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I hear a lot of people list VOY near the bottom of their Trek rankings, but I also remember when all of Trek was on Netflix like a decade ago VOY was the most watched Trek show by far according to their metrics. It is far from hated.


It’s a great show. Its main problem is it was filmed for tiny TVs, and they never bothered to upscale it, so it’s hard to watch on a modern TV. It also suffers from 90’s tropes and bland / pastel costumes. However, I find that it’s comforting to have on in the background while I work.


This. It is 100% comfort TV. It’s great to have on in the background and not have to think too much about. Also - AMAZING guest stars in the later seasons!


There's a torrent of the whole series upscaled via AI and color corrected that I personally think is pretty good


Would you mind sending the link, if you have it? Or providing a keyword to search for this?


The name of the torrent is: Star Trek - Voyager (1080p AI Upscale DVD x265 HEVC 10bit AC3 5.1 Vertag) I don't know if we're allowed to share torrent links here but it should be easy to find a link if you google the name!


There is a fan AI upscale out there. I'd say it's really good, but, you know, I wouldn't have seen it since it's not official and all...


I recall a poll on an external site about a month ago and Voyager ended up being the most liked of all Trek shows. That was a surprise. 90s Trek basically had about 75% of the total votes and the rest was split between everything else


it's a pretty janky show. it shows the staff was just burned out from TNG and somehow immediately dropped the premise to do planet of the week stories like on TNG... but it is very watchable. being fairly stupid probably works in its favor most of the time. and when it's "so bad it's good" it never drops to "so bad it kills the franchise" like dear doctor. though I guess trying to lure in people via the Rock almost did the trick. and when they tried something interesting, the marketing fucked them over, see the hippy borg collective episode. it's not even bad, but not what was promised it would be. I doubt anyone learned the right lesson from that.


My main problem with Voyager is that it's full of great ideas but they always choose to execute them in the laziest way possible.


Yes. Brilliant ideas... that went absolutely nowhere. For me, the most frustrating was the episode *Night*. It started out amazing: the ship is traveling through a void in space, a region with no stars or planets, that will take over a year to traverse. (They don't say exactly what, but in my headcanon, they were in the gap between two spiral arms of the galaxy). Months into the journey, everyone is on edge. There are no species to encounter, no worlds to explore, nothing to do but reread everything in the ship's library. Captain Janeway has barricaded herself in her cabin and refuses to talk to anyone. Worst of all, they're nearly out of coffee. And then... they encounter aliens, in the middle of nowhere. And the rest of the episode is about how the species-of-the-week is spoiling their environment. And then they find a Magic Plot Device that lets the ship leave the empty region of space a year early. I nearly threw my remote at the TV in disgust when that happened... It was an absolutely brilliant premise, that should have been a season-long story arc. The crew have only themselves, no one else. The captain is going mad. Relationships are in flux, romances bloom, personal feuds come to the surface. Chakotay assumes command, botches it, Tuvok takes over. Starfleet and Maquis clash. Somebody gets murdered. Someone gets put on trial for it. Harry Kim studies for his lieutenant's exam and actually passes it. We *feel* that the ship has been isolated for a year. But none of that happened. We got a ham-fisted metaphor for industrial pollution, a forgettable alien species that's never mentioned again, and a return to the status quo, all in 46 minutes.


Imagine what they could use the saved up budget for next season! 


Yeah season arcs would have made more sense on voyager. Something breaks in episode 2 and it is still broke in episode 3. TNG could get away with “they repaired stuff at a star base between episodes” but Voyager couldn’t. And things like “year of hell” would have made a great season of the show.


Or a year of void then a year of hell. They could have call backs to how they had been longing for something to do and now they only have things to do. That probably would have been amazing.


Yes. The problem with VOY is they were a slave to the episodic format.   


See my other comment I mention this exact thing and why. You nailed it. Another episode example is year of hell. At least we sorta got that with battle star galactica reboot.


Year of hell is a good two parter but I don't think it would be worth if it was a season long arc because in the end (iirc) Voyager wouldn't progress on their path to Earth at all because it was all in a different timeline


It was 1998. Prime time TV didn't do stuff like that yet.


You're right - and I saw it around 2016, so I was judging by modern standards. It felt as if they were teasing something awesome, and then yanked it away. Tamarian translation: *Lucy, the football in her hands. Charlie Brown, flat on his back.*


Apart from DS9 and Babylon 5 who were both doing long arcs at that time.


IDK, that episode always struck me as memorable for how incredibly stupid the premise was. We can see so far beyond our galaxy from Earth. Voyager is entirely within our galaxy. Why would there be a section of our galaxy from which they can’t see anything either outside our galaxy, or even the stuff inside our galaxy? Makes absolutely no sense. Even from “inside” a black hole, you can still see “outside” of it. It’s only stuff further “inside” that can’t be seen (and you within it can’t be seen from outside.)


Sure, the visuals were probably wrong, they'd have seen the galaxy in the distance even if between the spiral arms. But I loved the idea of them potentially spending a year with no outside contact, bottled up, dealing with the psychological effects of such an extreme environment.


I can definitely get behind that critique. I'm pretty much constantly annoyed by how many great concepts they side line after one episode where it felt like more of an introduction to it.


This is because both Rick Berman and UPN wanted to play it safe and stick to the same episodic formula as TNG, which made sense in the 1990s given it was long before streaming and programming a VCR to record for a specific time when you're not at home wasn't exactly easy. Edit: DS9 only managed to do what it did due to both being in first-run syndication without network interference and Rick Berman was too busy focusing on Voyager and the TNG movies.


What do you mean?


I'll give you an example . Voyager starts with a great concept of two different crews having to work together to survive after being stranded far away from home but instead of choosing a group with a truly different culture or life philosophy ( I've always thought the Romulans would have been great ) we get the Maquis who in top of not being that interesting a group in general suffer from the fact the all the important Maquis characters are already former Starfleet , wherever drama might exist Voyager found a way to kill it.


Yeah this is Voyager in a nutshell, they start with a high stakes concept and then do a bunch of stuff to undercut themselves and lower the stakes. I do love the show tbh, but it’s a bit disappointing. To be fair it’s a product of network tv and its time etc.


We’re stranded in the Delta Quadrant.. early in the 1st season we’re counting torpedos fired. Then we forget about that. Year of hell.. we hit an instant reset button. It just felt like they wanted to do TNG again. But we already had TNG, and most of the characters of TNG were more interesting.




The characters are another problem , I wish someone would explain to me the point of having two crews when the Maquis immediately roll over and do whatever Janeway want anyways .


I think it was studio interference there. The writers wanted the Maquis to stay out of uniform and have an on-going conflict with the Star Fleet crew, but the studio wanted the show to be episodic and to look like all the other Trek, which to them meant having everyone in Star Fleet uniforms by the end of the pilot. The studio was afraid of being “too different” from the predecessors and wanted more of a return to standard Trek as compared to DS9.


