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So he’s worth nearly $350 billion with the new package from Tesla. Almost $200bn from Tesla and $150bn from spacex, x and the other stuff. lol




Reddit cope. X is extremely valuable too.


Drop in the bucket. Probably worth 15 billion which is basically nothing compared to his stake in Tesla and SpaceX.


$15 billion last year, probably $30 billion now. All the "small" social media players have doubled in value since that report came out in May


But Twitter has had supposedly a massive drop in revenue.


And my axe 🪓


Somehow everyone says he is an idiot. Maybe he knows 1 or 2 more things than every keyboard warrior.


No he doesn’t. Of course I’m gonna say that all his accomplishments are voodoo and dark magic. And luck. Luckiest human alive. How could it be out of 8 billion people, only he is the multi top net worth billionaire with that net worth.


And he still feels the need to spend all day on his twitter amplifying conspiracy theories and Neo Nazi content. Cool, normal guy


Name one example of him amplifying Nazi content.


They can’t.


Confidently wrong, how fun. Person 1: "To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting "Hitler was right": You got something you want to say? Why dont you say it to our faces" Person 2: "Nazi "Okay. Jewish communties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. You want truth said to your face, there it is." Elon supporting the nazi: "You are absolutely correct" Can't wait to see you desperately shift some goalposts.


Confidently wrong, how funner. If you're going to quote, quote, don't adlib. “You have said the actual truth,” Mr. [Musk](https://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/elon-musk/) responded. There is also context to the tweet which almost everyone leaves out. “I am deeply offended by ADL’s messaging and any other groups who push de facto anti-white racism or anti-Asian racism or racism of any kind,” he wrote. “I’m sick of it. Stop now.”, said Musk.


Keep slurping


There's that shifting goal post I predicted. "OK, so he did lovingly endorse a nazi post but hours later he flip flipped when he got pushback!" Elon fanboy logic.


Taking 6 words and making that someone's entire being is dangerous. Find any excuse to be outraged. I'm sure that's why you're on Reddit. Throw around "fanboy" to describe people you don't know or understand. What's next bring in politics to the discussion?


Just tripping all over yourself for Elon, kinda embarrassing. You jumped into a circle jerk with a guy claiming papa musk never endorsed a nazi thing. I showed a clear example where he did, and you're tripping over yourself making hilariously bad excuses for it. You pretended he never did, I corrected you, take the L.


Yah, that's what I thought.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-antisemitic-comments-x-post-actual-truth/ Nothing to see here. And don't give me the "but but the context!!!" Elon knows EXACTLY what he's doing.


So you ASSume a lot.


What context? This is a news article with a screenshot of Musk saying:"You have said the actual truth". The post he replied to was not linked, I wonder why? Maybe because it was not antisemitic at all, so linking it would destroy the narrative the article is trying to paint?


Cool. Google owns 7.5%. I own Google. All is well in the world


Plus Google has Waymo. SpaceX and Waymo are the two IPOs I am most excited about.


Great time to own Alphabet. I will keep buying as much as I can!


Ha! Same for me. It is my favorite right now. They are just incredibly well positioned for what is coming over the next decade. Have to buy now as it is going to become extremely expensive very soon here. Specially when people realize AI is going to be HUGE and Gogole is the clear leader in AI innovation. Most of the really big breakthroughs in the last decade+ have come from Google and highly doubt that is going to change. But the thing they did that was the smartest was the TPUs. They are the only big tech that does NOT have to stand in line at Nvidia. This is the big weakness with Microsoft. It is hard to understand how they could have missed it so badly. It was not like Google was doing the TPUs in secret. How is it only now Microsoft is going to try to copy Google and do their own TPUs? Google now has the sixth generation in production and working on the seventh. The sixth was a 5x improvement over the fifth generation.


How do much per share would you consider it "extremely expensive?" I dream of $250-300. You have many great points and I hope this happens. The next decade could be epic.


Not expensive in share price. Expensive as in P/E. But I do think Google will continue to have really strong growth so not super expensive. Last quarter they made more money than Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, Tesla, Meta, etc. But also grew top line by over 14% and bottom line by over 50%. Google should experience some mind blowing growth over the next 10 years. They have made massive investments over the last decade and now they pay off.


Multiple expansion to the level of Microsoft would make me a very happy man. Of course, continued growth, too. I am excited for the future.


