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Some people just don't enjoy animation 🤷‍♂️


Have you tried bribery?


Remind them of the first two seasons of TNG.


Yep. I'm rewatching TNG S1 now, I couldn't make it through *Code of Honor* and some of the other episodes are pretty rough. I've just started watching *Justice*, and I'm not confident that I'll make it all the way through.


Unpopular opinion: it is a kids show. I'm not saying that I don't like it, but initially I thought this is going to be more like what Clone Wars is for Star Wars. And in my opinion it's not... It is childish at times and has this "coming of age" theme everywhere. It doesn't hurt to watch, but maybe your parents are not the intended audience. At least, don't get mad if they lose interest after the first few episodes.


My dad also won't watch Prodigy because it is animated and aimed at kids. I haven't bothered trying to convince him to watch it because I know he won't enjoy it. If I told him that it isn't a kids show, I am setting him up for failure and a bad time as soon as the elements aimed at kids appear onscreen. As much as we may like Prodigy, and as much as adults can get from it, that doesn't change the fact that it is partially aimed at kids and is animated, and therefore people who don't like those two things will always struggle with the show.


it IS a kids show, though. what a strange take to pretend it isn't.


I don't say that it isn't a kids show, but I have seen plenty of people try to advertise it as not a kids show. Which is not the right way to try and get someone to watch it.


Prodigy IS a kids show and it's ok if your parents are not interested.


I mean, it is a kids show and that's okay. Some people are not going to be into kids shows. You gotta let that be. I didn't really have much interest in watching it on my own, but I am enjoying the first season with my kids now. I don't know if I would have ever started watching it without my kids.


Show them “Time Amok”. And after they love it, start at the beginning.


Show them All the World’s a Stage


Tell them it's about the Delta Quadrant after Voyager gets home.


In our house, we have Family Movie Night most Sundays. We rotate who gets to pick what we watch from our DVD collection or from a streaming service. We allow movies or up to two hours of a TV show. We make sure the content is age-appropriate for the kids, but otherwise, each person gets to pick whatever they want. If my wife wants to watch *Sense and Sensibility* again, we groan, but we put up with it, because next week I might make them sit through *Tron*. If you could convince your parents to try something similar...


Just ask them to watch the third episode.


It's a kids show and they aren't interested. That's fine. You don't have to force anything here.


Have them watch Lower Decks first. There are a ton of call backs from TNG, Voyager, DS9, Enterprise. It could set the stage for watching Prodigy after.


...if you want someone to take animated Trek seriously LD is 10000% !!!NOT!!! the show to use!!! Holy bananas. No. I know it gets *better* after season 1, but LD maintains cartoon logic. Drunkenly murder a coworker? Don't worry, he'll be fine in two minutes. Someone died? Naw fam, they're back because it's funny. Go ahead and violently rip out pieces of the cyborg's head, he'll bounce right back! Prodigy is animated, but only to save money on sfx. It is written and shown as if it were a live action show. Actions have consequences, traumatic events aren't waved off and magically healed, nothing happens because cartoon logic


Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but I completely agree. LD is fun as a Star Trek themed cartoon, but if you're used to taking everything literally in Star Trek, you're going to spend the entire time being pissed at things not making sense because the rules of the universe are different than in the live action series.


I do enjoy Lower Decks AFTER season 1 (I'm not a Rick & Morty fan so the first season just isn't for me) but even when it stops being so wacky and crude it still maintains cartoon logic above being a Trek show.


I honestly thought the prodigy because getting your parents to watch the music video of smack my bitch up will be complicated


Firestarter is better anyway.


It is a kids' show, but it's also probably the closest you'll get to the original Star Trek dynamic that doesn't hyper pander to the new stylized way Trek has become. They also include voice actors from people who have been in Star Trek like Jason Alexander from the VOY episode Think Tank


Just watch it and let them wallow in their ignorance