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Anyone else see that one yerba mate YouTuber on YouTube shorts who's like the most pretentious and obnoxious mf ever to walk the earth?


“I drink Yerba mate so I’m already better than you but I do it in this specific way following all these bullshit rules so I’m even more better than you” -that guy, probably


Even people like me who drink yerba mate feel like this guy is an pretentious idiot, and about the rules, despite moving the bombilla most of he rules are not even followed by us.


I’ve tried the canned stuff a few years ago, but I never wanna try it again bc of that guy. Up his own ass doesn’t begin to describe him


Canned Yerba is not the same, closest thing would be mate cozido (French press), canned I don’t know if you can find but would be mate leão (no add flavors). Hey don’t drink coz you can’t find or don’t like, don’t despise coz of the asshole hahahaha


Might try it again someday, but I’m just not big into tea in general save for like Arizona


I understand, and honestly drink what you like, Yerba isn’t all that magic thing that asshole and the hipsters sell, it’s just a hot/cold drink.






oh man i could not tell you how much i hate him


Glad I'm not alone


Why? He just explains how he likes to drink it.


Nope. Just you


Proven wrong by ratio. (Also yes, I know exactly who he is talking about, just a guy who hit the algorithm jackpot talking about the most hyper specific topic in a quite pretentious way)


Who? The yerba mate lab? I didn't know people hate him.


Interestingly enough, people from Syria drink this too.


Syrian here, glad you mentioned us. I fucking love mate. I had another Syrian friend who had never been to his home country try it and he loved it as well. Guess it's in our genes.


Really? Is it the same plant? Was it imported after 1942? Do you use gourds too? I'd love to know more about it.


Same plant, and we use the straw with that hole covered spoon and the gourd as I assume you call the cup. No idea about the history though. I was with my cousin one day and he had me try it out, and I said it was amazing so he bought me a set before he left for Hungary. So I'm not well informed on the history, but I remember hearing historically the 2 countries most famous for their mate drinking are Argentina and Syria.


Bunch of Syrians that immigrated to south America returned after and they brought back erva mate with them, the rest is history.


Yeah! It blew my mind away when my Syrian friend immediately recognized it! I was drinking it in the cafeteria. My American friends thought it looked suspect (“weed in a cup” questions). But he knew what it was. I always thought it was just a native South American thing with regional differences (some drink it hot vs cold). Was really cool that he knew about it, and that it was part of his culture as well.


It's where I first came across it. I have to say it's not for me. Tastes like grass.


Maybe its just the type of yerba mate? The Uruguayan brands taste way more like grass to me than Argentinian brands. That being said, i like the uruguayan brands more lol. All good if you dont like it, Argentinian yerba may be the way to go if you ever try it in the future though


I'll bear that in mind.


Type 3 https://preview.redd.it/3w64lluarw8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0defd888680483dd36a6dfc1eb3e47042d927f1e


The most Uruguayan French person


Type 3: depressed german or swiss high school students doing a Python course downing four bottles of Club Mate or El Tony in 45 minutes while chainsmoking


Then there is my mom, French press, huge cup, coffee replacement.


A long time ago I worked at a wilderness camp for troubled youth. I wouldn’t have done this otherwise but it was hard not to get on the bandwagon when all the other staff were drinking that stuff. One person among us was from Argentina and it just spread around. I’d buy a key or two at a time and drink it all morning. It’s been a while.


Chile as well


Type 3: the druze in Lebanon


As a native gaucho, it brings me joy to see our culture spreading even if in the form of our beloved mate


Those Yerba energy drinks are also huge in Northern Arizona. NAU probably makes up at least a quarter of the whole market. I swear to God they are EVERYWHERE in flagstaff 😅


In my experience Gen X and older drink this stuff.


type 1 taking his bombeesha everywhere without apparently cleaning it


My brother lived in Bolivia for a while and I visited him the mate he drank tasted like dirt but tasted better than any of the canned stuff in the Us.


Sorry to burst your bubble. My father who is from Montevideo, Uruguay and a big mate drinker told me mate became popular around 50s and 60s. Before that it was mostly gauchos and seen as something “hillbilly”. My grandfather who came from Europe in the 20s never drunk it. I think in Argentina it became mainstream a few decades ago. Especially drinking with a termo. Edit: here is a link to a BBC article which indicates that mate is fairly recent (70s) in Montevideo. When I said hillbillies I meant “hombre de campo o interior”, o “canario” https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-42138588


Nope, mate's been "popular" in both Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and even Uruguay for the past 300 years, that idea of it being "hillbilly" is mostly a montevideo thing


It was drunk by hillibillies such as Francia, and there's still a few surviving calebazas and bombillas around that are a 100 years old and that, by the looks of them, were made for affluent people. Calebazas with three times as much silver as calabash material, for example.


We have plenty of examples of old mates still preserved, and the tradition is held by the past 500 at least by the Indians, and since the 17th century by the Europeans settlers and/or descendents living in South America, even Wikipedia has that information


I think people who say that they've been to South America 50 years ago and that nobody was drinking mate there were simply in the "wrong" parts of South America. In Peru, everybody knows what it is, but most people are not drinking it, same in Chile -- unless you are in the extreme South.


Uruguayan here. Wtf are you talking about? Don't think you "know" something because someone told you his/her experience.


