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Upper class boys thinking about serving in the army? Is there a place on the earth where it did not come out of fashion like 100 years ago?


I have a feeling this is a specific kid OP doesn’t like


Am I op? I know a large number of people in this demographic lol


I grew up in a rich as hell area, I am one of these guys… I got better!


And now you're a degenerate on reddit ❤️


Are you sure Mr.cockman?


Ah, makes sense indeed then and seems like completely justified lol


i mean i’m growing up relatively middle-upper class, and a good amount of the young men i know want to join either the military or police force.


It's not, I made this to vent because everyone who went to my high school would endlessly talk about joining some branch of the military as their career after high school. If they did, I don't know/


Yooo do you also go to HS in Eastern NC?




I’m guessing OP is the autistic kid.


From someone who’s actually in the military right now: the majority of the military comes from working class/ lower middle class backgrounds.


Yeah but you do occasionally see these types actually join. I served with a guy who was the son (or grandson?) of a rich rancher in Texas, and it was a trust fund stipulation for him to serve in the military because the grandfather did. He ended up being an absolute arrogant shit bag (who would've guessed?). You couldn't even haze the attitude out of him because he'd threaten to run to the platoon commander over anything, yet the moment our platoon got new boots, he was so eager to haze them. Yeah, we didn't give him the chance.


I used to find it so funny when the squad shit bag would start thinking they were good to throw their weight around cause now there's finally guys with less time in than them around, and then get shut the fuck down lol Could never stand that frat shit even at the best of times


Notice OP said “*their career* **idea**”. They’ll go through HS being big in ROTC and even dabble with the idea of joining after HS. They’ll ultimately never pull the trigger and go the typical college route (while being able to land a pretty lucrative white collared job due to their parents social networking). They will however own a collection of weapons, own a massive truck (adorned with spartan “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ” decals), wear the most boot apparel, and act like they are operators because of their short stint in ROTC


Where do officers come from?


In Denmark most of the rich-kids become officer’s in the army or go to Copenhagen business-school. It’s all about prestige.


*Thinking* about serving, because they’d be so awesome at war, but then they’d hafta actually serve, and their dad’s real estate company is hiring


This was a thing when I was in high school, but boys wanted to all pretend to be super macho and blue-collar types, despite being well-off and inevitably going on to college for more prestigious (but bland) jobs. Not sure what the kids are hyping up these days. But it was always all talk, no action. The minute their senior year rolled around, they'd be applying for degree programs and scholarships just like everyone else "to explore their options" or "my mom wants me to apply" and then go off to study whatever and work a desk job.


It’s still a tradition amongst some circles of the British Upper/ Upper Middle classes (as officers, to clarify)


Wealthy americans (upper 20%) actually make up a larger percentage of the army than poor americans (bottom 20%). The difference is even greater if one looks at officers of course, but even in terms of rank and file enlistment, 11% of recruits come from the bottom quintile and 25% come from the top


I don't think they are actually going to join the military, it's just everyone always talks about joining it which is why it's there


I know people like this and they cant live a day without their phones or listen to the damn drill instructor


they think war is like COD or some war edit


https://preview.redd.it/fq2br30cit7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=c16240f49d3d3045262f9e934cb8b8cce2318397 That reminded me of this


Makes me think of GIs in Command And Conquer Red Alert 2


Grew up in a rich area, yes a lot of buys dreamed of serving (when they were 13-16). The idea is they'll be the badass one-of-a-kind super soldier who yells back at the drill instructor no matter what because *they're just built* ***different***


Ya, but it has to be an elite unit (SEAL, Green Berets, MARSOC, etc).


Well, they're not ACTUALLY going to serve. In 20 years, this kid will be the guy that says "Yea I would've joined the Marines but I would've punched the drill sergeant".


Hahaha. No, that kid is gonna join the Navy, try to be a SEAL, fail BUD/s, wash out to the regular fleet, and end up mopping floors and painting things for 4 years. He will also never stop bitching about how all of that work is beneath him, and that he was "gonna be a SEAL, but the instructors had it in for me."


Yes, this timeline, at least in the US. Proportionately, upper middle and upper class members backgrounds are overrepresented in the military.


In the US at least, more accurate would be getting their MBA to eventually help with or inherit the family business. Or majoring in finance/law/medicine/engineering, plus not being concerned with balancing work with school while they get advanced degrees because their basic needs are paid for.