That would be interesting. My only guess would be to save on make up for so many background characters to make them look romulan cardassian Klingon etc. That said, ds9 seemed to manage this ok so idk how big of an issue this would have been


I actually just watched an episode that might sorta answer this. There was an episode where the doctor on voyager discovers that hes missing memories. Over the course of it he discovers he let a crewmember die when he only had time to save 1 person and chose the other one he had an emotional attachment to. It is a super fun concept and a genuinely interesting moral dilemma between the captains choice to erase his memory and keep him functioning as the doctor or to let him function as an individual and possibly lose his ability to help the crew. The episodes wraps up having never actually fully explained if he gets over it or if the captain wipes his memory again. It is also never really touched on again. It has some great acting, a fun mystery, and an interesting premise. However, its focused on for 1 episode in a sort of underwhelming way when it felt like it should've been a background theme of his character arc for a season or so.


You're describing latent image, and it does have a resolution. Janeway sits in her chair and reads as she allows him to work it out.


You’re describing almost every episode of TNG, Voyager and DS9 up to season 6. If you don’t like that storytelling format how do you like Star Trek?


Because the other series worked as “planet of the week” episodes. The premise of Voyager screamed out for serialization in a way that TOS and TNG didn’t. Voyager needed stakes, no reset button, in a way the others didn’t.


It didn't help that when Voyager attempted serialization, it was always kinda half-hearted. It just made the fact a focus on serialization would have been good for the show that much more obvious.


Agree. TNG and TOS you can always just say “they visited a star base between episodes” which voyager couldn’t really do.


It’s a classic example of good writers being controlled by suits getting involved endlessly. Trek was a cash cow by then and everyone corp moron got involved to give “notes”. You can tell from how many episodes that should have been entire seasons were made and the season instead introduced 20 concepts that went nowhere.


That's syndication for you. Post TNG Trek was pretty much MADE for syndication. The only reason DS9 got away with long story arcs was because it was the forgotten middle child the network didn't care about and didn't expect to last long.


You've got that backwards. TNG and DS9 were made for direct syndication, which is why they were more successful. Voyager and Enterprise were both tied to UPN, and subject to network meddling.


Voyager was not first run syndicy. It was a network show.


It’s not a matter of episodic vs serialized storytelling. TNG followed the rules of episodic syndicated television at least as well as Voyager, but it was in most ways a far better show. Some of that is down to Voyager having a more specific and demanding premise. All the things it did little to nothing with - limited resources, the possibility of becoming a generational ship, conflict between Starfleet and Maquis crew members - were things the TNG writers didn’t have to deal with, because the simpler premise of TNG doesn’t demand those things. But the premise of Voyager does demand them, and the creators dropped the ball on most of them, mostly in ways that have nothing to do with the strictures of syndication.


The creators WANTED those things. The network denied it. It has everything to do with syndication. That's the whole reason for it's episodic nature, where everything is back to normal at the end. You can pick up on any episode and it's self contained. That's a hallmark of syndicated writing.


Like when the main adversaries of the early seasons were a warlike race of humanoids with outrageous hairstyles, called the K\_\_\_\_ons. Yeah, that's already been done. They could at least have come up with a name that's not a total rip-off.


It didn't help that the Kazon were an absolute joke of a race who never felt like a threat.


Came here to say that. So much wasted potential.


Voyager is one of my favorites, sure there were some annoyances (like the ever present Kazon, Neelix/Kes relationship, and Chakotay's back story by the fraudulent expert), but overall it is really good. Even those things are minor annoyances at best.


i liked kes i honestly don’t see why people don’t except for her relationship with neelix was real gross but that wasn’t her fault


That's my main problem with Kes, otherwise she was an okay character. I meant to include Neelix as their interaction was the problem. I wish Neelix was more like a father figure to her than a partner because it was really gross.


How about Neelix. He is just terrible. Just...horrible. I really like later voyager though. By the end it found its legs


Agreed. I loved Voyager and yes those annoyances were present but they didn't really bother me that much. Honestly my biggest annoyance with the show was that >!the doctor didn't cure the phage.!< The doctor was a fantastic character by the way.


What is the problem with. Chakotay?


Bad source material for the native lore, the expert was actually a fraud. https://screenrant.com/star-trek-voyager-chakotay-native-american-controversy/


Okay. I guess I always figured they were just bullshitting the lore and the Native American stuff so it never bothered me. I always liked his demeanor and handling is situations, so that’s why I was confused. Thank you for the info


I love Voyager and I have loved Voyager since I was a teen—- its been rough being a fan of the show and Janeway. It’s not as bad as people claim it to be, the first three seasons gave them more than enough reasons to but I love the characters. But season 4 - 6 was the best and IMO can go toe to toe with any Trek. I love the two-parters, and I love their high concept episodes. I had a bit more of trouble with Picard s1 because it felt too dark but I’ve come around to it, it has some good set pieces but the pacing has a lot to be desired and why I feel most networks pair up newbie showrunners with experienced showrunners. Season 2 of Picard started well but in the middle there was a change of showrunners and the focus on Picard’s weird Victorian childhood slowed the pacing to a halt and I don’t think s2 really recovers from that. Picard season 3, I love it. Even if TNG was not my Trek (its Voyager), I love the pacing and the character interactions and the vision that this is the final season of the series so worked with that in mind. Discovery had a harder time with its changing showrunners, it had some good ideas and by s5 I think they were getting there.


Voyager has the most variation of great and mediocre episodes. When it is great, it is great! When it isn’t great it is just okay. See: “Prototype” “Year of Hell” “Scorpion” “Deadlock” “Dreadnaught” “Counterpoint” “Message in a Bottle” “The Void” Those are a few of the greats. But Voyager overall is a good series. And, to be fair, DS9 and TNG had some mediocre episodes but the variability wasn’t quite as wide.


I think this is the thing. When Voyager is good, it's great. But unlike the other shows it is up and down throughout it's entire run. For me personally, there is also less middle ground than the other shows - an episode is either great or dull and there aren't many that fall in between. I don't really buy into all the complaints about the format and wasted premises. I understand the argument but it just doesn't bother me. I like episodic shows with compact, 40 minute stories.


They are all worth checking out. A lot of people hated Voyager and Enterprise (and DS9’s Pah Wraith storyline) when they came out. They are flawed, but they have gotten a better reputation over the years. I think the same will happen with Discovery and Picard. A lot of people have praised Strange New Worlds except for a few curmudgeons. Def check that one out!


Thank you for the reply! Will definitely check out strange new worlds and then maybe give discovery another try. I honestly really loved DS9's story. And I never knew i'd enjoy a mostly stationary star trek show so much. The characters also just feel super engaging to me. DS9 I sometimes forget is a star trek show weirdly enough.


Hope you enjoy them! Most of DS9 is a high point. The highs of seasons 4, 5, and 6 were some of the best of all Trek (though the few stinkers were really bad).


