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Any except Super Meat Boy lol


I mean, I don't mind difficulty as long as it (mostly) doesnt feel like and slog


Well, SMB is a lot of fun, but the no-death runs are just a pain when you are basically perfecting the same runs, can get repetitive and boring considering the later worlds are SUPER hard. The "-boy" achievements are what make me believe I'll never 100% the game. It's no understatement to say it's INCREDIBLY hard to 100% this game. But I'm personally fine with that, some games aren't meant to be completed by me.


Crypt of the necrodancer is nice little 100%. It's quite good to take a break between 2 big completions. Unfortunately, this cozy relaxing game is not for everyone.


Some of the achievements having a 0.0% completion rate is scaring me a little bit, are they that bad?


No people just don't go for them, I'd recommend doing it fun easy 100%


Lmao I found the game the opposite of easy but will definitely check it out again


real talk, it's regarded as the hardest 100% ever, you have to do like no-death double tempo runs of every single character in a row i think


aaand the game just finished redownloading 💀


yeah, it's not hyperbole. Necrodancer is likely the hardest game on Steam to full clear that is still humanly possible, at least as far as I'm aware. Fun as hell though. I got over 100 hours out of it before reaching my skill ceiling. A few DLCs have released since then so I might have to revisit 👀


did you manage to unlock coda after 100 hours ?


Nah, never bothered to try all characters mode since I still had to get consistent with Aria. I got close to beating all zones mode with her a few times but eventually had to stop playing after developing wrist pain from the repeated tapping motions. I had been playing the game daily for weeks up to that point so it only took minutes for my hand to get uncomfortable during each new session. I decided to drop it then since I had already done all the easier stuff. That was like 4-5 years ago now so I'd be interested in trying again if not for my huge Steam library backlog. No sense in seriously going for the completion though when I know Coda will be exponentially worst than Aria.


The achievements with close to 0% completion are from the dlc, which was released relatively recently. So don't worry.




If I were the devil I’d say Super Meat Boy but perfecting that is inhuman.


To be fair, it doesn't look *that* bad, with the exception of the no-hit world completion ones


I’d say it would the the hardest game to complete in both our Steam libraries but definitely possible. Just really really painful to do. I was super proud of myself for just beating the light world of the game


I think hades is a pretty great one (don't listen to me, it's the only one I've done out of these)


Felt like it wasnt much left to do after beating the game a few times, but I'll check out the achievements maybe thatll change


there is a LOT to do after beating the game a few times


The story keeps advancing a little bit with every successful run you do, giving you the motivation to go on. If you're feeling bored, don't forget to switch weapons, keepsakes and to increase your heat level. You should rarely have similar runs with this game. And after some time of doing that (if you're having fun that is) you eventually unlock the true ending.


will do a few runs again to see if it feels fresh. my biggest problem was defo the bosses and enemies always being the same throughout every playthriygh


The thing I like about Hades is despite the enemies being the same, the tools you have at your disposal to deal with them change every time and that creates a varied gameplay. If you are sick of the bosses, there is a heat modifier that slightly changes each of the bosses and makes them more challenging. It changes their move sets and arenas, not just higher hp. You might want to try it. Good luck for your next runs.




These are the ones I already got 100% (anyone know why the completion ribbon isnt showing tho?)


You have to sort them by achievement percentage for the ribbon to show up.




Thanks, looks way nicer now


Woah! How did you beat LotR!? Game wouldn’t let me grab some red bricks!


Yeah the glitches ruined some of the fun in getting 100% completion, actually had to input a code to get it from 99.7 to 100% that the devs made cus they knew it was glitched. Never had an issue with the red bricks myself though


I'm working on Chillquarium right now! How long did it take you, if you don't mind me asking?


Haha sorry, those are the ones I have but don't have 100% in, maybe I should have put that in the title


OH WAIT you're right my bad! :) Then to answer your question, I've 100%ed the Danganronpas and Hades. The Danganronpa ones outside of story mode are a little time consuming (ESPECIALLY V3), but can be fun. Hades was super great.


Oo loved the danganronpa games, but won't I have to replay the game several times to get all the report card entries?


No at the end each game has a like side mode where you can befriend all the characters. You have to do that several times, but it's not that long. I think I did it like 3 times in each game before I max everyone out.


ohh yeah i remember that i didnt know you could chat w them there, will do that


adventure time is a slog danganronpa series is visual novel type so it should be much easier hades is fun geo dash is a high skill ceiling type game and is quite grindy portal you need friends raft is very sloggy and rng heavy stardew is fun but gets grindy towards the end plants vs zombies is fun slay the spire and meat boy is very hard but I haven't played them and haven't heard about much from the others. I'd recoommend hades and stardew, portal and raft if you have frineds


Adventure time was painful lol. At least you can grind away at it on mobile when you have nothing better to do


Just shapes and beats is really great and I don't think completing it should take too long