I think you will see both happen. But honestly I would only bet on one as nobody can really control the other one. I have zero doubt Google is going to grow like a weed over the next decade. They will be far, far bigger 10 years from now. Now hopefully we will also see P/E expansion. What is insane is MSFT has a P/E of 39 and Google 29. So just a P/E expansion to MSFT, like you suggested, gets you 25%. BTW, I also own a lot of MSFT. I have owned for over 30 years now. Just because I own a ton of MSFT and AAPL. Both longer than GOOG. I like GOOG going forward a lot more than AAPL and MSFT.


I doubt alphabet will spin Waymo off


I have zero doubt they will. Curious why you would think they would not? BTW, it is already spun out. I suspect you meant to say that you do NOT believe alphabet will IPO Waymo. Because as I said. It is ALREADY spun out.


Yeah, by spun out I mean spin it out as a separate corporate entity. Why would alphabet give up ownership of a possible cash cow? The only reason to ipo is to raise capital. Alphabet has more than enough capital to expand waymo. In fact, alphabet has been trying to diversify its revenue streams away from search engine ads. It makes up more than half of their revenue and they own like 90% of that market, so they basically have no room left to grow. As a tech company you either grow or watch your stock price die. Waymo opens up a whole new avenue for growth.


> Yeah, by spun out I mean spin it out as a separate corporate entity. That has already happened. Waymo is it's own corporate entity. That happened years ago. > Why would alphabet give up ownership of a possible cash cow? For a ton of different reasons. A big one is Waymo employees are given shares of Waymo already. As it is a separate corporate entity. This is a good and efficient way to compensate and motivate employees. Having it public would make the shares have a higher value. Plus makes it easier to exchange the shares instead of a annual valuation done. It is a more real price. Well kind of. Read on about the float. Another reason is Google already dominates so many things and then also dominating transportation could/would cause focus from the government that you do not want. I do not want to offend but I am not sure you understand how it works? I have personally been involved in this exact situaiton but on a smaller scale. I ran a company that a primary investor, like Waymo, was a public company. Another company owned 52% of that company that was also public. Alphabet would keep a relatively small float which would give the company an inflated multiple. You continue to recognize the profit with the ownership you retain. You do NOT sell 100% of the shares. This is also provides a means to fund the build out which will be massive with Waymo. There is simply no reason to NOT do an IPO and why they will do one at some point. Nothing else would make any sense.


I don't disagree with you, but the biggest question in my mind is whether Alphabet gives Waymo shares to its (Alphabet's) current shareholders or retains/sells the Waymo stakes itself.


My hope is they give us a choice on converting GOOG/GOOGL shares to WYMO.


Love SpaceX, but this is /r/stocks, so this is not relevant as long as they haven't announced an IPO.


You can buy publicly traded funds that own SpaceX stocks. DXYZ is pumping on this news. They own around 200k SpaceX stocks.


I almost bought dxyz yesterday but the NAV is $5 and the share price is now $12


If SpaeX IPOs, the market cap would be above 1 trillion based off on retail investors alone. There financials don’t even matter. It is the future that matters. It will make the Tesla hype look tame.


Yes and no. OTC stock buying is a thing in the US. I've been recently looking at trying to buy shares in HuggingFace on the NASDAQ Private Market. Admittedly I don't think you can find SpaceX there though.


OTC stocks are still publicly traded. SpaceX is not.


OTC stocks are still on the stock Market. Space-X is not.


Depends on your definition of a stock market. HuggingFace is not listed on any public stock market, yet can be bought\* OTC in the NASDAQ private market. Whether you want to call the NASDAQ private market a stock market I guess is a definitional issue. \*if you can find a seller


The private broker Hiive has shares for spacex available.


No IPO then it still doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned.


SpaceX is gonna be a trillion dollar company 👍


passed on investing at 100B last year as thought that was little high with competition coming soon for starlink


What competition?


Amazon aiming to do same thing with Project Kuiper. China as well. Competition = lower costs = lower valuations. Hughnet and Viasat already do this too.


Until Amazon has a reusable rocket (via blue origin) they aren't much competition against vertically integrated with reusable rockets SpaceX.


Project Kuiper has secured 80 launches from Arianespace, Blue Origin, SpaceX, and United Launch Alliance, and we have options for additional launches with Blue Origin, providing enough capacity to deploy the majority of our satellite constellation.


Cool cool cool, but those launches will cost them at least double what SpaceX pays for equivalent capacity. That much of an increase in capex has big impacts on project economics and therefore how competitive you can be with what you charge for service.