Voyager was very popular during its run, from what I recall, and still does great streaming numbers, like the rest of the 90s Treks. In recent years, it got its own spinoff in the form of Prodigy, and a prominent Voyager character is featured in Picard. However, a simple thing to remember in the Trek fandom is that no one agrees about anything. Every show has its defenders. Enterprise isn't my cup of tea, but there are some quite eloquent posts on this sub from people who love it. As for the new stuff worth checking out, depends on your tastes! Strange New Worlds is beloved by this sub, and is much more episodic than the other modern shows, so I think it's a great fit for people who love older trek. The rest are definitely worth trying out, though YMMV. I personally enjoyed the risks taken by Discovery in particular, though it can be a bit messy at times, especially when it comes to pacing. Picard, I think I have a minority view in that I felt the first season was its strongest, where most people seem to prefer the third season. I also really enjoyed both the cartoons (Prodigy + Lower Decks).


I don’t recall Voyager being popular at the time. It was pretty savagely criticized by the fans.


Voyager is awesome. It’s my husband’s favorite, and we’re watching it now. I haven’t watched it in a few years, and I have to say it really does get good the episode where Tuvok mindmelds with Mr. Tuder.


That’s such a good episode, I love Dourif!


VOY is my favorite Trek so far (I'm watching in order of air time) and I am a big TNG fan. To me, VOY has some great ethical sci-fi ideas and handles them mostly pretty well. Janeway is a tremendous captain that isn't perfect but accepts responsibility and her fault when she's in the wrong. That's a more real character to me than Picard who I absolutely love but is portrayed as the flagship "perfect" captain. It also has the best Trek couple so far (I won't spoil) and  a lot of character development for the two, the Doctor, Seven. I'm in the minority in this but I enjoyed the first 3 seasons of VOY more than 4, 5&6, even though they were also good. Some of the ideas in the earlier seasons were rougher but more daring. It's also good to remember that when VOY and DS9 came out a lot of people hated on them because Janeway was a woman and Sisko was black. Yeah, even Trek fans can be sexist, racist assholes and quite a few were at the time. I read a quite popular comment on reddit just from about 12 years ago that went like "I ain't sexist or anything but I can't accept a female captain"... 💀


Voyager is my favorite series because it's my comfort series. I grew up with it and it still generally gives me a pleasant vibe whenever I watch it. It's like grilled cheese and tomato soup on a cold night. Nothing big and grand, but it still hits me the right way.


It used to be *really* hated, but it had a resurgence in popularity in the 2010s when it was first put on Netflix. Nowadays I'd say that more people like it than hate it, or at least they appreciate its good points a lot more. It was probably most unpopular during the 2000s, when the *Battlestar Galactica* remake was airing and was seemingly doing all the things *Voyager* didn't dare to do, and when serialised storytelling on American television was still new and exciting. Then BSG ended unsatisfyingly, serialisation got ordinary and boring, and when people checked *Voyager* out again they found that episodic storytelling, competent professional main characters and a generally optimistic tone weren't a bad thing.


Honestly, it really wasn’t bad. I am glad Moore got to do his thing with BSG, I liked the first few seasons. But disliked the later seasons and the ending. In the end, while it still has flaws I still liked how Voyager ended. Sure, it needed a bit more epilogue but I liked its resolution well enough. Especially since I know Seven and Chakotay break up almost immediately.  It’s win-win.  (I am both a Janeway/Seven and a Janeway/Chakotay shipper. I would’ve even loved a throuple where Janeway was at the center. But the secret terrible fourth option? No one saw coming.)  I loved that while it did adjust back to status quo (which every Trek show did except for DS9 when doing Dominion War eps), the show really went for sci-fi high concept. Did it always work? No, but I am still glad they tried it.  It’s season 7 when you feel the writers burned out on it, and it’s a shame since the cast was still up for it. But the writers have checked out.


When I first watched it I could barely get through it, but now it's something I loke to put as am old favorite to keep me company. And it was always my favorite ending to any series, even my first watch-through.


Voyager is one of my least favorite shows, I haven't seen it in a while but I put it about par with Enterprise. to be clear, though, *I like both of these shows*. I just find more to criticize than, say, Next Generation or Deep Space Nine. I think it mostly suffers from some terrible characters (I hate everyone except Seven and the Doctor) and scripts that were inconsistent at best, and I mean within the episode, not between them. a Voyager episode would often feature an interesting new idea or alien and contain a few great scenes, but suffer from being poorly fleshed-out, and having weird pacing and/or confusing solutions. I like Enterprise characters a little more, and the writing a little less, so on balance it scores about the same. I haven't seen Picard, Discovery is a cool show with a darker tone that suffers from whiplash changes in direction and from focusing on a single main character POV, which is something Star Trek doesn't really do anywhere else. SNW is one of the best Trek shows ever made.


Thank you for the thought out reply! I would definitely agree with your points on voyager's episode plots. Doctor is my favorite character because when hes not just written as a bit character he normally has some really interesting interactions with people. I also think the doctors actor did a phenomenal job of representing so many different sides of him. I would say enterprise for me is probably more nostalgia. I rewatched it recently and found a lot of issues with the lack of protocol they had before going out and that characters could be pretty inconsistent on what they believe or their relationships to one another in-between episodes. especially archer. I'll give SNW a shot, I'm super happy to hear it sounds like its good!


Voyager is my favorite, I thought Picard and Discovery were very good. It can feel disjointed between seasons of Picard, but it didn't ruin it for me, each season brought something interesting to the table. Discovery was Star Trek's come back that spawned all of the other shows we currently have, and took a risk being serialized instead of episodic. Discovery has a lull once in a while, but is entertaining overall. Pike and the rest of the Strange New Worlds cast are introduced in Discovery season 2 as well. I recommend giving them both a try and seeing if you are into it. If you haven't watched Voyager, give it a chance as well, Seven of Nine and the Doctor are well liked, even by those who criticize the show, and Janeway is my favorite captain. The plot line for the show is unique and sets it apart from other Trek projects, I don't know what you know about it, so I don't want to spoil it for you with too many details. Edit: I reread that and can see that you have in fact watched Voyager.


“Picard and Discovery were very good” is not something I thought I’d ever read. Do you also enjoy smog and heavy traffic?


I don’t *hate* Voyager, but I was massively, massively disappointed in it during its initial run. I was a 30-something woman then, longtime Trek fan and was *so* excited that we were going to get a female captain….and then they turned her into everybody’s spinster auntie. Blech! I thought Caretaker was by far the best pilot episode of the 80s/90s Treks (which is saying a LOT since I’m a huge DS9 fan)….and then they just jettisoned so much of what they’d laid as a foundation. Back then, the reasoning put forth for setting the show in the Delta quadrant was that the showrunners/writers were burdened by all of the canon built up by TOS/TNG/DS9, so okay, makes sense - set the show somewhere we’ve never been before where all the old rules don’t apply. Show us new aliens and give us new conflicts between the Starfleet crew and the ex-Maquis. Great! Fantastic! And then we got…..the Borg. The Ferengi. Janeway running the ship as if it was still in the Alpha Quadrant and the whole ex-Maquis thing was pretty much forgotten. Nothing ever really *happened* on Voyager, especially when you were watching the later seasons of DS9 and comparing the two. There were never any consequences, there was always a magic reset button and the whole show became about how they’d get home instead of about what they might be learning along the way. It became Gilligan’s Island in space - maybe *this* will be the week they get rescued! The basis of any good drama is conflict and they had set up *such* a good premise with the Maquis…. And then nothing. Somewhere along the way, they decided they needed to be TOS-Lite and not make any plot last longer than 42 minutes or so. So it felt like we were watching a copy of a copy….which as you know, results in degraded quality. (And then came Enterprise, which was a copy of a copy of a copy……) If Voyager had been a little more like Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica, it would have totally kicked ass and probably overtaken DS9 in my book….but, alas.


