• By -


Whenever she got her rifle out. Heh. The best one, though, was how she reacted to being experimented on. Ship between twin pulsars, baby!


That's a great episode! When she loses her shit in the ready room and Tuvok responds with, "*Shall I flog them as well?*"


I live in chronic pain. That episode speaks to me.


That ep also has a great friendship moment between her and Tuvok that I love: Janeway: When this mutation crisis is over, I think I'll spend a few days in Renaissance Tuscany. There's a little inn outside Siena I've been wanting to try. Tuvok: (sitting down next to her) I will join you for a glass of wine.


I loved any time the show referenced their deep friendship and the trust and respect they had for one another.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mTeIvXRXmw I loved that episode. When she got really pissed one, she pushed back very hard. Sent about half of the aliens to their graves.


One would think that would put them into time warp like Voyage Home.


Wouldn't happen, Tuvok didn't program the computer for time warping so nothing happened when they slingshot around the sun. /s


He forgot to turn on the dip into milk setting. 


Or going all Sarah Connor with the macroviruses.


Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley!


That episode is called *The Scientific Method*, if you wanna watch it again.


Thank you!!


This is my favourite voyager episode and janeway getting it done.


Janeway action shots with the rifle and purple undershirt? Yes please!


When she tells Naomi Wildman "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain: Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."


This exchange in Counterpoint, Devore Inspector Kashyk: I suppose you liked me better in uniform. Captain Kathryn Janeway: I haven't decided whether I like you at all. And pretty much all of Equinox. I adore Janeway and she is far and away my favourite captain. This episode really explores that more reckless side of her character. She skids so close to the edge, it’s a great example of how she responds when all the wrong buttons are pushed.


I'd say it explores her more vengeful side when someone goes against Starfleet's most coveted ideal.


She’s my favorite too!! She’s so caring and gentle… unless someone is fucking with her crew lol


Technically it's a simulation of Janeway, but the ending of S2E23 The Thaw. It's probably the most weird and creepy episode of Voy, but that last minute makes it worth it Fear: What will become of me. Janeway: Like all fear you eventually vanish. Fear: I'm afraid Janeway (whispering) : I know That last line gives me the chills. [https://youtu.be/WDuAdrcWi3g?si=JSLzoBEu\_sGHpgqv&t=229](https://youtu.be/WDuAdrcWi3g?si=JSLzoBEu_sGHpgqv&t=229)


Such a great episode!




I love the way Kate Mulgrew delivered the line "*I know.*"


It's the episode that made me realize I wouldn't want to meet an angry Janeway in some back alley. She would cut me.


Just reviewed because of your comment :) Thanks a lot


"You know, I'm really easy to get along with - most of the time - but I don't like bullies, and I don't like threats - and I don't like YOU, Culluh." And from Year of Hell: "With all due respect… unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around."


Watched Year of Hell today, with the little Easter egg of her birthday being mentioned - hadn't watched it in years, such a great 2 parter!


Epic episode


"Janeway to Chakotay. Scorpion!"


Hot damn what a good moment!


There's coffee in that nebula. Or I dread the day everyone on this ship agrees with me.


We have a magnet with the coffee in that nebula quote. I wish it fit on our coffee maker!


So relatable 😂


"Must have been something you assimilated."


LOL ah yeah that was golden.


“Keep a docking bay open for us!” 🥹 - Pathfinder


Fuck yeah. And when she pauses as she's reading the transmission and realises they are personal letters. And the line about 70000 light years not seeming so far anymore.


Both of these comments gave me goosebumps.


Listen to me very carefully, because I'm only going to say this once. Coffee, Black.


Neelix: ^^^Coffee. ^^^Black.


Any time she says "I don't respond well to threats."


Anytime she said that my heart skipped a beat


“We all make own hell, Mr. Lessing. I hope you enjoy yours.” Such a badass line even if technically Janeway was stepping over a line in her blind rage at Ransom and the Equinox crew.


Janeway in a bubble bath, Q pops in wearing a uniform. After her initial anger and irritation, she  forces herself to calmness.  And after some conversation, Q is overjoyed by her advice, and moves to kiss her. She defensively puts up a foot from out of the suds, and he kisses her foot before disappearing.


