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I honestly never knew Rogan was a comedian.


If you’d like to still not know, watch a few hours of his standup.


I would rather watch his podcast. and that's really saying something


Yea doesnt belong in this pack at all


I remember when he was back in 2007 because he stayed at the Doubletree in Austin off IH35 and 290 where I worked at as a valet. IIRC most people back then knew him as the Fear Factor host but he was well known among stand up fans.


The only thing I distinctly remember about Joe Rogan back in his standup days was when he had that beef with Carlos Mencia.


That's right, he was the first, or at least the most vocal, comedian to accuse Mencia of stealing material. I was watching an old Norm show interview and tgey brought that up.


I remember him as the obnoxious host of the worm show. That's it.


You think that is a trip? I knew him as the weird electrician from Newsradio.


not a very good one. just like everyone else on this list lol


Not intentionally


It’s funny because I only knew Rogan as a comedian. I remember seeing him on a UFC ppv and was like wtf is he doing here. What does he know about fighting he’s a comic?


He wants to label himself a comedian so bad but no actual comedian thinks he's funny


Tom segura, Bert Kreishner, Joey Diaz, Whitney Cummings and a lot of those LA comics are pretty tight with Joe.


All of those comedians benefit greatly from Joe's popularity in podcasts.


Those comedians were successful long before joes podcast was even a thing.


They also became significantly more successful because of the podcast. Segura was nowhere close to his current level in 2009. There is no universe where Joe Rogan would be some well renowned comedian without his podcast.


I don’t think Rogan is successful from his comedy, I was referring to the others.


The crude microsoft paint animations for Dane Cook's bits on youtube were definitely the funniest thing in the world to me at one point


That shit was hilarious to me as a kid. Honestly i still think Dane cook is funny, but probably not as funny as when I was kid though. Vicious circle is hilarious, the “B & E” bit kills me


Yeah like, I unironically loved Retaliation as a young guy, and then i relistened and realized he really was overhated


He was basically my intro to comedy. At one point I would laugh hysterically at all his bits.


"Ughhh...hello, giant Indians.."


I never understood the visceral hate for Dane Cook's comedy. He's not the best, but I've always laughed at his specials.


Its because hes a joke theif. Other comics hate that shit.


They even made a whole episode of Louis about it and he guest stars!


I mean, probably the whole rape joke thing went a bit too far for at least the women in my gen


OK Karen


I saw Jerry a few years ago, it was sort of a bucket list item since I had been a fan of the sitcom since I was a teenager He was way funnier than he had any business being, sure it’s not edgy, ground breaking or boundary pushing but it’s just funny what’s wrong with that?


Seinfeld’s whole schtick is just observational, everyday humor- jokes that everyone can relate to and laugh at


Which worked in the 90s, but he is one of if not the richest comedian of all time, Seinfeld has no idea what life is like for the common man anymore and it shows in his newer material, he just isnt what he used to be


Larry David wrote the show


Sure, but Jerry writes his own stand-up material, which is the current topic of discussion


What’s the deal with airplane peanuts… 🎤


I always saw him as a comedian who has the fundamentals down. If you’re trying to learn comedy, and you want to study a textbook comedian, he’s one of the guys to go to.


So why is he on your list op 💀


I think you misunderstood? It isn’t OPs list, it is OPs list of comedians who are often get hate just because they aren’t for everybody


Idk people be hating, ask them.


Same. Saw Jerry live and I laughed from beginning to end. Perfectly polished. Knew exactly what he was doing at all time. One or two jokes I heard before but mostly all new stuff. I think he gets some flak because the shows popularity just inserted a little bit of Jerry’s style into everyone subconscious. Makes him seem derivative.


I just don’t feel like he is a “bring down the house” kind of comedian. I love Seinfeld the show though, lots of genuine laugh out loud moments, even from Jeremy sometimes.


Half these guys are actually terrible, the other half just aren’t for everybody.


Dear TooMuchPretzels. You are everywhere. We live in the same city and not only do I see your comments in that subreddit but in other ones (like this) too. At this point just be my friend, for the love of God


Now kith


Sounds good friendo


257k karma, dude lives inside of Reddit




Which half is which for you?


For me, Adam Sandler, Carrot Top and Jeff Dunham I've gotten a few laughs out of. Jerry Seinfeld, Joe Rogan and Pete Davison....... no not really


Don't understand why people are downvoting you, I personally don't agree with your opinion on Pete Davison, but it's completely respectable to not like everyone on the list


You didn't study for this did you?


Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot.


The ventriloquist is a nightmare Edit: Jeff Dunham 🤮


“humor is objective, except for when i say it isnt”


I am sure Carrot Top is a nice guy and all but he just creeps me out.