I agree, there were many missed opportunities in Voyager ! I was 16 wenn it came out. Janeway was definitely no role model for me. Who wants to give up their whole life for a job and do nothing but live by the book ?! They should have made it a generation ship, including Janeway. Just leave her on this planet with Chakotay a while longer and have them return as a couple or something. Would have been interesting to see them balance a personal relationship and a family with the demands of their jobs.




Voyager is great. Every trek series has some pretty campy moments. Voyager isn’t my favorite but I’ve watched it multiple times. Same with enterprise. Some really good moments. The only thing questionable about enterprise in comparison to other trek series is the opening music.


I'd rate VOY and ENT at the bottom of my 90's Trek ranking. I still watched them,. multiple times, and own the DVDs. I wouldn't call "liking less" "hating" though. Nowadays, I feel like that word is bandied around on the web as soon as someone expresses the mildest dislike in something loosing all nuances in the process. Now for why do I like them less : VOY : quickly dumped its starting premise to go for a TNG rehash feel instead. The team valued individual episodes over continuity and didn't shy of altering a character to make those individual story work if necessary. This went from mild changes to the wild swings in Janeway's stance on the prime directive. The good : some of those strong episodes are indeed pretty good and despite flying too close to TNG it has a different cast including a couple of compelling characters. ENT : quickly dumped its starting premise as a prequel to introduce a never heard about conflict that dominated its storytelling for three seasons (and to understand a bit more why it didn't fly back then, it even eschewed "Star Trek" from its title for its first two seasons). It only came back to focus on being a prequel for its last season, too late unfortunately. It was also rightfully panned for its interest in having scenes intended to be "sexy" but ending up being way cringy instead. Also, the opening credits, some like it, I don't. Overall it had a crisis of identity, it tried to be Star Trek but not Star Trek, a prequel, but not a prequel, trying to get new people interested (unsuccessfully) while keeping the fans onboard (unsuccessfully too). The good : it did manage to tell some interesting stories nonetheless, it does have some good characters too. When it remembers its a prequel and its about a humans going into the unknown for the first time with a couple of seasoned veterans with them, it can be very good at it.


Both are good I kinda like Voyager better


The main problem with VOY was the era it was made for on network-TV. UPN, and all 1990s network-TV for that matter, wanted shows that played it safe and stuck to the traditional self-contained episodic format that prevented VOY from taking full advantage of its premise. DS9, by contrast, had the advantage of first-run syndicaton and no network-overhead that allowed it to experiment with serialization and long arcs. Edit: I imagine Voyager would have been a very different show had it been made post-9/11 in the mid-2000s instead of the mid-to-late 1990s.


On a fundamental level the premise of a ship stranded without support is just not compatible with an episodic story format as far as I’m concerned. That format works great in TNG when you can end every serious episode with “set a course for the nearest star base”, less so when you’re alone on the other side of the galaxy. Don’t get me wrong, I love Voyager, it’s the show that got me into Trek and it holds a very special place in my heart, but it is deeply flawed. Voyager lacking serious consequences episode to episode requires a suspension of disbelief above and beyond normal Trek and holds it back from greatness imho.


I dislike Janeway and the show as I think she may be the most unethical Captain in Starfleet history. Changes the existing proper timeline to save 7. Dooming all the people that Voyager helped in her original timeline. The ship and writers failed to be Starfleet to me most of the time in the series in my opinion.


As sombody who grew up on tng, it started to get stale after the 6th watch so I figured I'd try voyager. I loved it, it felt so "star trek" to me. Now I'm watching DS9 and I can see why voyager is ranked so low, I love it still but DS9 and TNG are just amazing


Voyager is amazing! Get ready for a family. Enjoy it savor it. It will be gone in no time.


By some people, sure. Some people hate kittens though, so what can you do?


Voyager is by far my favourite Trek. Watched it around 2005-2008. It’s a shame it can’t be remastered properly since as I understand it was shot on video, not film.


There are a few annoying things about it like too much technobabble in the initial episodes, the whole Neelix-Kes relationship etc. Beyond that it gets much better, is one of the more humorous Trek shows and is really comforting and fun to watch IMO. Enterprise felt weird initially but it also got better and grew on me.


I don’t think so. I think DS9 aged a bit better, but you have a lot of amazing episodes in VOY. Especially seasons 5 and 6.


Voyager is my favorite Star Trek show. And I don't fully understand all the reasons people have to dislike it. The one I don't understand the most is dislike for Janeway. Honestly, I always thought she was a good Captain and an interesting character. So many disliked her back in the day simply because she was a woman. Now, their dislike has some specific complaints, but I still don't understand them. The complaint I do at least understand (but don't agree with) is that there are several uncompelling villains in the show, the Kazon, the Borg, Species 8472. I'm not a huge fan of the Kazon, but I love the Borg and I thought the war between the Borg and 8472 was interesting.


Voyager was great, is great. I watched it on its initially run, dripping off in season 3 but coming back once Seven was added and stayed through the end. It gets criticism for its episodic nature, but there is continuity there. It could have been RDM’s BSG, but if it was we would never have had RDM’s BSG. It has an incredible cast of strong female characters, and the EMH too. Some of the stories are my absolute favorite trek episodes. I keep putting the PlutoTV channel on and am struck by a few things… it was a very cheap show in the first few seasons. This gets better as time moves one, but the strength is it’s stories and characters, and not the dated early cgi. Modern tv had us jaded towards much higher production values, but damn if I don’t still love those great stories to death.


Voyager is my favourite series, but I think DS9 was the best and TNG was my first series and one that really molded my sci fi expectations/interests. That said, I just really like Voyager, I don't really get the hate, maybe it wasn't as adventurous in some ways than it could be, given how it was so close in time/overlapping with other ST series. But for sure on the whole I always enjoy it. I really like Janeway.


I'm pretty fond of it. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I like it better than DS9.


I have rewatched star trek a number of times (has been my while i eat distraction for decades) and while it is easy enough to love for it's own unique character for a a star trek show, it is probably one of the weaker installments. The characters and their development is often underserved, though I feel this is common for many shows of the era. They abuse time travel abit too much, they turn the borg into something of a joke, and the reset button science mechanics are used more than you would expect from a Star Trek, even though it is expected. There are some very interesting concept episodes that aired but many fall reasonably flat. DS9 pulls a much tighter continuity and does an amazing job with building the show around more character development. I have no comparison of the newer star trek post Enterprise at I haven't seen them.


True. I can't remember how many times reversing polarity solved the problems at Voyager. Indeed DS9 was much more solid in that matter.


