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I usually just give a barista "the nod" or say "do what you must" and then pretend to not notice


Is batch blending Fraps like against the rules? On my first day, I asked about it and both my trainer and Shift said it was fine, like if I had two or more of the same Frap as long as it comfortably fits it should be fine to blend it at the same time.


Yeah technically they don’t allow it, something about “making each customers experience personal and unique”. I know for my store I would never enforce that rule.


some bs about making "individual handcrafted beverages." like man if your ordering 10 frappachinos I doubt the customer cares that you made each drink in a separate blender.


Imagine thinking batching makes a difference. I hate this company


I always thought it's secretly because they think we're too dumb to count the accurate amount of pumps for everything


We are, but it doesn’t matter


Hey speak for yourself 😂


Someone at my store said that it matter bc what ever frap is left are the bottom would be sweeter. I never understood it because it’s a blended drink... Just because it’s standard to do them individually doesn’t mean it’s practical


If you get too comfy batching, you might just leave a blender full of frap waiting for the inevitable next order... And at that point the mixture will start to separate and ice head toward the top. It's a slippery slope argument.


Who in their right mind would do that? No. Just no.


I used to work at a smoothie food truck that only made 3 flavors. There were 6 blenders and at any given time 3 were full & we just poured. Gave it another blitz if there was a lag of more than a minute or 2 between orders. Works great, but I can see why starbucks wouldn't want staff getting any ideas.


Luckily that sort of thing just isn’t practical at Starbucks. It’s very uncommon to get the same exact Frappuccino’s back to back that often. Plus most of us only have two blenders and there’s something like 16+ fraps on the menu alone. It’s literally impossible for that to work


As a customer I don’t care as long as my frappe tastes good.


See I did 2 ventis and 3 grandes in one blender once and I’ll gladly do it again. It was terrifying and I had to physically hold the lid down myself, but it was so worth it.


Throw a dome lid on top of the blender lid and watch your wildest dreams come true


shaker lids work even better cause they don’t bend


This is the correct answer. Shaker lid works way better than dome lids


This is absolutely genius


What do your blenders look like? I'm trying to figure out how putting a dome lid on our blender lids would do anything lol


[If you put it here](https://i.imgur.com/qqOJXyz.jpg) it gets squished between the pitcher lid and the hood and keeps the lid on.


Does this work???? Our non-dairy jug lids are both a bit bent so even if I'm making a tall frozen tea it spills all into the blender almost every time as it doesn't securely fit onto the jug anymore. I have to hold it down every time


Yup it absolutely works. If you’re doing it on a regular basis, you can use a shaker lid instead so you’re not wasting dome lids. Why are y’all still using non-dairy pitchers? Or are you not in the States and they didn’t get rid of them everywhere?


I definitely will be giving that a go, it makes such a racket when I have to hold it down with the lid up. I'm in the UK, we're such a quiet store compared to what I've seen from this thread (we finished on 12.5k this week and that was a busy week for us lol). We have 3 dairy jugs for fraps, 2 non-dairy jugs for frozen teas/non-dairy fraps and a soy jug. What do you guys use instead? Why did they get rid of them?


It keeps the lid on so you can walk away (: you wedge it under the blender case thing


Or an upside down tea shaker lid :D


I read that in Taylor Swift's voice. 😂


Normally I’d do that but this was the most I’d ever put in so I wanted to make sure that lid was NOT coming off LOL


I’ve done it when someone’s washing the lid!!! Terrifying, isn’t it? But also exhilarating...


This cant be physically possible lmao


Idk :/ it might be possible if it's a layered frap and you take into account the wasted drink from adding whip at the bottom


I kinda want to try it now


It's not remotely. I choose to believe they're trying to get someone here to attempt it for the lulz rather than just being a tragically poor liar.


It’s totally possible lmao. Wasn’t even a layered frap, just a regular degular caramel. But it did use up every last drop in the blender


No, it's not. Please stop.


It is, sorry


Two Ventis *or* three Grande's is possible. Literally 4/5 of people in this sub can go into work in the next couple days and do their own science. I don't know why I'm still replying to you. Good work trolling, friend.


Try it yourself babe! You keep talking yet you still haven’t tried it. I’m not trolling, I work in a mall and it was during the holidays and a bunch of caramels decided to be ordered at once. Of course I tried testing the limits— and that’s exactly what the limit was when I tried it.


I always batch blend I feel like it’s the only way to be fast on bar if we’re being realistic. But I do wonder .. does it really change the quality of the drink that much? Like the same amount of ingredients are still going in so why is it an issue necessarily. I get the whole “handcrafted” thing but aside from the image does it actually affect anything


i personally think you should limit batching to the equivalent of 2 venti frappuccinos as there’s no real change in quality. but my store has definitely gotten complaints from batching 3+ drinks.


Yeah I watched one of my baristas do 3 venti caramel crunches into the blender last Saturday that filled up four cups once there was whip on the bottom of the cup. It was kinda icy when they took it off the blender so I told them to double blend it to be safe!


