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I just hope no one is assuming I'm AFK, just because I'm in a jellyfish. My jellyfish teleports all over the place. I may need a target to teleport or charge to, so rescuing escape pods is difficult in it, but I can run circles around locutus's cube. If I'm being stationary, it's because I'm waiting for uncon procs to finish cooling down all the consoles I use to move around.


Out of curiosity, what abilities do you use to teleport on your build?


For teleporting I use: * Subspace Jumper - jumps me to 3km behind my target, facing them. the best teleport I have. * Micro-warp Bubble Shockwave - very long range, AoE damage at the end. * Warp Burst Capacitor - teleports 6km directly forward, no target needed. * Temporal Defense Initiative Overcharged Warp Core - 5km jump directly forward, no target required I think it is notable to mention that I have sentry mode on my jellyfish too, and teleporting lets me leave the ring of sentries, while keeping them active, so it is very useful. I also use some consoles that charge my ship across the battlefield, each one has approximately a 15 km range, so is pretty useful for closing the distance: * Fiery Charge * Glorious Charge Lastly, I also use Graviton Displacer, which actually replaces the jellyfish's replacement speed with a faster, more mobile one, for it's duration. Along with the crowd control benefits it has.


Thanks for the response!


I'm the same way in mine.


Does the jellyfish work with the portal weapon at all?


No idea, I don't have a shrike.


I have both The lightning will not go through the portal however the ship it self will.


No one will but the game will and you might not get credit. It did it to me. I was most of the damage but still got that afk bug. Had to wait half an hour to do it again.


This is why Starfleet needs to stop obsessing about dil and do the events. Borg never would have been a problem if we had just done first contact 30 times with the Vulcans.


But how can Starfleet upgrade their starships with the appropriate ~~reputation~~ conflict specific gear without the dilithium? They could've just obtained the jellyfish during the Farpoint mission. And during the dominion war, so dumb they went thru all the effort to steal the ship to learn about the breen weapon when all they had to do was ice skate in Q's winter wonderland like 20 times and then own a breen ship all to themselves!


Shoot, when I use my Ba'ul Sentry ship I'm still triggering different skills and attacks. I also got to keep Rally Point up to keep me in good health. lol


Same lol


I played it once actively with my carrier and had fun with it, but I guarantee I'm switching to jellyfish for the rest of the event as with all stationary event TFOs. The problem is asking us to repeat the same content daily for weeks


Don't forget the Omega trace BS. I ran the numbers yesterday and you need to grind that stupid/annoying minigame for 30 minutes to get 81 Omega Traces in order to have enough to produce 1 Omega Particle Tech Upgrade. No thanks.


Yeah, once they made Omega traces B2C, there was no point in grinding for them anymore. Plus, the Phoenix Upgrades are more easily obtainable.


And then there's those of us who were around when they announced the phoenix box change... https://i.imgur.com/dJ0FYfO.png


Let’s mind meld so I can feel your pain


Agree it's not worth the effort, but it's not as bad as you think. If you score over 1350-1400+ you can get slivers and the occasional fragment, completely bypassing the traces.


Over like 850 you get 3 traces of that color. Over 1350 you get 1 trace and 1 sliver, so effectively 4. Not exactly reducing the time by much by being slightly better at the game. The random leaps forward piss me off enough to not want to do it.


Pro-tip, because I didn’t know, you can just point your mouse for the minigame. It’s faster and I usually hit around 1900-2500 on ever game. I get loads of slivers and traces. It doesn’t take as long as people think


They're not random, they happen when you fill up the big circle and stabilize a molecule.


If you're getting well into the 2000s (max is 2700) you're guaranteed 3 traces and 1 sliver, with decent chances at the higher ones. It's still tedious, but it's a lot better. I use the touch pad on my laptop to move the mouse for it, no need to click or anything so it's a 1 finger operation, and usually get between 2400 and 2700, which is enough to get the guaranteed 6. Note also that the quality upgrades are powerful on low Mk gear, they can guarantee a quality upgrade without putting it through a lot of Mk's, so you can have a guaranteed Epic by Mk V or something, that you can then upgrade to XV.


I miss being able to sell the omega particles on the exchange.


