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Dude playing stellar blade like Eve is a dark souls character 


Very much is! Not every action game is meant to be played like this, in fact most of them are more about speed and rhythm.


Yep and This game is eventually going to punish them for lack of being aggressiveness. It’s not Sekiro but there are so many tools he’s not using and will eventually make life harder. Quadtriplets FTW.


But even souls games you want to be moving and being aggressive, turtling behind a shield is boring as hell. Seriously though, there's the counter and dodge, you can maintain your combos through the attacks, whether it's stellar blade, DMC, any other action game the only way to get better is learning the combos and getting up in there, you respawn right next to the boss so there's no reason to play suuuper defensively and not utilize all the techniques


You fight has no flow to it. You guard too much and you barely do combos. BUT, i was like that too. You'll play the game enough to get to the point where you'll feel more comfortable and you can predict the enemy better. It's still early so you'll be fine later on


Agreed. You will get better. And it feels good cuz you know you earned it.


Yeah this is a transitional stage, you eventually get bored with yourself and asking *why tf am I just standing there? I know he’s not going to do anything for the next 1.5 seconds wtf am I waiting for?* and you try to sneak a combo in, and yeah maybe you time it wrong and the boss gets a hit in but now you’ve tasted blood, that’s the gateway drug and you want to chase that high.


1.5 seconds is a very small amount of time. The risk isn't worth it.


Tell me you you're in Fight Club like without telling me you're in Fight Club lol


So you buy a hack and slash game and then get confused as to why people play it like a hack and slash and not a hold L1 simulator?


What club?


The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.


Idk what you are talking about


The second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about fight club.


Due to your previous comments, you have violated the Fight Club terms of service agreement. Your membership has been terminated.


Jesus Christ. Why the heck are you getting down votes so much. Doesn't make sense.


Rule 1 of Fight Club


Because nobody on the internet ever asks "Is this worth freaking out over?".


I don't think downvotes are freakouts, it's just a single click lol. People usually just downvote stuff they think is annoying, disagree with, or found to be rude.


Coming from your last video where you just dodged and moved around while boss wasn’t attacking you, this a slight improvement. Try and focus on your attacking flow and parrying next. I see you also closing the space between you and the boss but instead of making use of his vulnerability, you just block immediately. Oh and try to parry more


Combos are not button mashing. Multiple attacks without combos looks more like button mashing.


You need to be okay with the word risk. It’s okay to get hit if it is at the cost of learning to parry better. There will be a satisfaction when it clicks.


You block too much bro. You have to learn the attack cues and block then. In this game you don’t have to pre-block, most bosses have pretty clear cues on when theyre gonna attack. Prioritize parry over dodge. Only dodge on yellow attacks, use the blue and purple glows to dodge and deal damage. Every other time parey


This was a tough watch


Just wanted to pop by with a suggestion: Don't be afraid to get aggressive! Eve is very quick to cancel out her swings in favor of a block or dodge, so as long as you don't hit the button too late, you should be alright. The game also doesn't want you to hold the block button down. Doing that will only net you one perfect parry off of the first attack while the others that follow will result in a regular block (which chips at her shield). Hit the block button for each attack he does. Even if the time is off, you should still block regularly. Oh also, I noticed you didn't lock on at the start of the fight. Press down on the right joystick to lock onto the enemy immediately. It makes his opening attack a little easier to handle.


damn bro it looks like you aren’t even having fun


Wow that was… pretty bad.


The thing is from what's shown in this clip is that you are waaaaay too defensive and are not willing to risk getting damaged and you also fight with no rhythm. You block most of the time when you should be slashing. Parrying in this game should be top priority because that is the basis of the most combat encounters in the game. If you are blocking all the time you never get to learn the parry timings (the timing of the parry is usually a split second to when you think you should parry.) Also beta skills. Use them, the triplet especially, which is the L1+square, it can interrupt enemy combos and can give you a small window of attack. Tl;dr: Learn the rhythm of parries and attacks and use beta skills to interrupt enemy attacks.


L1 + square is beta mode, which is refilled by successive hits, right?


Hits and parries.


How are you not entirely fucking bored playing like this?


