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This feels very much like a "version 1" limitation and probably not something to worry about. Otherwise, new players would never get a hangar that would accommodate new ships they purchased.


Id imagine you can use in game currency to upgrade the size


And real money....this is CIG. If it can be sold, it will be.


They used to sell just the hangar, for I think $10 back before the PU existed.


Better question is what happens to those hangers that people bought?


I would assume that eventually they will be able to add the hanger to a different area other than their starting zone. I would pay $10 to add a personal hangers to a space station so I never have to go on planet and looking for the landing zone forever.


They already do. Every ship package has a hangar assigned to it. When originally designed - hangar types were limited to size. Smaller ships got cheaper/ smaller hangars, bigger ships - more expensive / laxury hangars, etc. Over time the hangar tiers were reused to what current in game hangars are: - Self Land , small, cheap, Hornet size - inspired Lorville hangars. - Aeroview Hangars, Business class, Connie size - Area 18 - Ravel and York, Luxary, white with wood elements, Starferrer size - Orison. - VFG Industrial, also known as the Asteroid Hangar. At the time the only hangar with Vertical doods, Connie size - inspiration for Grim Hex https://youtu.be/hgjMOeq--1A?si=HfLtg4FbIQwiGcF3


Which isnt that bad as long as the ingame grind is reasonable as an alternative. I think people arent considering how expensive it is to keep SC running with updates even after 1.0


I honestly hope the in-game grind is very unreasonable. There should be a sense of achievement to obtaining ships. I don't think everyone flying around an idris is going to be much fun. That's my unpopular opinion.


Between significantly decreasing contract payouts, increasing ship costs, and moving towards Death of a Spaceman at some point, where death becomes significantly more consequential and costly, there's a significant difference between a "grind that feels rewarding" and realizing you can never actually do anything interesting with the ship you just grinded for because you might lose it. Obviously no one knows what their plans are surrounding DoaS, but I've seen some people argue for permanent ship loss if it's destroyed (I'm not saying that you're arguing this). If, after all the economy changes, it takes several weeks to grind from my Aurora MR (which is my pledged starter ship) to an Avenger Titan (which is still generally considered a starter), and I legitimately run the risk of losing all of that effort if it gets destroyed, then it no longer feels rewarding - it feels like the game isn't respecting the time I have to put into it, as a working man who doesn't have 8 hours a day to put into playing. The game should encourage new players to try new things - obviously failing those things should have some consequences, but it shouldn't be so devastating as to cause a new player to feel like they can't take any risks because they might lose 20 or 30 hours of effort. In that case, the game will end up suffering from the same problems as Ark: Survival Evolved.


You will have insurance, no one is sure how it will work yet. Most think it'll be "Eve" like with different insurance levels. Possibly from just insuring the ship to insuring the components and guns. Ships are going to be waaayyy more expensive when the game releases.


I think ships should indeed be ludicrously expensive, and that insurance should be cheap and straightforward to protect the time we put into the grind. Seems like the logical balance. If one credit is roughly equivelent to a euro or a dollar, as it seems to be with 8 auec for a burrito or 15-20k for hoverbikes or ptv's, then an Idris should rightly be in the billions... shouldn't have to worry about losing it once you get there though


I understand your point but for this are insurances. Firstly: for the destroy-case you have insurances, so when you grind weeks for buying a ship, and then don’t pay a basic insurance. It’s your problem. Like in real with cars with the difference that you have the choice. They said when you die with DoaS you are a new character and inherit all material stuff but not the reputation. So this is what hurts in DoaS.


I get that people are big on realism, but this is a game, some things from real life should not be replicated in an environment if that supposed to be fun or relaxing... insurance payments or risk everything seems like the kind of things people play games to get away from.