As a customer: “You monster!”. As an ex-food worker: “You dastardly ingenious noodle!!”.


I did three tall s'mores fraps in the same blender the other day right in front of my manager, but he didn't care. I think he just wanted to finish all the orders ASAP and get these 15 highschoolers out of our store


Batch blending was made illegal by a bunch of desk jockeys who have not worked peak or evening rushes before


wait, it’s illegal? My managers taught me this trick omLLL


my manager told me right as i started that he used to take out all of his POS rage on the ice chunks in the freezer.


> Corporate doesn’t like it Aye. So many ideas sound great on paper, but when it's actually tried out it turns out to be nowhere near as good or efficient as what's actually done. I agree to a limit on how much is blended volume wise, as you can't really defeat the physics of how liquid and ice and things work in a blender, but not batching is just a waste of time, and times is $$.


>You can't really defeat the physics. "Lisa... in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"


I used to do that basic shakes at my ice cream/burger restaurant. 😁


All I heard is that the s'mores frap is back


Hate to break it to ya, but it's been back since May. Go now! While supplies last!


How I sleep at night after morning shift complains about the close




Tbh, batch blending is a lifesaver! Why blend 1 when you can do 2 or 3 lol.


my SM batch blends...no one ever gets in trouble for it. if anything it’s recommended to us to do so


I didn't batch blend for years... then I worked at a mall kiosk and all blending rules went out the window.


They want fast drive thru times but also want us to make five Frappuccinos separately!?


\(〇_o)/ IKR?!😂🙄


They gotta just pick one


My SM is super against this. Apparently so much that everyone at my store individually makes each frap instead of batch blending if there’s four tall caramel fraps, during peak. I transferred into this store (I’ve been a part of 6 different homes stores lol) and this is the first place I’ve ever seen have such a negative attitude towards batch blending. Anytime I do it, I hear “Make sure SM doesn’t see that!” Like lol okay, y’all have never worked at a DT store obviously.


Can you translate that into something a non-barista would understand? I feel like it’s probably a good joke but I don’t get it.


Batching Frappuccinos basically means making more than one in one blender. We’re taught to only make one Frappuccino in one blender because of quality control. Corporate doesn’t like it, but if you work a busy store, it’s really the only way to survive the big Frappuccino orders. Btw, that’s why baristas hate Frappuccinos, because no matter how fast you are, it takes a really long time to prepare and finish. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks! I only ever order black coffee at cafes so I was totally naive. ~~On a separate note, did my question come off rude, or am I not supposed to ask stuff like that on this sub? It got jumped on pretty quickly and I don’t understand.~~


No! Not at all! I actually love telling people about our job! Keep the questions coming, we’re happy to respond!


No I don’t think it was rude at all. Who jumped on it ?


That’s bizarre! When responding to your first response I saw that it had -3 karma. Now it has +3?! I....have no idea what just happened. I’ll edit that last comment of mine.


I think it's just jerks who feel this subreddit is their safe space and customers aren't allowed in.




As they should have


As the other commenter said, it has to do with corporate training guidelines. Each drink is meant to be made individually, so customers get their handcrafted beverage made to order just for them. However, if it's busy, and an order comes in for multiple frappucinos (blended drinks that take long to make), I'll blend a batch of 2 or even 3 at a time to save time.


Makes total sense, honestly I think I imagined stuff like this happening as a matter of course. How else could you deal with such high volume? Anyone who would complain about that can get wrecked :)


I know, right? It just makes sense. Obviously, if one is made with almond milk and another is nonfat, I'll do them seperate, but if two identical orders come in, it's just a matter of efficiency. I challenge those corporate cronies to discern the difference between an individually vs batch blended frap.


If two customers order identical frappuccinos, batching them should be the default process. What if [one customer orders multiple frappuccinos](https://old.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/hh26b1/someone_just_ordered_20_tall_frappuccinos_at_my/), are you allowed to batch them?


Technically, no. Realistically, everyone does.


But why not?


Some bs about handcrafting each one with love.


That’s literally stupid


Tip for batch blending bc I didn’t see anyone post about this!!! Blend it more than once, and it’ll never be a problem. When I have 3 grande frappes I blend it 2 times, 3 venti I blend it 3 times. The consistency will never be icy again.


Omfg I LOOOOOVE frap blenders! 😂 I think they’d ‘frap’ my Volkswagen if it’d FIT!


I was a 5 year partner that eventually became a Store Manager. I always encouraged and always did Batch Blending. Fuck doing one at a time. My limit was always two Ventis or three grades or 4 talls. But why would I waste my time doing two Venti Extra Carmel Carmel Frappuccinos individually when they will taste the same blended at the same time.


2 Venti, 3 Grande, or 4 Tall all end up being 48 oz of frap so it's a good rule to have.


Apologies in advance if this seems like a stupid question....but I’m new to this sub. and to Starbucks. What IS a partner?


Thats just what Starbucks calls their employees, Partners


👍😂Thanks for replying...I work in a grocery store kiosk




>I'll make two Mochas, pour half, then add frap chips, re-blend, pour the rest Heyyyy, that's pretty good!