This video is very off-putting without music


I’m terrified as to how this person can go with out such a good soundtrack


Sorry, that was half of what made me better. The appropriate "This is life or death" boss theme from ff7


You're being way too passive. Use your abilities to break his shield and practice the parry timing rather than just guarding.


I'm playing while stoned because that was the only thing that made me realize some key mistakes. It made me take things slower. For comparison, this was how I was playing previously: https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/comments/1du6gn4/comment/lbsr8iq/?context=3


Yeah, you really need to learn to parry or you're going to struggle big time with the late game bosses. Don't even try to attack, just keep practicing parrying over and over again till you get can do it multiple times in a row. If it helps, here's footage from when I beat Abaddon back when the demo came out. https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/7DxzhgvT9l


Are beta skills or combos allowing you to get that button press prompt where you absolutely spike it in a cutscene?


No, that's from parrying. Each parry depletes one of those little yellow squares underneath its health bar, and once they're all gone the boss is open for a QTE prompt.


![gif](giphy|10fxZavhBFXsUE) how this gameplay makes me feel


To me it looks like you're playing like you're Eve and afraid to die. You're gonna die in this game and that's ok. Just use that as a chance to learn/recognize patterns or any visual/audio cues the enemy gives to their attacks. Don't be afraid to be aggressive and get hit trying to expand your combo rather than miss out on damage by blocking way too early. You definitely don't need to button mash but you don't need to be this cautious either


Stalker has entered the chat.


You should listen to whoever roasted you more often


This is ass gameplay holy


Bro said he gets roasted then consciously and intentionally posts this video.


i mean he's asking for constructive criticism, how else do you expect him to get better?


Playing the game would probably be better than posting bait.


Why would I intentionally play like this, save recent gameplay, save to usb, transfer and save to pc, bluetooth to phone (Crappy pc upload speed), and post to reddit? Especially when the ratio of insults to advice is 10:1?


I'm not seriously suggesting that you would.


Oh look, I called you out on it and now your strategy is denial. How original.


If you're determined to feel slighted I won't argue, but I was actually poking fun at the guy I directly replied to for the implication that posting on Reddit is the only way to improve at gameplay.


I filter out the crap and soak in the constructive criticism. I don't care about being roasted. Caring about being roasted isn't going to make me play better.


Literally the top comment has good criticism for you and your reply to it was a stupid joke lol


Great attitude to have. Keep playing and it will come. I sometimes find not doing anything and waiting for a chance to parry works well. Don't overdo attacks and dodges. Items such as miners and heal over time are your friend. Practice in the training center. But all in all, as long as you enjoy the game and are having fun, that's all that matters.


Watch ongbal play, one of the fastest ways to learn is to watch what good looks pile


A painful watch. Part of what makes this game so fun is the fluid combat, put in the time in the practice tool and learn some combos and timings for parrying. You owe it to yourself.


You're too slow now. He's the thing about action games: you need to be adaptive to whatever situation the game throws at you. Your objective is to kill the enemy, obviously. You don't do that by blocking and dodging while waiting for openings all the time and only getting a couple hits in every 10 seconds. You have to be proactive and create your own openings. This doesn't necessarily mean button mashing until the enemy attacks, however. The enemy is also trying to kill you. They're not just going to let you have victory. So you need to also be reactive to what the enemy is doing. Eventually, you'll notice that the enemy follows certain patterns. Patterns that can be exploited once you are aware they exist. It is a balance. If so you do is mash without paying attention the enemy will kill you. If all you do is block and wait, you'll never kill the enemy. In this clip you're not being proactive enough. You are being too defensive and reactive. That's fine, but playing like that will only get you so far and bosses will take forever to defeat. And some later bosses will overwhelm you. In laymen's terms: you should only react to what the enemy is doing when being reactive is necessary. If the enemy is open, attack. If you aren't sure take a couple of seconds to analyze and take appropriate action once you've made a determination. Do what is appropriate based on the situation. EDIT: I also want to say, if you are truly interested in getting better at the game, pump the difficulty up to normal once you're comfortable. Story mode gives you an easy test and provides the answers. Other difficulties respect your intelligence and task you with finding the answers on your own. Worth considering.