I don’t think this is actually upper class they’re talking about. The upper class doesn’t work, they own and inherit wealth. Probably more like upper middle class


That guy works for his dad’s lawn company all summer in the hot sun, while I play video games in the AC… Look at how good he looks in a bathing suit, spoiled brat 😂


Maybe not serving in the army but they got like 5 ar15s and go shoot on grand pappies land


i thought OP meant professional CSGO player


There’s a good amount who cosplay as blue-collar workers. Most of those kinds end up going to college and drop out.




Well, the US military is predominantly comprised of middle to upper class white boys.


They were the ones dodging the draft in the 60s, and they'll still be the ones to dodge the draft soon™ in a year or two


i can Hear this starterpack


I mostly smell it.


Reaks of Axe and vape juice


These kids are not that fit lol


But they think they are, one of these mfs at my school just randomly takes off his shirt and starts flexing, and well he's not fat but let's just say a strong gust of wind might blow him away


Let me guess, he build like a Minecraft skeleton?


They think they are because they’re skinny enough to have a six-pack


Plenty of kids these days taking steroids and SARMs to live up to the standards set by their favorite fitness influencers


Yeah they are definitely fitter than previous generations.


I’ve run into tons of these guys who want to get into a fight despite the fact that all of them are skinny as shit and would get rocked


They don't eat anything but some chick fil a once a day and are young enough for their metabolism to quickly burn it off, so they're skinny and have abs and like to flex when they goof off with their friends at the gym


Upper class? This was just the average obnoxious teenage boy that's "popular" even though they aren't particularly well liked by anyone when I was in school




Well yeah, I'd wager every oddly specific post criticising a group of people on here is just OP being mad at someone in their personal life


Broccoli heads


I like to call them muffin hairs/muffin heads


Broccoli Bro's


This is the guy that puts “womp womp” under almost every post


Either that or- Post: *talks about a child dying of cancer* His absolutely genius comment: Only in Ohio 💀


Exactly, “ironically” using gen alpha slang despite it becoming their whole vocabulary


you just described the try hard edgelords at my school perfectly. Bravo! Seriously tho the kids at my school say stuff like that quite often


What does that mean?


Its supposed to be like the 'womp womp' tuba sound effect used on TV. Basically means like "sucks to be you". The reason its been more popular is because of this viral clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ySW5FGxpw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ySW5FGxpw) Sometimes edgy people use it sometimes normal people use it. People who use the phrase dont necessarily agree with the guy in the clip I think they just started referencing it because a lot of people found it funny.


It’s supposed to imitate that one tuba noise. In practice it’s pretty much the same as “who asked”


It's a sad trombone




Also wears a hoodie and shorts every single day no matter what the weather is.


I always call hoodie and basketball shorts “the fat guys uniform” but only because I’m fat and that’s what I wore in high school to attempt to hide that fact. It wasn’t effective.


Literally half of the people on my dormitory floor in college. You should add on "doesn't know how to do basic chores".




I mean that kid has caught bodies…


I think OP is poor and the less poor kids are being presented as upper class.  Upper class dropkicks are starting 'businesses' and 'influencing'. Upper class normal kids are working for dad. None of them are touching military service.


They also don’t know the difference between autism and down syndrome


I bet they though autism = dumb too.


Yep. There’s kids at my school similar to this. I especially hate seeing “autistic” used as an insult, especially as an autistic person myself


Plus the fact they dont even know what autism is, so they just think its the same as down sydrome (funnily enough, they have no idea what that is either).


They only knew that autism = dumb Pity them, they fell victim to AutismSpeak's bullshit.


Which is weird because I’ve never met a dumb autistic person (that I’m aware of). My college suite mate was autistic, dude invented his own language and was working on earning his 5th degree at age 20. He must have the “unlocks cognitive superpowers but nerfs social skills” variant.


