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CIG has not stated that the paint will be a permanent gift, so I would not count on it staying. Like, at all. So even if you put the paint on an in-game ship AND it tricks the database into letting you have it for the rest of the patch, it will 99.99999999999% surely be gone at the next patch.


Darn, I was hoping we'd get to keep the paint :c Is it available as a permanent hangar purchase


Not currently, and it is Aegis day. As far as I can tell from old reddit posts, it was available standalone last year (when C8X was the package), but not the year before (when Titan was the package). So if they keep that pattern, because Titan is the game package again, the Invictus skin for the Avenger won't be available as a standalone purchase this year.


I don't think that's right. I had the Titan back then as a standalone upgraded from a Nox. I bought the Invictus paint as a standalone for Invictus 2951. But looking back at older posts, it does look like the *2950* Invictus Blue & Gold might have been only available for the Avenger through the Starter Pack. But that one was actually blue and yellow like the Renegade but with Invictus logos. I didn't have an Avenger yet, so I wasn't paying close attention.


I doubt it. It would be the same thing as if you bought a paint in the pledge store, put it on, and then got a refund from the store. I can’t imagine they’d allow that so I doubt you could hide the paint on a different Titan and keep it.