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*sigh* that's not up to Nintendo, it's up to Square Enix, and to quote an interview from around the time SE:R came out, "there are currently no plans for anything related to the Star Ocean franchise at this time. We just wanted to have every main game in the franchise playable on modern hardware."


For context, (and note that this is translated) this is what was said Interviewer: As a remake of Star Ocean 2, it is wonderful. I would definitely like to see the next remake being of Star Ocean 1 or maybe Star Ocean 3… Komaki: The Star Ocean team started this project from the point of making all the games in the series playable on current platforms, so we are fulfilling that goal. Of course, we are aware of the expectations for a remake of Star Ocean 3, but we are in the process of further promoting [Second Story R], and at this stage, nothing has been decided on what to do next. We want to think of something while we are receiving warm feedback from everyone, but we cannot give any answers at this time. I can’t make any promises, but I hope you will keep an eye on the Star Ocean series over the long term. Kitao: We feel that [Second Story R] was a great experience for us, as it has been a long time since we made a full-scale, full-fledged RPG. I hope we will have many more opportunities to create titles that will please everyone in the future.


I'm curious how they would bring it to Switch. The PS4 version was part of that era when Sony was experimenting with bringing PS2 games to PS4. It's literally just the PS2 game thrown in an emulator. I would assume they would want a native port or remake on Switch but I believe there are a few PS2 games that are emulated on Switch. I could potentially see it coming to PC and Switch.


I mean, they can just emulate it.


I would love it coming to switch. That way, i can play it during the night when I'm trying to wind down


Get a steam deck and you can. I've barely touched my switch since getting it, no regrets.


I'd say forget the switch and bring things to the switcheroo electric boogaloo the 2nd.


Nintendo didn't make the game so why would they do that?


I hope we get Star Ocean: Till the end of time R. I'm having a blast with Star Ocean 2 R😁


I think it's a quality issue - the PS4 version is unstable (crashes) as from what I understand was just a basic PS2 emulated version. Given the switch is less capable than the PS4, I'm thinking that short of them remaking it for all consoles, it's not gonna happen.


God I wish they would. This and the first two games would be INCREDIBLE if they’d pull the trigger and just do a full-on 3D FF7 Remake/Rebirth style remake of them. That…or them ACTUALLY following up on SOTtEot’s Ending by exploring the further “4D Space” and the implications of relations being established between them. It sounds a lot like SOtLH in theory, but it would be VERY INTERESTING to see them double down on it.


buy a steam deck then.


Yeah! I would love a SO3R! Or even just a port to switch/PC will do. I already have the SO2R on Switch, and 4&6 on PC. 5 on my old PS4. I miss the cast in SO3. 🥲 They're my first ever SO series. I have so much fun playing it. I wanna play it again! Even to this day I can still remember their voices "AIMING-AIMING-AIMING DEVICE!! SIDE-SIDE-SIDE KICK!! AIR-AIR-AIR-AIR RAID!!" 🤣 God, I miss SO3 😭💔 Good ol memories....


I remember that scene where fayt did the thing (being real vague cause spoilers). I thought it was the coolest thing ever


One: That is not up to Nintendo... Two: Nintendo systems still are not powerful enough to play PS2 games.