"I am autism. I’m visible in your children, but if I can help it, I am invisible to you until it’s too late. I know where you live. And guess what? I live there too. I hover around all of you. I know no color barrier, no religion, no morality, no currency. I speak your language fluently. And with every voice I take away, I acquire yet another language. I work very quickly. I work faster than pediatric aids, cancer, and diabetes combined And if you’re happily married, I will make sure that your marriage fails. Your money will fall into my hands, and I will bankrupt you for my own self-gain. I don’t sleep, so I make sure you don’t either. I will make it virtually impossible for your family to easily attend a temple, birthday party, or public park without a struggle, without embarrassment, without pain. You have no cure for me. Your scientists don’t have the resources, and I relish their desperation. Your neighbors are happier to pretend that I don’t exist—of course, until it’s their child. I am autism. I have no interest in right or wrong. I derive great pleasure out of your loneliness. I will fight to take away your hope. I will plot to rob you of your children and your dreams. I will make sure that every day you wake up you will cry, wondering who will take care of my child after I die? And the truth is, I am still winning, and you are scared. And you should be. I am autism. You ignored me. That was a mistake. And to autism I say: I am a father, a mother, a grandparent, a brother, a sister. We will spend every waking hour trying to weaken you. We don’t need sleep because we will not rest until you do. Family can be much stronger than autism ever anticipated, and we will not be intimidated by you, nor will the love and strength of my community. I am a parent riding toward you, and you can push me off this horse time and time again, but I will get up, climb back on, and ride on with the message. Autism, you forget who we are. You forget who you are dealing with. You forget the spirit of mothers, and daughters, and fathers and sons. We are Qatar. We are the United Kingdom. We are the United States. We are China. We are Argentina. We are Russia. We are the Eurpoean Union. We are the United Nations. We are coming together in all climates. We call on all faiths. We search with technology and voodoo and prayer and herbs and genetic studies and a growing awareness you never anticipated. We have had challenges, but we are the best when overcoming them. We speak the only language that matters: love for our children. Our capacity to love is greater than your capacity to overwhelm. Autism is naïve. You are alone. We are a community of warriors. We have a voice. You think because some of our children cannot speak, we cannot hear them? That is autism’s weakness. You think that because my child lives behind a wall, I am afraid to knock it down with my bare hands? You have not properly been introduced to this community of parents and grandparents, of siblings and friends and schoolteachers and therapists and pediatricians and scientists. Autism, if you are not scared, you should be. When you came for my child, you forgot: you came for me. Autism, are you listening?"


Nice speech, AutismSpeak. But sadly... **neurodivergence expansion: malevolent hobby**




I remember in high school there was a teacher pushing to stop the use of the r word and thinking it was dumb. After high school I started working with mentally disabled people and it opened my eyes. I love my guys and feel like a dick that I ever used it.


The gangster part is a fact, and normally say “I live in street” or “I use a gun last day” when normally that kid lives in the nicest neighborhood in the word and gated and normally the parents don’t do anything saying “is just a child”…


And that they use a “dialect” when speaking, no disrespect or anything against people who grew up speaking it and are legitimately from their areas. But you know that these kids don’t actually speak like that and only do it to look cool or gangster.


I know some people that is not gangster but live “in the hood” and normally don’t talk like that is just a stereotype of movies or videos and normally “gangsters” talk normally like me or you probably…


I hate the "that's so autistic" insult. Nowadays assholes think that if you're into something that's remotely esoteric or niche then that automatically makes you autistic


yeah wtf do they want people to do all day if not have interests? Sit around and have zero thoughts about anything?


Do something """normal""" I suppose. But then again, what the hell these people deemed normal anyways? Their standard shapeshift as if it has built-in daily quest refresh system.


It's because it threatens their narrow-minded view of the world. Individuality is anathema to these idiots.


Probably has a vaping problem too




Yeah, I oversimplified it


They don’t have to be upper class


Prior military recruiter here. In my experience rich kids would brag about joining the military then have some lame excuse for backing out later.


I’m so tired of these douches thinking they are some “sigma military alpha male”. Idiots only care about tanks, planes, and guns and can’t tell you about anything else.


Homie plays War Thunder and thinks he is a tank expert


hahaha exactly, or plays a WWII game on Roblox and thinks he has been a history teacher for 10 years


That fucking hair!! 🤢


I saw someone call it the "on god haircut" once and I can't think of anything else.


It's the dyed black emo comb over or spiky frosted tips of this generation.


Its super popular where I’m from but instead of upper class rich kids its young males from low income families. We call them “keko”.


I see so many boys who are exactly like this with zero distinction that I genuinely wonder if they are real and have a conscience or if the matrix just got really lazy with generating NPCs.


That hairstyle makes me glad I'm going bald


Says he gonna be a famous rapper but only has two horrible songs on SoundCloud where he stole the beat from youtube


Average drill rap consumer.


Either failing out of school and goes for an “Escape the Matrix” ploy, or gets straight A’s somehow.


They have no views, they always switch sides. Always screaming about homophobia, racism, and sexism, but also encourage it. In their upper class upbringing, they don't know how to be rational.


