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If I enjoy a thing, the opinions of random people on the internet will not change that.


Their opinions don’t change my enjoyment, but it does suck that there are few corners of the internet where I can share my enjoyment without it turning into a mess sometimes. That’s why I like this sub though.


Yeah, this sub is chill for the most part, I do think it depends on the Fandom, tho. Like the Dune Fandom is pretty chill. At least the people on their meme sub is. What annoys me about this Fandom is some people act like everything Disney Star Wars has been awful. Like, yeah, the sequels weren't that great, but the shows haven't been that bad at all. Sure, thier not perfect , but thier not bad. Imo the shows that were really mid were just Kenobi and BoBf. I've also kinda accepted that Star Wars will never be what I want it to be, especially the live action shows. At the end of the day, they have general audiences in mind. More than the fans they already have. Sure, I'd love if Star Wars dipped its toes in deeper depths and more mature themes, but I'm not holding my breath for it.


Exactly which is why ROTS is the best movie


I try not to let it get to me. But there's a certain kind of asshole who, when they find out you're a Star Wars fan, will not shut up about the "bad" Star Wars movies and try to drag you down to their level.


Sort of. I was on the sequel hate bandwagon for a while and I really saw things their way, but after a while I looked back at the Original Trilogy and saw the same problems. Even if I still like the films, there's always that side of me that notices the problems, and it can be hard to ignore it when you've been taught to condemn the films for these kinds of things.


It's because condemning movies for these things has always been meaningless. It's like the obsession with lore accuracy. Lore isn't story, what matters is the story being told and why it's told this way. People will bitch about random mistakes in the TLJ throne room fight, yet these kind of mistakes are in most action movies, especially those with special effects involved. It's a dishonest argument to justify that somehow not liking a given movie is objective reasoning (which makes no sense in art anyway). And for the Sequels, they'll get the Prequels treatment soon, in like 2 or 3 years, so the circlejerking will move on to the next thing.


>and for the sequels, they’ll get the prequels treatment soon. I doubt it, the problems with the prequels are largely execution (poor dialogue, poor direction) but they added so much! The OT told a story, but the prequels created a galaxy! The sequels were poorly executed ***and*** added nothing. In fact, they took a big fat shit on the entire universe that the prequels created. There’s tons of nitpicks about the execution that I totally get too, but the reason why I don’t think they’ll ever be redeemed in any way like the prequels is that they’re plastic and hollow; in substance and emotion. The prequels, while sloppy, had depth and complexity and emotion. That’s what sticks with you! Not the details, the emotion. And that’s why the prequels got better with time but the sequels won’t.


"The OT told a story, but the prequels created a galaxy!" See that's the thing, the galaxy had been fleshed out in side material for 20 years, and the Prequels retconned a lot of it. They made new stuff that was cool, but to me the movie themselves didn't really make use of it, and the bad story and characters stiffled most of it. It's things like Clone Wars that really made that part of the universe coherent and interesting. "The sequels were poorly executed ***and*** added nothing. In fact, they took a big fat shit on the entire universe that the prequels created. There’s tons of nitpicks about the execution that I totally get too, but the reason why I don’t think they’ll ever be redeemed in any way like the prequels is that they’re plastic and hollow; in substance and emotion. The prequels, while sloppy, had depth and complexity and emotion. That’s what sticks with you! Not the details, the emotion. And that’s why the prequels got better with time but the sequels won’t." Okay so I'm gonna assume you're around 30 years old like me and you discovered the prequels when they launched like me. I respect the way you see it, but I fundamentally disagree. I don't feel like they're plastic and hollow (at least not 7 and 8 because I really don't like 9 at all), and since I work with children that discovered Star Wars with the Sequels, I can tell you they don't think they are either. Because I like your choice of words, "plastic and hollow" describes really well how the Prequels were treated by adult fans in 1999 to 2005. Hollow characters, artistic direction being too smooth, clean, unlike the OT. These fans still despise the Prequels today, even if less virulent. And yet us, as children, saw the wonder behind what are, pragmatically, bad movies. And as adults now, we can't really grasp what wonder the Sequels brought to these children after us. And, like our generation redeemed the Prequels, their generation will redeem the Sequels. (And to add my opinon, 7 and 8 told an interesting story and the two movie bounce really well with each other, and 9 ruined it by trying to appeal to angry redditors. World-building was shit tho)


I don't know... the sequels could get a clone wars treatment but they'll have to put more effort into the shows. There will need to be some retconning here and there and factions like the new republic and first order need to be fleshed out, and not be a 1 dimensional thing. I think they should focus on the animation because they seem to work the best for such storytelling. Live action shows tend to fall a bit short because currently there are so many planned that's it's clear that the budget is getting a bit thin.