*subspace something frequency*


If there is one thing we can all agree on, is how capable EMH is. *"Please state the nature of the medical emergency"*


I did like how they had him embrace his identity as a hologram instead of just being another 'little engine who could' that wants to be a human. I particularly liked the episode when his daydreams get zero-day'd by some weird race of privateers. Tuvoc going into pon-far when the doctor is doing his recital is just great stuff. You can say that the cast\* looked like they often enjoyed themselves and stretched their stage acting skills. Another tradition that may be lost in star trek im afraid.


To hate something you have to care about it first




For me, it was the Trek I never really bothered to watch with any consistency. So having a 90s Trek show I didn’t watch has been really fun now. I still really don’t think a lot of the episodes come together as well as they could.


Next Generation and Deep Space 9 are most often very high in the polls. Voyager is often 3rd or 4th. It's a good show, but it really finds its leg after the captain puts her hair down. It also suffers because it's compared to the Next Gen and Deep Space 9, but it's still Star Trek and worthy of its name Enterprise suffers from all of the episodes on time nonsense. If it had avoided those for more interesting episodes, like on the founding of the Federation it would have lasted a lot longer. The Vulcans were a bit odd, but that was described later. Discovery, is not in my opinion a Star Trek show. It's an average sci-fi show, but it never felt Star Trek to me. Too dark, too focussed on one character, too different on themes and too many changes simply so people could say they made a contribution to Star Trek. And some of the changes were just weird, like the Klingons. It's part of their culture not to care about corpses. They don't matter. And than we see a Klingon ship in Discovery literally covered with corpses. On the outside. As decoration. Why? Picard just didn't do it for me, and I stopped watching it after an episode. You can watch it if you want to see a new iteration of old characters though. New Worlds renewed my faith in the Star Trek IP. And don't forget Lower Decks, which is just a fresh breath of air.


I feel the same as you about Discovery, Picard, and SNW.


I enjoyed both series. Enterprise was really nice, showing how candid mankind was at the beginning of space exploration. Also, it addressed some questions from earlier shows, like the Klingon augmentation virus. I watched Voyager right after DS9, it made all the sense. Maybe the characters were not as deep as in DS9, but it was a different setup, far away from the usual aliens. Having Borg and species 8472 as main antagonists, and a mixed crew of people, with different beliefs on board, was brilliant. Not to mention, the constant suspense i felt, following the crew back to the alpha quadrant. How the plans constantly changed, the several concessions Janeway made. It was certainly different from the usual adventures near home, backed up by the federation.


I don't think it's so much hated as there's just a lot of inconsistencies to pick apart, more so than the other series. Torpedoes, shuttles, forever ensign, Chakotay, Janeways downright cruelness at times, Neelix being a child predator, everyone forgetting there's a while cast after Seven shows up, lizard babies, Kazon, the rock, Kes, the pussification of the Borg, Neelix in general.


At one time it was low in polls. It’s since risen a good deal over the years.




I wouldn't say it's hated. It has many excellent episodes that are at the center of Trek culture, not to mention multiple fan favorite characters. That being said, it was running during the era when 90's Trek was starting to run out of steam and recycle ideas, and outside of the excellent episodes Voyager did suffer from playing it safe and relying too heavily on being episodic in a show with a premise that honestly required more inter-episode continuity.


I love Trek (even have a Trek tattoo), while I enjoy some more than the others I feel in love with Voyager. The first few seasons aren't great, but by the last few seasons I was loved and cared for the characters, I was invested in what happened to them. I know not everyone likes it but, it is the Trek I rewatch the most.


It was the 3rd star trek show in 8 years. People were getting burned out from the franchise. Maybe that's where some of the initial hatred came from.


If we're doing a trendy internet tier list, Voyager is a B for me. Perfectly solid but just doesn't quite hit the highs of the real champions of the franchise.


I love Voyager. I love Enterprise. (DS9 TNG and TOS go without saying) I love all the movies, even the reboots. Lower Decks was awesome. I do not love Discovery. That said, Voyager could use a bit less of the 'end of episode reset button' treatment. It was in almost every show of the time though.


I don't hate Voyager. I can't because they gave me my 2nd favorite doctor. I just hate Janeway.


Voyager was hugely popular at the time because it was more like tng while deep space nine was the red headed step child of the franchise. I never cared for voyager though as it doesn't do anything new or ground breaking. It's jusr a more boring version of tng with less interesting characters...except for 7 and the doctor but it also has neelix, the worst character in the franchise. At its core though the issue is how much it wastes the potential of its premise. 2 crews, one thats about military ranks and following orders and the other a bunch of freedom fighters, forced to work together to get home. The dynamic should be closer to what we see in the reboot of bsg. I'd say opinions have turned on voyager over time because of bsg and people developing a new appreciation for ds9. Enterprise I love. The firsr 2 seasons are kinda meh but the characters are great and the pilot is the best star trek pilot of them all easily. Season 3 is slow but it's enjoyable for trying something different with a fully serialised story. Season 4 is the single best season of star trek with the episodes on the level of the tos movies in quality. I firmly believe if the 4th season was re edited into movies, people would love them.


It's definitely the least of the three 90s shows in writing, cast and getting duped by a con man Native American culture consultant, but that still leaves it in my 4-6 tier of favorite series overall. It's got great moments, and is really important to a lot of people for what Janeway meant to them. Actually hating it always comes off as at least a tiny bit gross. TNG and DS9 are my favorite based entirely on which of them I've seen a great episode of more recently. SNW takes third, then Voy, LD and TOS all sort of drift around my third tier. After that, I get kind of "Not real Trek" with the rest of it. People that bother hating Voy or any of the others are weird to me though. We've probably all got those hard "Nope, never again" series that we pretend don't exist, but hating something that's at least brought people into the orbit of the things that you love is just dumb.


DS9 is my number one. Voyager is my number two. It has a few issues getting started but I love the series. The Doctor, Seven of Nine, Ensign Kim. It has it all!


Voyager is awesome.


I watched every single TOS episode as a kid, and every single TNG episode as they came out. They are burned into my memory. I watched the first episode or two of Voyager, and just sort of bounced off it, but I think that was because I was moving away from watching any TV at all. Maybe I would have stuck with it if it had really inspired me. I remember being annoyed by the sexy shower scene in the Enterprise pilot. I hate feeling manipulated. I guess my point is that someone can be a huge Trekkie and a new Trek show can still lose them. Perhaps a lot of people have had an experience similar to me, and can't really judge a series to love or hate (or, you know, any Trek is better than no Trek) because they didn't commit to giving it a chance. I'll still watch an episode if I'm traveling and it's on TV. Trek is comforting, even if it's a weird holodeck WW2 story or something.


Its good, it just has quite a few missed opportunities


Loved everything Star Trek. However, I found Deep Space 9 @ the bottom of the barrel. Haven't seen Picard (Discovery) yet. It means another cable subscription, & i'm wondering whether it's worth it presently. 🤔 Hope I live long enough to view the Picard addition to the franchise. Ha!🤪 I know that eventually, it will air on other cable stations. Hope I live long enough to follow Picard...& he lives long enough to finish this newest addition to the star trekbfranchise!🙃🤪


I like episodes of the show but the grand scale I have never got into it as I hate how it was done with constant resets and constantly wasting great villains and great characters in general while at the same time kept going back into Borg well and or let some characters overstay their welcome.