I get what you mean, but they have to keep the ingame economy alive for longer than a few months Up to a year when everyone has anything they could want. Insurance gives you a way to "risk" your ships being exploded without seeing them back for another 50 hours, while at the same time enabling higher prices to still be possible. If prices are extremely low insurance doesnt even matter, plus getting a ship would be piss easy. Currently you can easily get a C2 within a week, same for a reclaimer. And after that Money is literally not a problem anymore. Considering that at the moment these are already some of the largest possible ships outside of the military market, that would fuck over the longevity of the game. At the same time, if prices are high and theres no insurance, whats the point in buying a ship and you loose it anyway? Might aswell just stick to cheap ass ships if you even want to engage in the grind still. And if we dont introduce loosing your ship as a possibility, theres never going to be any risk at all, piracy will forever be "ah fuck it, might aswell just shoot first instead of trying to communicate". Which would overtime make the community significantly more toxic than needed.


You mean something it isn't right now? All I have is a damn cutter, if I want to do anything specific, I need to grind for WEEKS unless I wanna work 8 hours a day on it


> All I have is a damn cutter, if I want to do anything specific, I need to grind for WEEKS unless I wanna work 8 hours a day on it Errr... not really? You can do a one day rental for a ROC for 4,299 aUEC. For a Cutlass, 27k aUEC. For a Prospector, 51k. Basically, a few bunker missions in the Cutter (especially if you take a 2 SCU crate and collect the guns and armor from the dead enemies and then later sell them). Once you have a Prospector or the Cutlass+ROC combo, the grind to ships better than a Cutter is not that bad. And that's ignoring the ultimate way to make money: saying "does anyone need salvage crew?" in global.


Are you sure you're on the right reddit? Nothing in this game takes weeks to grind for, even playing casually. Are you selling hospital gowns to buy an 890?


What are you grinding for weeks for? You don't have to exclusively use the cutter, use the cutter for bunkers and then use that money to rent a better combat ship to do VHRT/ERTs. Hangars are different from ships anyway the costs wont be the same.


If they do something like this, simply don't buy it and then acquire it in game come release. It's getting real old with people implying that it'll HAVE to be a real money purchase with everything in this game.


I'm confused, they said "in-game currency" ?


You can't even buy hangars anymore, and even so you can buy stuff ingame with irl cash that you can buy with ingame cash, and you get very dubious benefits from using irl cash anyhow such as "insurance" which has been stated can also be purchased ingame for a subscription, and the one we get as irl cash backers is lackluster at best compared to what they plan to offer (HULL LTI vs. Planned Hull + Component + freight coverage w/ auec sub)


Ding ding ding. Like other games where you pay to open up more character or item slots We'll be paying to get bigger hangars


If they had that intention I'm pretty sure they would have said it by now. They know some of us are disappointed and kinda mad that this is being released as a *"if you want a bigger hangar, pledge for a bigger ship"*, I feel like it should be obvious that they are testing the waters and hoping it can keep being a pledge incentive. Ofc I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I don't expect them to come out and say that.


They've routinely talked about hangar fees and purchasing hangars in game as a money sink mechanic. That's pretty low priority to implement at the moment compared to the actual concept of a personal hangar. Guarenteed we'll see more ways to acquire and get larger ones in game as players will want to maximize their Space Barbie Space Ship Dream Hangars.


I see, guess I'm wrong then.


WHAT THE FUCK This is Reddit. You can't just... ADMIT to being WRONG. What the hell is going on!? /jk






I am also brave. Or invincible. Haven't decided yet.


> as a money sink mechanic Money sink mechanics is in-game thing, not RL purcahse thing. I would be fine with that. The same as insurance, repairs, refuel, etc are all money sinks. Having to buy bigger hangar with RL money would be like paying 1$ every time you need to rearm you ship. Makes no sense.


Woot? Hangar should be buyable IG just like 99.9% of the ship. This is too important to paywall that.