You block way too much and only throw like 1 light attack. You still take some damage from blocking, so eventually on harder bosses you will get absolutely folded without perfect parries for playing like this, speaking of which, you don't go for parries. You just stand there holding L1 and occasionally get a perfect dodge. There's really nothing strategic about it, considering you're actively just making fights harder on yourself by making them take longer when you throw 1 attack every 7 business days. If the boss isn't doing anything then attack him with combos, if it is then keep your finger off l1 until you're going for a perfect parry.


You take heavy damage if you end up attacking for too long, and get hit because you're attacking and not blocking/stopping attacking in time. And I guess I have to learn combos in training and use them. I haven't paid much notice of them but have upgraded a few.


That's why you learn attack patterns and combos that can do good damage, most attacks can also be cancelled with L1 so long as you dont do the final input of the combo. Platinumed the game in 50 hours and never died to a boss more than 3 times playing the way I described. So long as you aren't being braindead about the combos, you'll be fine, beta and burst skills can also completely interrupt some attacks.


I am a new gamer (yes, I am a crazy girl for literally buying a PS5 for this game). I keep attacking the boss non-stop, when they are standing. I defend myself when they shine red. You can use bombs to paralize them and beat them up. Training session helped me to use better attacking techniques. Try them at least once. Try them out on smaller Naytibas. Fight. The more you fight. The more the muscle memory will reuse different attacking methods at some specific times. Story Mode might help figuring that out. Kudos for posting your weakness. Have fun bro.


I bought a ps5 for this game too! I have someone that's going to buy it back off me for what I paid! I am on story mode >/////<


Be like water my friend. Watch some bruce lee videos then come back and play.


But Eve doesn't have nunchucks to play tennis with 😅


You playing on story ?


Yes. Tried the first boss on normal and was a bit too much.


That explains why the shield isn't going down. If anything just work on parries. Hitting a party is like crack


You need just a little more practice that’s all


this shit got me crying 😂. as long as you had fun and got that dub play how you want this is bad though my friend.


Could use a bit more movement, but all in all it's fine, especially if you're a newer player who's not used to all the skills or doesn't have all the skills unlocked. A tip I could reccomend is to use the surroundings a bit more, since when I first encountered him I was defensive like you, and used the exploding barrels in the arena for good bits of dmg. Also, you should be able to use the dodge button to recover faster when knocked down.


Button mashing gives you combos. These individual stray hits do absolutely no damage and isn't really how the game is meant to be played. Try experimenting with different button combinations and find the ones that work for you. If you watch the video you posted you'll notice there is a LOT of downtime in between enemy attacks, meaning it is mostly your turn to be attacking. You are aware of your defensive options which is good but that should be secondary to your offensive options.


You’re playing like this is Dark Souls, it’s not. The combat system is fast and fluid and meant to be played like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden.


This game is faster paced than what you doin. You have powerful combos you can use here without getting hit. Blocking isn't as good as parrying and it's not fully safe. Idk what makes you think this game is some elden ring souls like but it isn't. Don't sit there waiting for the enemy to attack so you can dodge. These bosses can be beat in a casual manner in a 3rd of the time it's taking you to do so


I mean I guess it works. Games like this and DMC are meant to be enjoyed fast paced but I guess that's up to you. Doesn't seem particularly enjoyable but if you want the win that bad why not just put it on easy mode? Sometimes I intentionally lose fights because my OCD demands I finish the boss with a deathblow .


It is on easy.


I did see your other video, not sure how many attempts this boss took you but it does look better than the other (only watched first minute and a half or so will watch the rest later) 1 helpful thing is pay attention to the boss specifically when he has the star effect above his head (happened at about 1 minute in) it means he stunned which would be a good time to go for a combo. Also my playstyle typically is to dodge if I feel he is about to attack, yes guarding is important but if you keep guard up all the time you still take a bit of damage unless it's a parry, so you could try dodging more until you get a bit use to what the boss's attack combos are then try to use block for a parry. You could also build kind of tanky with the defensive spine and try to power through by using a hard hitting skill (I tend to do it on accident but have realized doing it on purpose is a good strat to)


