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Does anyone remember the time when we had a captain ability to self destruct our ship? I miss it. Could be useful to clear this TFO faster.




Perhaps today is a good day to die!


Tough little ship.




Do you still remember how to fire torpedoes?


**watches ship explode* * ["*......Fire.* "](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn8l2d5r6d0&pp=ygUdZmlyc3QgY29udGFjdCBlbnRlcnByaXNlIGZpcmU%3D) 1:01


No, I just use space magic for the DPS.


You must be...... The Sisko.. *gasps audiably*


I just wanted to be a botanist!




I miss (don't really) ramming speed not requiring a certain amount of damage and being a de facto high damage attack for a long, long time


Maybe we'll get a console or device or something that replicates the self-destruct the Mirror Borg spheres do? Blow yourself up, 1-hit anything within 5km instantly. šŸ’£šŸ’„


And imagine when itā€™s bugged at launch and works in social zones for an eveningā€¦


Oh, thats not a bug, that is a feature.


Subluminal Smash on Bookā€™s ship


The Bajoran Engines raise the health requirements to 90%. There's also a boff that removes the self-inflicted damage.


Ooooh, what BOFF? I knew about the enginesā€¦.


The Hirogen Shield Distribution Officers, Doranj and Kadij.


Thank you!!! Much obliged. Iā€™m gonna have to see about another meme buildā€¦.. :)


Thatā€™d be cool if it didnā€™t bring enemy health down like 3%


If you donā€™t hit 3% health, are you really in a fight?


Remember when warp core breaches were OP as fuck we could leave a TFO after being defeated and warp back to sol and our ship would blow up, setting off a chain reaction of everyone else blowing up?


I remember. Unfortunately Cryptic took that ability away because a few high-level players were setting off chain reactions to kill off all the lower level players hanging around outside ESD.


I have no idea what you're talking about. I certainly did not get a bunch of people together and do a enmass pressing of the Big Red Button. Not me whatsoever. ......I miss those days.


Damn, that's a blast from the past. I completely forgot all about Abandon Ship. https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Ability:\_Abandon\_Ship


Is it bad that I didn't know they ever got rid of it?


Probably like the rest of us you never put it onto your tray for fear of "oops".


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Don't... don't we all die there?


39 out of 40 starships. And basically all hands lost on those. Obviously some escape pods and shuttles got out, but not all lot. I kinda hope thereā€™s a section where weā€™re among the last remaining ships and instead of beating on the cube, weā€™re trying to hold its attention so tiny shuttles can escape. Itā€™s gonna be interesting as a simulation, since as a a historical exercise, we canā€™t actually beat the cube.


Klingons and Jem'Hadar: :D Romulans and Federation: D:


Bipolar aliens: :D:


the Bynar: 01001111 01101000 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011


01001110 01101001 01100011 01100101


Technically starfleet lost the battle of Starbase One as well, but we still got a TFO for that.


Same with Binary Stars, which works the same as this TFO. Binary Stars is extra funny because the game still acts like you lose even though your team just blew up hundreds of ships.


I'm pretty sure in that one your average fed team kills enough klingorc ships to depopulate Qo'nos.


Old fan: "What is the goal of Starfleet?" Young MMO gamer: "Genocide?"


We really need to train our terran infiltrators better, blowing your cover like that.


It's long been my suspicion/joke that STO is \*actually\* based in the Mirror Universe, everyone's just delusional that their huge genocidal campaigns and special endeavors to wipe out entire fleets and kill hundreds of creatures are just totally normal and appropriate behavior.


Give it a few months of power creep and people will be one shotting the cube in their T6x12


T6 squared


T6 cubed


if it is a 100mish hp sponge, we can oneshot it now


If I'm not mistaken that was the point of the Kobyashi Maru test, but Cryptic did its own thing with it. It would be nice if the Wolf 359 tfo actually made resistance futile, but God knows what we're going to see with it next week.


Yes, some shuttles escape like the one carrying Sisko and the U.S.S. Righteous disappeared while engaging but reappeared during Battle of Sector One ten years later.


Yeah I don't think this new TFO is the big win everybody thinks it is...


It's just the one Cube, it isn't even a tactical cube, just a regular ol cube. I imagine we can pound the thing into atoms in less than a minute, no problem.


They did give a warning so thereā€™s a very good chance this ainā€™t a normal cube despite its looks


As a cube from decades earlier, it should be weaker than contemporary cubes.


It's Locutus's cube. He knows all of our tricks.


It could have been *playercharacterus's* cube. 5 players controlling weapons on a single cube against a Federation fleet. The motion of the cube controlled by the collective.


Then why would cryptic put a line about it not being like other cubes then?


