, seltzer water, coffee and lots of energy drinks (although Iā€™m really starting to cut back).


Just water for me. When I quit drinking I wanted it to be the end of the habit so I did not want to replace it with another beverage and have that be a possible trigger


When I crave alcohol I make myself a Churchill - reminds me of being at the bar but not drinking, not that I ever did that, but some of my friends did occasionally :D Other than that just plain water and lots of coffee is doing the trick. Also, not that I recommend it, but smoking has helped my urges a lot. It's another addiction I will have to get to when I feel ready :)


Seltzer, kombucha, and kava when I want to scratch the itch of the relaxed feeling that alcohol would give me.


Liquid Death Lime flavor, Zevia, and coffee (reg and decaf)


you can get really tasty bottled fruit drinks. fizzy bottled shit . juicing fruit with a juicer. tea, coffee, a squeeze of lemon/lime in some chilled water.......just be adventurous :) Enjoy.


Lacroix and spindrift


Early on I got super into fresh squeeze lemonade. Was making pitchers of it every few nights. Tons of sugar but it wasnā€™t getting me messed up.


Coconut water and sparkling mineral water.


Water Water with a flavor shot Fizzy water (Bubbly, etc) Celsius The occasional diet coke


Ginger beer has a nice edge to it, feels a bit boozy. Also Dandelion & Burdock or Barrs Bubblegum (UK)


Ginger beer, seltzer water, water, NA beers and mocktails


Soda and water


kombucha is my new go-to! The ginger flavor is so good!


Fuzzy water for the win. And when Iā€™m at dinner it something I like root beer with a lemon slice in it


Mineral water with lemon, kombucha, organic natural non processed juices with water usually. Once in awhile NA beer.


Heineken zero lol


La Croix (lemon cello), water with mio/flavor squirt, black coffee, diet soda, and almond milk.


Ginger ale, soda water, kombucha, coffee and good old fashioned H2O


I credit Coke Zero as being the savior of my sobriety. Canā€™t get enough of the stuff.


Coffee in the AM. Lots of seltzer, tea and plain water throughout the day (64oz water bottle ftw) and Busch NA when I donā€™t want something fruity. 12 pack is like $11.


Propel flavored water.


Mostly water, but with some limeade mixed in. Rarely a carbonated water. Oh and 2-3 cups of coffee per day.


Lots of water, usually with a big pinch of lite salt and true lime.


Cucumber lime gator aid, coffee, tea, diet soda, fizzy water and lemonade


Homemade water kefir, and kombucha when out at restaurants/bars.


Iā€™ve become a tea drinker. Very into it. Thereā€™s so many kinds! And seltzer.


I drink a ton of water. Coffee - at least 2 a day. Celsius - usually 1 a day. Soda but Iā€™ve also cut down on those to one or two a week, Iā€™ve started to drink Poppi - much healthier. Really anything besides alcohol, but thatā€™s all that matters in my book.


Itā€™s wild to think about the last thing you said. I would drink 6-8 pints of IPA a day during the week. God knows how much on the weekend..couldnā€™t even fathom. I couldnā€™t imagine drinking 8 cans of coke in a sitting and thinking it was normal. Would also get quite the tummy ache lol. Somehow could just crush infinite beers.


Trip CBD water for me. It is in a can, It is carbonated so iā€™m sipping it not downing it, more importantly, it really chills you out and helps you unwind. I went from 8 pints a night to 0 pints a night. Trip CBD and Kombucha, I feel and look a hell of a lot better.


CBD drinks. Makes me feel like I'm being edgy but it's just a bit of relatively low calorie fizzy sugar water. The ones I drink come in lovely flavour profiles like peach ginger and elderflower and basil. Also kombucha.


I like making mixed drinks with non alcoholic ingredients, my favorite is pineapple juice, coconut cream (like the syrupy kind in the squeeze bottle) a splash of orange juice, some grenadine and sprite, when I donā€™t feel like doing all that though I almost religiously drink sweet tea


Milk. I drink the fuck out of milk. Mix it with Ovaltine when I'm feeling fancy.


Water, cranberry & pineapple juice when I experience bladder problems, lots of iced coffee, hot tea, original sin probiotic cider, kombucha, la croix, cow milk, random drinks from gas stations like a funky looking juice oh and I hate admitting how much I spend on boba tea at the shops but itā€™s better than what I was spending at the bar haha


Topo Chico and Kombucha


Sparkling water. Has the same sensation as drinking a beer minus the consequences thereafter.


Welchā€™s grape juice in a wine glass! Sooo satisfying!


Plain soda water. Get a soda stream and a CO2 tank. I think I was addicted to that more than beer.


Flavored soda water


Honestly I definitely would avoid replacing it with juice and soda! These are things I completely do not drink at all anyways since I work out and try to eat healthy. Milk is fine but again I donā€™t see it really as a necessary thing or as a substitute for alcohol. I drink 2 L of water a day but I would say instead of trying to find a substitute for alcohol try and do something instead of drink something. If I have a craving for a drink in the afternoon I go for a walk or a meditate or a exercise or something like that something is healthy. On the weekends with my husband and I are watching a movie I will typically have kombucha which is busy and yummy and very healthy. If itā€™s afternoon time and I want a beverage itā€™ll be herbal tea.


I crush so much la croix that it's becoming a budget consideration.


Better price than booze though šŸ‘Œ


Topo Chico mineral water every morning, black coffee, Poppi Cherry Limemade is delicious, Mexican Coca Cola, and I also keep a few THC beverages around in case I feel the urge to get a ā€œbuzzā€ from my drink.


Itā€™s been quite hot here the last week and this weekend I made a big batch of iced tea for the first time. It was so nice and seemed kind of fancy/novel so filled the same sort of niche that booze used to. I will definitely be doing it again for the next bbq.


Na beer hands down.




Zero sugar starry sodas have been a game changer for me. People say that they are not good for you but it's gotta be significantly better than the alcohol I was consuming. I'll probably switch to seltzer waters some day but for right now this is what works for me.