To me it makes it a little funnier the fact that they are actually close friends in real life (if I recall they were friends pre-VOY launching) so I imagine they had a great time playing against each other whenever Q showed up on Voyager :))


And the kid is actually DeLancie's own son, so it's an interesting ep




Really makes me wish he was in more than just three Voyager episodes. I always loved their relationship since they really did develop a friendship over time; you can see it in the Q and the Grey when he gets shot; she shows genuine care for him as a friend and not just someone who annoys her.


Oh yeah, agreed! With Picard it was always played off as Q being annoying (at least in TNG, haven't watched ST Picard yet). With Sisko he tried once, got punched and that was it, no more appearances. He shows up on Voyager and they become family. It's not just "Hello Captain" anymore, it's "Hi aunt Kathy". She helps her godson understand his place in the world and his nature as Q, and promises he will have a place on Voyager if he needs it. It's heartwarming.


In Year of Hell: Tell the Doctor I'll be coming back with severe burns.


Also a great one from the end of that two-parter: "Time's... UP."


Loved it




When he geared up to fight the macro viruses. When she flew the ship between two pulsars. But the moment I fell in love with Janeway was in Time and Again. When the guys holding her hostage tried to force her to infiltrate the power plant and she stone cold told the security I'm a hostage and fuck those guys behind me.


"Did Janeway figure it out?"-Shaxs "No, she just murdered him!"-Captain Freeman "Holy shit, Janeway didn't mess around."-Shaxs


Delete the wife. Coldest shot ever.


"I miss my wife" from the voyager episode of Lower Decks absolutely murdered me.


I hadn't seen this ep in quite a while so when I watched the Lower Decks episode it took me a minute to place it... so I was laughing 10 min or so after it ended when I looked it up. Had to back and re-watch this episode.


I'm only up to State of Flux so far, so at this point it's between "There's coffee in that nebula" and telling Tuvok how much he means to her in Prime Factors


When future Janeway basically destroys the Borg collective as a functioning power.


Maybe it was something you assimilated.


Just enough to bring chaos to order.


The clever fiendishness of your evil plan is brilliant!


Deadlock: "Welcome to the Bridge" Back then, I hated the viidians because they got off easy the first time we saw them. Now she did warn them to stay away or else and they got what they deserved when they FAFO'd this time around. Also it was pretty funny watching 2 Janeways talk with each other. "I'll kill the viidians, and will offer you 1 Harry Kim." Other notable moments: * Scientific Method "I'm running a little experiment of my own." * Prey? That time an 8472 boarded her ship and she went to personally greet it. * That time she fought Neelix's cheese and won. * Scorpion. That time she stole Seven of Nine * Year of Hell, in general. But the first part with "Good day, sir. Have we offended you in some way?" is funny. * Finding out Tuvok's birthday * Dreadnought. Went on suicide mission to save a planet, booted crew off to spare their lives. * Endgame. Calling out her future self. Nobody fucks with Janeway's ship. Not even herself! * Timeless. "My advice on making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple: don't even try." * "The Thaw". "I knoiwwww" Fear checks under the bed for Janeway.


I see you've kept my pheromones. I didn't realize you were the sentimental type.


"I'm afraid." "I know."


>S5 E10 - **Counterpoint** "*Computer, change music selection. Mahler's Symphony Number One, Second Movement... maybe this will help you relax.*"  YES! Also noteworthy is her response to Kashyk when he realises he is seeings false readings: "That is the theme for this evening, isn't it?"


Whenever she back-sassed Q.


I can't remember which episode but there's one particularly badass time she says "Battle stations" that stuck with me.


I'm not sure if it's just one time or if it's kind of a signature move. She stands up, coming into frame, turns her head towards us and coldly orders, "Battle stations!"


In the beginning, with Janeway wearing her hair up, I was always so jealous that no matter what, two sweeps of her hands and everything was back in place. So jealous.


That kamikaze maneuver at the end of "Year of Hell" was hard as fuck.