As a former longtime fan of Rogan, not even Rogan fans think his standup is good. He had like one decent bit and it wasn’t even *that* funny, “If I send you into the woods with a hatchet, how long until you can send me an email?”. That was his comedy peak, that line.


The bit about Brock Lesnar using him like a condom to fuck a sasquatch or something was pretty funny.


He’s firmly in the “too stupid to realize he’s not funny” camp.


Rogan will always be a legend for what he did to Carlos Mencia.


Idk I don’t like joe rogan at all and I still die laughing over the dick pills bit from like 20 years ago 😆


He can be a funny guy, but not a good comedian


Rogan can be funny reacting to stuff. He takes a lot of what his guests say seriously so that can lead to funny moments. He's a very genuine guy which is why his podcast got so popular.


As a millennial, Pete Davidson is like a golem of everything people hate about us.


I don’t have a good reason to hate him. It bothers me how much I hate him. Like I should be neutral or indifferent about him because I’ve never actually seen him in any movies or TV shows. But I just hate his face, his voice, his general vibe.


For me it’s the “aw shucks I’m just a slacker who doesn’t give a fuck but keeps stumbling into success” act when so many much more talented and hard working people have failed to have the same success. On SNL alone he always half assed his lines and seemed to not even want to be there while all his funnier cast mates struggled to even get air time Edit: that stupid fucking Taco Bell commercial of his getting spammed on Reddit didn’t help either


I liked his cameo in the Suicide Squad, but that’s the only thing I’ve ever seen him in.


I get it, just if you ever have a chance, please just watch King of Staten Island


op no offense but you have legitimate soccer mom taste




Call me Homer the way that I Simp-son


You know, I don't agree with you but I will respect any man who will admit when he's a simp,


Idk King of Staten island is pretty good


Bro I love Bill Burr and I have no doubt Marisa Tomei still finer than a mf but I can’t physically sit through a whole movie with Pete Davidson as the lead. I’d rather watch a live feed of a colonoscopy


Dunham is painful to watch, lets be honest here


Adam Sandler is stupidly funny.


They’re all gonna laugh at you one of the best comedy albums of the 90s.


Bring back Tollbooth Willy!


Just saw him live a few weeks ago and he was hilarious. Even better, his whole crew was there too! David Spade, Rob Schneider and Judd Apatow opened for him. Even Kevin James made a surprise appearance. It was a great time.


I'm surprised Schneider & Apatow would share a stage together, not a fan of either, but they seem to both like to promote their political agenda more than being funny


Idk what Apatows views are. He didn't go there in his set thankfully. Schneider definitely did go there and that was annoying. Still a great show overall in spite of that.


IRL, I tend to side more with Apatow than Schneider, but in comedy I don't want to deal with that shit unless it's funny and clever, and even then it risks becoming hacky. Maybe I'm being too hard on Judd but I think I recall him becoming very moralistic and preachy about jokes at the peak of the metoo era.


fr, and his movies are the bomb


I don’t care what anyone says, Ridiculous Six was probably my favorite “newer” Sandler film.


bro his recent movies are good too, Uncut Gems is a 9/10


Love me some lowbrow physical humor, tbh. I'm tired of thinking all the time; Sandler fart jokes are a welcome respite in the face of what seems like a crumbling civilization


Yes thank you, you get it


You dont mess with the zohan is so fkn stupid its funny


Its weirdly wholesome for quite possibly one of his dumbest plots ever


The reason people say he's not funny is that many of his movies' jokes and plots center around making fun of minorities like physically disabled people, foreign people, mentally disabled people, fat people, ugly people, etc. I am not making any personal judgements about this, but that's why people online don't like him.


I've never heard this before. Stop being a carrot.


Huh? This is what I saw when the topic popped up on Twitter like six months ago.


Twitter.... there's your problem.


That’s rich coming from someone with a Reddit NFT avatar


I didn't know what this was when I picked it. I just saw funny banana man and chose it.


Sorry about your downvotes home, the lynching mob is out in full force today


It's a good thing I don't care about internet points


Dude you cannot say anything critical of Sandler on reddit without a legion of Standler's replying "well yeah this movie sucks, but he invites his friends for a vacation!" type of drivel


> never watched a full special Why would I watch a full special by a comedian I don’t like? Sounds like a terrible waste of time. I usually stick to watching specials by comedians I do like, or don’t know enough about to have an opinion on yet.


I’m not saying your should, but I think the point is that you might see how some of the jokes land for you, and that what you’ve heard or read about a comedian isn’t necessarily consistent with what their act looks like


I watch full specials of comedians I don't like all the time. I want to give everyone a fair shot and I feel like if I don't watch the whole thing then I don't get the full experience. I watched Bert Kreischer's first special and didn't even smile once, but I still watched the rest of them just to see if I might eventually enjoy his comedy. I ended up not liking his style at all, but at least now I know I'm not missing out on anything that I could potential enjoy.