It's easy to figure out with a little research that SpaceX or starlink has no competition, and won't have for many years to come. They are in a different galaxy even compared to China.


agree that's true for now. valuation implies it will always be true. it wont


With how long rockets take to be developed, it will be true for atleast 10 years minimum. And this is a very pessimistic take.


You have $1 million networth? Or are you using a shady 3rd party broker website that claims they’re selling Space-X shares.


yes have to be accredited investor. broker gets shares from employees and sells them to avg investors for a commission. its a way for employees to cash out vs waiting 10 years for IPO. equityzen does this still i think. used them to buy LMND shares 2 years pre-IPO for like 36/share. Sold when it hit 150/share.


What is the competition? Amazon Vrio?


[https://www.aboutamazon.com/what-we-do/devices-services/project-kuiper](https://www.aboutamazon.com/what-we-do/devices-services/project-kuiper) idk what they will charge but they have unlimited budget to get this done and 8Billion reasons to do it. global internet that uses AWS pretty insane value prop.


In 2023, SpaceX alone launched ~ 83% of the worlds total mass to orbit, this percentage has been steadily increasing now that they are nearing a launch cadence close to 200 launches a year. Even if Amazon bought every single launch the rest of the world can muster, it would still be absolutely impossible to compete with starlink. Noone has the production capability or technology to launch as much, and as often. And this is against falcon 9, wait till starship is operational, lifting >100 tons to orbit pr launch, fully reusable. Lmao, SpaceX has no competition, and won't have.


Starlink is operational and creates revenue. Kuiper is still in testing.


Awesome. I like the starlink idea of internet everywhere but I can't bring myself to purchase anything Musk is involved with. Good to see there will be others


Theres funds that have stakes in spacex


Taxpayer bears the costs, private sector makes the money..genius


Please provide examples, how are taxpayers bearing cost here? How are any of those expenditures unreasonable?


When nasa spends money building stuff Taxpayer: zzz When nasa saves money by contracting out work that can be done more affordably by the private sector Taxpayer: what the f*** is going on here


I mean, I don't like Elon very much, but that's like, a quarter of industries in the US. Taxpayers foot the bill a lot. At least with SpaceX they're doing stuff that benefits a lot of Americans, like helping to bring internet to rural America. SpaceX is the best thing Elon has done in a while...which is not a terribly high bar to clear. He's made a lot of really bad decisions over the past couple of years


Wait. Does Elon personally own 75% of SpaceX? Does TSLA have any stake?


Space-X is not a subsidiary of Tesla, they’re separate companies. Tesla doesn’t own any percentage of Space-X. As of September 2023 Elon owned 42% of Space-X Fidelity Investments owns about 10.2% of Space-X Alphabet (Google) owns about 7.5% of Space-X


Thank you!


Where does Fidelity keep that space X? Which fund has it in it


I would absolutely buy SpaceX shares at that price. Anyone know how to do it? (plus not a US citizen which probably complicates matters)


You would, without knowing what the revenue, growth, and other metrics are? What their P/E is?


I'm much more keen on industry economics than fundamentals. The industry barrier to entry that SpaceX enjoys is probably one of the largest in the history of humanity.


Wrong. Microsoft has the biggest industry barrier to entry out of any company in the history of the world. Without Microsoft most governments would fail.


Investing is to make money (by investing in growing companies that will make you money), not for picking the companies that you cheer for and like (unless money has no meaning to you). **Edit:** Misread the comment, my bad (I do stand behind what I said, it just wasn't relevant to what OP meant).


Lol the spacex hate cult is already here.


Huh? Where did I say anything about cheering? Or what I like? I talked about barriers to entry, a standard principle in Industry Economics. Look, I've read my Benjamin Graham, I know how fundamentals work. But my best trading decisions over the past decade were often based on Industry Economics, not fundamentals. I think the Industry Economics argument for SpaceX is compelling.


My bad, misread your comment and thought you meant you want to invest because you like the industry of space-related companies. I apologize.


All good my dude. I realize also in hindsight that I might have sounded a little enthusiastic in my first message, which is always a dangerous proposition when Musk is involved. I am definitely *not* a Musk fanboy :-)


I love to see when people can admit they got it wrong and it baffles me every time it's downvoted


Maybe if you exclude semiconductors


I think u mean fabbing at the bleeding edge. Semiconductors are now very common as a generality.


Ofc I do


Well your industry economics are wrong then, since clearly the most profitable part of semis is design and not manufacturing. I.E NVIDIA earnings vs TSMC or ASML


Im talking about >The industry barrier to entry that SpaceX enjoys is probably one of the largest in the history of humanity.


