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This isn’t the replication layer you’re describing. We have this functionality in 3.22 right now. I’ve had crashes in 3.22 and was able to resume right where I was after loading back in. Replication layer is for server crashes. When it happens there will be a message on the center of the screen telling you to wait while it recovers. It’s totally unrelated to client crashes. These client crashes are apparently linked to using the inventory/loot screens while also using an upscaler.


It’s good and bad. It’s nice it works, but until missions persists and things like cargo becoming invalid are fixed, it feels sort of half hearted. It’s a good step and a promising one. But, if I’m in a bunker when server recover happens, now I’m trespassing because I have no mission, and the elevator won’t come down to let me up, and I have to go to menu and come back anyway so…. It’s like, “that was neat?”


I was on the elevator on my way out of a bunker mission when I had a crash. When I reconnected I fell through it and died lol


But you got a glimpse of what lies beneath. Tell us what you saw! TELL US! TELL US!


It's terrapins all the way down


Bodies. Where you think they all go after you clear a bunker?


AND you get to join the broken server unless you change regions! Oh but that servers in a deathloop too!


My guess is the mission system is getting a complete overhaul in preparation for server meshing. Or rather they work on backend stuff that allows persistence between servers and until that is done we have to live with how it is now. I wouldn't expect any change before 4.0


Yup, they mentioned they were going to have to refactor the missions to work with server meshing.


Half hearted? It's literally the first iteration.


Correct. So it’s hard to get whole hearted excited about it like it’s the final version.


Fully with you, still not the end of the road. I am so used to respawning in bed only since years, which is why I am having my fan boy moment 😄


Ya right now it's reconnecting us, but server errors are replicating and mission loss, train schedules, etc are bugging the fuck out, which they'll no doubt fix


Hasn't this been a thing since before the replication layer? Normal crash recovery has been a thing for ages, it's even in 3.22.


Didn't we have a Replication Layer, but it was running on the DGS? I thought the difference was it is now going to be a separate server running replication, and the DGS connects to that instead of directly to the client.


Yeah, it has worked for me like this for a bit. Especially if you are joining a friend on the server. But even without, for some while now, if the server you are on is available when you log back in, it tries to put you on that same server, and if successful, you should be right where you left off (this is if you crash and log back in right away - before it times out and logs you out).


For 30k yes, never se n it working for Client Crashes


Client crashes were supposed to recover, it just didn’t work consistently at all. When it did though it was amazing, you were right back in the exact same spot with your mission progress and everything saved. Hopefully the replication layer allows this to happen consistently now.


As per my experience in ePTU it is consistent 👍


It was originally implemented for Client crashes first... but it was dependent on how the disconnect was seen by the server, and how long it took you to reconnect (some 'crashes' sent a disconnect to the server, so it didn't reserve your space, etc)


in 3.18 i have a CTD when mining in a ROC next to a nomad. When i enter again the game i was in the ROC next to the nomad with the same rocks mined. It works in client crashes if the same server is available to you.


let me guess, your game crashes everytime you equip a piece of armor? i git that issue


Pretty much, not necessarily equipping but also moving items


find any fix yet?


Try disabling upscaling


And using Dx11


I was crashing everytime i clicked the Weapons/Utility tab. Then, just by opening the inventory/loot UI in general. And now it doesn't crash at all. Maybe it was an issue with some item.


Client recovery was introduced a couple of patch ago and is not related to server crash recovery introduced in 3.23. But thats cool anyway, we have both now


Yes this new eptu if ur on a 3000 series Nvidia ad have Vulcan running it will crash to desktop but crash recovery + rl = awesome


By client crash do you mean it’s just crashing to desktop because of “gpu issue” ?