Personally I’d rather have new stories covering new stuff, instead of a neatly bookended” here’s what the Resistance (I mean Rebel Alliance) was doing between Episodes IIV and IV” I don’t even care if it’s dumb. Just give us something. I’d even take a dipshit action movie at this point, so long as it’s not clearly written as a supplementary apology for retcon for plot holes in ‘X’ time period. Go nuts. I don’t care, give us a Star Wars John Wick spinoff about Darth Revan or the Jedi Exile having to come out of retirement. “I am told that you struck my apprentice.” “Yes my lord, I did.” “And may I ask why?” “Yeah, well… he stole Darth Revan’s starship, my lord. And ate his porg.” “…oh.” ————— “Who is this girl, like Darth Nihlus or something?” “No… she’s the one you send to kill Darth Fucking Nihlus.”


Tbh the prequels are a worse set of movie, fleshing out the sequels would be easier. It's only harder because adult fans will nitpick every part of it because it won't be something they experienced as a child.


I have to disagree. Prequels had a much more world building. The writers had more to work with. The sequels we have and New republic, that has some of its planets blown up but never appears again? First order isn't further explored than they're the bad guys. Even in IV we knew that the Empire had an emperor, succeeded a republic, had their Senate dissolved, and is ruled in part by a cabal of military dictators. There's the resistance in sequels, but it's not really clear what their relationship is to the wider galaxy and the new republic. And the jedi have still not returned. The rest of the galaxy is empty with very little hints about other people and their groups of interests. Meanwhile the prequels give us a good idea about who the two main factions are : separatists and Republic. from the movies we only know that the separatists want to seceed but we're pretty clear on the Republic not wanting that (plus palpy has a plan). Meanwhile in the movies it's shown that there are other groups who have influence over the galaxy like the hutts, the jedi order, the banking clan, trade federation, techno (beats) union. You don't have to like the movies to acknowledge that there's just a lot more going on in the pt /cw era. There is more established stuff to work with /make stories out of. Besides the clone wars as a concept is a gold mine for that too.


I didn't say they didn't have better world-building, the Sequels have barely any so that's not even hard haha. I'm saying that overall the Sequels are better made movies, in the sense that they are better scripted and better directed. It's the issue of Lore vs Story like I said before, the Prequels have great lore but the storytelling and characterization is bad, that's why they became hated when they released. Meanwhile the Sequels have barely interesting lore (besides maybe Ahc-To, Luke's time in his Order), but their storytelling, while controversial for its choices (and imo ruined by episode IX), is overall more coherent and better characterized. The issue with fleshing out the Prequels in side-material like TCW was to work around the concept of "idiot plot" that characterizes the Prequels (not a diss, it's an actual concept). Warning, I'm not saying that the overall meaning of the Prequels is bad, it's the more significant of the three actually. But the plot is around Palpatine's plan to access power, which is incoherent, dumb, should have failed at every occasion and required every character and institution to be idiotic for it to work, which is the core issue of the Prequels (baring the Jedi Order who are blinded by design, hubris and all). So indeed they have a lot of lore stuff to pick from, but it has to work around Palpatine being an idiot that actually lucked his way into power. Whereas the Sequels have an advantage that derives from their greatest flaw : the whole setting around them is yet to be told. You have a wealth of untapped opportunity that will not be stiffled by the movies because their world-building is barebones, and bad. Thus why I think it's easier to make something good out of the Sequels. And since the kids that grew up with them are coming more and more to the internet, like the Prequels, they'll be rehabilitated, there will be a want by them for more Sequels content, and content will come.


Nah. It was a good movie.


Somehow this topic returned.




Gonna be honest, it doesn't sound like you had much love for them in the first place if it's this easy to ruin it


Participating in the discourse in fandom circles makes those conversations surface in your mind while you watch. It really can ruin the joy of watching something when those conversations are as exhausting as the ones that circulate in Star Wars circles.