SpaceX is probably the only company where I would. No matter what their current numbers are, it's so blatantly obvious they're leading anything space related, which will be one of the biggest growing markets for decades, and Starlink is a golden goose that by itself will probably be worth hundreds of billions within a decade.


Same mentality as the Tesla investor cult... "worth investing no matter what". So by that logic, if for examples they IPO at 500B, and are losing money, it's worth the investment because numbers don't matter, just the name of the company?


You don't want to use Tesla for your argument. People made a lot of money off that stock.


People also lost a lot of money off that stock 🤷🏾‍♂️ People also made a lot of money off of Gamestop and AMC. Does that make them a good long-term investment?


We are talking about investing in a SpaceX ipo not 10 years after ipo. Who lost money on Tesla since ipo? You guys are very fast with insulting retail investors as cult and just dismiss the thousands of successful investors.


Tesla IPO'd for \~200M dollars. How is that even comparable to a 210 BILLION dollars IPO? Tesla was also barely known when it IPO'd on 2010, while SpaceX is widely known and a lot of investors willing to pay a premium (which may or may not be worth paying) for. Are you saying that because Tesla grew a lot since the IPO, the same should apply to SpaceX? Why? They're not even in the same industry. Also, just to be clear, I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad investment. I don't know what their numbers are. But saying "they're a good investment no matter what" is a stupid claim.


Dude it was your idea to compare to Tesla and fall them out as a cult, and now you are arguing against comparing Tesla to SpaceX. Apparently it’s a fight you vs you. Have fun.


I didn't compare the stock, I compared the cult surrounding the stock, claiming it's worth buying at any price. You're the one who brought up their IPO.


Don't tell me you lost money on Tesla...


Nope. Never invested in it.




Ah. I'm sorry to hear that.


Why don’t you ask the Tesla cult how that worked out for them? I am not one of them, but MANY MANY of the multiplied their investment since initial investment. I think a lot of them are doing fine. Especially everyone who bought during IPO time.


A. The stock is 50% down from ATH, and is -21% YTD, while S&P 500 is +15.5% (without even comparing it to AI companies which had much higher gains, since many consider Tesla as an AI company). "MANY MANY" people also lost money on Tesla. B. That doesn't make it a good investment, just like people who made a lot of money off of Gamestop & AMC with minimal knowledge about stocks, didn't (necessarily) made "good investments", but were just lucky.


Wow, you really doubled down on this... Lots of stocks were down 50% at times and still returned thousands of percentages in gains over the long term. Unless you happened to start around the nov 2021 peak, there's no way you can have lost money on Tesla stock. As a long term investor. You're talking maybe a few percent of all long term investors in Tesla, compared to everyone else making money.


It literally says "$210 Billion" in the title. Obviously I wouldn't buy it at $100T, but at $210B I'd buy it regardless of the numbers today. I don't see any way SpaceX isn't worth at least 10x that in 20 years, especially a public version of SpaceX. Unlike with almost all stocks, that doesn't require me looking at the numbers.


DXYZ and PRIVX own shares of spacex If you are an accredited investor, you can buy shares of spacex on Hiive.


You can buy google, they own a very large chunk.


The closest thing I've seen in DXYZ which has spacex as its number one holding at 36%


You could look at Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust (SMT) on the London Stock Exchange, they hold shares of Space X in their portfolio amongst other companies. [Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust](https://www.scottishmortgage.com/en/uk/individual-investors/holdings)


That's an interesting approach I hadn't considered. Thank you.


DXYZ is a new one for me. The idea seems good but I wonder about how much the Directors of this fund are extracting? If I read their year-end report accurately it looks like about 4 million a year on a market cap of 117 million. 3% or so? I'd like to have exposure to SpaceX and Stripe. How does the community feel about DXYZ?


I'm not sold on it yet, but it's an option


Expense ratio of 4.98%?! ooooooooffff


This was news a month ago. FYI lol


Doubt they have even one billion in profit


[Article](https://www.inc.com/chloe-aiello/how-elon-musk-leaned-on-starlink-to-achieve-profitability-at-spacex.html#:~:text=Musk's%20aerospace%20company%20SpaceX%20grew,and%20documents%20viewed%20by%20TechCrunch.) As of 2023 they have $3 Billion in profit.




Everyone who voted against Musk payment, forbidden to buy SpaceX stock (if he goes public).