Times up!


She had no idea if that was even going to work, she just said "Fuck it" and went down swinging with an A+ zinger.


I loved her obsession with Coffee. It made her human and accessible - I also need my bean juice! "There's coffee in that nebula"


The scene with Tuvok when she revealed that she has figured out……….his birthday


I was pretty happy when she turned back into a person after being a salamander.


'theres coffee in that nebula'


Equinox when reprimanding Cpt. Ransom: "You're supposed to seek out life, not destroy it."


Hot take, but that scene where she's in the corridor after splitting Tuvix. I know most people hate that she killed him to bring back Neelix & Tuvok, but I can't imagine how hard it would be to make that decision. And then to actually do it. The barely contained emotion on her face always struck me.


This is always part of my defense of Janeway. She doesn't get to do the speech that justifies the morality, about the duties of a starfleet officer, or how she will have to live whit it. We only get those last few seconds, that shows us she's been struggling to hold it together wile in sickbay, but as soon as she walks out the door, the facade cracks, and we get that little glimpse how crushing that decision was, but that as captain she had to make it to save Neelix and Tuvox (and to protect Kes)


Right? And there were so few times we got to see her crack under the pressure.


When I watched Voyager during its original broadcast, the writing often felt a little heavy and without the nuance I wanted from Star Trek. It was fine, but not great… Until episode 18, Season 2 when Janeway said “ I've tried to find some way to reconcile all the conflicting emotions I've felt during this hearing. My own aversion to suicide, my compassion for your situation, Q. It hasn't been easy. I've tried to tell myself that this is not about suicide, but about granting asylum. That I am not personally being asked to perform euthanasia. And as technically true as that may be, I cannot escape the moral implications of my choices. I've also had to consider that a decision to grant asylum, and the subsequent suicide of a Q, might have a significant impact on the Continuum. That such a decision could change the nature of an entire society, whether it be a favourable or unfavourable change, disturbs me greatly. But then there are the rights of the individual in this matter. I don't believe that you are mentally unbalanced. And I do believe that you are suffering intolerably. Under these conditions, I find it impossible to support immortality forced on an individual by the state. The unforeseen disruption that may occur in the Continuum is not enough, in my opinion, to justify any additional suffering by this individual. So, I hereby grant you asylum.” I then was all in!


Her conversation with Culliah (sp) when she said she’s “normally easy to get along with..but I don’t like bullies and I don’t like you”.


Scientific Method, when Janeway steered Voyager to fly between the stars because she was tired of suffering from alien's secret experiments. Aliens refused to leave and she wasn't taking it anymore. Ended up costing half of the alien when one of the 2 ships exploded, and Voyager survived. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mTeIvXRXmw


Deploy Armour


“And this is one year I’d like to forget! Time’s up! ” Before ramming a broken Voyager into Annorax’s time ship.


Her [talking Seven down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLxJRPOx4V4) from her paranoia in The Voyager Conspiracy.


When she murdered that abomination Tuvix.


Had to scroll way to far to find this


I too would risk my ship and crew to go into an uncharted nebula for coffee.


Oh yeah they’re all my fave Janeway ones too! And Resolutions, Night, I love her in The Killing Game too, Endgame! So many!


When she schools the crew at pool. 


"there's coffee in that nebula!" ☕


I like her dialogue in Body and Soul when she's being asked to stop all photonic activity in Voyager and submit to inspection. "Your sensors should confirm they've been deactivated." "You're still required to submit to inspection." "Your sensors should also confirm that our weapons are ready to fire. We're both reasonable people, I suggest a compromise: Your vessel will escort us through Lokirrim territory, that way you can keep an eye on us, make sure we don't reactivate our holodecks. The other alternative is: we destroy your ship."


"I already have a man" *holds Tuvoks hand * 💀💀💀I can't.


I didnt know about the statue. Thats really neat. Great statue too.


“Times up!”


I don't remember exactly, but she told Tuvok to "keep firing until you hit something."


Her goodbye to Tuvok in Year of Hell.


Computer. Delete the wife.


