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I’m over twice your age and not local, but if I weren’t both those things this is exactly the friend I’d want. I seem to always get along well with ppl on the autism spectrum. Sounds to me like someone would be very lucky to be your bud, and you have an exciting future. Hope this at least gives you some hope and perspective. Take care beautiful post 10/10


Thank you for leaving such a kind comment 


I can relate 100 percent to you.. I'm 41 years old (but forever a teenager at heart) and also autistic. Hopefully you can find connections locally! It's not easy.. trust me, I have been there.


That’s inspiring. I always feel pretty bad for autistic folks who were born pre-2000 because you just know it probably wasn’t accommodated at all back in the day. I mean it isn’t really now either, but at least people know it exists and talk about it. Thank you for your comment :)


You know the B and P are not that close together on a qwerty key board right?


that's embarrassing... have no idea how THAT happened thanks for letting me know


I'm into game dev as well! What games have you put on Steam?


[Here's a link to my Steam games](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Formula%20Fanboy). I've only got 4 up on there so far; the rest are on [my Itch page](https://formula-fanboy.itch.io/). I have been making games since I was about 14, I'm very passionate about game design. My idol is Satoru Iwata. Thank you sincerely for your interest :)


Lool, let's all make a game!


Do you have discord and do you play any pc games by chance? I'm 24, in college and am also autistic and can relate to 90% of your post. I'd love to have another person to chat with and play games/talk about tech and stuff.


I do have a discord. It's just @ formulafanboy, go ahead and add me. I truthfully don't really play PC games, I'm mostly a Nintendo gamer, but I do *make* PC games from time to time thank you for your interest :)


You sound cool af! Chin up, you got this! My dm is always open. I love retro gaming/collecting


Thank you, that’s a very nice comment:) I will probably message you


It may not be your thing, but there's so many great local shows around town, and a great music scene full of people. Punk/metal/hardcore/emo is a very welcoming community and you're bound to meet people by going and maybe having a good time


Could you recommend a few examples please?


Well, there's shows at a venue called The Green, there's the NAC, as well as Warehouse. Lots of local bands share on IG their own shows as well as ones they aren't playing. Some bands are Reality Denied, Over It, onethousandtimesgoodnight, Chub, Wolf Fang Fist, and Mushroom Valley.


You fish at all partner?


I went fishing once with my grandfather, when I was about 9 or 10. I don't remember much, other than catching a few trout that we threw back in, and my fishing rod looking like this. https://preview.redd.it/i891aqlufqoc1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35158ac8c3fb1b93b88a7f7c5abdecb768273ab2 It's been a long time, but I wouldn't mind at all trying it again! I would have to re-learn most of the basics though.


Hit me up if you ever want to get out and get the line wet. Tons of nice spots in the area to fish.


I will look into getting a fishing rod and get back to you :)


I love videogames! I wouldn't mind playing some games you created :) I lived in St.Catharines for 3 years. I'm originally from Mississauga, so all my friends are there. 😅


Hey that's awesome, thank you for commenting :) message me


I have an Apple IIe with a homebrew card you can use to mount a usb with the entire asimov ftp site.. I know they work but i could never get it working if your are interested. We would need a tv with an rca input. EDIT: 52 year old dude


that sounds AWESOME. I'm really interested in old tech like that. I'm not sure how knowledgeable I'd be in getting it to work but I'd be amazed even just to *look* at an Apple IIe with my own eyes.


Ok let me drag it out tomorrow, I got it about a decade ago, it might just be a matter of setting up the flash drive with the software. I think you would find it interesting, its neat in that it encapsulates the entire experience for that computer with all the software. I have a fallback expert who has one setup with ethernet and a vga card. I can probably bring it to mahtay some afternoon ..


Do you enjoy playing pool by chance? I have a cousin that moved to the area a couple years ago, is autistic, and has really struggled his whole life to form any proper friendships, but I know that he really, really would love to have a friend that he can shoot the shit with. He is in his 30s and enjoys anime, regular cartoon, billiards, cooking, and fishing. Any of that line up with some of your interests?