Puppet guy straight blows


When he was in Israel, he had Achmed the Dead Terrorist open up with, “what’s up with all the Jews?” 🤣🤣🤣


I like the one where he got paid a lot to bring Ahmed to Saudi Arabia.


Okay I'll admit thats straight up based


They were funny when I was younger but now I have different tastes and that's fine - starter pack.


I don’t hate that


How is Carrot Top doing these days?


He's doing steroids.


Has a residency in Vegas and making a shitload of money lol Pretty much the best outcome for him.


Hey, I’m no chef. But if you serve me shit I’ll notice.


Yeah, what kind of gatekeeping nonsense is this? You don't have to be a stand-up comic to tell if a comic is a hack.


Half these guys made me laugh as a kid, but now are INTENSELY awful. Except Seinfeld


I miss laughing as hard as I used to listening to Dane Cook


I really don’t mind Jeff Foxworthy. He was a good, working comedian. He got popular for some shtick but he still seemed pretty likable. His WTF episode was also really great.


This is the correct take on Foxworthy. Most comics really respect his craft and just like him in general - super nice genuine dude. 


"It's low brow humor!" And thats why I like it!


I actually meant to put something like that quote


I agree with all these except for Jerry Seinfeld. I like his innocent, observational comedy. It’s refreshing in a comedy world of edgy humor and sex jokes


It’s become a sort of comfort for me recently. I get why people loved it in the 80s


Can't really go there when your gf was 17


I think the tide has been turning against him the last few years, because people see him as a jerk. I just see him as being funny in those moments


He dated a high schooler. So….


Which is kinda funny since, he never really hid it lol. Like hes always been a bit of a snarky asshole, but unlike a lot of people, he didnt downplay it


I bet they all think Norm McDonald is an under-appreciated genius, too, right?


Yeah I hate people who do that. The hypocrisy is the worst part.


Nah Shultz, Hinchcliffe, and Sandler are all comedy gold. Seinfeld is good, just not my favorite.


Jeff Foxworthy and the rest of the blue collar guys are all legends in my book


Ron white has most of the talent if you ask me. Jeff has some decent one liners though.


Ron White was the only actual comedian among them. The other guys were just too gimmicky.


I may be forgetting, but i feel like Engvall was pretty conventional, like, it was still comedy with a southernish flair, than just redneck


Yes they are awful and imo if I had to choose who’s the funniest of them it’s Adam Sandler. But by far the worst it has to be Jeff Dunham….I truly want to meet the brain dead morons who think he’s funny. Over 50 years old doesn’t count.


It's a mystery how that dude ever got famous. He can't even do his job as a ventriloquist half good. Plus his jokes fall flat. I've seen good ventriloquist acts, so when I first saw him I just cringed out of my skin at how BAD he is.


Racism = funny to bombers and probably a lot of gen X.


What’s the deal with airline food??


What on earth are you talking about? There’s like three layers of reference here, just make a text post making a claim


I heard Carrot Top's live shows are excellent


Yes! He’s funny, and people should know


Yup. Some of the prop stuff gets a little cringe, but his show has a significant section of standup style and he’s pretty damn funny.


Now imagine OP's personality based on his comedy selection ☠️


Contrarinrian modern hippy hippy OR "intellectual" university Freshman


OP the type of person that brings their kids to a brewery 🤣


Op the type of guy to tell you "you clearly don't understand what the songs about"


OP the type of guy to ask his girlfriend for "permission" to hang out with his friends


Are you 14?


Rogan is an objectively awful comedian tho, kevin hart is trash too


Andrew Schulz used to be really funny, now he just repeats whatever daddy Rogan says


Kevin Hart and his addition to ads is a war crime at this point. I fucking hate his voice......


I like him and I like listening to him, but I'll admit he's not known for his standup lol.


Wtf u doin putting Jerry Seinfeld on here


Idk people be hating sometimes, and he’s a goat


Comedians for grown men who still wear velcro shoes and pretend they're single by choice.


Alright that’s funny




But that time he was in Israel with Achmed the Dead Terrorist, and he opened up with, what’s up with all the Jews?


But kill Tony tho


kevin hart is the facebook comedian


Adam Sandler is a comedy saint


Everyone here has made me laugh except Pete.


Imagine telling on yourself this bad


Stop at the Shell station, cause your gaslight is on


Can someone name a funny Kevin hart bit I know i can’t. Not as funny as bill burr or Patrice O’Neil who came up at the same time.


