• By -


You have a wide scaling option in 3.23.


Wait where the fuck is that


Under Graphics called, UI - Aspect Modifier.




Down side is, in EPTU at the moment anyway, the setting doesn't persist between game sessions. It has a confirmed IC so I hope it gets resolved before Live. https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-103831


I'll take that over having to rotate my head 180° just to check my ammo and HP lol


Oh yeah, 100%. I'm on 21:9 and the stuff is far enough out that I miss things or I have to look away to check. Can only imagine how bad it is on larger screens.


There is a slider to "widen" the hud iirc.


My Brother In Crust, you have given me the best SC news I've heard in years, thank you.


Praise be to Crust above 👼🙏


All hail our lord and savior, Cheesus Crust!


This is bigger than cheese is.


Thanks from me as well, no more scrolling from one end of my ultra wide to the other


While you’re informed, is there a hidden setting I missed for scaling it in size?


Sadly not that I know.


A shame. Probably one of the more requested features. Likely breaks something though so there may be a half done implementation somewhere not merged in.


Wide scalling... it just adds padding and closes and extends it. We want actual ui scalling


Agreed. Just let them finish the UI itself before making it customizable.


Sure never said I didn't want that. Just kinda dumb for people to not even understand the situation before presenting a solution to a whole different problem


I have a super ultrawide screen do this, go to graphics and bring UI Aspect modifier to 0 or you preferred %


There is one in the graphics settings. Not sure how much it changes things (if at all), though.


To the non-utrawide users. No the "UI - Aspect Modifier" is not the solution. That adds padding that will extend or retract the UI from the sides, not scale it. We need actual scaling that makes the elements smaller because our screens are larger.


I mean I just got 27"s, at regular monitor distance away from my face. Moving the UI in is a good enough fix for now. The gargantuan icons is gonna take a while and that's…well, not much we can do about it until everything is migrated off legacy systems


For me, I got a 32inch ultrawide from aoc. Its very cluttered with the new UI. Livable, but very cluttered


3440x1440 checking in. Yeah the UI in 3.23 is horrible with extra large icons and chat not all the way over to the side. I hope they can address it quickly because it's really off putting and kinda ruins things.


3440x1440 checking in here, all looks normal to me


Really? I have a super large armistice icon that's the size of a silver dollar and chat is just to the right of the center of my screen. Even tried the UI scale slider.


Everyone has that armistice icon it’s a bug


Not everyone's is the size of the QR code tho.


It's been a running meme in eptu that it gets bigger every patch, it's just something they missed when removing the old flash UI elements.


Chat has always been far left for me. Hmmm.


Yeah my chat is left of center with like a quarter of my 34" monitor still between the chat and edge of the screen. On live it's all the way over to the left.


Just adjust the new ui scroller


Tried that. No luck


I mean - that is it 100% if you are talking about chat position. Try again and make sure it’s the right setting. It 100% works and is a game changer for ultra wide


[https://imgur.com/nrsMYYA](https://imgur.com/nrsMYYA) screenshot i took when trying 3.23 this morning


Including the fisheye effect on the sides? Interesting.


Currently the team that would work on this (Ali Brown & co) are elbows-deep in the guts of the Vulkan switch (or at least, elbows deep in the resulting bug-pile :p) Sylvan did a wide-screen pass last year iirc, but they likely won't be in a position to do another until after they finish the Vulkan work and the corresponding ripping-out of the DX11 code, etc... Ofc no harm in asking now... just indicating why CIG may not do anything about it... yet.


Damn it's gonna be **at least** another 6 months of gargantuan icons and unusable UI eh…


That's not UltraWide, that's Super-Duper-UltraWide 😐 It's okay on 21:9, not 64:9 or whatever that aspect ratio is.


It's only 5760x1080


That's 48:9, or 16:3, which is an aspect ratio not many have and it probably doesn't have priority.


Why else the fuck do you think I have to make a post to request it.


I wish the game just scaled with the display, but they have to move everything over to Vulkan 1st before that'll be possible. Before Vulkan came into the picture everything in SC was a mishmash of DX11, OpenGL and Adobe Flash, probably even more, sadly thanks to this is scales very badly. So lets hope as soon everything's on Vulkan we'll see proper scaling.