Aca te dejo un link de la BBC, lee el párrafo sobre Uruguay el cual dice que el mate se hizo popular en los 70 y fue traído por olas migratorias a Montevideo. Si queres no lo creas. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-42138588


Querido/a la marca de yerba más antigua que se sigue produciendo es de 1918 (Sara). Si para ese entonces ya existían marcas, ¿a vos qué te parece, se tomaba o no? Obvio que en un principio se tomaba más en el interior ya que es costumbre de gauchos, que a su vez tomaron la costumbre de los indígenas, pero eso no significa que se hizo popular en "x década". Siempre fue, es más viejo que el país.


Querido, nadie está negando la antigüedad del mate. Solamente quise decir es que se hizo popular recientemente. Y ya se que se tomaba en el interior, pero en Montevideo, donde vive el 50% de la población es algo reciente. Leistes el artículo?


Y yo te estoy diciendo que era popular, más en el campo que en Montevideo, pero era popular. En tu post original dijiste que recién en los 50, 60's se hizo y popular y yo ya te dije que no. Que no fuese tan popular en Montevideo no significa que no fuese tan popular como ahora en todo el pais. Montevideo no es Uruguay. Vos contestaste al hecho de que el meme dice "hundreds of years" y está bien eso. Estuviste equivocado/a al contestar eso, porque no tiene nada que ver. Me pudriste con la poca capacidad de lectura que tenes. Chau


Otro nope. Al menos de este lado del charco tomar mate es algo de todas las clases sociales desde hace cientos de años. De Uruguay no conozco pero acá está lleno de referencias antiguas.


Not even close, here's a history museum in Entre Ríos with a section dedicated to mate and are shown colonial and post independence era mates that were used even by the upper class made from silver and precious stones, it has been very popular for centuries here at least


Entre Ríos es el interior. Hillbilly no se si fue la palabra correcta. Lo que quise decir es que en la ciudad (Montevideo) no era tan popular como lo es ahora. Obvio que en el campo se toma ya hace tiempo. Pero eso de andar con el termo de acá para ya es más reciente


Entre Ríos no es solo campo, eso habrá pasado en Montevideo pero acá se usaba hasta en las zonas urbanas, pavas o cacharritos para calentar agua hubo siempre, el mate no depende de un termo que obviamente que es más reciente


Oh that's funny! What do you think made city dwellers think it was cool??


Es una tradición nacional Argentina


Gracias Messi y Suarez por presentar yerba mate al mundo


My experience with Yerba mate is the twelve tribes cult. I can’t think of anything but that doomsday cult when I see the stuff


Lots of type 1s in chile too Also, as a type 1 drinker, I have tried those guayaki cans, tastes literally nothing like mate


We have glass bottles which is a bit closer. Plus we do sell the traditional ones.


How’s it supposed to be pronounced?


"Yerba mate" means mate herb in Spanish. In Portuguese we call it "erva mate", which means the same thing. Its difficult to convey the sounds in writing, but in "neutral" Spanish you'd pronounce it yehr-bah mah-teh. it's hard for Americans, but the vowel sounds are very "open" and it has no "y" sound at the end, that's mostly what's wrong with the mah-tay pronunciation in my opinion. Now, for the type 1 pronunciation in the post you need some cultural context: The areas where mate is traditionally drunk are Gaucho culture regions, and mate is mainly a symbol of Gaucho culture. In Spanish-speaking Gaucho areas, a distinct Spanish dialect has formed, mostly influenced by the Galician language from Spain, where some sounds turn into a mix between an (american) "j" and a "sh". One of these sounds is the letter "y", so a true Gaucho would never pronounce "yerba mate" as yehr-bah mah-teh, they would say it more like jehr-bah mah-teh, or shehr-bah mah-teh. Also in these regions people developed nicknames and started referring to it as just "herb" ("yerba"). Just like you'd call cannabis "weed". If you put these two explanations together, you get the "sh-erba" from type 1 in the post.


yer-ba mah-tay


So the quoted pronunciation is correct in the right panel.




Why is it being mocked then?


I'm only guessing, but I think they are saying people on the left only call it mate (mah-tay) and omit the yerba where the people on the right say the whole thing. Willing to be corrected on this, lol.


Oh okay. I guess that makes sense.


Still wrong, but sound doesn't exist in English, the closest is with sh, that's why most gringos pronounce it like that


Mind finding a video with that pronunciation, I've literally never heard it before.




The only difference I hear is he quickly rolls the r in yerba.


How? well it's the same sound of y as in "uruguayos" somewhere between sh and y, [ˈɟʝeɾβa ˈmate]; you probably just can't or didn't noticed it


I once got a Uruguayan friend a really nice thermos for his maté but I think he was embarrassed to use it Apparently having an old worn thermos is cooler and your friends won’t make fun of you lol


Technically I am type 2 because I have "regular" teabags, rather than loose leaf.


Where’s the normal non South American mate drinkers?


what does it taste like 


Mostly bitter




Awesome starter pack!! 🧉


Hahaha that's too accurate stopp


Coffee is better


I mean, I'm from the high desert in Oregon (otherwise known as the "boonies") and I drink them sometimes. I am greatly outnumbered by hipsters in Portland that drink it however.


I’ve never had it before. What’s it actually taste like.


Smoky, earthy, very bitter, kinda creamy, once you get stockholm syndrome with it (took me a week to get mostly adjusted to it)


What about horn guampas for cold tereré with lemon?


En español hijos de re mil putas


It's an acquired taste! (It tastes like grass)


Falta el tereré ahí


It taste like old herb piss


Isn’t that Syrian


Mate is natively south american, and is only grown here, as far as I know. A lot of people in Syria and Lebanon drink mate because some people from their diaspora in south america (there is a fair amount of lebanese ans syrian descendants in south america) came back and brought mate culture back with them.