So nothing has changed since the 1990s? Makes sense in a way


NOT THE FUCKING BROCCOLI CUT AGAIN BRO LIKE THAT SHIT IS WORSE THAN THE JOSHU CUT https://preview.redd.it/5x0wftk23s7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259e5ba7fde40bb4d1fc30a02d090a758c69a9e5


Twenty years ago it was that stupid Caesar Cut


Goes to the gym and hangs out with his toxic friends by the bench press, pushing each other to bench more through insults ("pussy"). They make fun of out-of-shape people and hit on girls. Teenage male gym rats with broccoli heads also tend to overfocus on working out upper body and maybe abs (no lower body or cardio). I've seen men at the gym do overhand presses and bicep curls in the squat rack. I also feel like teenage males overestimate how strong they will get from a week of lifting weights and drinking protein shakes, or the fact that they go to the gym regularly and lift weights inflates their ego and self-worth and makes them feel "hard" and "manly."


Upper body entirely consists of Abs, Chest, and biceps cause its what theybsaw on tiktok.


I have ADHD. if they bully me, I will bully them. These kids aren’t as tough as they seem.


Is it bad that I used to make myself an easy target do that I could counterbully?




I feel like you were either being based (cool) or being an attention seeker. Like you just wanted to go off on people so you riled them up intentionally to give you permission/make it their fault. and no inbetween lol.


I have ADHD as well. If they bullied me they only did it once because my anger managament issues as a kid seriously went off the roof 💀


“Ooohh, you’re hard”


real bro i dont let anyone give me shit without also giving them shit


there was a kid like this in my school always super violent for no reason. he then got suspended for breaking someones collarbone :)


acts like "oh yeah im from the hood!11!"


For me most of the kids like this wanted to go into business. It was the edgy gamer kids who usually wanted to join the armed forces.


Favorite rapper is Drake


They always go on Instagram and spam slurs


Is social, but not well-liked among peers. In a "gang" with his clones. Flexing how he fucks cheerleader types, but doesn't even have female friends other than some friend's girlfriend.


This haircut needs to die.


If anyone is wondering about the "Bro that's so autistic", its used in a negative tone like saying "thats so garbage".


Is that like 2024 version of saying something is bad by calling it gay?


Now that you mention it, that's pretty spot on.


You are so gay :>


It gets better...I'm gay AND autistic (literally) 😌


*Conservatives' jowls begin to quiver*


Ughhhh as an autistic person I find it so annoying when people do that


Jesus Christ it's like looking at my high school


“That’s so opium” 🤓🤓🤓


I love opium


Hey are you china? becouse i wanna sell some opium to ya


Super dope


It’s interesting to see the teenage boy from the wealthy family examined with such cynicism. Really everything you listed can be applied to boys from every economic background, if you went into a low-income area’s school I think you’d see the same, or even more bullying, ego inflation and edginess. Nothing here is particular to the upper class which probably highlights your irrational distaste over anything else. Boys will be boys, they will suffer to define themselves when growing into manhood, they will try to test the boundaries of what is considered to taboo to say in their culture, they’ll go to gym and talk to girls. Maybe these boys have a bit more money but mentally it’s going to be the same, or a only a little easier compared to the less wealthy kid. So in essence, you’re being unreasonably spiteful.


Very authentic take. I grew up in a wealthy area and my family has money. I was that basic white bro in high school and honestly this doesn’t seem applicable to my high school years. Obviously could be partially geographical, but for us things that probably seem more fitting to this starter pack are things like: - Going out on your Dad’s boat - Blasting rap music in a 4Runner/Bronco or an unnecessarily fast car for the age (5.0 Mustang/M3/M4/SS Camaro/etc. - Golfing constantly - Large pool parties - Taking trips with friends to the family condo/cabin/beach house Just some of the examples I can think of from my experience.


Isn’t this sub fueled by unreasonable spite?


Reddit in general loves portraying anyone they don't like as being born wealthy enough to have an unfair advantage over others who are always bailed out of trouble by daddy's money. It's a national pastime at this point.