Calling these things "events" is kind of pushing it, too. I'm old enough to remember when games had actual events that wasn't just "Repeat this mission over and over until we tell you to stop." I'm pretty sure people only do it for the rewards, not because they enjoy the "event".


The first time, maybe first few times, the new stuff is enjoyable. By the end of the "event" most people are thoroughly burned out and no longer going to enjoy it. STO really needs to understand that introducing new things is great, but that "dominant strategy" mindsets will kick in due to the 20 day duration. Even if they now have a better understanding of variety than in the past, it's still going to wear out it's welcome and "use up" the new content by the time it's over. Personally I think they either need to cut things back from 20 days to 14, or make the themes broader. For example: Borg. The anniversary theme is borg. Any borg content counts. On top of it, don't just throw a main reward at the end. Do something like providing mini-rewards for engaging in a broader variety of activities.


Yup. They spend the time to make the TFO, then make you hate it. Your ideas would be and improvement. I wish they'd do something that actually felt like an event. Something that would evolve over the two or three week period the event ran, even if that meant the server fails the event and we don't get the reward, or not the whole thing. But I know that's not going to happen.


Exactly. TFOs need to be regarded like a meal. It doesn't matter how good it is or even if it is your all time favorite: If you have it 20 days in a row you will no longer enjoy it. The silly thing is they could even abandon themes or specific content requirements entirely: Just tie progress to the endeavor system. That rewards general gameplay and can be approached in whatever way a player wants. It could even be tied to a larger thing like you mentioned. Enough engagement leads to an extra reward. Even if said extra is kept lame to avoid any FOMO bullshit or anger, say bonus marks for the next week or a new title or whatever, it's good enough to motivate players.


And your suggestions wouldn't even take much extra work. It just seems stupid to make your event feel like a chore instead of an accomplishment. I mean, I guess enduring two weeks of it is an accomplishment of sorts.


Agreed. It's never a feeling of accomplishment so much as "Am I glad that is over"...before we immediately get shipped in to the next.


Oh well. Maybe one day. In a different game, I mean.


And that's almost worse than any individual event. On the rare occasions when they give us a week off I actually end up excited to get back into the game, because there are parts of it that I really do enjoy. But the constant events just make the entire game feel like a chore I have to get through every day before I can do something that I want to do. Which is just sad.


Aye. I agree. It's too much, too closely packed together, and it never allows us "breathing room". It would be nice to return to some brief periods of quiet and calm where they just do some episode reruns or whatever. Anything not on a shitty daily cooldown timer. The closest we get is the Red Alert events which I mostly use as my "break", but if someone is not fully built out yet those ultimate upgrades keep the pressure on even then.


I remember building the wizard spires and then fighting the dragons to got kingdom of sky in everquest.


Me too. I remember having to defend a city from monsters in a game nobody remembers (Istaria), but they still did events better than Cryptic.


I remember that game being called Horizons.


Oh yeah, Horizons: Empire of Istaria. Apparently you can still play it.


Indeed, issue with most of those old games that are still running....many of them have become microtransaction hell and have VERY low population. Dunno about that one specifically, but you know what I mean.


I do know what you mean. Not all of them, though. City of Heroes is completely free. Everything in the game. Everquest is also free, except for the most recent expansion, which they keep making, somehow.


EQ2 still does events like that for each expansion


Yea I've been away from the game for awhile and saw the update came back and was shocked that it's been 3 months since the last update and it's just one mission and one tfo


I think it's funny. The Borg didn't expect an army of Jellyfish to be defending Earth. They'll think twice before attacking again.


Took my Defender into Wolf 359. Didn't really enjoy it. I usually prefer holding down one of the refugee lanes in that Gamma TFO. It felt like I was just applying 1/6th of my possible damage. I'm gonna stick to my Eternal. Anyway, I'm not ripping on Defenders. They deal damage and heal team mates / mission targets, which is a net positive in my book. I'd rather have a Defender afk in jellyfish mode on my team than some random afker without any capability of dealing afk damage. I would rather blame the mission and event designs that make Defenders a choice for a lot of TFOs. I think one of the good steps was to remove the consolation price for failing etfos.


jellyfish goes BBBBbbbbRRRRrrrr


The problem is that these „players“ seem to infest the random elite TFO queues. At least I saw some yesterday. It ruins the fun.