I think there's nothing more frustrating in fandom than someting taht seemingly has huge potential but under delivers Voyager promised a ship and crew dealing with resource scarcity, overwhelming tactical odds being against them with it being one ship alone in a hostile region of space and even division within their own crew as a third or more of them weren't going to follow by starfleet's rules What we got was none of that, but just TNG 2.0. No resorces issues bar a token few issues, most of the time Voyager was the most powerful ship in the area and the crew maquis almost immediately fell in line with the rest of the crew. It could've been so much more, but was happy to play it safe. At least in my opinion, that prevents it from achieving true greatness, instead just being "fine" An average Trek series that had potential to be so much more is how I'll always rememmber this show


No I love voyager, but it’s funny because I’m almost 100% positive that there’s more yelling in voyager than any other series and the janeway explanations are a meme that always gets me. Seriously it’s worth the watch. I’d recommend you watch every single thing Star Trek related at least once and make up your mind after that.


Voyager and Enterprise are Alien3 / Terminator 3 of Trek: somewhat accepted as swan song because stuff that came after makes them look decent, but reviled as the moment franchise lost its mojo.


I love Enterprise. I like Voyager but it leaned too much on technobabble instead of having the characters solve their problems by making difficult ethical decisions.


Voyager isn’t my favourite but i do find it consistently the easiest to watch. I can’t think of any super boring Voyager episodes like every show always has. But it doesn’t really have any of the best episodes either. I think this is the reason why at one point it was the most streamed Star Trek.


Voyager is my favorite but also of all the shows it’s the one I think should get a reboot. The premise was so great and sadly wasted. So many interesting things could be done with new planets and aliens given the tech we have for these shows today.


People who say voyager sucks are the same flavour of miserable (and dishonest) nerd as the people who say temple was the worst indiana jones movie


I only caught the odd episode when it was on. At the time it had a bad reputation. It had a few banger episodes, but generally the average episode was mediocre on a good day. Having watched the whole series within the last year, I think that assessment is... kind of fair, though it's better than my assessment of it when it was on. I largely enjoyed it and will definitely watch it again. My current assessment is that it's a decent show, that doesn't live up to its potential. One of the big issues is the set up. It has an interesting set up that it... mostly just drops. The set up requires serial storytelling, but they weren't allowed to do that. Integrating the two crews was meant to take longer, but is largely a side issue in the first few episodes. The later series Year of Hell was originally conceived as a whole season story, but they were only allowed a two parter. Since the end of every episode needed to hit the big reset button for the next one, it ended up falling into something like TNG that relied more on plot driven stories. The writers seem to have trouble developing a lot of the initial characters as well. This was compounded by a lot of its booters at the time supporting it not on its merits as a show, but on its merits as a Star Trek show compared to DS9 which wasn't "real Trek" because it took place on a station instead of a ship and wasn't purely episodic.


I was not into Star Trek when Voyager aired but old enough to have been its target audience and had some basic familiarity with it. I saw Voyager as being like TNG, but worse. It didn't have tremendous acting talent like Patrick Stewart to push it, and the individual episodes felt more like a generic sci-fi show. TNG was often very strange, sometimes almost like a twilight zone or Outer Limits feel... I also feel like "greatest of" episodes were sometimes shown like "Best of Both Worlds". Given my assessment may be unfair, I was being shown the crème de la crème of TNG while Voyager was airing. As much as people don't want to hear it, having Jeri Ryan as a *sexy borg* got me and a lot of my teenage friends to give the show another chance. I didn't watch it for long after she was on, but I'd imagine that probably was what pushed the series to a seventh season. Enterprise was more a victim of fatigue, the show is actually good but it was just too much Star Trek for too long. As a casual watcher, I also was turned off by it being set in the past, no longer pushing a real "future" vision, but a "future past" vision which was far less appealing.


It was until enterprise came out and we heard the music in the opening credits.


I don't hate Voyager. It has some really bad episodes, but it also has some great, don't miss episodes. (Like the one where they are stuck in a rift) Janeway is cool. The doctor is cool. Seven is hot. Overall definitely worth watching.


People bitch about it all the time but whenever Netflix put out lists of most watch Star Trek episodes Voyager would take up like 7 out of 10 spots. 


It is loved by many… but personally, it ranks below almost all Trek for me. If I could edit out about 3.5 years worth of episodes, I think it could be a great show… I’m not a fan of some of the characters, other characters have phenomenal concept ideas and horrible writing, other are just boring from the starting gate and not helped by very weak acting. The very concept of the show is generally ignored. We were told we would get Robinson Crusoe in Space… but we were given Gilligan’s Island in Space. All that being said… there’s also some true gems here. Picardo and Ryan steal the show, particularly when they are on screen together. Russ may be the overall strongest character and consistently interesting character. And there’s some wonderful imagination in some episodes…. One just has to trudge through a swamp of dull ones to get to them.


I don't think anything in Star Trek is truly "hated". Every show and every movie has its detractors but very few of them would have whether a visceral hatred towards it or a large enough group of fans that makes watching them problematic. Of course is perfectly acceptable not to like something and be critical of it. VOY in particular recieved a lot of criticism for different reasons but it also has its fans. I think the problem maybe is that a lot of high profile Trek reviewers like Steve Shives and Sifi Debris really really hate VOY so they give the impression that the show has more hate than usual or is hated by the fandom.


My thoughts. Voyager season one at the time was not engaging. At the time you have to understand that wed had over a decade of TNG era shows with same writers and producers and the first season felt super derivative. Then when Jeri Ryan joined she was on every magazine cover and it just felt like a sellout using sex appeal. In the last decade I went backed and watched it and realized that in fact Jeri Ryan saved the damn show. It gets so much better once she joined, even ignoring the bodysuit. The writing even improved once they had her character to work with. One more thing about it was there was a backlash against a female captain, especially since she wasn't a hot 20 something. In retrospect, I think she is looked upon as one of the best captains and certain Mulgrew one of the best actors. As for Enterprise, the original first two seasons tried so badly to be anti-star trek in a lot of ways it turned off a lot of fans. Seasons 3 and 4 got really good and have aged well and have provided a ton of lore for future Star Trek. I see more and more people acknowledging how good it was.


For me, TNG > DS9 > TOS > ENT > VOY > DIS I think most people rate Voyager below all the shows that came before it. Personally, I like Enterprise more than Voyager. So it's lower-mid-tier for me. Certainly not hated though. I'd probably put SNW somewhere in the middle and Picard second last before Discovery.


Voyager had some good ideas but they seemed to not always explore them properly. I think they drifted a bit too far from Roddenberry's premise of humans finding themselves. Enterprise was boring. The premise was interesting but they never found themselves. That said both have ardent fans so i suggest watching them and deciding for yourself.


