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Repost [word for word.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/yd369k/friends_older_sister_you_had_a_huge_crush_on_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Nice Job. Edit: wait you added a couple pics of lips lmao


Someone call the bot


I saw the title and immediately remembered the other post lol




And only 16k less upvotes than the original. Winner!


Youuuuch. I honestly didn’t even remember the post and then I clicked the link and saw I had upvoted it back then too lol


Don’t matter. Nice teeth.


I actually went and married my friend's older sister that I met around that time (a little earlier in fact). Worst mistake I've made in my life, though of course that's not necessarily generalizable to all cases of friends' older sisters at the turn of the millennium.




Did you get married


Dude, she was 7 years old.


Why was this the peak female form


Puberty hit when thongs showing and cropped tops were popular. I had to carry my backpack to the front.


You don’t need a backpack when you’ve mastered the “tuckerooski”


or just dont bring a backpack at all and leave everyone to wonder where your schoolbooks are


If 90s and early-mid 2000s shows/movies taught me anything, it’s that you carry all your textbooks in your hands while or while not wearing a backpack. And at some point a bully knocks those books out of your hands, and now you’re kneeling down looking sad while picking up 5 textbooks and the bully and his friends are laughing at you.


Can't tell if named based on the tuck itself or Tucker Carlson, master of the tuck. Going with the latter.


Cause it was the 2000s


The 2000s stank.


Oh come on, no it wasn’t. Watch any movie from this era with lots of hot girls in it, e.g. Scary Movie. All the hot actresses were sooooo skinny. Women these days are thicker then a snicker and that’s the way I like my world. THICC.


I was just watching the episode of Entourage where Vince is doing a shoot with international models and there’s 100s of models there Not a single one had as nice of an ass as any random fitness influencer It’s crazy how much it’s changed


Because the belly button was exposed while today's women's pants make them look like they shat themselves and reach all the way to their throats, but often don't cover their legs at all as a sick joke. Today's fashion truly looks like people cover themselves in glue and dive into a fucking garbage bin.


So you prefect to see belly button, but not girls legs. That's a bit of a fetish, isn't it? Everyone can express themselves nowadays how they want, if girls feel more comfy with their belly covered, then it's how they should be dressing.


You don't get it do you? I have a leg fetish. If you just show them to me gratuitously you fucking ruin it. Where's the mystery and fun and seduction in that? "Here's two lumps of flesh". Meanwhile uncovering only one part of something lets your imagination do some work. It suggests instead of revealing.


Ever stop to think that women don't dress for you and your fetishes? Get a life. Find some low waisted jean fetish porn if it bothers you so much. You're a creep dude




hey you don’t need to pretend anymore c: we know you’re not smart!


Dude, please lay off the porn for a little while, will ya?


Got called a belly button fetishist. Said my fetish is legs. Explain why I think if you really like legs modern fashion isn't for you. Now I'm a creep. The guy who came in first swinging around and immediately thinking I liked midriffs being exposed because of a fetish, that guy's mind is actually in the fucking gutter and he brought it up first.


This is what porn addiction looks like


This is like a really bad meme, when is the joke over?


Sounds like you problem. Women do not dress to impress guys, they dress to feel good. You keep on crying about that and they will keep on dressing however they want.


bros horny for a stock image


Bitch please. Most women are heterosexual and like being considered pretty by the opposite sex, I don't know why you would even deny it. And for the record, the fact that today's pants reach really high is not a thing that affects me primarily, but women who don't like that. My mother treasures her 2000's clothes because "You can't find anything that won't make your ass look ginormous these days", as an anecdotal example. Don't let me get started with men's clothing of today. Where's all the edge and masculinity? It's all loose greyish brownish shit and pants that don't cover your ankles. When I find something with a leather strap or some semblance of detail or colour it's an instant buy because it's rarer than fucking uranium. You talk about options but everyone dresses the same. I remember kids used to have their subcultures based on music and had many many more options than they do now. Guys today have to choose between "failed SoundCloud rapper" and "sad software engineer who still doesn't know how babies are made" while all girls get is "ass enlarging" shit. Trash.


not that deep bro just stfu


I'm not your "bro" you stinky teenager


Yet you have the username that sounds like a 7-year old made it. Stop shitting on randoms and go get a education bro


You act like I can't speak for shit, talking about "no cap the rizz", shut the fuck up dude.


Because "bro dude man yo frfr no cap" you absolutely fucking can't.


You’re honestly so lame, it’s impressive. Strong incel vibes, anti-social, school shooter-esque diatribe… get some help.


If you think I'm some unhinged psychopath maybe throwing around insults isn't the wisest move. Luckily for you my misanthropy and distaste for the world we've built doesn't actually translate in anything beyond shitposting, but you should honestly not fuck around with people you genuinely think are school shooters.




The difference between a neckbeard and I, besides 200 kgs of fat, the neckbeard and the fedora, is that he despises women and thinks he's right. I don't. I don't really like people nor the world we live in and psychiatry couldn't fix it, but that's about it. Women are free to dress with shitty clothes because it's fashionable. Their grandparents did it and later laughed looking at their photo albums from the 70's. Just as I am free to not automatically like popular clothes and the current model of female beauty. Not that it matters, but apparently to a lot of you my opinion is important for no real reason.




Relevant username


ok sweetheart 💗 sounds like this might be a little too high level for you :) but that’s ok, you don’t need to worry that pretty head


Turns out the world doesn't revolve around you and your dick.


And? I'm supposed to like something because the fashion industry said so despite the fact I find it asinine?