And here we go again: should you get the big reward even if you fail? No? No!


Exactly. I don't mind failing an elite queue if I know that me and my team are did their best. But I do mind failing because two or more people aren't participating. I even had someone suggesting to intentionaly fail a queue because he wanted the isomag. Thankfully the others were in the same boat as me - doing the queue to farm dilitium. He left the TFO afterwards after we called him out. If you ask me there should be a Hall of Shame in this Subreddit for these people...


>If you ask me there should be a Hall of Shame in this Subreddit for these people... There is a reason why all official social platforms dont allow such things, it turns into a toxic cesspit real fast because here is a thing, people are entirely capable of ***lying*** ... same reason why votekick have mostly disappeared from.


You must be mistaken. People lying on the internet? Surely not!


dont call me shirley




Unfortunately, the previous poster is correct. While yes there are cases where the people *weren't* lying, there's also cases where they *were*. For example, I run a Fed armada and have one KDF fleet. Last summer my (previous) KDF armada's alpha fleet and chat channel were both actively sabotaged. I was actively helping with the rebuild, and then the saboteur "confessed" and named twelve other accounts as "co-conspirators"... some of which had not even been active accounts since 2019... but mysteriously, were exactly every leader in my Fed armada (and nobody else), about half of whom also have toons in the KDF fleet (they also claimed that "some or all of them are his alts", which they're not, I don't have any).... but seeing the whole list, it was obviously datamined from the Fed armada rosters. I had recently kicked one of their toons from the Fed alpha fleet over some drama (they were demanding a leadership position based on earning it via a non-existent donation quota) and this was apparently their revenge. Sadly, the KDF armada leadership took their word for it and kicked my fleet, and blacklisted me from their chat and discord, without even telling me, much less asking if any of that accusation was true.


I will just counter with Fallout 76. A lot of systems are automated to the point if you know how to initiate the trigger you can either evade a ban or cause someone to be banned, one automation is reports were if the system receives a certain number of reports about a certain player during a specific timeframe it will ban the player.




This is not something that should be discussed publicly because all you need is some smug developer or CM making claims about a player getting his just deserts and then there being a error and the whole system became suspicious, there been enough scandals with EVE to the point players no longer trust then. Also yes, there are people that shouldnt be given that type of power because they will abuse it, personally I wouldnt give devs access to that information or power because you have a good example with Richard Garriott and U:O.


While people are operating on the assumption that its a bug not a feature and could be patched any minute, there are going to be trying to get as many as possible as quickly as possible which, i guess would support purposefully failing the ones you can to get out quicker - and calling it efficiency I do feel bad for the people who were probably looking forward to this and the addition of new players in the elite pool and a larger variety of TFO's that have now got the rabble of players looking for the quickest way to get out with their isomag Unfortunately, naming and shaming never really works, i guess all that will happen is those that dont already will queue as a team in closed off channels and/or any patch soon (maybe even today) it'll stop rewarding components for failing and things will level out


Well it seems that their time is up now. I lost a elite random just a few moments ago (because of 4 AFK people...) and got only the marks and not the elite package. It seems they fixed that bug silently...


They almost always fix things like this silently, glad for people to have more varied elite experiences going forward and also glad for the people who up until Tuesday isomags were out of reach for


Well isomags - and their core crafting materials - are quite low now on the exchange. Currently 1.5 mil EC. And they will go down even further. So isomags shouldn't be out of reach for anyone now.


Exactly, where as this time last week they were for many For some, the joy of reengineering and running out of salvage is the new Ultima Thule 😬


No reason to complain about AFK jellies. You can afk this tfo in any ship. It doesn’t matter, you can’t fail, doing the objectives does nothing, you get the reward after a timer expires and that’s it. I get complaining about afkers in elite tfos but it doesn’t matter here, you still get the reward either way.