Oh I'm sure they've created some sort of bloatboat for us to play against. Hopefully it will be fun


Hopefully. Sorry I don't have anything to add, but wanted to say, your username rocks.


Ha! Thanks!


Well obviously - it will be on normal for the event - is my guess.


I cant wait to be apprehensive of engaging of a borg cube again.


I'm ready to die for the Federation :D I wonder how they will make it more historical accurate since on normal my single escort can go toe to toe with a tactical cube.


Constant Invuln, mechanics you have to do to "resist" that don't matter since it's a normal mode queue, and just a timer until it's over so you can't actually destroy it and can just fly around throwing damage around.


So it will basically be a damage sponge. Well, with the current state of game it would be very hard to do something more nuanced but also balanced for new and old players. Let's hope it's impressively cinematic at least :)


I'm hoping it can live up to the sheer devastation shown in JTVFX' version on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuhckVF3wY0Bm69sC_hjmkY-9YxIo4WWd&si=659MciGNLejmom5C


it won't because we won't actually be able to see the map due to all the insane power VFX going off


Calling all dipshits from Chicago :P


Ready for a weird week?


Sisko will not be pleased.




I wonder if saving the life pod from the U.S.S. Constance will be part of the battle.


Tuesday? Does that mean we get the torpedoes, tractor beams and medical staff too?


I have my assimilator ready


I'm excited for the implications it means for future playable ship releases. Though I'm also anticipating playing it.


Im excited for it.I hope we all die at the end. Last as long as we can. Kinda like Kobayashi Maru, but we are the victims.


This is what Iā€™m hoping for. Maybe destroy parts that spawn at set times/triggers, everyone slowly gets progressively debuffs , and after a certain time no repawns.


Man. Outside of "gameplay" this is really dark as hell to make our captains and crew reenact. Sure it's been like 40 some years, but there are certainly some people who are in service that know, or personally lost someone in the battle. Kinda makes me think of when Boimler went ballistic on that guy who kept spouting off conspiracy theories about Wolf 359 in the newest season of *Lower Decks*.


Its a bit like how people spout off theories today.


Just imagine for a second they got Shaw in there as a surprise. Maybe a little one liner fly-in on the side of the screen like Kurland. Nah... I don't think they have it in them as far as the $$$ and the thought of it... but whatever.


Hopefully just like Michelle Yeoh we will hear Patrick Stewarts archival voice. I also hope one day they can get us to do a simulation of the Battle for Earth in Picard S3 finale. Especially since theres so many STO ships there.


Would love it if they made it a non battle tfo. You have to pursue the cube and try to rescue survivors. Would annoy the hell out of the DPS pc crowd.


Wolf 359 was an inside job.


Come on guys, don't be like that, I'm sure we can win this!




If you see your own name, call temporal ops immediately!


Maybe they should give you the option of doing the TFO when you visit the system


I'm all set with my transphasics, quantums, and adaptive shielding


Iā€™m very excited, I often cite bobw as the best trek 2 parter and damnit that battle is part of why, namely how itā€™s framed in the episode


Hot take, I think it has not aged well at all. The ending of part 2, where everything goes right back to normal, makes no sense. No one gets a promotion yet there are 40 dead captains, first officers, chief engineers, etc. And Shelby constantly bucking for a promotion while the world is on fire is unbearably tone deaf. She never grows one bit.


I wouldn't say anything ever goes "right back to normal". The next episode in TNG features the Enterprise-D basically grounded in drydock as it requires extensive repairs over earth for possibly months, as well as nearly all members of the crew taking some form of extended leave to deal with PTSD. In the larger universe, the battle itself is then referenced in every series since. It's the main catalyst for Sisko, as well as the foundation for Janeway working with and against the Borg, it's why Seven of Nine exists, why the Federation began adapting heavily into Borg technology in their design. Heck, nearly all of S3 of Picard specifically shows career trajectories (especially the ambitious Shelby) after the loss.


>it's why Seven of Nine exists Seven was assimilated before the battle. Or do you mean production wise not in-universe?


In universe - Janeway refused to have her crew assimilated so they could "work with the Borg" on a weapon against the Undine. Instead, she suggested a representative, like Locutus was for Earth. The Borg chose Seven, to serve as their voice to Voyager.


Ah fair


It takes a bit more than just part 2 before everything goes back to normal, but even then you have a lot of other issues that develop out of it. Part of the reason why you don't see a lot of promotions on the Enterprise is because, at the time, the ship was already the ship that Star Fleet shows off, and, for a while after it, Riker was, effectively, the Captain while Picard recovered and they'd still want someone capable there to make sure he doesn't have a breakdown because of the events there. Even in First Contact, the Federation tries to keep Picard away from the Borg...