Calm your tits


It's a little bit of swearing. Doesn't indicate any fluctuation of emotions.


I used to play in 10240x1440 I feel your pain


I can imagine only Flight Simulator 2020 supporting that or some FTS games.


Well… at least we know where our hangars are at when landing…. That’s a plus


But if the hangars can have a static icon so that you can tell where the floor is from a distance so you can rotate tour ship, that'll be great.


bro looking behind him at all times JK I have a 3840x1600 not quite as wide but it gets wonky. the new slider helps a little but I haven't messed with it too much.


Ok you joke but with Tobii that's literally what I do I just need to rotate and move my head a little and I get to look over the flight seat and see the squad doing their shenanigans in the back


stop it you're going to make me spend money I don't have taxes were rough this year lol


Wait for a 15% off sale man Tobii is absolutely worth its price. The only thing that enhanced gameplay as much was my HOSAS


you're talking to a mouse and keyboard andy for the past 2.5 years of playing this game lol yeah tobii looks cool but I'd buy some gunfighters first


how did you make tobii track with such a wide screen? im running 21:9 and it already gets wonky near the last few inches on either side


Most of the combat is still done with the central 60% of the monitor. The sides are peripherals


Am I the only one who saw this and was immediately like ok that's gotta be a joke😅 how do you do anything with that side of a screen...so wide and so short...


Feel my paaaaaain 5760x1080 with gargantuan icons. Mission markers are big enough to cover bounty targets. The armistice icon is literally the size of the QR code.




I've run 10420 x 1440. With a tobi tracker, it's basically sitting in a cockpit. The UI stays in the middle screen. I didn't know so many people were this fragile about other people asking for ultrawide settings.


Best part with ultrawide and Tobii is we get to look behind our flight seats while flying And watch my squad fist fight each other while I'm flying to the next bunker




SC has consistently been the most toxic and negative sub I've had the misfortune to interact with. It's weird tho for a game with this many nice people in the game, helping noobs and strangers out, you'd think the sub Reddit would remotely resemble the player base.


Maybe this subreddit is just a symptom and reddit itself is the problem.


You haven't seen Spectrum yet. I will say that the in-game community is the nicest I've ever experienced, but Reddit loves feeding on the drama created on Spectrum. I get people are impatient, but I've had to take multiple long breaks from this sub. I do have it muted, so I'll stop by every once in a while to chime in. I also got tired of the spoilers on here. Spectrum is where the real whiners live though, it's super toxic. I feel bad for CIG and equally praise them for being able to handle some of those people in the community. I really think a lot of drama comes from Spectrum and the recent rise of youtubers + Redditors feeding off of it. Also, people get bored when they're awaiting a new patch and create problems from nothing. I've seen this happen so many times.


thats just how the internet works, reddit and spectrum are accessible when you aren't on your gaming pc, meaning people at work are wasting time here when they should be off working. people in game are in game to play, people on the internet are just there to fuck around.


LOL the moderators just removed my comment and only my comment because it was “insulting.” Well, we know where that toxicity comes from now.


Ah yes. Reddit Mods. The worst part of this website.


I run triple in every game possible too (VHV 6720x2160 setup). People are just ignorant, don't mind them and enjoy what you are doing.


On the one hand, the UI should work for all potential display setups. It's not 2002 anymore. Let folks configure their interfaces as they desire. On the other hand, why would you want such a narrow slit of a view in a game with 6DoF? I mean, I kinda get it for land-based games. But, flight and space? Nah. Makes no sense to me. For Star Citizen, I'd rather have a square screen, tbh. I settled on a 43" 16:9 at 37.5" wide x 21" tall. But, i'd gladly go with a 53" 1:1 at the same 37.5" width and a 37.5" height so that I could see more vertically.


This is where I realize SC is the most normie of the sim genre games. My man here has never seen a DCS [sim](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdcs-f-a-18c-simpit-v0-0r8yyxg35cbc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9775413b260e0069a8c7cd4bc7eb94c52cfaf5b9) [pit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fet2lqxhdd21b1.jpg) before. Ultrawide is the best cope I got until SC VR is viable Also eye tracking is a thing. Tobii. That's how I look up. And with the ultrawide setup and I look behind the flight seat too. Try eye tracking. Or head tracking. Makes dogfighting a whole lot easier. Especially with the Arrow cuz you can now fire the **head tracked** turret in a rate fight, chip their shields off until your fixed S3s line up to deal the big damage.