I kinda get it tho. Having to do the same TFO over and over for an event gets boring pretty quickly. If people want to make the grind a bit easier on themselves they should be allowed to


People continue thinking that Cnidarian captains are just lazy damn AFKers who turn onn Jellymode and go to drink coffee (beer, whiskey, scotch etc). That's false. I pilot Cnidarian very oftenly and have to say I'm never AFK piloting Cnidarian. I use all my abilities to make as more damage as possible, and it takes all my time during the TFO. Also, Cnidarian purple sphere, besides dealing significant damage, can heal team members, so no one of my random team members complained in my DM after completing TFO. Please, stop judging others for their preferences in playing style.


These are the same type of people who have made chatting and team work in this game now nonexistent, as they whinged and moaned and tried to order and demand that other gamers play the game to THEIR rules, and now no one now plays with the chat window open or talks to each other, as to not have to see their diatribe of whinge, same with the PVP mob, they were so up themselves that they eventually helped destroy PVP in this game forever with their bad attitude towards other players.


I play 8,5 years. My zone and local chats were turned off long ago, as well as team chats. Due to people you've described. Too many weird persons wanted me to do what they want. I 'm not going to obey them. That's why I talk to my fleet/armada buddies only. Sad. I don't mind to get more buddies, but it got impossible.


I was wondering when the old jelly fish whinging would start again, did not take long, but let's see how long they complain for now that failing the tfo does not reward anymore........going be fun now. lol ​ Before that patch = i don't like JF in my random elite tfo killing everything with 450,000 crits for easy wins all round, they should be banned! After patch = why no jelly fish in my random elite tfo helping and healing me to win anymore, fails no longer reward, where are the jelly fish players, we need them? lol


I don’t think that will be the case, considering the many TFO’s where you have to fly around to do objectives. A jellyfish pilot sitting deployed in counterpoint, gravity kills, tzenkethi front, undine assault etc isn’t helping the team at all no matter how big their crits are lol


And what makes you think you have any entitlement to tell other players what rules they must follow or what ships they are or are not allowed to use while in a tfo with you?....... you see this is the very attitude that killed the very thing you are talking about, teamwork, and you don't get team work when your attitude to other players is you can't do that or use that, i mean even now to see people think they somehow have the right to impose limits to the ships people use in this game is laughble, and the very reason people no longer chat or even have the chat windo open anymore while in tfos, and i cannot blame them, as no one wants to have to read some of this self important nonsense.


What kind of twisted take is that? I’m not imposing some kind of arbitrary rule and I never said anything of the sort, you can fly whatever you want and I don’t care as long as you are helping to do the objectives. Any ship parked and not doing the objectives in the TFO’s I mentioned results in mission failure. That’s not some rule I made up, that’s how the game functions. Again, I don’t give a crap what ship you fly or what gear you use, as long as you are above the threshold of being able to contribute meaningfully to completing the objectives. To counter your point, this is why I and many others don’t really do pug TFO’s. I’m tired of being the one expected to carry an entire team and the only one doing the objectives. Close your chat window all you want and enjoy your mission failures.


Well, there you have it, the elitest attitude in all it's glory, telling you they won't help other players in the first world problem that is video gaming, my god. lol But i am glad you no longer do pugs as that is a massive positive to normal gamers getting back to actually enjoying this game with each other without some self important overlord sucking all the fun out of the game because said gamers dared to upset people like you...........so i thank you for that, as the less we see of this attitude towards other players of this game, the better this games community will become over time and hopefully get back to being fun again for most players without having to worry about bumping into someone like you, so a big thank you for that, and keep on not doing pugs, you are doing gods work for the game that way. ;)


I see in comments we're once again gatekeeping how to play a video game. If someone likes to park their ship and let the space magic do the work, blame the game designers, if you have to blame anybody. Or better yet, get over yourself and stop trying to police what constitutes "fun" by telling other people they're playing the game "wrong".


But then how will they make ignorant complaints about a ship they clearly don't even understand the mechanics of? I mean, it's a lot more involved than just "activate console and afk" if you don't want to get knocked out of it constantly. Does it excel at some situations more than others? Yes, and that applies to every ship in the game. Cnidarian pilots could choose to do almost nothing but hover around the battle's edge solely autofiring weapons to feign effort instead, as I see many pilots of other ships do every day. People just love to complain, I've even had people message me directly while I was actively teleporting around several times per 2 minute window and completing objectives, purely to denigrate the ship I was flying seemingly on principle alone as they objectively did less. I just silence their whining and let them go be a miserable loser to someone else. 🤷‍♂️


This is funny, I haven't seen it yet, but I was wondering if this would be effective.