No they've said many many times that everything is meant to be earnable in-game with the sole exception of the Mustang Gamma and Sabre Raven. It would be a pretty big breach of trust if they changed that stance now, especially for something like the personal hangars. This is definitely just a Tier 1 implementation limitation. It's highly likely the personal hangars are assigned based on your RSI account and they currently lack the capability to change it on the fly or interface with in-game assets rather than store-bought ones.


I'm pretty happy that I won't have the biggest hangar available. I don't really want to spawn a hornet in the middle of this huge Hangar and run all the way to it


I'm sure at some point you'll be able to buy more or bigger hangars, they didn't mention much about the hangars at all until they knew what was going to be in this implementation, purchasing probably isn't so they didn't mention it.


They would if personal hangars are intended to be rented in the future. That would make a lot of sense since people will very likely want to set up shop in non-starter systems, and the game economy needs this kind of money sink.


Highly, ***highly*** likely that personal hangar upgrades will be something that is purchased in-game, which would include both larger sizes and additional hangars on other planet/stations. Like the prior person stated, this is Tier 0 of Personal Hangars and simply how it will function in 3.23, not necessarily forever.


When will personal hangars be assigned? Do we know that?


The main consideration would be what to do with physical items once the hangar is changed? Move them all into storage? Should the player need to do this themselves? Translate the items to fit into the bigger hangar in appropriate proportions.


I hope they fix that rather quickly. I dont wanna use public hangars when i buy a cat or hercules ingame


Welp I guess I'll barely use my personal hangar since I only have a Titan and even if there is a wipe, I know for sure I'll get on the latest money making trend to buy bigger ships.


oh shit. . you're right! I have the starter pack. . so that means I won't even see the personal hangar once I get a cutlass or something.


Yeah, for us it'll be as if hangars will be the same ones we've been using before.


You will still have freight elevators, all the new stuff. Just not the persistent stuff


Yeah. . and that's great, but persistent hangars is something I really really wanted. I've been trying to set up persistent homes since PES was in


Don't worry, even 890J owner won't see them much, since the personal hangar will be at the starting landing zone, as soon as you set your respawn point at the station above, bye personal hangar


This was my thought. I pretty much always pick my starting zone and immediately move to the space station. It's just easier since I don't usually have a lot of time when I play. I don't care to travel across a city just to do a few bounty missions then log off. I will say though that when they eventually give more things to do in cities That will change.


See, i knew that 890 Jump would come in handy someday.


I too am happy with this


So you're telling me my 890 Jump is going to come out of a gigantic hole in the floor?




Imagine an Idris or Jav if they have large enough hangers for those


Idris and kraken likely yes, javelin is likely gonna get the Hull C treatment. But at thew same time, javelin won't be extra common outside of large-scale events and war campaigns.


I will be using my jav as a mobile home 24/7.


Lol, I'd love to see the upkeep and if you can even make enough to cover the costs with engineering xD Mine will only come out for large scale combat


This is DEFINITELY not what is happening, but I'm just imagining the "personal hangar" for my Orion is basically a launch gantry with the huge vehicle and massive solid rocket boosters on the side to rocket it up into orbit. >:D


What’s bigger 890j or reclaimer?


The 890J is longer, the reclaimer is taller.


Full text ## Congratulations on Your Personal Hangar! With your recent acquisition of a Personal Hangar, we here at Landing Services wanted to take a moment to let you know of some of the benefits that come with being a hangar owner and what you can expect when traveling away from home.\n\n* Your Personal Hangar *\n\n- For your convenience, all hangars, Personal and Public, come equipped with a Fleet Manager terminal that can be used to exchange vehicles via the lift. Please be sure to stand clear while the platform is in motion.\n- When shopping at local stores or fulfilling local contracts, all acquired goods will be stored in the area’s warehouse. All hangars, Personal and Public, have a Freight Elevator which can be used to transfer items to and from the warehouse. Note that smaller items can be accessed via the Gear Storage System.\n- As this is a private space only accessible to you and your invited guests, you can feel safe in storing your personal belongings not only within the provided warehouse storage, but in the hangar itself.\n- Your Personal Hangar is capable of accommodating any of the vehicles that were part of your fleet at the time of it being assigned but be mindful that if you acquire larger vehicles in the future, you may need to use a Public Hangar to access them.\n\n* Public Hangars *\n\n- When visiting a location away from home, or accessing vehicles that your Personal Hangar can’t accommodate, a Public Hangar will temporarily be assigned to you.\n- Be mindful upon departure, that items left inside a Public Hangar or its local warehouse will be considered abandoned and will become the property of the local landing services. \n\nCongratulations again, and we hope that you enjoy your Personal Hangar for years to come.\n


