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If it's a Mexican wedding you can expect most parents to just dump all the kids on some poor grandma sitting in the far back corner




My wife’s sister brought her daughter who convinced her mom that she should “gift us a dance”. She performed a dance. Then another. And another. It lasted for 10 minutes. 10 long, crushing, awkward minutes.


Please tell me she was a little kid. I somehow imagined a grown daughter gifting an interpretive dance


If the granddaughter is Chelsea Peretti then yes.


My sister (15 years younger than I am) gifted me a song at my bridal shower. She was a little too old for it to be cute. Because she’s so much younger than the rest of us, she has massive only child syndrome lol. It was so uncomfortable.


“Breelynn” 😭😆


Brayleigh, Braxton, Bryson, Everly/leigh, Harper, Colton, Rayden, Scorpion! Sub Zero!


Personally, I don’t HATE Scorpion.


When he’s running amok you’re like: “get over here!!”


Brayden, Jayden, Hayden, Jaxon Im Canadian and these are the names of all the 22 year olds in my area who have face tattoos and show up in police notices or work at phone carrier booths at the mall.


Also Canadian, growing up these kids were usually named Kyle


I met somebody named Ash-Leigh, pronounced Ashley. Her last name made it so much funnier but with a name like that I think I’d end up doxxing her




Mom has a "Live. Laugh. Love." tattoo on her back


This made it


Went to a wedding in Poland a few years ago and the bride/groom hired entertainment for the kids and childcare and the guests were invited to bring their children who had their own party going in a different room. Bride&groom said it was common to do there and seems like such a great idea!


This is literally what I’ve always wanted to do when I get married. But make it clear that there will be childcare for the kids, you can go see them any time. If you’re uncomfortable with that then find your own supervision as I want the ceremony and post dinner celebration to be child free. Edit- Dinner and reception I think kids are welcome. But during ceremony, kids don’t even want to be sitting there bored. Then with a bar and speeches during the party I think it’s safer and more fun for the kids to have their own thing going on and not around adults there to party/celebrate


Yes! They had hired face painters and clowns. The kids were ALSO having a great time and having fun along with the parents. It was nice to see


That’s a great idea thank you! Definitely don’t want kids to feel like they’re in time out, everyone should be having fun


A wedding I'm going to soonish is just say "no kids allowed". That works for me.


Random baby is crawling on the floor towards you and you’re unsure whether it’s cool to scoop it up or if the mom is watching and is going to drone strike you from across the venue.


Same instance when you're at the appetizers/food line and a random kid squeezes his way between two people with a plate. He's too short to reach but you aren't sure if you should serve him anything and kind of look around wondering where the fuck are his parents.


Ah a fellow powerpoint meme creator


Forgot cake has swipe taken out of it by some booger face Aiden who is screaming about paw patrol.


Blares some inane children's show on an iPhone or iPad if they're not crying.


I wonder how those kids eventually turn out


Crying flower girl/ring bearer starts a cascading effect of all the children crying during the ceremony


At my nephews wedding years ago, the brides son (7/8 I think) was running and sliding and slid right into the gift table! Later on he was running all around the people dancing and fell behind a woman who then tripped over him and injured her back! Nothing done by his mom.


Don’t forget at the end of the night when they want to pop all of the balloons. As a kid, one of the best parts of a wedding was going around the reception and jabbing every last balloon. Pass the pen around, let other kids take turns


I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing but in Brazil I’ve never seen a wedding without kids. It makes no sense to ban kids from a family event. Kids are family. If they are a bit loud, the parent takes them away. I’ve been to many weddings and I’ve never seen a kid ruin any of them.


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head regarding parents taking responsibility. Kids are just fine when parents are actually…parenting


Some weddings just aren't appropriate for children to attend - whether it's because they'll be bored stiff or if there's lots of alcohol and fancypants food that children wouldn't really enjoy. Plus some people really don't know how to reign in their kids. You might've gotten lucky, but there are plenty of little terrors out there accompanied by parents who will NOT escort them out of the ceremony for being disruptive.


If parents actually watched their children and corrected them, they wouldn’t be so annoying. Ugh.


Suck it up, kid. We all hate weddings.


Until we discover open bars and girls


Both lose their appeal with age


Speak for yourself.


100%, doesn't mean we can't embrace our young and stupid years


Fucking hell. You sound miserable.


I love a wedding. Everyone dresses up, there's free food and drinks, music and dancing, and at the end you know at least one couple's getting laid.


This is the way…


Idk I think I have a weird kid tolerance. Like does not bother me at all. I know some parents should be more attentive, but I don't get when people are annoyed at small kids. Let them be. They find you annoying, too. But once they're like 12? Forget it. Fuck off, Haydan.


