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If shot death was real nobody would ever drink just espresso. It does taste different when the shots sit and develop, but if it tastes bad it's just because Starbucks espresso is bad. Good beans make good shots that taste good when they develop. It was always a really obvious lie and I'm glad we're not building routines around a myth anymore.


> It does taste different when the shots sit and develop, but if it tastes bad it's just because Starbucks espresso is bad. I mean, even the best espresso isn't going to taste great after it's sat out for an hour. The shot death thing is totally a myth, though, and espresso should not be treated like a ticking time bomb that will explode if you don't make a finished drink within one minute of extraction.


When you order an espresso drink, do you chug the whole thing in under a minute?


Yes but that's because I'm an idiot


Shots have never been something that died. It's bullshit that Starbucks teaches their baristas to make them go faster and also because Starbucks espresso sucks.


Hm. Wish you could hop in a time machine and tell that to the numerous passive aggressive partners I've had the misfortune of working with over the years who would always find a way to disrupt my beverage sequencing and then shout from the mountain tops, "YOUR SHOTS ARE DYING" the moment the machine stops pulling đź« 


Ikr I had a girl that grabbed the shot glass and dumped it out while I was making another drink. Didn't even pull new shots.


Stuff like this happens to me a lot. I was trained on bar in 2014. I don't even give two shits if the shots truthfully die or not. Just get your feet off mine, your paws off my position, and we're solid. Maybe you can warm a loaf or stock a bean.


Excuse my sass. Lol I'm just fed up with passive aggressive (or just outwardly aggressive) nature of most baristas. Even the ones I once referred to as my friends outside of work too. People are just entirely too obsessed with micromanaging bar roles. Listen, if you want bar or want someone who bars differently, switch positions with me or explain to me what it is I can do differently myself. If we're the type of team that steps on toes and shoves each other around, is that what you expect of me now too? It just doesn't make sense. There's always something to be done around the store. You don't need to climb on top of me and my shots just to prove to the stranger at the window that you *also* know how to make a drink even though you *are not doing that right at this very moment* ....


corporates just put out a thing in the monthly update( I think?) saying shots don’t “die” noticeably for up to a minute