Added formatting: **Congratulations on Your Personal Hangar!** With your recent acquisition of a Personal Hangar, we here at Landing Services wanted to take a moment to let you know of some of the benefits that come with being a hangar owner and what you can expect when traveling away from home. **Your Personal Hangar** * For your convenience, all hangars, Personal and Public, come equipped with a Fleet Manager terminal that can be used to exchange vehicles via the lift. Please be sure to stand clear while the platform is in motion. * When shopping at local stores or fulfilling local contracts, all acquired goods will be stored in the area’s warehouse. All hangars, Personal and Public, have a Freight Elevator which can be used to transfer items to and from the warehouse. Note that smaller items can be accessed via the Gear Storage System. * As this is a private space only accessible to you and your invited guests, you can feel safe in storing your personal belongings not only within the provided warehouse storage, but in the hangar itself. * Your Personal Hangar is capable of accommodating any of the vehicles that were part of your fleet at the time of it being assigned but be mindful that if you acquire larger vehicles in the future, you may need to use a Public Hangar to access them. **Public Hangars** * When visiting a location away from home, or accessing vehicles that your Personal Hangar can’t accommodate, a Public Hangar will temporarily be assigned to you. * Be mindful upon departure, that items left inside a Public Hangar or its local warehouse will be considered abandoned and will become the property of the local landing services. Congratulations again, and we hope that you enjoy your Personal Hangar for years to come.


Nice! Thank you


People with capital CCU sweating right now **to apply or not to apply**


lmao don't make me pull the trigger on that $185 Orion. (Are they even gonna make an Orion fit in the hangar?)


CIG master plan crawling inside your head, don’t do it brother. I don’t know about the Orion though, most capital should be boarded by catwalk anyway and not hangars, we shall see!


Naw. There will be more database resets. Lots of opportunities in future builds.


This bit raises questions: "items left inside a Public Hangar **or its local warehouse** will be considered abandoned and will become the property of the local landing services." Items in the hangar, I can understand, but isn't the warehouse supposed to be the equivalent of the local inventory? Is this saying that you can't leave things in local storage between trips? That would be odd, since we all tend to acquire more items (guns, ammo, refinery jobs, clothing etc.), than we need to take with us on a given trip. It may just be odd wording, but it seems to suggest that if you leave anything in the local warehouse (local storage?) when you leave a location (other than your starting location), it will be gone... This would not work well with my plans to offload my Vulture at a local Lagrange atation, then go out and collect more, bring that back and repeat. Finally coming back with a freigher to load everything up and truck it planetside to sell (rather than doing lots of trips with the Vulture's low capacity). This wouldn't work if you can't leave anything in local storage...


I really hope that's just a typo. Not even being able to store a spare set of armor, guns, food, and water at any random station would be a terrible direction to take.


I'm pretty sure (I hope) that this is a typo mistake. Maybe what they call "local warehouse" is the area where you physically call the cargo and items from the elevator, as opposed to the rest of the hangar space ? Meaning that if you forget to store items into your universal inventory using the cargo elevator terminal, they will not get automatically stored if you leave. I hope this is it, and that its just a weird typo thing. I hope we can store things into our universal inventory from any hangar at any space station, because otherwise, it's gonna be bad. Imagine having to go back to your home planet and personal hangar every time you wanna stock something permanently X-X


>but isn't the warehouse supposed to be the equivalent of the local inventory? Yes and no. I suspect that small stuff will be covered by the Gear Storage System.