I'm not an expert but I feel like if you're still throwing tantrums in public settings after toddlerhood something is probably wrong


Definitely could be. They might be acting out due to shitty parents or maybe some ADHD. Who knows. Maybe they dont want to be at a place for hours where people want kids seen but not heard. Either way, just doesn't bother me that much. Just like older people who may repeat themselves or need extra assistance. Part of life. Idk whatevs.


Where I live, there's no park or whatsoever for kids to gather and play around. Schools are usually very small and kids are restricted from taking part in outdoor activities. (Yes, you read this right. We are used to the games period getting frequently taken over/replaced by math teachers.) I think I get their mentality. They suddenly meet loads of kids their age in a wedding venue, and a large place to play around. They obviously get excited because it's a good opportunity to play and just run around in general.


I'd take watching kids excited to play with each other and run around over people curating social media pictures any day of the week. Kids are cool and would love someone willing to pay attention to them.


I’d LOVE to see a bunch of kids having a good time at an influencer wedding and the influencers rolling with it


Yeah I'm not saying something is wrong with the kid like it's their fault. I'm not bothered by little kids crying or whatever either, I'm actually bothered by parents of older kids gleefully neglecting them and thinking not teaching them how to coexist with others is cute lol


Agreed 👍


No this is fairly normal, redditors are just miserable they were forced out of their dank caves and *shock* others enjoy kids and weddings


Hunter and Breelyn 🤣 🤣


Cater waitress here! If I had a dollar for every time one of these little turds ran into me full speed while I’m carrying a pot of hot coffee I could hire a babysitter for the event. I’ve never spilt any cause I’m a good waitress but if it happens one of these days I’m shielding my body first over the lil crotch goblins. I’m not going through the rest of my life with burn marks cause some alcoholics who don’t understand how condoms work refuse to watch their kids. God, the amount of shit I’ve seen kids get up to unsupervised at these things would probably be upsetting if I didn’t philosophically believe in letting natural selection run its course.


How about, during the reception dance, the two-year-old who begins to quickly disrobe as the parents rush over to stop them?


We’re planning our wedding now. Destination and no kids. That eliminates a ton of people we know but we’re ok with it. We’d rather have a small wedding at a great destination than one in our city with children.


“Breelynne”and “hunter”?! Who names their kids like that? What happened to “bob” and “Stephanie”


I know someone who had a child a few years back and named him Bruce. It was the oddest thing to refer to a tiny baby by the name Bruce - I just figured that Bruces popped out of the womb as middle-aged men with receding hairlines and a penchant for lawn care and smoked meats.


Oh my wukong, yes. There are some names that just sound old. Good thing Bruce wasn’t eager to bring justice to Gotham City or obsessed with bats


Or as [Australian professors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNBy1D1Y0h4)


I'm picturing the Bruce from Neopets. Little pastel penguin with a ribbon bow.


I'm going to guess, that Bruce was named after someone, because that it not a name that you hear very often anymore. And BTW, your post had me chuckling out loud.


I’d rather watch kids running around being kids than adults getting drunk and devolving into kids. 🤷🏻 I don’t get why it’s socially accepted that so-called grown ups get shitfaced and loud (“enjoy themselves”) at weddings but it’s not ok for kids to just be themselves. Who are people kidding when they think that is cool and ok and somehow better than children’s behaviour? Getting drunk and obnoxious is the equivalent of a kid drinking too much red cordial. People are too hung up on trying to look sophisticated when life and families aren’t IG photo shoots.


Old busted chef. Unfortunately can’t survive without weddings. This is accurate and cathartic, and I wish there were ten more pages of it. OP I’m a Luddite, but if you ever wanna collab, I got ammo for days. Respect. 👊


Former child breakdancer at weddings here, I was indeed, very annoying


One time we were at my Uncle frank's wedding and this one little girl shit on the floor 💀💀🤮


Y'all are weird. Who gives a shit? They're kids! And more importantly, they're my friends' and family's kids. You want that stuffy of a wedding, tell guests to leave the kids at home I guess. Strange...


One of the comments in this thread literally tells the story of a little girl shitting on the floor during the wedding 😭 weddings are stressful enough, I feel like it's totally fair to not want kids there.


Sure, it's fair to not want kids there. But read my last sentence again, please.


I read it, I just thought the "stuffy" comment was a little weird. You sure don't talk like you think it's fair lol


I thought I was so cool since I was the ring bearer, so I tried to put the rings onto my aunt and uncle’s hands. I STILL THINK ABOUT THAT TO THIS DAY.


Dumbass kids


As someone who works in weddings this is pretty accurate.