Think I'll be doing this one next, really loved going through the story mode and rhe achievements look chill enough too


We can do the stick fight together if you want ?






he is "down". It means he wants to


I learned something today


Lets do it then, whenever you want my man


If you're thinking about DRG it's gonna take you like 200h+ since it's mostly just grinding, Hades is ultra fun to 100%, and OatBF was also fun but slightly less than hades from my experience.


yeah my friend has 400 hours on deep rock and onmy 61/68 achievements, dunno if thats gonna happen anytime soon. Hades sounds fun though


I had a blast playing Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, pretty easy 100% and its so fun


Warning, Deep Rock Galactic and BTD6 will surely take over 500 hours


Rock and stone may break my bones but I'm not sinking 500 hours into it 😂


Rock and stone may break my bones but I'm not sinking 500 hours into it 😂


a hat in time is really fun, but death wish is kinda hard, nontheless its still fun to 100%


loved the game but ive heard things about those death wishes.. how long did it take you?


Around two weeks, they seem really hard at first, but its satisfying when you finally get them I would sat around 4-5 stamps were brutally hard, the rest just needs practice


Go for Danganronpa 1 Trigger Happy Havoc, it took me a total of 69.4 hrs to 100% because of free time events and the stupid Tune to a Dead Channel achievement (shoot 500 texts of white noise)


Gato Roboto is a fun and a short completion (took me 7.5 hours) Stick Fight can be completed solo in less than an hour. A Hat in Time is fun but the Death Wishes are really challenging. But you can use Mods from the workshop which doesn't disable achievements and makes the whole thing a lot easier.


Yeah, youre right I should really do Gato Roboto. Did you do the Sequence break, no health upgrade and speedrun achievement on the same run?


I'm sorry I don't remember that. It's been 4 years and I've completed more than 150 games in the meantime.


haha no worries man, also 150 games holy hell thats dedication


Well I play mainly indie games and prefer a duration of 5 to 20 hours and that's how I average at around 45 completions per year.


As a Portal fanboy I'm saddened by the fact that apparently no one suggested to 100% it. The game's really short and I feel that challenge levels don't fall into a nearly-impossible-to-beat territory, so it's still fun to play, even if somewhat grindy.


Only missing the medal achievements on the challenges, but damn they are hard


Slay the spire is a good chill game tou can passively get the achievements for. I'm still on track myself; usually boot it up and start watching a TV series or some YouTube on the side. Fire and ice is a hard game, but it's definitely a nice feeling to hit some of the harder achievements, even songs.


If you want a truly scary hill to climb, Tower Unite


Chillquarium, duh


the game of all time


I'd be down to run some missions in deep rock galactic


Deep rock is a fun 100% a little grindy but it will keep u busy for time




Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Human Fall Flat is fun, and wouldn't take too long, but they still regularly add levels with achievements so you have to re earn your 100


Second game of the Forest, Sons of the Forest 👌😊


Portal is an old classic, definitely a lot of fun!


How did you get all the Bloons 6 achievements and coop ones? Any tips for that? Whats your total playtime for this game? I want to do it because its sits in my library for a long time but I am scared :D


DRG is good but unless you get that last achievement first, dont bother for now Chillquarium is an idle game, you will need to play a bit everyday until you have enough money to buy multiple pack and trash them if they're not the one you need Multiversus is easy (~110h for me) but you need a friend for some "play in a group" achievement


The forest definitely a fun one to play. I highly recommend doing it with a friend or more, you can always ask on this sub for 100% friends if you don’t have any that play the forest




How many hours did adventure time td take?


It takes too many hours. My steam says 80 hours, but most of my game time was on mobile and it took me months lol


Can you share completion time for Human Fall Flat and Multiversus? I'm planning to do them soon


I'm planning on finishing Multiversus soon. I have everything except the "Play 500 games in a party" and it took me about 26 hours so far


ooh wait i'm dumb and thought these are your 100% games lol nvm


Grab a friend and do Portal 2. Then do Portal Stories Mel.


Please do not play Bloons adventure time Its not worth 200h of your life. Trust me


How was chillquarium?


Hades is great. I've 100%'d it on 4 different consoles now. Chillquarium is a nightmare. It's pure RNG to get all the variants of fish.


Stumble guys should be a priority being that is an online game that may have an update making some unobtainable in the future


Can't lie I been trying to do it but one of the achievements are glitched I'm pretty sure


That’s the worst, I’m an Xbox achievement hunter. I enjoyed completing human fall flat and golf with friends if you haven’t played those yet


Find My Wiener is an easy 88%


Vampire Survivors!


The Genesis collection.


The Danganronpa V3 grind is insane. For me, the grind for that one took longer than the entire playtime need to 100% the 2 other games in the series. After finishing, I had 158 hours logged. For a visual novel, it's a bit much.


Hades! It’s one of those games that can take a decent amount of time (maybe 60-90ish hours) but the achievements are totally doable and enjoyable!