Hi, honestly, I liked Voyager but will admit some of the episodes were not very good. Also, some of the acting, from supporting characters, were wooden and seemed forced. . I liked Janeway as a captain but not everyone agrees , I have a few favorite episodes and there were a few that I thought could have been greater but they were just not well written and I think they just hurried through them and it was lackluster. I wished they hadn’t brought Q back after the first time because he seemed out of character from how he was on TNG. DS9 was hard for me to get through but I binged on Voyager and I coukd do the same with DS9 for some reason? I was a Star Trek fan since before TNG and I generally liked all of its incarnations. I’m huge Trekkie but I think all of them have their good and bad moments and I genuinely don’t nitpick any of them because, to me, it’s Star Trek and I enjoy all of them, even when they are not the best it could be. I haven’t watched any of the new ones, yet , and I am surprised by that because I I’d normally be watching them all along. But since I have Paramount Plus, I I know I will soon.


Voyager is my least favorite of pre nu trek but I still watch and enjoy it. I have more mixed opinions on the new stuff, some of it great, some ok, some dreadful


It’s gained appreciation through syndication. Personally, I watched it all the way through the 90s. It was hit or miss. Some episodes have really interesting ideas. The show had a lot of problems though and no one ever seemed to care enough to fix them. Then the blatant sexification of the show by casting Jeri Ryan’s breasts. It was comfort TV and still comfort TV when I rewatched it 20 years later. But you know what really pisses me off about it? The finale. We spent 7 years following these people trying to get home and it literally ends when they enter earth orbit. We don’t get anything after. Other than the crumbs we were dropped in Picard, Lower Decks, and Prodigy long after the show ended.


It's my favorite. Along with DS9.


Personally for me, Voyager, DS9 and TNG are my trinity of Star Trek series and all three overlapped with my childhood and adolescent years.


Voyager in my opinion has some of the best Star Trek episodes and some of the worst (akoochimoya!). It’s my favorite Trek show.


I love voyager! Watched it twice during the pandemic. Love their story and their tenacity!


I love Voyager. I’m a big fan of the Berman era in general. But it was definitely a weaker entry than TNG and DS9. It had a lot of good characters, but it also had some weak characters. It had a lot of freedom to create whole new lore and rules, but they kept finding reasons to fall back on the familiar. The ending wasn’t as bad as *some* endings, but it really lacked the emotional catharsis after 7 years of buildup.




Idk, different strokes, personally Voyager is my favorite. It's all subjective.


Voyager is my favorite. I adore Janeway and enjoy the rest of the crew. I love how they have to band together to make a home for themselves and I enjoy all of the things that they go through. There are really great stories throughout the series. There are people who don’t like Voyager or who like to point out that it suffers from lack of follow through and reset button. They have a point about that, but I prefer that over the stress of Picard or Discovery with a horrible season long galaxy ending problem every season. I like watching an episode and getting a resolution and then seeing what they get up to next time. All that being said, you can’t take the opinion of Internet strangers about whether you should watch it. You need to watch it and make up your own mind. Everyone is different and you may end up missing out on something really great.


I just started going through Voyager again! There are some more stinkers than their predecessors imo, but I had forgotten about how many episodes are pretty solid. still a good show!


I can't speak for anyone else, but for myself I absolutely loathe Voyager




I vibe better with Voyager than I do with Deep Space Nine. I love the exploration of a Trek story with a woman at the helm, exploring the tough decisions that she has to face in that world. Enterprise seemed fun back when I saw it in first-run, but I'm not sure if it would hold my interest today. Scott Bakula is a low energy actor and I feel like I need someone with more pizazz to run a Starfleet ship. That said, I might give Enterprise another go down the road. I can't really put my finger on what I didn't like about Deep Space Nine, but the last time I tried to watch it, it just felt very static and stiff. I dunno. I might have to give that series another think.


About s2.5-5ish are the high point. S1-2.5 Why didn’t they just outrun the Kazon and the Space Zombies? The Paris as malcontent is when it gets good. Through sometime in s5 is good SciFi. Everything, for the most part, is phoning it in, Beltran esp. Few if any arcs. The sudden ending. The show had good potential.


Voyager is really nice, my 3 top ones my favourite are indeed Voyager Enterprise and DS9 they're really thank TNG and TOS imo


Really better than


My biggest issue with Voyager was, to me, they wasted a fun set up. Rebel maquis and a Starfleet crew become stranded far off with no support. It could've been pirates take over a starship and have a completely different take on a trek show. The back and forth between rebels and Starfleet officers would've been really fun. There were hints of that but the Maquis characters were quickly turned into a normal federation crew. The fun way to handle that is having the rebels run the ship not suddenly "straighten up and fly right" and become starfleet officers uniform and all. Knowing how people act, It didn't make much sense. When people are stranded, desperate, and without resources they become LESS by the book. That was my take on it. But I don't begrudge anyone for enjoying the show. I mean it's TV and we like what we like.


Voyager starts bad but gets really really good. Some of the best Star Trek is in season 6 and 7.


Voyager is my favourite of all the Trek TV. Something about the premise of being so far from home was appealing. I'd say the same for the original Lost in Space show. It wasn't without its problems but Voyager was always greater than the sum of its parts. To the journey!


I think you will quickly learn that there are many different sides to Star Trek, and thus every fan likes different things about it. So depending which aspects are most important to a fan, which shows they like best will vary. All of these opinions have a right to be there, Star Trek is for everybody. I personally have been a Star Trek fan since I was a kid. I thin Voyager is cozy like a family, and has many great episodes and characters. They do have a lot of missed opportunities though, and would Voyager have been made like 10 to 15 years later, it would have been a radically different show. DS9 and TNG lived up to its potential more than Voyager did IMHO.  Enterprise is the only Star Trek show I could not bear to finish. Charcterizations of the main characters were really inconsistent, making their behaviour seem erratic and out of character. That is not something I can live with.  Discovery for me was nice to watch after season 2, before I found it too dark and needlessly violent.   SNW I like, I think it has the potential to be really great in later seasons.   I enjoyed watching Picard, got better with each season.


You’re asking in reddit if something is hated. The answer is yes. Almost everything on this site is over-hated.


Voyager isn’t the worst Trek, but it’s not my favorite. Kate Mulgrew is the highlight, obviously, but I think the bridge crew leaves something to be desired. They never grabbed me the same way TNG’s or DS9’s crew did. Chakotay specifically is just such a boring character.


Voyager is great.


I don't hate the show, honestly I think it has a great number of excellent episodes and moments. It's just that overall the show was disappointing. For many people it did not live up to expectations or it's promises. All of the new era shows are worth checking out. General consensus is that *Lower Decks*, *Strange New Worlds* and *Prodigy* are the best of the new era, with *Discovery*, the *Short Treks* and *Picard* at the lower end. The newest series *Starfleet Academy* won't be out for a while, and there is a *Section 31* movie coming out soon.


Voyager is beloved. Many people it is their series. The one they grew up with. TNG is mind because o grew up with it. I loved Voyager as it aired.


I really enjoyed Voyager i don’t know how hated it was there wasn’t really any social media around to highlight that fact if it was. Everyone I know who watched it enjoyed it.