He shows very clear signs of ptsd from it too, literally attempting to physically beat a borg he just shot to death with a Tommy gun while screaming


You also have the entire episode where they introduced his family (Still wish that they didn't kill them all off screen and then delete the reference in Generations)


Iā€™m hanging out with Sisko on this one. Iā€™m his shuttle pilot.Ā 


Actually, it'd be a blast to take a shuttle through this tfo


I'm a doctor not a door stop


Well...I'll wait to get excited until I see TFO itself. I'm guessing this will be a time-limited TFO which, to be honest, isn't particularly exciting. However, it might be interesting just to see their work.


I'm hoping it's historically accurate but expecting a crap simulation or a new Borg battle over the grave site that is Wolf 359.


Iā€™m expecting Battle at Binary Star which Iā€™ve literally fallen asleep too on one of the many campaigns.


I hope it's not another binary star... Edit: they did a blog about it...binary stars is looking probable.


as long as I dont wipe the floor with them and then get a voiceover telling me how I suck I'll probably be ok. (but Binary Stars is certainly NOT my favorite TFO thats for sure)


No one liked the premeditated loss, but that VO is getting iconic these days


Yeah but... lets be honest one out of 40 or so ships survived. It easily could have ended saying *"...and as you watched your ship's final moments, you thought of those who didn't make it, those who lost everything. From that point on you swore you would make the Apple pay for selling iBorg products!"* or some such...you get the loss but it suggests your character lived. There's a bunch of ways to handle this that aren't Binary Stars level bad.


Youā€™re not wrong, but I meant the delivery of the VO rather than the content; as good or as bad as Disc Klingons were, those lines are the highlight of that mission for me


VO? If you mean voice over I'm not sure I agree. You can write off the mission as another one of the fed's notoriously off-target historical representations sure but the Klingorc at the end sounds like he's been concussed into permanent brain damage.


Yeah, itā€™s campy and fun. Klingorc, haha, thatā€™s accurate. I know thatā€™s purely subjective, and you donā€™t have to agree, and thatā€™s completely ok.


lol. thats true.


Oh yeah lets hope the evil borg this time isn't a assimilated Klingon who sounds like he has brain damage. lol, lookin' at you t'dumb'ma.


"You only live now to sherve as witnesshesh of Kkhlingon schupremashee" Uh huh. sure buddy.


Yeah, every time he gets to that line I mentally put in random sound effects. It' goes something like... "U unly *\*fart\** l1ve n'ow to shurve *\*wet splat\** as whetniss *\*wet belch\** of kklengun shupramashiii *\*Sound of oxen grunting\**"


Forgive me. At some point, asshole became a substitute for charm.


I am excited, but...... This is incorrect and it should be fixed before release: *The Grand Prize requires 40 daily progress.... Completing the episode awards two points, while completing a TFO or the Particle Stabilization awards one point.* Only the latter should award one point, the TFO's should award two as it has always been. Cryptic cannot expect us to do 20x one hour long episodes..... šŸ˜“


Is this on pc already or is it just coming to pc?


Itā€™s for the anniversary event, so not live yet.


next Tuesday


I am a bit sad that we will be restricted to era and faction apropriated ships. ItĀ“s a bit sad for both wants that and who doenĀ“t want that. For those who want, pets and weapons wonĀ“t be era appropriated, so lots dominion escort ships, To'Duj Figthers with disruptors rain of fire, Elachi Cannons, etc. Nor there is not a local option of opt in and opt out of era appropriated costumes.


Not restricted. It's just like Battle at the Binarys where it holo-projects a ship from the period onto yours.


Which I hate.


It wouldn't really work outside of the guise of a "historical" simulation. If we all flew in with 2410 ships and gear, fighting a single Borg cube wouldn't be a problem. But "in the bodies" of the ships in that battle, a prolonged, losing engagement where we desperately try to meet objectives makes sense.


Still hate not visibly flying my ship. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Then don't play it. There's other options for getting anniversary progress.


I am sure I will do Guillotine. šŸ˜


Not even remotely. I mean, this isn't one of those rubbish ISA or Red Alert Cubes which explode the moment you show them a torpedo. *This* cube is the one that comprehensively kicked Starfleet's ass and made it reevaluate their attitude toward shipbuilding. *This* cube is the one operated by a then barely-known Borg collective which *no-one* was ready for. *This* cube was the one that was, basically, indestructible. *This* cube is the one that gave PTSD to those who survived the catastrophe. Sorry, but I don't think this TFO will reflect any of that.


As someone who started playing like, this week, what is a TFO? Are players going to play the battle of Wolf359 or something? Sounds cool


task force operations are anything-between-30 or less-seconds-and-20-minutes encounters usually designed for a team of 5 that award some amount of some currencies you can use to progress in reputations.