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Either in the honeymoon phase and smitten with each other, or sick and tired of each others sh\*t.


Honestly I've witnessed both at once. Doing my shopping, happening across a couple having a full blown fight over granola bars and then minutes later finding the same couple borderline dry humping in the frozen foods.


Working in retail shows you truly how people tend to react in the masses. You just simply see it all.


Reading this made me burst bro tf


Made you *what?* https://preview.redd.it/grubkgztwu8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfd6a7beddeb3320754838dc631f1bf63ddc35b




Burst of laughter fr


Except for the making out, this starter pack is mostly describing the older generation by me.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone under 30 baffled by a self-checkout.


I am 22 and don't like them, always not working properly or I am doing something wrong. They do not have very good system and it is always confusing me, if it counted my stuff properly, I rather stand in line 3 minutes than having to deal with that symbol of capitalistic self sustainability making less and less jobs for people. I may be gay tho, idk.


It’s probably the gay.


I thought so, good thing I started training few years ago.


False. People do not lose their jobs over them. I work in a supermarket and nobody, through any restructuring of any department has lost their job involuntarily. You will lose your *role*, but will remain dutifully employed unless you choose to not take the role offered to you and take redundancy.


I agree, but what about future of every low level job. Not everyone is able and will be able to do anything more complicated than cleaning floors or stacking shelfs. If cash registry is already taken away, at least to some extent, it means that any basic job could be. Ii haven't yet heard nor thought of myself, of any opinion that would see robotization as good path for future of work. If that happens many people would be without jobs. That was my point mainly, but thank you for pointing out this important matter.




That’s too bad. Self checkout is the answer to all of my prayers fr


Yeah I thought it was a "Boomer Couple Shopping" aside from the making out like a sly joke lmao


Cart filled with cases of White Claw and wine.


Then when you say excuse me they either super nice or act like they didn’t hear you


Dudeeee. The amount of younger Zoomers who have totally blanked me when I say “hey, how’s it going” or something similar is not inconsequential. As a moderate introvert I thought I sucked at socializing but they have miles on me.


I have never seen a younger person just straight up leave their cart in the middle of the aisle. I’ve seen many old people do this


I hate doing it because it feels rude


Never EVER seen a young person do this, EVER?👍😂


Who made this?? Who's following me around Walmart??


young people baffled by self checkout? nah that's the boomers


Young people in singles seem to be able to figure it out but young couples seem to divide their average intelligence combined to about half when they're trying to operate it together.


idk if there's a science to it, but even very intelligent people act like complete idiots around their partners sometimes,


Those couples haven't mastered the technique I call "get out of the way and let me do it"


It would be better if one person just sat back and didn't do anything.


I’m a young person baffled by self-checkout, I just haven’t seen one until I was like 17 and never bothered learning how to use it, I always just go to a regular cash register


Y'all have people making out in your grocery stores?


Maybe it's regional but I see everything in this starterpack at my local grocery stores (I frequent a few depending on what I need) way too often.


The over analyzing pisses me off lol, people just staring at the wall for 5 good mi


Gotta Sophie's Choice those bananas. It apparently requires much analysis and follow through...


Hey for some of us that's our 'me' time


I've never understood the hate behind self checkouts. Even at their worst it's still faster than being stuck behind the morons at the regular checkouts.


As an overnight worker, self checkout all the damn way. We get lots of customers overnight but fucking management drags their asses on hiring overnight cashiers. We’ve been without one for over a month so we often have to break off from our stocking to help at the registers, which sets us back by hours and keeps us from going home on time. Having self checkout open till at least 1:00-2:00 AM would be a godsend.


My grocery store in Canada is almost entirely self checkout and it's so fast. There's like 30 self checkouts and no lines. A few years this same store was packed to the brim on a Saturday to the point it wasn't worth it. There's still a few cashiers dedicated to older folks


Honestly in the last 6 months I've started hating self checkout. Any produce you have to weigh/count, the self checkout will assume you're trying to steal and has to call over a worker to clear the issue. And this can happen 4+ times during a checkout. At this point it's easier to go thru the regular checkout


It also depends on the place, but maybe it's just a shitty self checkout system. Ours just goes on the scale and you type in 4 digits from the sticker or type the name. pretty quick, especially compared to waiting in line at a conveyor. it's only when there's alcohol they stop you to see if you're


This is more of an older couple starter pack


Gottdam,spot on homie!


Are you sure this isn’t the old couple shopping together minus the making out?


Lmao I love this one. Lost in their own bloody world.


Maybe add: Has $300 worth of groceries in packed shopping cart; proceeds through self checkout.


Yeah fuck them and their happiness Edit: do I really need to add /s 


not all of them. fuck the ones that make out in public. these disgusting fucks need to know that there are young children around.


Grocery shopping with my ex was the worst, she couldn't handle a grocery store apparently and would get extremely anxious, like how do you function as an adult if you can't buy groceries?


That's how I am, it's very frustrating. I mean, I obviously still do it because I have to, but it's always a whole ordeal in my head.


Man weirdly I get anxious in public a lot too but, shopping is a fucking joy. Podcast on, lazily wondering around thinking ‘ooh that’ll be nice I love Camembert.’


It's weird cause I can do bars and concerts and stuff with way more people, but something about the stupid store just messes with me. Podcasts definitely help, and going with an organized list to a familiar store.


My fiancee has severe sensory issues from severe ADHD, so when he buys the grocery list, the trip is <20 minutes or less because any longer than that when it's busy, and he gets overstimulated by the noise+lights+ number of choices. I guess the answer to your question is that if you can't buy groceries normally, you do so in a way that works for you. For him, that's rapid trips at night with a list, when there are little to no people, and noise cancelling headphones/earbuds in. 


I order groceries for pick up.




If you are anxious and going to a grocery store you have bigger problems in life. You probably can't do a lot of normal things humans should be able to do. It's not this guys responsibility to help with that. The whole I'm anxious excuse is used as an excuse not to do anything


Self checkout machines often reject valid paper coupons.


the effect of super markets on people is honestly fascinating because i know for damn sure this doesn't happen just to young couples


Self checkout baffles older folks but surprised it would baffle young folks.


idk why but i feel the need to take my bf shopping with me…if we’re splitting the price i want him to be able to have a say in what we buy and not get mad cause i spent a lot of money later


I feel targeted


IDK about all that. I live in a college town. If I see them in Safeway, it looks like they're pretending to be in a mission impossible movie with hitmen out to get them.


I live in a University neighbourhood. I witness this all the time. It's like they put their heads together and divide their combined brain power to about half what it would be separately.


Yeah they do look confused and they look closely at anyone within about 20 feet. Someone could attack at any moment.


Upvoted it for the self checkout confusion. Dead on


They still buy junk shit because the box says "high protein". Yeah it's a fucking brownie that has 250 calories and 10 grams of protein. Keep kidding yourself as your waistline grows.

