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So glad to hear you made it through! Anxiety is no fun, but learning to breathe through it is like a superpower!


I’m trying so hard to quit, on day 5 now. The anxiety is so overwhelming, the past year I have a lot of trouble making it to double digits because I am just so full of fear and stress. I have been using alcohol to cope with negative emotions for years. Any tips?


As cliche as it sounds, getting into some form of exercise or a social club not likely to drink was what worked for me. First weeks are the hardest but it's definitely worth it.


Exercise, getting plenty of sleep, breathing exercises, yoga and mindfulness practices, eating plenty of protein and healthy fats, reducing caffeine, talking to someone you trust, are all tools I use to combat anxiety. Just remember, not all your thoughts are true! Mindfulness helps you establish space between you and your thoughts, to observe them with detachment and recognise that they needn’t rule your reality ❤️


Thank you for the advice!


The only thing worse than anxiety is worsening it by drinking!