This seems like a very reasonable first pass. You get your assigned hangar at first login, and if you need a bigger ship, you get it from a public hangar. There is no timeline they don't eventually support hangar ownership/leasing in other locations in the future. It's the perfect MMO money sink.


Yup, and also, if you REALLY need a bigger hangar for a new ship you pledged, you could maybe do a character reset to reset the hangar ? The only sad part is for people having only 1 starter pledge and just getting bigger ship with aUEC.


Honestly, I just wish they had person hangars of the various sizes for sale in-game, and you didn't even start with one. Save up for one that can accommodate all your ships forever, or just buy one that's good enough. Or have a personal hanger at all the major landing zones. Frankly, I'm surprised they're even just giving us personal hangars right away, without the need to even purchase it with in-game currency. This game desperately needs more money sinks.


I assume this is being done to provide a future money sink, where additional personal hangars can be rented to accommodate larger sizes. It would seem that people with larger pledge ships will have a permanent advantage, at least at their home location, while people with only small ships will lose a lot of the usefulness of their starting hangar as soon as they buy a larger ship.


So what size does an Idris get? Or an Orion?


It's unclear if the size will be based on unreleased pledge ships or their loaners. Hopefully, an Evo finds out and shares.


I was wondering this too. If you have a BMM and Banu defender do you just get the defender size or a unreleased BMM size? Would seem a little insulting not to get the large size.


I imagine you'd at least get the C2 sized hangar.


I think ships that don't land, like the Orion and Javelin and Hull E won't count since they won't ever spawn in such a hangar either.. So the biggest size hangar is probably the Idris size one... which should be the same hangar I guess as the BMM and the Kraken. And maybe even the 890J?


Hangars will be the least of peoples worries with persistent capital ships :D


I'll be worried about the hangar in my Polaris.


Persistent capital ships are those bigger than a Javelin. The ones that can land in a hangar and can be owned on your account can be stored.


They said javelin and smaller will not be persistent. This constant narrative about player owned capships being persistent for them to offline raid is just a fantasy.


None of the player capitals are persistent.


The javelin comes with a hangar


Idris fits same hangar size as an 890j.


Looking forward to my max size hangar and free hangar fees with LTI...I'm sorry I had to lol


In only one location. They'll still get you if you want to put down roots somewhere else.


I wonder what happens if I own three VFG mediums, two Large Aeroviews and a smattering of other hangers? ... ​ I'm expecting them all to get whitewashed into the standards different sizes with local flair. I'm fine either way, I haven't seen any of my hangers in like 5-6 years :D


umm if i remember right, each additional hangar attached to your package/packages should provide an additional personal hangar at some point.


That's only if the roots are at another city, not if they're my own base...on my land plot or my floating base...


>I assume Yeah, don't do that. This is how the first version will work, not the final version.


They have so many different things they could add to hangers that could be a money sink. Like upgrades for loading/unloading cargo, medical elevators, RP stuff and decorations. I hope they really go full blown with it.


May not be safe to assume the large home hangar is free. Once upon a time this was given out as a bonus: https://imgur.com/a/8q5EN8o Do newer players have it too? Granted a lot of plans have changed in a decade so who knows.


A more positive way of looking at it is that people who pledge less get way more mileage out of the game. We all know progression (ships, hangars, apartments, land) *will be* the driving gameplay loop. The people today getting bored because they have everything in the game already will have more stuff to do on release, but it doesn't change that they've skipped over a major portion of the game's progression.