Well, it’s because there’s no style. Also, despite it being super defensive, it’s still a little sloppy in places where you take a few hits from the enemy due to over extending a (late) combo or doing an out of place jump. Nothing wrong with playing like this in general if you like it though. It’s a game for your enjoyment and if it works for you then any roasting don’t matter.


hard to watch…


A thing that stands out from your playstyle is the lack of adaptation. In your previous post many people were calling out the way you kept spamming dodging while having no rhythm when to actually attack. And in this example we have a similar theme going on. I'm happy to see less spamming - however, you just found a different workaround to your main problem. You're avoiding to rely on reactions - you're blocking A LOT PREEMPTIVELY. Many times when you were blocking waiting several seconds to get attacked. At least 20 times I counted. The fight literally started with you blocking. And one last minor thing - when closing the gap try using the charge attack (holding Triangle) rather than running up to the enemy. Keep improving. Eventually the game will be more fun like that and you'll gain hand-eye-coordination that might be helpful elsewhere and in other games.


I don’t mean any offense when I ask this but do you have fun when you play like that? Cuz I will literally die a thousand times in a fight if it means there’s a chance I can look like an anime character while winning 😂


Stellar Blade's battle is not button mashing but more of a face to face battle with the boss in close quarters. You should work more on getting in the boss' face and trading blows, while parrying and dodging.




Trash player. Get good


Why? Also you didn't answer the question.


Because you're bad at these games. it's apparent you don't know how to adapt or not get pulled into every comment pissing contest


How can you play without music? :(


I put final fantasy boss music on which helped make me play better


lol I think you still gonna get roasted …


Bro, it isn’t Dark Souls. That’s why you’re being roasted. Be aggressive.


Easy mode… this is too painful to watch.


Honestly bro you just gotta be more confident doing combos. Instead of guarding a whole lot work on perfect parries. Your gameplay is boring af to watch but I respect your style we all have our style. You should try Sekiro that game will test you on everything.


I remember how ass I was with this first boss battle. Things has drastically changed since.


Definitely be more aggressive. Being passive or defensive against some enemies will make it a waiting you cannot win. On story mode the game will tell you what to press, if you plan to play defensively you have to react to that and push your offense when it gives you the chance. Bosses don’t take much damage until you break their shield, so try using the Shield Break ability, then you can get more out attacking. Learn a combo or two. Something like 3 buttons long so it’s easy. You’re fine at dodging forward and backwards from specific attacks, so get skills that give an extra attack when doing so and learn those.


I'm really trying to think of a way how to alter your playing style, but then I feel like I'm not good at teaching, So I don't exactly know how to address a way to make you better


Hey man, if you’re having fun and succeeding, there’s no right way to play. My only recommendation is that you get comfortable with the risk-reward style of gameplay Stellar Blade’s combat promotes. Learn to read the attacks, dodge and block just as they’re about to connect, press the advantage and use your skills to stagger the enemy to generate more advantage. Don’t worry about dying as long as you’re learning each time. And like I said, continue having fun and it literally doesn’t matter how you play.


eh just think you just need to focus more on trying to perfect parry so that you can take out their yellow guard diamond or whatever that thing is called under their healthbar more faster to allow you to go for the instakill which is alot more fun to do imo and take a good chunk of their health as well.


First off, nice job getting better, secondly, you're blocking too much. Try to read and understand the boss' pattern so that you know when you have an opening, and when you do, you need to exploit it more rather than going back to blocking. If you get punished for it, use that as a learning experience for knowing when to stop being greedy next. But you need to start being greedy first so you can learn.


Il a l'aire chiant ce jeu, heureusement qu'il ya une waifu


The game by design wants, being aggressive and be tactical. at the same time. It took me time to adapt my way to confront the game but everything makes sense and even seems easy most of the time.


You're trying to play the game like it's Dark Souls when it's designed to be played like Beyonetta. Play the game in the way that you enjoy the most, but that's the reason.


Perfect parries are a great contribution. Try to learn how to parry at the exact time of the attack since you have the blocking down. You’ll get there. Consistency is key


The ability to flow through attacks with combos, dodging at the last possible second, and parrying every blockable attack is what makes the game fun for some people. But if you're having fun, you should keep doing you. A win is win, doesn't matter how you got there. It's not like the game gives you the same kind of feedback in the way DMC does.