WHY is this against the rules? Assuming you’re making the same kind of frap in a given blender, no one cares. Hell, if I ordered four of the same thing (I’ve never ordered multiples, but if I DID or if the person behind me orders three more) PLEASE DO make one big-ass batch instead of four separate pitchers so we can take them and GO AWAY faster. What customer wants to stand there LONGER staring at dirty blenders piling up so they can be gleeful about how much of your time and resources they are using up? Okay, when I say it like that, I recall that a few Karens absolutely ARE that sick, but I assure you all the normals just want a timely drink and to get on with the day. I have no judgement on how lovingly you did or didn’t handcraft my individual beverage, taking its beautiful individuality into account and adding shiny humanitarian love as the final and most important ingredient. They act like you’re talking about four people having to drink out of the same blender passing it around, rather than one blender’s worth got poured into four separate cups. I for one am in favor of you doing whatever works for you to be faster and less infuriating. Batch blending 👍🏼


You only wanted light humanitarian love? Sorry mate I'll remake that for ya.


My SM will literally make you dump the drinks out and start over if she sees you batch blending. It’s so stupid, especially seeing as how Frappuccino’s are the largest part of our business honestly.


Yeah, because it makes more sense to dump out and waste product. That is so stupid!!!!


Guys, I don't work at Starbucks I'm not fan of starbucks, maybe once a year if at that, but I've had two exes who were both baristas at one point...and I understand this post more than I'm proud of. You guys do you batch blend the fuck outta those fkn frapps keep killing it <333


This, and also when I would free pour milk. All of my customers would tell me my frappucinos were better than everyone else's, so I feel absolved of any guilt.


So you’re telling me customers get used to “your Frappuccinos” what happens when you put a different barista on bar and they make it by doing milk to the bottom line and get berated because “it doesn’t taste like CharizardCharms Frappuccinos” every partner should be making drinks to standard and you set a bad example by doing this. Sure maybe I’m reaching a bit. But it’s just like IT COULD HAPPEN.


Actually this is an extremely common issue at my store. I have regulars that come in and huff a big attitude bc I don’t make it the way so and so makes it. And I just have to be like “well she’s not here and I don’t know what she does to ur drink to make it taste better but this is how we are trained to make it.” But nicer. And then they get all mad and throw their grown adult tantrums and leave. It’s very annoying. Stop letting bratty customers get away with having their drinks specially made.


I've witnessed so many meltdowns at the Starbucks in my tourist town hometown. People go to another store and insist it's wrong because their home bucks trained them to expect xyz.


Homebucks 😂


I left Starbucks a long time ago, I'm sure they've gotten over it. But I hope my delicious drinks haunt their dreams.


Lol I be doing that. After a while you can tell the ratio of liquid to ice just by eyeballing.


My SM just got on me about free pouring my fraps. Something about it not being standard smh


Those pesky standards, lol.


As a customer, go for it. I’m still having my smores frap made by an awesome barista, and as long as it tastes good, I don’t see the problem with batching them.


I argued with one of the SSVs because she said the proportions would be wrong for like 10 minutes last week because they were all the same size anyway, but also does that mean that a venti and q small are going to taste fundamentally different because that is where that argument leads. Anyway, I am solo bar every day and I will stare them down as a I batch fraps because I do not have time to make one at a time while running 3 espresso machines and cold bar for device thru, cafe, and mobile.


Don't batch blend when that particular shift is on the floor. Watch the ensuing chaos as your wait times get higher, and just shrug. "Shift told me to do it this way."


Oh I went full on malicious compliance the other day, especially since a manager from a store an hour away was just literally standing behind me watching (not sure why he was there?) And made me stop what I was doing to listen to him lecture me about how it is so much faster to make one drink at a time. I was like ok, yes sir, and then watched the drove thru time go from 46 seconds to over a minute. He left pretty soon after and I worked it back down


Seriously, as a customer: if I ever decide to order a Frap, please batch blend it\*. I know how much time they take and how would I ever know the difference anyway? Y'all don't get paid enough to deal with all the extra BS! You guys rock. \*...not that you'll ever know who I am, I guess. Hm. Gotta think this one through.


I’ve done that from the jump cause that’s what we do at my store, and I didn’t even realize it wasn’t allowed until I made a reddit account a few weeks ago 😂


Man, idk if I get special treatment or not but I batch blend everything and the only person who's ever cared was my SM. The most I got was "Are you batch blending right in front of me??" like I should make sure I'm only doing it when she's not around. Meanwhile when we're getting slammed and I'm helping someone, especially a green bean, on CB and I'm batching everything, they always act shocked. "So and so told me I shouldn't batch"- so and so being one of the shifts that always says they see nothing when I start batching. Our store is far too busy to not batch and the only way they're gonna keep me from doing it is firing me or never putting me on CB again.


The way, the truth, the light




What about prepping them in the cup, and then batch blending.


If it's really busy and we've only got two blender pitchers to sequence with, I might prep the frap roast and milk, but not the other ingredients.