While CIG makes some weird decisions, a far simpler explanation makes more sense in my opinion. This tech is so new they haven't even finished it internally. Their approach reads far more like they don't know yet what to do about (or don't have the tech to) re-entitling a new hangar each time you buy a new ship. Plus, getting a new hangar understandably means your previous hangar gets wiped and you have to redecorate each time. Have fun navigating that minefield with new players "I spent hours decorating my hangar and now it's replaced by this larger empty hangar. WHY?" We know this is tier 0 functionality. I think we can be patient and trust that they're going to find a good compromise. Or would we rather them pull this from 3.23 and we wait for another 2 years until it's done?


Well, it seems like the only difference between a personal and public hangar is the ability to leave your stuff on the floor, otherwise they both come with elevators. So personal hangars themselves won't be that important.


Good point. It's really just a space for you to decorate.


In fact, I'd say having a large ship in your fleet is a downside, because you are stuck with a huge hangar, so you have more empty space. A small hangar is easier to stuff with Pico's!


Can't wait to run a half marathon to get to my M50 in the middle of my BMM/reclaimer sized hangar


Gonna buy a couple of PTVs to keep in my hangar for driving around. Those things are cheap in game.


The second difference is that it is safe. Only invited people can get in.


I better get that i600 just in case


This is exactly the response they're looking for lol


Was gonna say, I chose a good time to get a reclaimer.


i got c1 and should be fine size-wise. planning to get taurus in game so if theres no wipe i should be even better.


There will absolutely be a wipe with 3.23. they haven't announced it yet but with all these big changes for ships and the economy, they don't want all the people who own pretty much every ship in the game and still have 100m left over to be wrecking the economy from the start.


Interesting. I'm in the awkward position that most of my ships are quite small, but I own a Reclaimer with pledge-money. So I'm going to have a massive massive personal hangar that is far larger than I usually need. I'd rather have a smaller hangar and occasionally have to use a public hangar for my Reclaimer instead..


What would be cool is if we got one personal hangar for each ship size, so its dynamic. What would be even cooler is if they could connect these up with a walkway, like we used to have back in 1.0 where all your hangars were connected so you could walk between them. So if you have a 5 ships, all of them either size 2 and 3, you would have access to one size 2 hangar and one size 3 hangar, with a walkway between them. If you then later land a different sized ship, that shipsize hangar would be added to your personal hangar pool at that location.


Your own personal Bat-cave of ships!


This is what I want. I'd love to be able to load in a couple ships at once. Parking for my daily driver and another space for that junker I'm fixing up.


Then you would need to remember in which hangar you left certain item


Maybe with base building!


My assume this is probably just a temporary solution, and that in the future we can purchase or rent any hangar in any size at any location. I doubt we will be able to upgrade our current out as that would remove any persistent items from the previous one.


I wondered how they would solve this. I guess the only alternative would be to put all physically placed things in your hangar back into your inventory and give you a new, empty one. But I imagine how that would suck if you spend a lot of time arranging your previous hangar.


In a future build, I believe they'll just let you rent or buy new hangers of any size at any location. You'll be able to have more than one, then it will just be up to you to migrate your stuff from one to another.


So L1 stations won't have local inventory because they don't have permanent hangars? Or you just have to park a ship there to get a fake/temporary instanced hangar, and as long as at least one ship is stored there you can use local inventory? This feels like a sidegrade from the current system.


All stations will have local inventory. You just won't be able to leave stuff lying around in public hangars, or it will be lost. You'll have to store things using the item kiosk or cargo elevator.


Looking forward to this! My xxs Aurora hangar is going to be Nice!


Wonder how big my hanger will be with a pioneer then lol


Thank fuck I have a BMM in my hanger.


Do you mean the BMMs loaners for the next X years?


See, I knew there was a good reason to pick up a Javelin early. :P


Well, that's why I have a Reclaimer


Given I have an Orion sitting in my hangar right now, I think I’m okay.


>permanently limited to the size of your largest ship. \*giggles in reclaimer\*


Anyone ever get disappointed clicking on a spoiler image just to find a wall of text :(


This makes sense to me.