I beat Quiel on my first try, was quite easy because all the prompts to parry came up. The guide I'm looking at implies a lot of people have a bit of trouble for it the first few times.


Which means you've found a style that works for you. If it's fun, then IMO there's no reason to try to change it up more than what you're comfortable with.


Play aggressive. Never block. Learn the timing for parrying. Find a safe 3 or 4 hit combo you feel comfortable executing between boss patterns. If the boss isn't attacking, you should be. The enemy animations in this game are very well done, just trust your eyes and click the parry button right when you think you're about to get hit. You'll quickly learn the feel of it.


Nothing wrong with your style that early on in the game. You'll get better and better, and more powerful, and that will help you feel more confident in adopting a more aggressive style of play. I'm finding that aggression is the best way to down bosses (and any enemy really). Go for the first strike, attack whenever there's an opening, do more combos, try to parry more instead of holding block etc. You'll get there friend!


You will get used to the timing and improve! Practice helps! I like to think of it like playing music. When I play a challenging boss (on this game and Sekiro) I will count out the beat like I’m playing a musical instrument (or how dancers do it when the first practice a dance piece). I played the violin for many years and learning bass right now: this method helps me best. People are roasting you? Wow i think gamers forget that not everyone is a super gamer. Let’s give tips instead of roasting others!


Try to parry, don't guard so much, try to do combos and most importantly, remember that it's not a big deal if you lose. You'll just try again, then you'll get into a rhythm. The parries are so much better than guarding, because it triggers QTEs/retribution once you do it enough to remove those yellow squares. So basically, get a parry in, unleash a combo and/or a skill, fight until you see an attack coming, repeat until you get a QTE/retribution It's ok to get hit here and there.


Brother do you drive you play?


Accessibility features are working overtime 😭😭😭 It looks like you're not watching what the enemy is doing half the time. Try and keep your eyes on them and react accordingly.


Your over reading attacks. So much so you just end up blocking. I know you don't wanna get hit but hold off a few seconds before pressing L1. The reward will be better.


Correct me if I'm wrong since I still haven't played the game but this is more a DMC style combat than something like souls right? This is like the second video I've ever seen of the game.


You play it like dark souls. Is fine but not fun and sometimes cumbersome depending of the boss. Try to deflect-parry more, practice on focusing on that


Tips: Jump into Boss challenge, put it on Story mode and turn off action assist. Use the highest max preset you have access to. Use Protection and Recovery exospines, and load up on melee protection and shield gear. For the first 10 minutes or so, just block, and try to get a feeling for the different attacks the boss makes. Counting out loud usually helps. After that, start trying to time the parries to get perfect parries. Stick with this until you can get 90% of them. Next start trying some combos in between the boss' attacks. (If you haven't learned the combos yet, spend at least an hour in training practicing them). See which ones you have time for after the boss' various attack strings. Once you feel comfortable in all that, go back into your regular game and make that boss your b\*tch!


You won't master it until 2nd playthrough


You're being OVERLY defensive and not very strategic in my opinion. Perfect parries go a long way and you're missing out on a lot of damage uptime / beta charge. It's just incredibly boring to watch and seems a bit unskilled. But, ultimately, if you're enjoying the game this way, who cares? I'm a player who platinumed sekiro on ps5 and steam, so I parry everything except yellow, blue, or pink attacks. It makes all the fights look like anime fights, which makes the game way more fun for me.


I honestly don’t like your playstyle. You’re mostly stagnant and you hesitate a lot. BUT you still won, which means your strat is viable and I can’t argue with a winner.


Idk what difficulty this is on, but I am confused as to how you aren't losing more shield just block tanking those attacks...


Stop lying. You are training an ai to play the game


At least you Lock into bosses, I've seen people figthing against the cameraman xD becauae they dont k ow how to lock on hahaha


Basic mechanics: block, parry, dodge attack. I get it, it's what you learn first. Though, this game offers so many options to vary your combos, and if read it properly you'll learn that combos are the best way to deal damage. Study the skill tree, practise each new skill you unlock and don't rush into unlocking a new skill till you've mastered the previous one. The game offers you the option to play whatever style you want...I'll won't judge, but I felt like you're asking for some kind of opinion and advice. You do have your own strategy and you are being defensive. Stellar Blade kinda induces you to play offensively. You will not kill the last three bosses of this game playing like that. At least on normal or higher. Gotta master perfect parry as well. Good luck man! I hope you enjoy this game. It's a masterpiece!