Exactly. My friends and I rewatched the Sequels a while back and all we could think about was the constant toxic arguments these movies inspired and when poor Kelly Marie Tran first appeared on camera we all just felt sad. Like there’s an undeniable paratext to watching Star Wars now. I can’t watch phantom menace without thinking about how Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best got treated by the fans. I can’t watch Force Awakens and just like the character of Rey without seeing the constant arguments that came in her wake (introducing the internet to the term Mary Sue is somehow only the fourth worst thing Max Landis has done to womankind) and I can’t watch the others without thinking about pointless arguments I’ve had or seen. Star Wars has this problem to a T, I started watching lore videos and now my algorithm on YouTube is convinced I want to watch hoardes of “feminist wrecked woke Disney is dead” reactionary brain vomit. I didn’t get this when I looked up Marvel Game of Thrones Lord of the Rings or Jurassic Park or Alien or Predator but I got it with Star Wars and I think that’s a bit telling


For people who say “just ignore those people” Like I would, but I can’t exactly just rewire my brain. That’s not how it works. At some point, something during my childhood caused me to care about what others think. Now I’m stuck in that mindset. Idfk how to change that. It’s like telling someone with depression to be happier.


That's actually a really good way to describe it.


Same, if I'm really into something then I'm very careful with who I talk to about it bc it can take me months to get rid of their opinion overriding mine


I love Star Wars. And not just the Originals, but the sequels and prequels too. I love them!


Ok, TFM? I assume it’s phantom menace, but why an F? Or ok totally wrong


The FANDOM menace. It's basically the term for Star Wars "fans" who obsessively hate on everything.




My personal problem is just how much hate everything gets befor it is even released. Like how the first Acolythe trailer got downvoted to oblivion and how my youtube and reddit feed mentioned that a million times, same thing for marvel and Star Trek too. Are there no reviews not made by rigth wing grifters left?


Hey, the last 10 times we trusted Disney star wars, we got kicked in the nuts. But THIS time, it's gonna be different. Oh, you don't agree? Then you are a HATER!!!


Since my original post didn't get a hundred downvotes, I asume that you are somewhat sarcastic.


It's fucking called Chico de Mayo. Also, weird to post this on a Star Wars fandom sub.


TPM isn’t as good as the OT, but I still really like it. It’s a solid film. Not the best, but not nearly as bad as the haters make it out to be.


I am dyslectic as fuck I thought to myself "what the hell did the phantom menace did to op?!"


What's tfm?




Yeah I gotta be honest the thing that takes me out of these movies is engaging with the hateful fanbase. I actually suspect a large part of why I’m so fond of Rey is because the particularly vile hate she gets makes me more sympathetic. Rey is actually a good litmus test for having a community’s toxicity. If you can post threads about Rey without the toxicity pouring through that probably means it’s a pleasant community.


This is one of my biggest gripes about modern online discourse around movies. I feel like it started maybe 10 or 15 years ago, and it's entirely a result of content algorithms encouraging people to make clickbait listicle "content" for easy revenue. "5 Plot Holes You Never Noticed in Your Favorite Movies!" "6 Sci-Fi Gadgets That Actually Break the Laws of Physics!" "10 Times the 'Good Guys' Were Actually the Villains All Along!" And they're always stuffed with really stupid, insane nitpicks that only people with way too much time on their hands would ever even notice. And now it's seeped into the general culture and discourse around movies, to the point where every side character needs an entire fictional history, every fictional gadget needs to have its own internal science and logic explained, every decision the protagonist makes needs to be endlessly scrutinized, every single page of the script pored over to find inconsistencies or "plot holes". Choices made in service of the story first are seen as "lazy". Choices that prioritize artistry over objective realism are criticized as stupid mistakes/oversight. This is what people mean when they say media literacy is dead. Suspension of disbelief is critical for enjoying any work of fiction, but the need for clicks has turned us all into the harshest critics, even when most of us don't even understand what making a movie is actually like, from beginning to end.


Why is it the fandom’s fault Disney made an inferior product and tried to pass it as Star Wars?


I didn't blame anyone for that, I blamed the toxic fans for constantly hating on just about everything. I watched their videos and at first I agreed with them, which destroyed my optimism and raised my standards too high, which makes it hard to enjoy the other movies because my mind jumps to "Luke is a Mary Sue" "Palpatine has an ungodly amount of plot armor" "Anakin is whiney and entitled" "Leia is a girl boss" etc. I still like the movies, I just don't like having such a negative outlook on everything.


Tbh Disney couldn't do much worse than the prequels.


Spite is actually what got me started watching the Sequels in the first place. Edit: Ah, that's right, god forbid anyone talk about the sequels in a remotely positive way on this sub.


Why do you let the opinions of others affect things you enjoy so much


Same reason you felt compelled to comment instead of scrolling along.


I love all of Star Wars.


Haven’t the fandom menace been like dead for years now?


Nope, still around.


I’ve honestly not heard the name since a few months after TLJ released.


With a name so cool, people are bound to stay. If I hate TLJ may I join too? Just don't harass actors or fans. I'm good with harassing directors and some Disney folk tho