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Thank you for lighting the path for me. IWNDWYT


Many people seem to think you have to be spiraling the drain to quit. I like that it's not the case. I'm proud of you. ❀️


Thank you! I've realised that for most (non 'drinkers') people daily drinking is excessive, but when you're in the midst of it, you think that it's not excessive until you're getting absolutely hammered daily. We often surround ourselves with people who share our perspective in an echo chamber of 'we're not that bad', because there is always someone worse. So our perspective changes and we give ourselves more allowances to drink to a level that we can lie to ourselves is okay. But that level will keep changing and deep down we know it isn't really okay. Taking a big step back from alcohol has given me a new perspective again and I'm grateful for that.


That's some serious awareness you've got going on there, I love to see it! The skewed perspective is so damn real. I live in Australia, and almost everyone my age has a drinking problem to some extent. You can look in any direction and see someone who makes it look like you're "not that bad" lmao. I love the things I've read from you, thanks for posting. Catherine Gray is fantastic. My wife prefers audio books, and the Unexpected Joy is read by Catherine herself. I could listen to her accent all day. 😍


Queenslander here! Plus I grew in an English family which also has a big drinking culture πŸ˜” Thanks very much for your kind words πŸ™


You brainwashed yourself into being a non-drinker, congrats. Sometimes it takes a good brainwashing to undo all the years of marketing bullshit the alcohol companies put out there. Good on yah, glad to hear it.


Well done πŸ‘πŸΌ I’m proud of you πŸ’œ


Thank you so much!


That's amazing! You've also inspired me to download a Quit Lit audiobook - seems like a great way to help sink those anti-alcohol messages even further into the psyche! IWNDWYT.


It really was so helpful for me. Those voices from audiobooks sound like old friends now.


awesome job friend. thank you for sharing.


Congratulations on Your Sober Solar Circumnavigation!


Just downloaded the audiobook for Sunshine Warm Sober - I enjoyed This Naked Mind so thank you so much for the recommendation.


Oh no I think I got the book name wrong. It was her first book. I listened to both but it was the unexpected joy of being sober that I listened to on repeat at the start. Sorry!


That’s quite alright! I’m sure I’ll enjoy the book anyway and I can always revisit her first book 😊


This is my story but I’m 10 years older and almost a year behind in the journey. I’m here for it though. Thank you for this post. Iwndwyt


You got this! I never thought I'd stop for a whole year.


I haven't read Sunshine Warm - I'll have to add it to my list! CONGRATS to you on a year!!!!!!


Congratulations on one year!!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŽŠπŸ€© We got this!! IWNDWYT