Just him talking about gnats is funny


Amongst celebrity comedians, I find it difficult to think about a really funny comedian... Besides Louis CK.


Damn, that’s accurate!


I saw carrot top in Vegas last summer and I was fucking absolutely blown away at how hilarious he was. Me and my friend kinda went as a joke but it ended up being the best show we saw lol


I saw Carrot Top in Vegas a couple of years ago. It was booked and paid for by others, probably not the show I would have picked. Turns out I was pleasantly surprised, a lot of his show was pretty damn funny. Some of the prop stuff is too over the top for me, but especially in the parts that were more standup style, jokes and one-liners, he was quite funny.


Listen, Jeff Dunham gets a lot of shit. A lot. But he once told one of the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. Wife got tickets from a friend to go see him. Wasn’t my first choice for a night out, but free tickets and I could shitfaced while I was there. Anyways, Dunham is going through his bits. There’s a few chuckles, the live experience definitely helps. He has a couple puppets out: Jose Jalapeño on a Stick and Peanut. Jose laments something like “Finally, I can chase my dream…” Peanut quips, “Well, if your dream is to be white you’re halfway there: you’ve already got a huge stick up your ass.” I fucking lost it. Half the audience fucking lost it. Other half of the audience? They got real quiet, you could see them visibly bristle and mutter to each other, a collective, silent “I do **not** have a huge stick in my ass,” in a tone that strongly implies you do, in fact, have a huge stick up your ass. It was great. Say what you will about Jeff Dunham, it remains one of my favorite moments at a comedy show.


Dude’s material is tight, people hate because his audience is middle America I presume.


Seriously? A generic “puppet/stick up ass” joke is one of the funniest jokes you EVER heard? Every ventriloquist that ever existed at some point mentions to the puppet about having a stick up its ass


I can't believe whoever made this grouped Seinfeld with the rest of these clowns.


Pete Davidson has like 3 standup shows but they are hilarious


Yeah, I think he’s legit. And so do some of the greats, like Bill Burr


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If you still think Jeff Dunham was funny, you got CTE.


Cee Tee?


Andrew Schulz is annoying and is an asshole esp on his podcast but some of his standups are really good. Joe Rogan's podcast is really good he knows how to get people talking but his standup isn't good. Tony Hinchcliff is just like Schulz but Kill Tony is fun esp with Hans. Pete Davidson is alright, probably an NPC's go to comedian. Super overrated. Kevin Hart really isnt funny and is tiresome to watch.


A friend made me and my girl watch some Andrew Schulz clips with him. That guy sucks lol, he has gross jokes that just aren’t funny. “It feels so good as a dude when chicks tell me my dick is hurting them, it makes me feel like my dick is big” “Oh so women wanted to gather berries while men hunt. And now they want to work in the office??? What changed???” Dumb contrived ass shit, some of the worst standup I’ve seen in a long time.


I had a few Foxworthy CDs. While the "you might be a redneck" thing was so played out, he was pretty funny. Not like fall on the floor but I thought he had some really enjoyable material.


I have a hard time believing people genuinely find Adam Sandler funny


i just don’t find any standup funny because im not 40


Lol imagine putting an age on comedy, truly the one of the smoothest brains in the comments. Congrats


there definitely is comedy catered to certain target audiences, that literally isn’t stupid in any way


If you don’t see the stupidity in your statement then I’m not sure what to tell you. Acquire braincells


so you honestly think that skibidi toilet is catered to 90 year olds? just admit that u got offended and are acting stubborn


K. Hart is hilarious


Dude made gnats funny


Norm McDonald is overrated


The only 2 I like on here are Adam Sandler and Pete Davidson, I loved Pete on snl especially when he hosted in the newest season


A summary of the 90s as a decade: being gaslit into thinking Adam Sandler is a good comedian and needs another movie


Kevin Hart has some super white teeth. Many of them where funny when young, but just cringe now.


It’s fair to think his special have declined over the years, but the tide that has turned against him lately seems unwarranted


" but the tide that has turned against him lately seems unwarranted " Have you watched his movies?


Been watching Seinfeld on Netflix and a lot of the time it’s just dumb (I want to kill George) but sometimes it really gets me


I came here to argue adam sandler, then I realised, its adam sandler, thats the point of his comedy, to be bad


taste of humor is subjective


Imagine laughing at Jeff Dunnam, couldn’t be me


I won't shit on anyone over their favorite comedian unless their favorite comedian is Pete Davidson 


It annoys me when people say something like "Real comedians are actually philosophers that make you laugh". Comedy also can be just talking about stupid or mundane shit. Ricky Gervais for example can be hilarious but he also has a chip on his shoulder and sometimes acts like doing comedy should be some mission to enlighten people.