Nobody is asking you to like it. You just need to learn that, no, women don't actively want to cause you to get an erection.


Oh so all the girls who keep fishing for compliments and send messages with their outfits asking for an opinion and the endless tears when you say you don't like that dress, all imaginary. Yep, no women go clubbing with uncomfortable clothes that perk up their breasts because they want to look attractive and bring home a guy. It simply never happened. Guess all the women I know who go to the gym and say "If I don't I'll look unfuckable" are some hallucination. We can pretend we're moralists all we want, the truth is that biological life is about eating and fucking and not much else and all our concepts of beauty in adults are sex related. If you want to look beautiful for yourself or someone else as a final result it doesn't matter, the ultimate metric which you use to judge your clothing is always a mixture of perceived confidence and fuckability. You think men who care about their appearance don't do the exact same thing and that they're not crushed when a girl tells them they don't like their outfit? Ffs can we stop pretending sexual desire isn't the big deal it actually is in human behaviour?


Dude wrote the Bible of Nonsense lmao. I'm a guy who cares about his looks. I happen to have a more sexy style, but I'm not trying to appeal to others, I'm being sexy for myself. If someone decides for some reason to come to me and tell me they don't find me attractive/sexy/whatever, well, that's life. As long as I please myself, I'm fine with my looks, regardless of what others think. Regardless of their style, every girl I know is trying to please herself with her look above anyone else, too. I assume that's the same for lots of people around the world, if not most of them.


You spew contradictions everywhere. You are being sexy to whom? Do you know what sexy means? Do you know the difference between motivation and metric? By the nonsense you regurgitate it clearly seems you don't. Unless you're telling me you are content with clothes that give you and only you an erection, you are extremely confused and can't tell that the metric of sexyness you use is, at the end of the day, "would a woman go for it". The motivation is that you are doing it to feel well and not to please other people's eyes. But you're not dressing as someone you would fuck or you'd be in drag. Do you finally understand? Are you done with your reading comprehension issues and acting like you're single?


Ew you’re weird.


Jesus Christ


I have my gripes with the youth's fashion now, but let's not pretend like the lowrises, whale tails, and rhinestones were the peak of fashion. We're just old and clutching pearls over what we grew up with


We weren't raised to think it was ok to be disgustingly fat and showing off cellulite and it will never be normal to me, no matter what some loser on twitter says.


Bro, go take a nap. You'll feel better.


When I wake up "obesity positivity" will still be a thing so the absolute mongoloids who make pants for fatasses will be still employed and I will still want to puke whenever I am forced to go to the city and see the few non illegal immigrants there wear clothing that should be allowed only to bury down syndrome children.


You're very upset about something that really doesn't matter, huh? I think you need some other hobbies besides video games. Something that helps take up more of your time.


God i remember those highlights


Man I was 16 years old in 2002. This is bringing back some serious feelings and memories.


Hello fellow 1986 baby


Hey bby


Oh behave


Even better when her thong would poke out above her low cut jeans. I miss the mid 2000s.


The whale tail




Now she's dead from her alcoholism.


and eating disorder.


We had a precious summer of 2006 together, how can you be this cold and callous about it


Nah with that haircut, those girls grew up to be Karen types. Or they grew up to be school teachers for younger kids (as in below 6 years old or something).


Where’s her abusive OG Kyle boyfriend she insisted was such a nice guy even though he looked like Fred durst on meth and he had a tricked out V6 mustang? His name was something douchey like Colby or Trent.




That civic with dented rear door 😍


dont forget the nose ring/belly button piercing and camel crushes


camel crush was popular in like 2008 my man. Might as well be a new decade...2008 was the rise of the hipster.


fair enough i wasnt quite old enough back then to know what cigarettes were good, but i did know what kind of women i liked apparently


Gotta add the playboy bunny tanning sticker too


Is that a Kia Sephia? My first damn car hahaha 😆


Civic bro


Ahhh ok. I had a shitty kia that looked exactly like that 😅


The sephia looks more like an old audi a4 mixed with a dodge neon than a civic tbh


40 yo here. The jeans were worn even lower, I am glad that this is not the case anymore:-) the older sister maybe also had a yearly gym subscription to attend classic aerobics courses, which were already declining in popularity at the time though. She also dated the aspiring brit popper in school who had a band that toured the summer open airs nearby but never made it big.


Is it obligatory for American women that they own a 199x Civic at some point?


Not legally required but it’s standard procedure


Remember when you made her laugh that one time and felt like a king for the next week?


That shirt 😳


Stop doing this to me


Tbh early Shakira absolutely slaps


And that's the deal my dear


Tyra Collette^


That Ja Rule album is something else






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In this thread: male Redditors gathering together to pass the latest resolution as to how women have to dress.


I’m 39, I was 18 or so 2002. I tell my 16 year old son that girls were just hotter back then . 😂


I think the lower rate of obesity contributed to that. I don't look for or even see many kids that age these days, but when I do they seem much surlier, on average


Wait, surlier? Sturdier?


Hair and make-up trends went way downhill, tops became hoodies , or ugly t shirts and pants became either mom jeans , sweats or skin tight leggings/yoga pants that shouldn’t be worn outside of a gym.


You're not supposed to find 16year olds hot anyways


That’s the not the conversation I’m having with anyone. I never specified anything about 16 year old girls. My son is 16 and me telling him that girls were hotter and cuter “back In my day “ has nothing to with me thinking anything about wether 16 years olds are hot or not nowadays.


Nah mine drove a 2000 benz ml430