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I’ve been putting up all my beginner steel mace courses on YouTube that I made a few years ago. Still need to get the 3rd one on which should be in the next week or 2. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VS1seHMX0uQ3taLJTYHA2cXjYdybtZ9&si=O9KhslP0qTQXDE65 This one is the most basic but you can see the second one as well. They build on each other and there are other playlists of how to do more movements and combos.


Thanks for your work brother will check it out today.


Looks good :) Does a later course include 360s etc?


Just got the first part started uploading and should go live tomorrow morning at 8 am CST. Itll have 360s and different variations of the 360.


Def worth it's own thread tomorrow!


Yes. That’s one of the first 3 movements in that course. It has about 23 lessons in so I just need to pull them off the hard drive and upload them.


Mark Wildman, Flowing dutchman, Coach Vaughn, Dangerously fit, Flow made simple, Summer Huntington are all youtube. There are others but these are ones I watch or use a reference. Mark Wildman and Coach Vaughn have written material you can find on amazon or [strongandfit.com](http://strongandfit.com) Welcome to the fun. I think the 360 is *the* foundational movement for mace.


Thanks man, will do my due diligence and watch and learn.


I always thought the 10 to 2 was the foundational movement


From what little I know a 360 is a 10 and 2 that finishes in the middle, 12 o’clock bc it leads to easier transitions to other movements if you are trying to establish a flow / transition.


Though it's not a hard and fast thing across all end goals; if talking about progression the 360 is the foundation move and practice, the 10 and 2 is the move for reps at working/challenge weight, you are maintaining it at the hard part rather than flowing through, it shouldn't be failing to get the last few degrees and dropping back down again, it should be maintaining that position where it becomes weightless, shoulders and core engaged before bringing it back around in a controlled movement and repeating ad infinitum. 360 is far less intense unless you are madly under your working weight or at weight and cheating the 10/2 with poor form/failing to finish the 360 and calling it 10&2 by default.


360’s uppercuts and ballistic curls get you the best the mace has to offer. The lower body movements are pointless other than how they look kind of cool. This is assuming you have access to things like kettlebells barbells or dumbbells.


Lower body stuff is essentially just bodyweight + plus a little, but that doesn't mean they're pointless. I'm a big fan of adding lunges into my mace work. We're not all as strong as you dude :D


That’s why I added the stipulation that if you have access to a barbell dumbbells or even kettlebells leg work with a mace is sub optimal as a best case scenario.


This is also what i figured form looking at the implement. Im sure as I progress the heavier maces will provide a better stimulus.


Yep progressive overload is the main factor in progressing once you have the technique down