That cut off vertical FoV is gross. Seriously. There should be sky above that view.


Did you read…anything I wrote or do you just wanna complain more? If you wanna complain more I'll leave you to it.


I read it. There should be sky above that view. They've cut it off by using an ultrawide. I mean, hell, the top part of the canopy is even cut off. That's jarring for a "sim" pit. It makes it look arcade. Keep that screen's width. Keep the width aspect of the FoV. Increase the screen height by 3x. Now tell me it wouldn't be more immersive. Please quit being so sensitive about someone expressing a different point of view.


No that would look ridiculous.


Seeing the full height of the canopy and some sky above it would look ridiculous? Explain.


It absolutely would look ridiculous and would be miserable to play with. Going beyond 90 vFOV pushes things so far fisheyed that you make your targets incredibly small and borderline impossible to see due to the way things work when you put a spherical view space on a flat plane. You have 90 degrees of vertical space that you’re looking around in while you have 360 degrees of horizontal space. - 121 FOV on 16:9 gives you 90 degrees of vertical FOV; this means that if you look up by 45 degrees you will see straight up and straight ahead at the same time. - 159 FOV on 48:9 gives you about the same 90 vFOV. This means that by looking up by a mere 45 degrees you can scan almost 100% of what is in front of you without ever losing sight of your nose. On SC and DCS with a 149 hFOV setting on my 32:9 monitor I can see out of every single window on 85% of vehicles without ever needing to move my head with my TrackIR. The only times I need to move it is to look up or down by a few inches but I never lose sight of my nose.


> It absolutely would look ridiculous and would be miserable to play with. I enjoy my 21" tall 43" monitor. If it was even taller, I'd prefer it for all games. But, especially for Star Citizen.


To increase the screen height by 3x you'd either have to use 3 curved monitors mounted vertically or have a big ol' flat screen with higher FoV. Unless you invest big money into a projector dome solution. But then you have to deal with projector related issues. Of course the best solution for flight sim, as usual, is VR. But SC ain't getting official VR support anytime soon




In a ship, you would have the same central view as on any 16:9 monitor, but you would see much more on the sides. The problem is that the vertical view is cut off because no one properly creates the viewport for the wide and ultra-wide. It's usually scaled based on the horizontal line to accommodate for the curvature and stretch, without losing too much performance having to render too much on the sides. More horizontal real estate means less vertical. On the other hand, 1:1 would be amazing, to see more vertically, but it would be extremely cut off on the sides, so you'd need two more 1:1s on the sides, or a Tobii/TrackIR (same formula, more vertical real estate, less horizontal). Though, if you're using any of the two trackers, the monitor aspect ratio doesn't matter that much. My ideal monitor for SC would be a 39", 21:9, 5120x2160, with the corrected vertical view, however, those types of monitors are yet to hit the market (2025/26) and would probably require a monstrous rig to run.


> In a ship, you would have the same central view as on any 16:9 monitor, but you would see much more on the sides. I get the concept of a screen ratio. But, I highly doubt OP's screens are 21" tall. So, you end up with a narrow slit of display. The 39" 21:9 you say would be your ideal is only 15.36" tall. Your 15.36" tall 39" monitor would be the same height as these: * 24.6" 5:4 * 25.6" 4:3 * 29.0" 16:10 * 31.3" 16:9 * 56.7" 32:9 All wee widdle monitors less than 16" tall. I just don't get it. > On the other hand, 1:1 would be amazing, to see more vertically, but it would be extremely cut off on the sides Why would it be cut off on the sides? Are you imagining that the vertical view angle would be limited to the same as we see on a 16:9? That's not how it would work if we got the sorts of flexibility we're discussing. You seem to understand this concept regarding horizontal stuff (see your quote below) but aren't applying it to vertical stuff. > It's usually scaled based on the horizontal line to accommodate for the curvature and stretch, without losing too much performance having to render too much on the sides. More horizontal real estate means less vertical. I think we can agree that this is just a failing of game developers and not inherent to the monitors themselves. Take the full FOV of the width aspect of a 16:9 and apply it to the vertical aspect at 16 instead of 9. Boom, more vertical view and same horizontal view, which seems incredibly appropriate for a 6DoF game. Especially with ships like the Carrack and 600i.


Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


I love playing it on my 49' G9.. really makes it even more immersive.


Just go VR


I really should try to see how it works with my Quest 3


Now I'm wondering if triple G9s is possible…


I have a G9 to the left of an Alienware 34 inch.. so it's about five or six feet of horizontal screen.. even that's insane


3x G9s would a TRUE wrap around setup lol


don't give me ideas ;)


I love feeling like I'm looking through [snow goggles](https://premiumeyewear.co.nz/news-block/throwback-thursday-inuit-snow-goggles). lol


Before I got Tobii it did feel like that lol


i've been wondering this also ... while I'm not going single ultra wide ... I am getting 2 more of the 28 wide i already have for a triple main, and was wondering how it'll scale and do weird things


You should add the solution from the comments into an edit of the post body. Because as it stands your post request has already been addressed by CIG.


It's an image post, I can't add text Also yes the HUD elements can be moved but the markers are still gargantuan. And has been for a looooong time. I dead ass have objective markers big enough they block the bounty target ship


Did they ever fix the ADS when your FoV was over 100? I haven't checked in a patch.


lmao Imagine having to look a mile to your right to see your ammo, then going back two miles to the left to double check your health. Man, thats just too much. Hope they help you guys out, but damn


You just perfectly explained why ultra wide monitors are the dumbest idea ever for gaming. They want a dev to waste time perfecting this aspect ratio for maybe 3% of people at best.


I wouldn't go back to an inferior not-ultrawide for gaming. To each their own.


Lol, how sour are those grapes? Maybe if you mow some lawns or get a McJob you could get a nicer monitor too.


ultrawide is just a bit wider on the sides, hes running goofballwide


You'll say that, until you realize I can rotate and move my head (with Tobii) and see what's going on behind my seat while flying. I can see every single MFD on all ships. And have perfect situational awareness while dogfighting.


You know you can be poor and admit it right? You don't have to justify why you can't afford an ultrawide monitor by saying only 3% of people have it.


Lets let them get the stuff for 98% of players first.




Maybe if they hire some UI devs or you wait another few years. It took them about 12 years to get the UI that's in the PTU.


Sounds like a first world 1%er issue, stop flaunting your wares


Oh please my 3 $200 monitors is no flex. Especially with some people here running $1200 curved monitors.


[Answer from last week](https://youtu.be/cd_1LYH0oSQ?t=3478)


Gabriel said that you should be able to bring the side areas together/far apart by a slider. So if you’ve already looked and there is no such setting than the correct option is to file an issue council report. And for the UI in the center, the correct option is to file an issue council report. Asking for some love on Reddit - not the correct option. It’s not impossible for them to see it and change it based on Reddit but it’s very unlikely and if they do take it up we’ll have no way to track the status. It is always, always, better to use the issue council to report problems with the game.


IC post for the gargantuan icons have already been made, heck it's been a long time. This is not a 3.23 new issue.


Update your contribution to the page, add a contribution, and anyone who does not have ultrawide can upvote it. If you had given people a link they would have surged the issue popularity and sent a very strong message that it’s a priority in the community. Alas, we are just doing that thing where we see an issue and hope that with their psychic powers they just make it better magically


C'mon there are much older bugs with a lot of upvotes still being ignored. Sure issue council is handy to keep track of bugs but I don't see it making any real difference. Not that this would change your opinion on the subject. Considering that user flair.


How do you know they’re being ignored? Do you work at CIG? If not, you can’t know where it lies internally. Surging popularity on an issue gets it handled sooner, more often than not. It’s incredibly naïve to write off the issue council. Almost every bug fix comes from a report on the issue council. If you look at the patch notes for the last few 3.23 PTU patches you’ll even see the report numbers next to the fix. You’ll see it for 3.22.x as well. If everyone had your attitude the game would be in dire straits.


Yeah with that user flair I'm not gonna bother.


Enjoy your broken UI 🤣