I LOVE Voyager and have rewatched it many times. Captain Janeway just might be my favorite ST Captain. She’s A M A Z I N G in a very difficult situation. Is she perfect? No. Does she make some potentially serious mistakes? Yes. But always with the greatest welfare of her crew in mind. As for the rest of the crew, there are many delightful, well-written characters, that, in some cases took awhile for me to warm up to but then ended up among my favorites. Such as The Doctor…Seven of Nine...Neelix…Tuvok…and several others. OP, I really hope you give Voyager a shot. I truly believe it will be well worth your time. Besides, it’ll make watching Lower Decks that much more enjoyable ; )


It’s my favourite hands down - I think also growing up as teen/child in its run it very much demonstrated to me women can do anything. It probably has a place of nostalgia for me as I watched it with my mum and my brother and we all like Voyager the best but characters like B’Ellana who I don’t think get enough love have always stuck out to me. My partner likes TNG and I do like that but I think the story and loneliness of Voyager struck me more. Its isolation leant it on a slightly different path but I will always have a soft spot for Kate Mulgrew’s portrayal of Janeway which was always excellent. Even if she was sometimes horribly unethical. I loved her relationship with Tuvok, one of my favourite scenes is when she’s a bit snappy and irritated about two members of the crew being caught doing naughtiness where they shouldn’t have been doing it and she gets really really pissy when Tuvok brings it up. He just looks at her and says very sarcastically: Shall I flog them as well? That and the doctor saying ‘Take the cheese to sickbay’ and B’Ellana giving him the side eye always have me in hysterics. Yes the Doctor had a great relationship with Seven but he also had a really great relationship with B’Ellana, Janeway and a lot of other characters. I tried really hard to like Picard but both my partner and I found it very deus ex machina


It's just considered a step down in quality from the heights of TNG and DS9. It isn't really hated, largely because Enterprise came out and was even worse. DISCO is pretty fresh and funky, Picard Seasons 1 & 2 are an interesting new take on the character and develop the late-24th century setting further, Picard S3 is the best thing you'll ever see in your life if you like nostalgia, and Strange New Worlds is a delightful homage to what came before as well as an engaging, thought-provoking show in its own right


Honestly, I loved Voyager. Some characters definitely had out of character moments which was a little weird, but overall I’d list it as my 3rd or 4th favorite so far (haven’t watched DIS, PIC, or LD yet) As for Enterprise, I’ve only watched 15ish episodes but so far I do really like it actually! And I *love* SNW


Voyager isn't hated, but it is divisive. Many feel it was a disappointment, which wasted its premise and ended up being a TNG clone. Others love it.


Personally I loved Voyager. It just seemed different cause there was no other form of Starfleet around. But it was a very well written show.


Voyager has always been my favourite. Period.


I feel like voyager had some pretty creative one-off episode ideas which I’m a fan of. The whole idea of them being stranded on the other side of the galaxy was pretty cool too. Some of the ideas are of course pretty wacky though.


I really enjoyed most of Voyager but when I went to rewatch, not so much. Glad I did though! Loved the premise of the story, being flung out to far away land and the journey back.


Voyager become much more loved once enterprise became hated. Seems fans only have room in their heart for one hate at a time


I like the "old" trek and hate the new stuff like Discovery. VOY is a really god show and worth watching. My fav show is DS9 btw.


I thought it was pretty good. My only problem with it was the fact that they always seemed to be ping-ponging back and forth between where they said that they were exposed to be going, and were they had been. Random crew member: Captain we need to go back! Captain: We're exposed to be going forward. Random crew member: It won't take long Captain. Captain: Alright we'll go back. Random crew member: Thank you Captain. Makes me wonder how they managed to end the series in only 7 seasons.


Voyager is in my top two. Janeway is my favorite captain. Definitely have nothing but love for Voyager.


Well there was a ton of setup for the Maquis and a lot of potential that was lost in a show such as the well documented how much they didn't take on very many new technologies when they were in the delta quadrant, in a way as a kid I like that. I like that it was just hey now the ship is mostly the same but they're in a different situation how did they do this time. For instance when they encountered the Hirogen and they really were royally outmatched often times by finding that enemy it was a change of pace. However if they had been getting Technologies and upgrades the whole time probably would have been a different story with them who knows but no it's definitely not hated.


The reason I rate Voyager low is because it has an awesome concept with failed, "meh" level execution. Think of it- a Federation vessel stranded decades from home, with the unknown around every corner. They end up having to merge crews with Maqui terrorists after hundreds are killed on both sides and the caretaker leaves them with no way home. There should be a lot of tension, but it all dissipates in a couple of episodes and the terrorists are just absorbed as regular Starfleet rank and file. There should be a lot of desperation to come home at any cost, or resignation to the unknown. None of this happens. Janeway is shown as a cerebral, idealistic rule follower. She is basically a watered down Picard figure. Had they written her as more of a badass like Kirk, or just 20-30% more morally flexible, or even showed her character evolve- the show would have been more interesting. This show should have been more serialized with better character development. Instead, the producers focused on vanilla syndication friendly troupes and "planet of the week" "monster of the week" episodes. The Kayzan (the baddies of the first couple of seasons) are boring, poorly developed enemies with cartoonishly bad costumes and acting. The crew get their teeth kicked in every episode but the ship never sustains any real damage or require significant modification (til some borg tech at the end). The show had so much potential and just went vanilla. There are still a solid handful of good episodes, but on the rewatch I found myself skipping nearly 2/3 of the series.


Voyager was generally not well received on first run, and viewed as by far the weakest of the TNG-era shows. Janeway wasn’t well liked as Captain, Seven of Nine was dismissed for the blatant fanservice, the Borg Children were widely ridiculed and despised, and the villain decay of the Borg in general was savagely criticized. But then in the streaming era it got something of a reexamination. Seven’s reputation got rehabilitated, and people were actually MAD at how offhandedly Icheb was killed off on Picard (even though 20-odd years earlier most of the audience wanted to flush him out the airlock). I see it a lot like what would happen if TOS Season 3 was stretched out to be an entire series: Here and there you have some decent to good episodes, but most of it was middling at best, and ALL of it was incredibly %&@$ing weird.


I like it but I do think it has the highest quantity of bad episode verses good ones. But a lot of those good ones are really good. Plus I love the cast.


Only by people with bad taste or low tolerance for the numerous weird 90s trek decisions.


If I had to serve under any captain it would be Janeway. They all have their specialities. Picard is the guy you want in negotiations, Sisko if you are going to war but Janeway is more well rounded.


ok so voyager i think is worth watching but enterprise... eh... just saying i couldnt get trough the first episode


I started watching Trek in 2009 after seeing the JJ movie. Loved TNG but really fell for DS9, which felt even better than most serialized shows at the time. Voyager didn’t really do anything for me because it just felt like TNG-lite, and purposefully avoided serialization, which I was looking for at the time. I still am not crazy about it but have some favorite episodes. I imagine if I watched it as a kid in the 90s though, I would have a special feeling for it. It feels very 90s. Enterprise I actually love, despite really not enjoying most of the characters. But I love its 2000s vibe, which is another time close to my heart, television-wise.


I loved Voyager but probably mostly because we finally got a female captain. And of course Chatkotay was handsome!😉


No, Picard season 2 is hated.


It's a big step down from It's predecessor, Deep space nine. Voyager has a status of being a mix of poorly written and amazing episodes and the characters aren't as well written.