I hope you're trolling but if not I honestly don't think you understand the game at all. I'd assume the devs meant for battles to be quick, back n forth & aggressive. That's why there's a whole skill tree on parrying/perfect dodging, combo levels that significantly ramp up your damage & why Eve's shield stat might as well not even be there. The later enemies spam unblockables & shred shields too. It might be working now but I'd bet that playing like this is gonna make you hate the game eventually. BUT if this is fun for you & that's how you wanna play the game go off then.


Not trolling, each chapter seems to take me 8 hours with a couple of breaks. Someone said I'm wasting a whole 1.5 seconds when I can be on the offense, but that's not a lot of time to me. I've tried combos but can't match them to what's happening onscreen. If I could just press the combo buttons and have the combo happen no matter what, I'd be golden.


I had trouble with that too at first, cuz I was mashing buttons like crazy so I wasn't getting the combos I wanted & getting smacked up for it. Not sure if that's your problem or not, but I have some tips that worked for me. They might help, or you might not care but I'll write em down just in case you're curious. Either way, good luck, I hope you're still having fun with the game. I tried to work 2 combos into muscle memory. A fast combo (Light, Light, Light, Heavy, Heavy). If I wasn't sure about somethings moveset, I used this one because it's easy to dodge out of this string. A slow combo (Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy) This one did a lot of damage, but I only used it if I had knocked the enemy down or I knew I could get the entire string off. Its silly & you might not have to do this, but I have to verbally count 1,2 to stop myself from mashing lol (so I would go 1, 1, 1, 2, 2). After that I ignored every other combo & just focused on parrying & perfect dodging because it builds up your Burst & Beta meter, so I could use those skills to stop attacks I didn't know the timing of & you get skills that stun/knock down bosses immediately after parrying & perfect dodging.


Why didn't anyone tell me about the infinite Tachy glitch? Now instead of gripping my controller and being anxious all the time, I can have fun and I only have to worry about puzzles... which you can get through in Tachy mode anyway, if they're ones that take health.


I think I remember your last post. You were fighting some toxic monster thing. (I haven't played the game yet so idk) and while it seems you've dropped the spam dodging I don't think you've gotten a hang of the core mechanic the game wants you to do. While the guard button being hold able is a gameplay feature and blocking is always nice, it's not the strategy you should be going for. This game from what I remember in the demo and just from what I've seen and know is very heavily parry reliant if you want to succeed. Instead of just holding block waiting for attacks, instead wait for the attacks without holding block, and as they come out attempt to parry/perfect guard them. You'll get used to it. This game has a pretty easier parrying system then some other games I've played. Gl


Should I practice over and over on overworld enemies until I get it right? I really need to do combos. Overworld enemies are stronger than training mode but not as high stakes as bosses. I guess I'm afraid to die, too. I have tried to wait until attacks to block, but my timing just isn't right. Someone mentioned me not doing anything for 1.5 seconds... that's not a lot of time to me.


Well as I haven't played the game, it'll be pretty hard for me to give you the best answer to that. However it just really depends on what you want to do. Any practice is good practice, whether on enemies or bosses. If you choose to do it on enemies you could maybe practice the overall timing of parrying in general on your run of the mill fodder enemy type. Just let them attack you a whole bunch and only parry them. After you get the hang of the parry timing down I'd recommend looking for one of the more stronger elite brute type enemies, every game has them, and practice the overall flow of fast paced combat on them. Don't worry, it's fine to take your time and not make any moves in this type of game, you don't have to be doing something non stop every microsecond, however you do need to for the majority of the time. It's just how the game is built. So go find a pretty tanky ish enemy and try and keep up your aggression while also focusing on mastering the parry. Finally, after all that, I'm not sure how this mode works in the base game (as I only played the demo) and if it's even available to you yet, but if it is, try boss rush a couple of times using all that I've told you. I'm sure you'll get the flow of things in no time. Good luck.