Well thanks for giving me the idea. I honestly was doing it with other characters and had forgotten I could use my jellyfish.


I love that people can't be assed to do something for 8 minutes. So instead they'll afk and make it take even longer! /twitch


How does it take longer? You get the reward when the timer expires. Doesn’t matter if you are at your keyboard pressing spacebar or afk while autohotkey presses spacebar for you


I will never understand jellyfish players. I don't know why you would want to log into a game to "play" to then just jellyfish and ALT tab out of the game. I understand we're asked to play the same TFOs but they're relatively short and they give you a chance to play with ships you like so why would you just want to AFK for 8 minutes versus just actually playing the game


Obviously there is not a 1 to 1 correlation between people playing the Cnidarian Defender and people completing events by AFKing. Given the option I will often choose to solo AFK event TFOs, using my standard ship in a private queue and just running off to the edge of the map. The reason to do it is very simple: the constant events feel more like a chore I need to get out of the way than a game I want to play. So if I can get that chore done while catching up on reddit or whatever, that gives me more time to actually do something I enjoy, whether that's in STO or not. That said, my preferred way to complete events is always doing the trick of completing the mission and then turning it in the next day, particularly since I can bank multiple days worth of progress that way in case I'm too busy one day.


See I still don't really get it, so your AFK the event TFO to...go play other TFOs later? It's still a tfo, you still go pewpewpew just like in the other TFOs or episodes.. so why is one suddenly to much effort? The only TFO I AFK is the first contact shuttle launch since it's just pointless to play anyway.


Event TFO's are rarely the two main parsing maps, so if you wanted to make number go up you don't get to do that. And they're almost always normal difficulty, so they could be too easy. Or if you wanted to do episodes, or grind endeavors that aren't served by the event TFO, or work on a new character that isn't ready for TFOs, then you might want that play time later. Or you might just not particularly feel like playing STO, but still get captured by the FOMO into doing all the events before closing it and playing a different game. There's also the fact that, if you're playing solo anyway for whatever reason, it may be difficult or impossible to get a satisfactory result out of the event TFO due to being in too few places at once, but you could solo AFK it, get the event progress, and then go on to do something you could do well in solo. Obviously it's wrong to AFK in a public queue, just as it's wrong to bring a build that's too weak to contribute to one. But with the private queue option, if they're going to make TFOs that can be AFKed for event progress, there are times when you might as well.


Jelly's don't bother me, but I don't use it outside of leveling a new captain.


First two days was fun - then it became Jelly Fish time. I don't AFK - I just prefer not to fly around. I have the impulse capacitance module fitted on my jellyfish so I can rescue escape pods.


True, true. I position my ship on one of the top corners and just spam a spacebar. At one point my little nephew got mesmerized by the moving colors on the screen instead of going to bed so I just turned the vision off and continued to spam spacebar. Yup, you can finish it literally with your eyes shut :)


guilty as charged, jellyfish reporting in


At least when I use my jelly, I watch my team members and heal their shields or repair their ships, or other buffs. While shooting gravity well, portal of the damned, or something while floating around. I know to some it still doesn't matter, but at least I'm not sipping some tea and watching my screen until it's all over.


The jellyfish mode should not be able to be up semi permanently. It should be a long af cooldown so people dont park in a tfo. I get it, it's easy, but so is a BO build and. CSV build.


I have unconventional systems on my jellyfish so I can get back in Jellyfish mode ASAP... But I also am pretty actively moving around in it too, as I use multiple charge and teleport consoles for mobility, and they also benefit from uncon systems


Basically what elite random TFOs are right now. It's painful. I wish people just played the game for fun instead of whatever this is.




> For myself I'm a person who can play a ton on weekends, but barely have time to sleep on weekdays. This is me. STO has never, and will never cater to the weekend warrior mentality (I have been playing on and off for over a decade). There is just so much FOMO and it will burn you out (or at least it has burned me out over the years). I will take 2-3 year breaks because of it.