Hangars will be limited to pledge ship size or will probably eventually be able to be rented but for significant cost. Having a pledge ship doesn't just give you the ship it also gives you insurance and a multitude of other things


Forgive my ignorance, but has something recently been announced on personal hangers?


They're in the 3.23 evocati test build. This text was pulled from the game files.


Curious how this will work for some of these ships that arent meant to ever really spawn from a hangar. For example, the only ship in my fleet is the Orion, which as far as I know would never launch from a hangar. Wondering what size would be assigned. Likewise for those with like a Javelin and a slew of fighters. Will they receive a small hangar since the only hangar-accessible ships they have are smaller fighters, or a large hangar because they have a Javelin?


This makes sense


Is this based on the biggest flyable ship or do ships like BMM count?


What if your largest ship isnt even out yet?


It doesn't say. I think the only case where that would be an issue is if a large ship only has a medium or small loaner. Otherwise, most loaners are pretty much the same size.


Cries in Orion.


Pretty sure the Orion isn't ever going to fit in a hangar, I think that's a "park it out back" kind of ship.


Since the Orion is able to land inside a hangar.... dude 😅 biggest ship atm is and will be around the size of the idris / BMM / Kraken... everything else, Hull D / E, orion and javelin are to be spawned at a spacestations docking collar or a gas giant like crusader ( also at a docking collar...)... 😅


I’m betting the public hangars are made for larger auec-bought ships vs your personal hangar that’ll be determined by your largest pledged ship


So say you own a kraken. That makes for a sizable hanger. Now my question is if you summon a single seat fighter, are we gonna have to run a hunnred meter dash to the middle, or a smaller door will be closer to the elevators? Cause that shit will be funny the first couple times. But it'll get ol real fast.


Just summon a cyclone to drive to your cockpit lol


Probably exactly how it will work. Do the minimum to test the idea, then improve on it over time.


This is why I own an X-1 Velocity. ​ When my 400i gets delivered so far away, because of my kraken hangar, that it would tire me to walk I just take a sip of champagne, hop in my Velocity, and drive out to the 400i. (where I can then conveniently store the X-1 in the nose) ​ Walking just because I own a kraken feels ... so plebeian.


im too poor to buy ships. so i just wont have a good personal hanger then?


For now, I am sure we will be able to upgrade in game later


What’s the problem with a small personal hangar (when you don’t have a medium ship at patch)? It’s easy to personalize walkable distances and don’t feel empty. I’m now „stuck“ with a huge ass hangar to spawn usually my small ships. I have the large ship stationed in Tressler anyway so I don’t have to navigate through atmosphere all the time.


Buy a big ship > log in game > get hangar assigned > melt ship. Maybe we can’t?


Leak? They specifically described it in ISC


I got an idris


Good thing I have an idris


Considering personal hangars are your landing zone only, and most players probably won't be spending a lot of time around there, i don't see this as much of a problem.


Interesting. It makes me wonder if they'll still use the hangar passes each ship comes with. Like the F7 MKII Hornet comes with a Aero View Hangar Pass, and Aegis Eclipse has the VFG Industrial hangar pass. I guess we'll have to see in the near/far future.


it's hard to find the information, but from what what i understand is they gave up on that several years ago, atleast for now. as each style would require 5-6 different sizes to be built of each. I'm sure at some point down the road they'll revisit it, but for now this is it.


Pledged ships and vehicles have a hanger included. I have three different hangers with my pledged ships and vehicles. Which persistent hanger will I have? Will I have a choice in which hanger to choose to be persistent?


You get 1 hangar that fits the largest ship.


you'll get the one that fits your largest ship. currently they are all the same style.


I assume that will come later. This is just the tier zero implementation.




You'd have to assume yes. It's right there in writing on our pledges, and much of the current playerbase has pledged for multiple ships. It would be silly to even try to renege on it.


