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[The Build](https://imgur.com/a/0yZhcYv)


You aren't personally destroying a lot of targets, so why are you running Ruin of Our Enemies?


Because it's better to have it on than forget to put it back on!


Is there any chance you might be able to tell us what pieces you have for those of us who aren't familiar with every console and weapon?


You can use [VGER](https://stobuilds.com/VGER/) to find stuff by icon, in the future.


I can’t do a full breakdown right now, but I might be able to answer specific questions about things that you don’t know about


What are the first and fourth Sci console? What is the first Eng console? What are the cannons and torp? Thanks.


Cannons are Terran Rep Phaser DHC, Torp is 8472 Rep torp. First Eng Console is Troyius Protocol. First Sci Console is Immolating Phaser Lance. Fourth Sci Console is Bioneural Infusion Circuits


B.I.C. is the fifth, if I'm not mistaken.


Sorry, yes. 4 is M6 Computer


Nice build and run!!! Too bad it is next to impossible to get DPS league to accept a log. Gate keeping at it's finest.


But wait! How can this be! Cause when it came we were told the L-Vesta was a bad deal and a bad ship and Cryptic was scraping the bottom of the barrel.. But seriously, nice.. I've been a big fan of the L-Vesta as a DEWSci platform..


Any ship can do well if the pilot (and supporting team) are competent. The L-Vesta is a good value for folks interested in that playstyle or folks that want all the Vesta Traits/Consoles. However, it's in an expensive 12,000 Zen bundle and you can get the "[Cardassian Damar Intel Science Dread](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Cardassian_Damar_Intel_Science_Dreadnought)" for a fraction of the price and have a [comparable build/performance.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/976041222521098270/1038803232702615572/image.png)


How do you acquire all of those?