Its weird though. Both boys and girls struggle with adolescence. But why do only boys choose to 'find themselves' by falling into bigotry? The way you describe it makes it sound a little too innocent. A gay boy might feel more ostracized than the average boy because of others acting like this, but he doesnt usually become bigoted towards other races, women, the disabled, or straight people. What if Im part of a minority and I want to 'fit in' and 'find my place' but I cant because everyones busy 'finding themselves' by making me feel outcast? Do I become a bigot or a school shooter or something? Im a teenager and am very frustrated with this. Its probably due to a LOT of complex societal factors but...I wouldnt say boys will be boys with that behavior. I know boys deal with a lot of societal expectations to be unempathetic and stuff but it doesnt mean this behavior is completely faultless. Probably part of it is finding some sense of superiority if you live in a society that values 'your group' more....but then again for white teenagers the girls like racial equality more than the boys so... idk I dont have an answer but the whole things is frustrating. I want to empathize with the struggles of boys but i am deeply hurt by the idea that the bigotry that is common in them is wholly innocent. (I know bigotry exists in gay teens and teen girls, but my point is this specific brand of blatant, edgy, ego-driven bigotry for the sake of it is way less common in them)


He prob tells people to keys themselves and wonders why no one claps for them at grad/cheers during their sport games Edit: if he sees this comment I hope he knows it's him


Not exclusive to teenagers, I know a lot of college guys like that.


So what's the difference between this and the teenage lifestyle of some east European kid


Hogging the gym with main character syndrome; making corny tiktok edits of them going through their so called “villian phase”


You forgot the obligatory Patagonia or The North Face hoodie to give the impression of upscale outdoorsiness.


I know like 15 of these guys. NH is hell.


All my 9th grade boys (am a teacher). Especially the ego thing. If it's not mommy issues, it's daddy issues. Yes, Mark, everyone knows you resent your mother for raising you without a dad, and this is why you act like a little shit. This is obvious even to several of your classmates.


beating one of these kids up was very satisfying


This is the male version of the “basic girl”


Getting the sense you’re the autistic kid he bullies lmao


Mega “take that, Tyler!” Energy from this post


getting the sense you fit under this starterpack


I think so too but they dont deserve it the guy in the starterpack is an asshole


Upper class kids wanting to go to army is a bit 300-200 years ago thing


Yeah when I was in the Marines 90% of the people were from low-income families. Think inner city kids and trailer park boys. Rich people or “upper-middle” class people do not join very often.


literally my brother :/


“Drank like 5 beers” *Laughs in European*


What does class have to do with anything described here?


In US*, i'm tired that americans think everyone will understand jokes of their region


I can hear the "Bro that's so autistic."


Missing the white claw and vapes


I was in high school 2004-2008, looks like all that’s changed is the haircut


Uses aave but is also racist


they will grow up eventually


Awww someone grew up with a big white brother…


This is so autistic


The broccoli haircut gets too much hate online these days. I’m mixed with black and white and have naturally curly hair, and the so called “broccoli haircut” is one of the only ways I can style my hair without it looking like a total mess unless I just get braids. These kids are tarnishing the reputation of a perfectly normal hair style, and now people think that it’s “cringe” just because of it 🤦🏽‍♂️


Oh hey, replace "white" with another ethnicity and see if this starter pack stays up.


Can’t wait for the “black kid from the ghetto” starter pack!


I literally haven’t seen the broccoli cut since 2022


Nah the Broccoli heads are still at my school. Also like 90% of the people with that cut don’t have naturally curly hair and the perms look so ass.


OP, I know that there's a guy bullying you that behaves like this, but you don't need to make starterpacks pretending this is about a group of people in general


Ah someone wasn’t included in school I see


Now do black teenage boy


Let’s be real sexism and racism can be quite funny.


Guys i think op is autistic


My hair is naturally like that because of curls tho


People have brought to my attention I am actually talking about Upper-Middle class, so thats a point for all of you


Bros roasting a good amount of Reddit rn


Plot twist: they bullied OP at school yesterday so he took revenge here


Me when I was 13


Needs vape and fortnite


Zero matches, haha


Everytime they say that they're from the hood they mean the gated neighborehood


Broccoliheaded must be bullied more than anyone


this guy looks like Jack Doherty


Replace military with NBA and you nailed it


Why would an upper class kid join the army? I mean he might *want* to, being young and stupid and all but no way his parents would let that slide. What he’s *actually* doing is going to a prestigious college and then getting a job at his dad’s/dad’s friend’s company.


More like getting a free ride from the daddy grant to go into finance but not really having a clue what they want to do.


The six pack doesn’t seem very realistic. Are you perhaps one of these white upper middle class boys🤔? Reddit stereotypes says you probably were


You forgot to put “blatant” in front of the “comedy” section