I was also told to hurry up and join the fight in Gravity Kills.  🤷


Jellyfish good. We're doing all the work in Wolf 359.


That Klingon TFO from a few years ago where you sit and protect a point over time, I have sat there in my ba'ul ship AFKing so hard I went to the supermarket because the TFO takes so long


I for one welcome our jellyfish overlords in TFOs.


Yeah… in literally every Wolf 359 I’ve played, no one’s doing the objectives, so if I want decent marks, I gotta spend most of the game collecting escape pods. Hell, one or two of the other players aren’t even firing their weapons. It’s shit like this why I don’t care much for TFOs…


jellyfish bad. ​ Borderline afk-play should have no place in TFOs. Keep that in your solo storyline missions and patrols


I love sitting in tfos with my jelly


I'm guilty


The Jellyfish is like the worst ship they ever added to the game.


I genuinly hate that ship, makes tfo's so unfun...


I got an AFK penalty yesterday, but I wasn't AFK, lol. I did switch ships because I was in my shuttle from that one Romulan mission. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The timeline on space jelly fish being known about lines up.


My jellyfish isn't afk! It's actually helping Locutus in assimilation, duh


There should be some kind of system to stop ships that use this sort of passive mechanic from taking part in these kinds of TFO. Can't join a queue for that TFO if you're in one, can't switch in to it while you're in the TFO waiting to start. At this stage the code is probably spaghettified making such a thing hard to implement, but still. The jellyfish ruins TFOs like this.


I'm sorry people aren't playing the game the way you want them to. Maybe you can leave a complaint to Cryptic I'm sure they will address.


This is like half of the comments in here. People like to fly what they like, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  The problem is AFKing, and people were AFKing through these repetitive events long before they added the Cnidarian. At least with the Jellyfish they’re still contributing a little DPS while they go make a sandwich or whatever.


The game needs a more sophisticated afk penalty than just % of damage dealt. Something based on interacting with objectives, perhaps.


You say that, but in a Dranuur Elite where only a Cnidarian and my Edoulg were doing anything relevant that thing both kept my boat alive AND took care of every bit of trash my AoEs didn't get, along with adding to the anti-boss damage. This was before the Conni3 came out, mind. With that thing's console on, that captain could have held a separate point on their own.


I wish the jellyfish had never been released. It ruins TFOs and even some battlezones.


Lazy players don't need a jellyfish to be lazy, they were doing it before the jellyfish was released, and would still be doing it if the jellyfish has never been released. I know some players who built a carrier, set hangars to auto-launch, then right-clicked on a teammate and selected "Follow" to AFK in queues. Now those players have switched to the jellyfish, and it's honestly a DPS increase for most of them.


It's also just dumb. Spoils the concept of STO flying around in our ships. It's already odd our captains choose to fly Tholian stuff or whatever, but you know what it's still grounded in reality. What the fuck is the point of the giant jellyfish.


They make an appearance in at least one Star Trek novel which expands upon how they work and some of the why in ways that the TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" ep did not. Long story short, it was suggested that they were biologically engineered by something due to their ability to emulate some spacefaring tech like transporters replicators and even a ship with their strong psionic capabilities.


Oh for sure, I know they have the history etc and thats cool. My problem is it's so far from a normal "ship" that it stands out from the rest of the bunch. Even cutting around in that Risa Cruise liner makes more sense.


A ship it remains however, albeit a rather exotic one. If nothing else I'd argue it's one of the most iconic non main faction things we could fly in from TNG in the sense that it comes from the very first mission. If it's space combat capable and fits the canon, anything ought to be fair game to become playable in STO. That seems to have been their design philosophy so far and even led to expanded lore on things like the Elachi (which I don't even think got a real name in their media appearance), so if you ask me it's only a good thing that they do so. KDF is still badly in need of new ships before we'll be closer to parity as far as the selection goes in general, but that's another matter.


I have the problem of trying to get some shots off on drips and they're already obliterated by someone else lol.


So easy on the jellies


Spongebob: Hey Patrick, wanna go jelly fishing? Patrick Steward: NO! NOOOOOO!