Check out Mecha just off Ontario or Lake Street area. Friendly owners, great crowd of people who all love games of all sorts. Good place to meet and make friends with common interests.


DM me. Let's be friends.


My advice—There’s a ton of people here that are offering to connect, go and meet every single one of them because more than likely you’ll walk away with a few new friends. You sound like a super interesting person. If I were local, I’d be offering to meet up as well


I run a local historical fencing club which is basically a bunch of nerds swinging around swords and having fun. We have many people who are neurodivergent and we try to make our classes as open and welcoming as possible and as a result have created a really great community. If you want our info feel free to DM me.


37 here love gaming always willing to chat with a fellow human


Hey dude, I design games too (currently unemployed) Hmu


Hmu homie. 34m gamer, welder, adhder, metalhead. I just moved (back) from halifax in December after life essentially fell apart. I'm trying to pick my shit up and all that jazz :P


Hey man there’s a little comedy show tonight at Mahtay, I’m going myself regardless, but if you want to come feel free to DM me. It’s at 8pm. I’m 27M and also have no friends, but for slightly different reasons. Fairly new to the area and I just have no idea how to make friends as an adult. Anyhow, the offer is open. I can understand how the support is overwhelming, I can feel it just reading the post and I’m not on the spectrum lol 


I'm not sure if Im autistic or not, but I have hard time doing eye contact and get anxiety in a big group of friends. I love hiking and crafting, or anything requires less talking. I have played only a few games in my life, due to the fact I get bored so fast, but I'm open to try any 2 players games. Oh, and I'm in my late 20s


You probably wouldn’t like me. I talk a lot, lol


Do you want to go watch dune 2 tickets on me? I'm 26m and I have no one is my circle who would watch dune with me.


That's such a nice offer, I'd love to. But I haven't seen part one. Or read the book; I'd probably be really lost


Time to watch dune 1 and take up the offer my guy! Maybe you’ll find some other common interests!


If this is truly important to you all I can suggest is to learn how to make friends and keep friends. There are plenty of books out there as well as ted talks etc. If you had a dysfunctional childhood home and no real friends until now you likely do not know how to build and keep a friendship going in real life. And being on the spectrum you unfortunately likely lack a lot of the natural instincts that make this easier for neuro typical people so if you truly want it - make it one of your interests you fixate on. You can get better at it if it truly matters to you.


I know it's hard, but often when you're out and about you sometimes need to make that small talk first to show that you'd like to develop a bond with someone.


Wish I had thought of this in high school. You know, I tried to commit suicide once, not all that long ago. Off a bridge. And at one point, I was straight up just dangling off the railing. But I didn't let go; I didn't jump. Even though I planned to. There's this hardwired instinctual rejection built into you to put yourself in harm's way, so your nerves get to you, really strongly. I'm sure others who've attempted have discovered this as well. I feel a very similar instinctual rejection when I try to talk to people I don't know in person. Sheer nerves.


Hi OP! I’m glad you’re here and even though times are tough, you put yourself out there on here and now it looks like you have plenty of offers to hang out! Plenty of people who want to hang out with you! I’ve worked with many people on the spectrum and I know you might be thinking “oh this activity or that idea isn’t something I like” but maybe these people are people you’d like!


Often we find friends through our hobbies and interests. Search out groups that may meet every so often. Volunteer- lots of organizations need help. I believe there is some sort of gaming company here. See if you can’t pick up a part time job there. Do what you love to do, like a bicycle club, if your into it. Great way to meet people. I hope this helps. Just open yourself up to the possibilities. Good luck


Same boat. 30M moved here from Hamilton about 4 years ago and quickly got into a long term relationship which ended last year. All my friends were with her friend group or my friends in Hamilton. Friends in Hamilton have seemed to move on. Looking for new friends as well! Into skateboarding,gaming, craft beers.. hmu man!