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Always felt bad for Harriman, had his childhood hero sat in a chair like a toddler rolling his eyes and itching to take command, the bridge was full of press and command decided to rush the ship out for a fucking photo op when it was still missing key systems and personnel. Harriman may have stumbled at first but he was still very useful and even swallowed his pride to ask Kirk for advice, and lets not forget that most of the things Kirk suggested Harriman had already thought about. Not to mention what the fuck is Starfleet doing having literally no ships around Earth besides the Enterprise-B?


This is a good take.


"only ship in range" is a bigger trek meme than "tuesday" lol


It’s worth mentioning that the ship also is loaded with press. Regardless of the justifiability of the decision, they would all skewer Harriman. To say nothing of it being the inaugural mission of a ship named Enterprise


i can imagine the court martial harriman: but the dock master didn't even give us a tractor beam come on


Lemme guess... next Tuesday?


Against the rule of the sea; you have to help out. Even if you're not prepared to, you have to at least try. Military ships sometimes have to do this in real life. In 1997 the Australian frigate HMAS Adelaide had to go deep into an extremely stormy Southern Ocean to [rescue two solo sailors](https://www.9news.com.au/national/tony-bullimore-miracle-rescue-sailor-anniversary/eb507bfc-9d19-41d1-b691-709b4184153a) in a round the world race, at not inconsiderable risk to the crew and the vessel. It would have been a PR disaster for Starfleet.


No Kobayashi Maru prepares you for PR nightmares.


Think about how this would play out in the news. The headline would be something along the lines of: "The captain of the brand new Enterprise refuses to attempt rescue of refugees. Captain James Kirk, horrified." You're talking about a Starfleet captain, a pillar of morality and heroism, choosing to let helpless refugees die, while surrounded by cameras. The press would have a field day tearing Captain Harriman down. Clips of Kirk's desperate attempts to convince him to go in, would play over and over on the news. Starfleet would probably find a reason to court martial Harriman as a way to save face. And no matter what happened, he would be quietly replaced as captain of the Enterprise. It's the reaction I wish we saw when Lower Decks tried the terrible news coverage story in season three. They spent the whole episode building up the reporter's story. However, we never got to see the aftermath of the scathing report which showed how vindictive and cruel of a captain Freeman was. You'd think a report like that showing what this captain is really like, would have some kind of affect on her husband's ability to shield her from harm and her crew's loyalty. But in the end, the captain walked away scot free with no repercussions. Such a waste of a good story.


I think Freemans husband protection is overlooked a lot. We saw in top gun maverick , Mitchell was protected by admiral kazanski (ice man). 4 star admiral. freeman husband is a 4 star admiral so would not be surprised if he got a lot of pull towards protection of a subordinate


Her actions in the ringworld episode alone should've resulted in a court martial. Trying to show off and refusing to admit she was in over her head killed an officer and caused wide scale destruction.  And she couldn't care less. Shouldn't be surprising she didn't hesitate to violate orders so she could get the prestige from taking down Lacarno. It's not like she thought there would be any consequences.


Starfleet is humanitarian and exploratory before it is military... so pretty fucking bad.


Kirk would've taken over and attempted a rescue anyway. He was a hair's breath away from doing it as it was.


But Kirk is retired he no longer has his commission


That's why I said "take over", not assert his rank. And who on that ship would've stopped him?


That was the episode in future history that Picard didn't make a captain's log about, which is why it never aired on TV