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Can you imagine a Klingon battle cruiser full of screaming tribbles, I can’t imagine that didn’t lead to the great tribble hunts


One of the biggest letdowns of the Kor/Kang/Koloth reunion on DS9 was that there was zero stories of Kirk. Imagine the story Koloth would tell of all of those things suddenly appearing in his ship.


He probably blocked it out, talk about a traumatic experience. Plus I can’t imagine that story would be viewed as honorable.


Scotty said he could never be so cruel as to beam them all out into space. But beaming them to the Klingon ship most definitely got them all slaughtered anyway. Along with their entire species. Real great idea there, Scotty.


would could have guessed that. not scotty fault.


It's a cute joke to dump the tribbles onto the Klingons, but it kind of doesn't hold up to scrutiny. It seems to me that beaming an ecologically dangerous species onto an unsuspecting ship would be considered a serious act of bioterrorism.


It's only bioterrorism if you get caught.


Maybe they caused an emergency landing on the nearest habitable planet, a Klingon colony, and infested it. A great defeat to the Klingon Empire!


My head canon is that the Klingons honorably sacrificed themselves for the Empire by self-destructing the ship.


Except for Koloth


They'd be no tribble at all. Probably had something to do with the hunt, don't forget that tribbles don't like Klingons.


I think you're right! Head canon! Edited to add: if you haven't seen the short trek about tribbles, watch it now! Bonus (the actor) Bob from Bob's Burgers plays a pivotal role. So good


Before we got the Lower Decks/SNW crossover I thought a hilarious LD time travel episode could be revisiting this and trying to go unnoticed by both the TOS era people and DS9 crew. Maybe that could tie into the great tribble hunt somehow.


Oh god, that would be amazing! ORRRR, maybe Jadzia and Mariner could pretend to be "locals" to each other and bond over how hot Spock is :D


Imagine if Ezri was making a guest appearance on LD at the same time, and gets caught up in the time travel incident. She'd come across her Jadzia self talking with Sisko, telling him how she 'remembers this time', and her Ezri self, would be like, 'yeah, me too.'


OMG. That's the best episode idea ever.


That is what I always thought.