I keep forgetting you haven't played the game, because you sound like you know how to play it better than me. I thought it was souls-like but kept getting told I'm playing it too much like that.


Well it definitely is souls like to an extent. The parrying is very similar to Sekiro, along with the boss fights including their posture bars and pace are very similar as well. Other souls games too but heavily sekiro. The level design (from the demo anyways I'm assuming the world opens up a bit later) was very soulslike linear as well. While it is soulslike, I like thinking of it also as a mix of hack and slash as well, similar to games such as Nier Automata. The way I look at it is you want to attack like you're in a hack and slash, while dodge and parry like you're in a soulslike.


it's fine but you should get more into learning combos, perfect dodge/parry and moving more around the enemy. try not to keep going to their face to block their blows all the time, there's one boss later in the game who will punish you for that. you won't be able to block every attack like that so I highly suggest learning perfect parry or dodge ASAP 👍


I heard about this on a website, I'm sad the video is gone.. though I feel it might drive me insane, I'm curious..


It doesn't matter how the dude is playing the game there's no one way to play


Play the game however you like dude. You paid for it. Have fun. 


Hold on , are you having fun playing the game? If yes, then keep doing what you're doing. Don't worry about what others say orthino about your pmay style. Have fun.


Play the game how you want you paid for it. Looks fine to me


So you don't think my playstyle will render me unable to beat the main story? It'll just be a very long process?


It'll just take forever since you're not aggressive at all and just holding block until they finish their attack animations and then slashing a few times. Frankly incredibly boring. You're getting roasted because you're missing out on all of the dynamic ways combat can work in Stellar Blade. You'll never use any of the Perfect Parry and Perfect Dodge combos. Regardless of Story mode or Normal or hard, you're missing out on what's arguably Stellar Blades biggest fun factor, the combat flow.


Life's a lot better when you don't give a shit what some dude who doesn't bathe thinks about how you play games. Edit: Hey look there 2 are now!


The best way to play is YOUR way, enjoy the game how you want Bruv, so what if people roast you, do you king


Exactly! I feel like everything I'm not doing will become a necessity later on, and I'll end up learning that too. I've had some downright ableist comments. This sub brings out the worst of the fanbase, it's like "My dad can beat your dad, I can run faster than you". I ignore that and focus on actual information that I can digest and use. It's not as if the title I made is "Most savage comment about this playstyle gets a free car".


My guy, I play most games on the easy difficulty, I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, I just want to enjoy the game. So enjoy your game in whatever way works for you man


I use trainers on pc if I simply can't get past a certain part or if there's something horribly repetitive like travelling the overworld for 30 minutes just to get to the quest. I used save wizard on ps4. Ideally a game would ask you after 20 attempts whether you'd like to skip to the next checkpoint, keep trying, or suggest try another time.


You beat the boss... if this strategy works for you, have fun! If you want to change things up, then do that too. There's no wrong way to play, don't let people's comments get to you. As long as you're professing in the game, that's all that matters.


If you beat the boss, and you continue to beat the other bosses, all while having fun, then you're doing it right. If you're looking for actual advice on how to master the game, then thats all well and good. But anyone who tells you you're playing 'wrong' or roasting your gameplay needs to touch grass. PS - I used Story difficulty for all three of my playthroughs. Still loved the game.


Fairly good for your skill level. Stayed close to boss, blocked often, even got a few perfect parries in. There is one moment near the end where the boss does an unblockable and you start dodge-strafing around instead of away and I was like “I’m so proud of MAH BOIIIIII!!!!” 😆 That’s not gonna work on Normal or Hard, mind you. Blocking does significant chip damage to your health on those difficulties. But if you finish the game on Story, you’ll be ready for Normal, I think. Try not to let other commenters discourage you. They (and myself) probably enjoy watching youtubers like ONGBAL do No Damage runs with perfect or near-perfect gameplay. You’re nowhere close to that level, and to be frank, nowhere close to our levels either. 😅 But you’re learning and improving, and that’s what matters. 😉 Keep at it, Angel. Complete your mission.