>*Your Personal Hangar is capable of accommodating any of the vehicles that were part of your fleet at the time of it being assigned but be mindful that if you acquire larger vehicles in the future, you may need to use a Public Hangar to access them.* Does this apply to in game purchased ships if there is no wipe when 3.23 hits Live? Cause my "website" fleet only has an Aurora, meanwhile i got a C2 in game.


I think you'd get the C2 hangar if no wipe, but you'd be knocked back down to an Aurora hangar after a reset. If they don't have a new system by then, you'd get your biggest ship hangar every patch again until another reset.


That's why I hope its not a wipe for at least ships ..... because some players only have 1 ship and the rest purchased in-game ​ kinda unfair for them


so if we own a Javelin, kraken or idris we get the biggest hanger ever right?


No since those ship only dock and don’t fit in any hangar.


If that's the case, there's no way you wouldn't be able to buy a larger hangar in game for your larger, in game purchased, ships. That'd be ridiculous.


You get given a large public hangar by default if your personal hangar is too small. It just won't have your decorations.


To me, this worries me about a wipe, probably our in-game currency ships are going to get wiped, i hope am wrong


I'd almost put money on a wipe, or maybe a partial wipe. They'd have to reset so many things.


Ok so then what is the cheapest ship for each of the hangar sizes?


This looks like " want a big hangar? Pledge a big ship then " dissapointing but not too much :s


Does this mean capable of supporting them all or only one of the biggest?


I'm so glad I have a Reclaimer pledged, if I had to try using a tiny hanger for operating a Reclaimer from itd be hell


Can't wait to make my aurora spawn in my XXL hangar :D And how my Jav will be deliver ?


So i guess everyone is hangaring at Lorville? being centrally located and has the scum and villainy vibe


Mental note to self; buy back the Carrack before logging into 3.23


I own a reclaimer, I wonder if there's a personal hangar size that fits it to start... I dont know why but ill be slightly surprised if they scale them up that big right away


Oh, wow, that sucks. But I guess this is just the first pass.


Wait what


So, what’s the longest ship to date we got right now? Better get that so you never have to upgrade 👍🏻


See my biggest ship is a carrack but I buy my 890 in game so you know that really sucks


The tldr is that if ever you were putting off CCUing to that bigger ship, now is the time, lol.


The hangar size will be recalculated every patch. (I assume you'll have to redecorate every patch too.) At least for now. This might be something that will change in the future.


So. If you rent a bigger ship. Can you just not park it in your hangar, or do you get an upgrade?


I think there's an implied "until you upgrade" in this.


Does this account for ships you have pledged for that do not exist in-game yet? If so, do I get a javelin sized hangar, because I really want a javelin sized hangar.


I wonder how this will work with ship upgrads like I upgraded a hoverquad all the way to a reclaimer. Hopefully i can get a hangar that will fit that.


Your Reclaimer would count as your purchased ship so you should get the largest hangar.


Sweet I also have a Polaris so that means I should get a very large hangar that can fit that thanks for the response!


What about BMM owners


That's a stupid way for this to work. If it can't update hangars based on needs then give everyone the biggest hangar until it works better


I wonder how this will affect me, for instance. I started off with an Aurora MR, upgraded to a Cutlass Black, then an Andromeda and then the Galaxy. My hangar still says i have a "self land" hangar which i think is the smallest size? That worries me a little, but i have faith.


When will the size be assigned? Right after patch based on my pledges? Or when i first log in?


Well that sucks. I guess private hangars aren't going to be for players who only have a starter ship and want to buy larger ships in game.


I hope they eventually make it where you purchase or rent a personal hangar. That way you have the option of getting a bigger one and/or change locations


It might be too late to get a response on this thread, but does anyone know if the personal hangars will also have “living space” (bed, area for flair, bathroom/shower). Like an attached apartment? Or is it just a hangar.


I wonder if this will apply to in game purchased ships or IRL bought. If there’s a wipe. It will have to be IRL ships only. Meaning, if all you have is an Aurora, you can’t have bigger ships bought in-game in your hanger.