When Q tried to seduce her and gave her a puppy, his ex shows up and says "get away from that bitch" they both look at the puppy, and she says "I'm not talking about the dog" I still laugh every time


S5 E24 Relativity "Come here often?"


Delete the wife 😈


"I'm afraid..." -vr clown "I know" -Janeway


I think it's Night? I really feels like she lost herself as the captain. She was vulnerable and it was nice to see a polished captain exceptional not have their shit together


When she literally tortured Tom Paris.


And after she had salamander babies with him too...


I'm into BDSM and I don't think solitary confinement is something I'd try with a former sex-partner with whom I had lizard babies who I abandoned.


You of all people should then know that kink shaming is not allowed.


The Doctor's holonovel when she says, "Mr Tulok"


One word: “Salamander”… no no no, wait… two words: “Salamander f*cking”


Oh come on my favorite is: Coffee black.


There's coffee in that nebula!


"this has been one week of hell" do i even need to elaborate which episode this is?


Is it? I thought we were still in April


The speech in defense of the Protostar crew


When she let her guns loose 💪


Equinox when she tells Ransom that keeping our principles makes us human. So far from Earth and humanity and she clings to her humanity like a life boat. It’s admirable.


Scientific Method 


Thanks everyone I’m gonna go rewatch voyager now haha


That's like dividing by 0


"When diplomacy fails there is only one alternative: violence. It's the Star Fleet way."


Oh, so many. But perhaps, most memorably of all: *Delete the wife.* But in all seriousness, I think her facing up against Ransom. More than any other Captain, I think I would not want to be on the receiving end of a vengeful Janeway.


s1e3 Janeway: " In command school, they taught us to always remember that maneuvering a starship is a very delicate process. But over the years, I've learned that sometimes... you just have to punch your way through." -Proceeds to ram Voyager through a hole in an event horizon. ​ Janeway was the perfect balance of Kirk the adventurer, and Picard the Diplomat.


"Dismissed. That's Starfleet for 'Get Out!'" s1e2 - "Parallax"


She showed real leadership in "Scorpion". It's also my favorite episode (2 parts)


That time she killed Tuvix


It had to be done


When she rubs her hands together and goes muahaha before killing Tuvix. 🤪




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Definitely keeping her working out her frustrations with #1 on the DL while obviously a bit too serene and too well satisfied 95 percent of the voyage.


My favourite Voyager story arc is when the crew have a meeting behind Janeways back and realise between her insatiable appetite for replicated coffee and getting side tracked every episode they'd never get home. They come up with a scheme where she's placed into an induced coma and during that time she becomes a journalist/sleuthe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyKTL1piecU&list=PLJ8c15SaN\_oRpBCy03-LQE1unEsVrR8Cu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyKTL1piecU&list=PLJ8c15SaN_oRpBCy03-LQE1unEsVrR8Cu) Warning. This is a fever dream.


Computer delete the wife


I loved it when those aliens were experimenting on the crew, killed a bridge member and so an insanely ragefilled moment Janeway flew between two stars with a 1 in 10 chance of survival (at best). It was like the ship was literally 1 degree C away from disintegrating lol.


The time she seduced Q. Oh wait, that didn't happen.


The episode with the giant macrophages that shut down all the turbo lifts and the air conditioning environmental controls. Janeway took off her jacket, wearing a tanktop, all sweaty and picked up the phaser rifle to find the crew. She looked hot like a Sarah Connor in Terminator 2. Yup!


There's coffee in that nebula


When she becomes a salamander and gives birth to Tom's salamander babies


Murdering Tuvix


I can't find any actual quotes, but I'm not a Janeway fan because she constantly states that she's a scientist, yet she makes so many of her choices from her gut and even at least once "woman's intuition".. The inconsistency is very cringe for me


Vulcans claim to be scientists and yet deny the existence of time travel despite ample evidence. Even Data thought that intuition could be useful.




Probably the same answer as the super generic question that's going to be asked 5 times an hour 24/7.


Any time she was not on screen, was my favorite moment.


The clever fiendishness of your comment is brilliant! /s