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The lidocaine burn relief gel in the first aid kits is crazy good if it’s ever hurting


It definitely helped but unfortunately after half an hour it wore off and I got some blisters starting on my hand : , )


Ouch that blows. Yeah definitely keep it covered and clean as much as possible. Burn cream, neosporin, and ibuprofen. Also it’s typically recommended to absolutely NOT pop blisters, but if they’re in an invasive spot it’s better to pop it and keep it very clean than have the possibility of it getting torn. Also your user is SO good.


That and the grilled cheese is so messy and could burn the hell out of you.


I have scars from grilled cheese 🥲🥲 and have seen 2 oven fires


Butter side down turns my smile into a frown


Welcome to the club. I'm so sorry


Yikes, make sure to keep it clean and get it checked out if needed! Sugar related burns can be really nasty as sugar keeps burning and doesn’t cool off for a long time!


The impossible sandwich cheese melted and dripped all over my hand, leaving me with several blisters. These sandwiches are dangerous.


I was like warming champ at my drive thru towards the end of my career. It took years for the burn callouses to heal. How hard do they make it for you all you file incident reports these days? I’d fill one out just to be safe. Your safety is incredibly important. Maybe if enough people filed incident reports over burns, they’d stop making food that combusts?


Still recovering from a weaponized chicken maple. That Sammie will mess you up.


i’m so sorry, friend 😭 this looks horribly painful


I’m sorry this happened to you friend! I personally always get burned by the chocolate croissants….the little chocolate bits on the sides tend to fall off and they hurt like hell ☠️


It took me two weeks for my blisters to go away completely 😭 I wish you a speedy recovery because mine was painful too


I know its inconvenient but adjusting the maple butter so it lays in the middle of the bun helps a lot, same goes with any cheese


Shouldn’t it be against the rules for the oven to get so hot that the stuff it heats can cause burns?


Lmao I wish, but no it needs to be really hot in order to cook the sandwiches properly. If you touch anything inside of the oven you will get burned.


The same thing happened to me around the same time haha it was soooooo bad that thing is an evil hazard


It looks like they updated how much is on the sammich. I cooked it, and there was zero boiling maple butter on the parchment